Top 28 Apps Similar to Fertilizer mixer

Crop Calculators 1.53
Calculate grain yields, maturity rates, and silagepriceadjustments.
eAgronom 3.1.35
eAgronom OÜ
Manage all your farming tasks straight from your phone.
FarmCommand 1.81.17
Digital farm data management app
FarmLogs 5.0.3
FarmLogs is a farm management app used by thousands ofgrowerstokeep digital farm records, monitor field and cropconditions,andanalyze their farm’s financial performance in orderto lowercostsand increase profitability. FarmLogs helps you: - Mapfieldsandautomatically provide directions to their location -Receivealertswhen it rains on your fields, see field-level rainfallandheatunit accumulation and compare the amounts to prior seasonsandthe10-year average - Automatically track all your field workinoneplace to keep your records organized, secure, andaccessiblefromany mobile device or desktop - Log gps-taggedscouting noteswithphotos - View in-season satellite images in NDVI,true colorandcolor infrared layers so you can identify yieldthreats andfocusscouting efforts on areas showing signs of stress -Makedecisionson the go with a complete view of your currentgrainmarketingposition - Identify local markets and find where youcanget thebest price for your crop - See each soil type areaandelevationfeatures in your fields Making better managementdecisionshasnever been easier. Download the app today to create afreeaccount!*Please note that continued use of GPS running inthebackgroundcan decrease battery life.* Questions or Concerns?Pleasefeel freeto visit our support page below or [email protected] Support: Service:
Farmuino pro 1.0.7
Ilias Lamprou
Farmuino pro is a tool which appeals to farmers, breeders andeveryman who likes growing crops and rearing animals as ahobby.agroFarm is an electronic calendar where farmers and breederscanstore all the agricultural activities about crops, farmsandagricultural machineries. Simultaneously agrofarm calculatestherevenues and expenses of every rural activity. With app farmersandbreeders are able to know: 1 The time of every lubricationorpesticide application, the quantity and the cost. 2.Generalinformation about on cultivation. 3. The revenues andexpenses ofevery rural activity by category or period 4.Ιnformation forapplication of drugs in animals as well as the fullprogram of food5. The fuel cost and the maintenance program for allagriculturalmachineries. ....and many others like photo galleries,importantnotes etc . Languages English, French, Greek
365Crop 5.17.12844
365Crop – Document crop production measures
CowManager 1.17.01
CowManager BV
With the CowManager App the farmer can monitor real-time and24/7thestatus of his herd literally at his fingertips, inanysituation andregardless of farm size. It’s the ultimate toolforcontinuouslymonitoring your cows’ fertility, health, nutritionandlocation. Ifdesired, a farmer can be notified by a change inthecow status inhis herd.
Breed Manager by Moocall 2.5.0
This mobile application, developed by Moocall, helps youmanageyourherd come calving season. Easily input your animals intotheapp,then gather data around due dates, calving events andthehistoricalcalving tendencies of both your herd and theindividualanimalswithin. You do not need a Moocall Calving Sensorto usethis app,but if you have one, you can also receivenotificationsannouncingimminent calvings, and also conveniently seta ring toneto alertyou to a calving event which will work over wifiwhenthere is nophone signal available. You can also manageyourdevice, changeassociated phone numbers and email addresses andseea history ofyour calving alerts. Moocall - perfect for farmersinboth the beefand dairy industry who are calving cows.
Farmdok 3.5.842
The mobile app for professional farm management!
BigFarmNet poultry 4.9.7438
Big Dutchman
Efficient tool to improve productivity in the Farming industry
Cropin Grow 2.8.3
Intelligent Farm Digitization Application
FarmOnline Explorer 4.9.7519
FarmOnline Explorer is mobile app for the farming industry
Farming Solution 2.0.20
The information a farmer needs to progress towards better farming!
FeedMix 1.1.2
FeedMix is an app funded through the World Poultry Foundationthatprovides the estimated nutritional content of a feedformulationsupplied by the user. It comes pre-populated with anIngredientsLibrary that is based on the average analytical valuesfor eachfeedstuff. There is natural variation in nutritionalcontent basedon season or on different growing and harvestingconditions for anyparticular ingredient being used, but the valueswill yield areasonable indication of nutritional value. Once theuser inputshow much of each ingredient they are mixing into the MyDietscreen, feedback is also provided on how well the givenformulationmeets the key nutritional needs of the bird-type beingfed.
Cropwise Operations 2.4.48
Amazing satellite management system for field monitoring
BioLeaf - Foliar Analysis 3.0
BioLeaf - Foliar Analysis™ performs the defoliation analysisofplants.
Farmuino 3.4.4
Ilias Lamprou
Farmuino is a tool which appeals to farmers, breeders andeverymanwho likes growing crops and rearing animals as a hobby.agroFarmisan electronic calendar where farmers and breeders canstore alltheagricultural activities about crops, farmsandagriculturalmachineries. Simultaneously agrofarm calculatestherevenues andexpenses of every rural activity. With app farmersandbreeders areable to know: 1 The time of every lubricationorpesticideapplication, the quantity and the cost. 2.Generalinformationabout on cultivation. 3. The revenues andexpenses ofevery ruralactivity by category or period 4. Ιnformationforapplication ofdrugs in animals as well as the full program offood5. The fuelcost and the maintenance program for allagriculturalmachineries.....and many others like photo galleries,importantnotes etc .Languages English, French, Greek
(formerly Fertilizer Chart) Calibration chart fortwin-discspreaders
Agrónic App 1.9.6
Manages the irrigation and fertilization of Agrónic equipment.
Zimmatic Irrigation Calculator 2021.0614.212
The Zimmatic Calculator performs center pivot &lateralirrigation calculations
Yara CheckIT 4.2
Identification of plant deficiencies.
Trees and shrubs 2.2.0
Easily identify 304 trees and shrubs in Europe
Livestocked 221.33.0
Manage your herd, drive profit with Livestocked! Livestockedisabetter way to manage your livestock business online.Withabusiness first approach to livestock record keepingandfarmmanagement we understand you would prefer be in the paddockandnotin front of the computer. Our intuitive mobile interfacesallowyouto manage your herd, record pasture inputs andusage,createinvoices, record expenses, track input inventory suchasfeed,chemicals, fertilizers, semen & embryo, all from yourdeskorout in the paddock! Enjoy multi-species andmulti-breedherdmanagement through our mixed enterprise solution.Manage yourherd,flock, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, alpacas &Llamasthrough oneeasy to use app.
Agroptima 6.5.15
Agroptima helps you manage your farm with its mobile appandcomputeraccount. With Agroptima it is much easier to recordyourfarmactivities whenever you are and get your costsundercontrol.Besides, you can create one-click reports to see theuseandmargins and help you take better decisions. Why useAgroptima?•Save time and money: save up to 2 hours of being inthecomputerevery day thanks to our mobile app • Access to yourdataanywhere •Know how much your farm tasks cost you • Solve allyourquestionswith our great support team • A simple way to makeyourfarm moreefficient What can I do with the mobile app? • Recordallyour farmactivities on-the-go • Work whenever you are. Even ifyoudo nothave internet connection, the mobile app works offline •Drawyourfields in the map • Easy access to your products,fertilizers, base • All your data sync right away What canI do withthecomputer account in the cloud? • Create group of fieldspercrops,owners etc and modify them in the map • Set the priceofyourlabours, phytosanitary products, etc so we can compute thecosttoevery activity • See your costs, benefits and marginperfield,farm, crop etc • Introduce your machines, tractors,personnelorclients data • Create and print one-click farm recordsperfield,harvest, phytosanitary use, working hours, etc Otherfeaturesyouare going to love: • Know your costs: take betterdecisionsthanksto Agroptima reports • The only mobile app thatworks offline•Best customer support team: we work hard to solveouryourquestions within 24 hours • More than one farm? Manage themallforthe same price • Multidevice: Install Agroptima mobileappinmultiple devices and cover all your needs • Functional:Designedbyfarmers for farmers. Easy to use in conditions ofnointernetconnection, tractor vibrations or low light. -- We lovetohearfrom our customers! Send us your [email protected] us on Twitter @agrotima andFacebookat
Virtuino 6 Viewer 6.0.08
Ilias Lamprou
This app can run projects that are created by Virtuino apps
Finny - Finance Planner 1.3
Finny is an app for digital finance documentation and aimstoprovideyou with a modern and intuitive overview of yourfinances.Instead ofusing a piece of paper, an Excel spreadsheet ora notesapp, youenter your data into Finny and have different viewsof itpresentedto you. Use the great variety of options to enteryourdata ascomplete as possible and let the app do thepresentationwork foryou. ##### FEATURES ##### Finance PlanOverview of yourmonthly,annual or quarterly income and expensesand the resultingbudget thatis available to you. In addition to adue date, expirydate and startdate, you can also assign an icon, acategory andtags to yourentries. You can even assign them toaccounts andjobs. Besides thestandard view, there are other planviewsavailable, e.g. reports,upcoming expenses, etc. Money FlowsKeeptrack of the movement ofyour money (usually) betweenaccounts:where is your income, wheredoes it flow? AccountsRepresent youraccounts and their assignedincome and expenses aswell as moneyflows. For quick access, you canalso store data suchas youraccount numbers. Profile Store dataabout you and your jobs.Quickaccess to your data and a centralplace, where you can findit.Dashboard The dashboard is the homepage of this app and itsviewshelp you to get a quick look of yourmost relevant data.Otherfeatures • Modern & appealing UI, incl.Dark Mode •Intuitiveuser experience for fast and simple usage •Notificationsfor duedates, expiration dates and regualar reports •Security:protectthe content of the app with your devicelock(e.g.biometrics/fingerprint) • Privacy: your data is solelystoredandproceeded locally • Backup capabilities for saving andrestoringofyour data