Top 50 Apps Similar to ChiroCards

Biorhythm Calculator 1.5.17 Release Version
Personal biorhythm calculator. Free and easy to use. Cleanandresponsive design
ThinkUp - Daily Affirmations 6.1.4
Daily motivation and affirmations. Positive self talk reminders.
LiveMore - for your wellbeing 2.26.1
Take control of your life!
Positivity: Daily Affirmations 1.14
Magnetic Lab
Plays Daily Affirmations at regular intervals to fill youwithpositive energy.
Biorhythm Calculator 2.4
A simple & complete Biorhythm Calculator with dynamiccharts& interpretations.
29k: Mental Health & Wellbeing 1.33.2
Self-care Relationships Stress
Affirmations 2.3.2
Affirmations that you can use to break the negativeautomaticthoughts.
Trueahead – Daily Habit Coach 1.4.21
Goal tracker & healthy habits builder app to improveyourselfand achieve goals.
Affirmations - Self Motivation 1.11
Plays affirmations at specified interval to inspire, energizeandmotivate.
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.
VOS: Wellbeing Plan & Journal 3.12.0
Mental Health, Reduce stress & anxiety, Improve sleep, AIdiary& mood tracker
Numerology Rediscover Yourself 3.4.1
Get your free numerology chart, horoscope, affirmations&crystals guide
Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle
The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle guides you through all yourdailychallenges.
Higher Self 1.5.7
Your spiritual fitness studio - by Laura Malina Seiler
Mantra - Daily affirmations re 2.4.7
Positive affirmations, manifestations, law of attraction, selflove& self help
SwipeJoy: Self Growth and Ment 1.0.2
More Self-Esteem, less Anxiety
Blooming : Diary & Affirmation 3.7.0
Your private diary with affirmations, quotes andpersonaldevelopment
Vibraino : Goals, Quotes, Actions : My Lifebook 22.0
WHAT IS VIBRAINO • VIBRAINO is a life changing revolutionaryfreeappaiming to improve the mindset and productivity ofHumansspeciallyyouths, kids. This app is a customized Lifebookthat willimprovetheir life that will eventually develop future ofEarth. •Vibrainois a science based book of life which hasresearched,discovered manytruths of life based on the ideas &quotes ofphilosophers,scientists, entrepreneurs, yoga, holy books,sacredgeometry,physicists, visionaries. • Our aim is to makepeoplebelieve inthemselves choose their own goals by learning.KEYFEATURES VIBRAINO• Design goals on the different Lifeniche.1.Health & Fitness,2.Intellectual Life, 3.EmotionalGoals,4.Character, 5.SpiritualGoals, 6.Love Relationships7.Parenting,8.Social Goals 9.Career,10.Financial Goals. •Scientific questionsdesigned to show your truepotential, hiddendreams, find yourmistakes on your own. • Discoverthe inner selfthroughproductivity, motivational life quotes. •Learn to buildaproductive daily routine through life-changinghabitslikemeditation and yoga along the way by our 'Life Quotes'&'DailyLife Tips'. Decide your goals anywhere, anytime: •Creategoals inyour most important aspects of life. • View, edit,andmanage taskson the go, from any device. • Get ideas fromlifequotes to writeyour goals. Add details and create multiplegoals •Write goals onyour different segments of life. • Askdetailedquestion toyourself pop out your aims, true potential,talents. •Get to knowan overview about all your goals in 'LifeBook' icon. •Set aapproximate date for every tangible goal youwrite in yourgoalwriting diary. More features of Vibraino Lifebook:• Startmanagingyour neglected parts of life such as love,parenting,emotional. •Get better in business, money, social works.• Livingwith successin every sectors. • Our ultimate goal is toinstillhabits,productivity, developing knowledge into kids, youths.WhySetGoals? Top-level athletes, successful businesspeopleandachieversin all fields all set goals. Setting goals givesyoulong-termvision and short-term motivation . It focusesyouracquisition ofknowledge, and helps you to organize your timeandyour resourcesso that you can make the most of your life.Bysetting sharp,clearly defined goals, you can measure and takepridein theachievement of those goals, and you'll see forwardprogressin whatmight previously have seemed a long pointless grind.Youwill alsoraise your self-confidence , as you recognize yourownability andcompetence in achieving the goals that you've set.WhyMotivationis important to an individual? Motivation will helphimachieve hispersonal goals. If an individual is motivated, hewillhave jobsatisfaction. Motivation will help inself-developmentofindividual. An individual would always gain byworking withadynamic team. What are the best quotes? “Be who youare andsaywhat you feel, because those who mind don't matter andthosewhomatter don't mind.” “If opportunity doesn't knock, buildadoor.”“The best way to predict the future is to inventit.”Starting toSet Personal Goals You set your goals on a numberoflevels: Firstyou create your "big picture" of what you want todowith your life(or over, say, the next 10 years), and identifythelarge-scalegoals that you want to achieve. Then, you breakthesedown into thesmaller and smaller targets that you must hit toreachyourlifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, youstartworkingon it to achieve these goals. This is why we starttheprocess ofsetting goals by looking at your lifetime goals. Then,wework downto the things that you can do in, say, the nextfiveyears, thennext year, next month, next week, and today, tostartmovingtowards them.
Wellness Coach:Mind Body Sleep 7.6.1
1:1 Private and Group Coaching
Huddol – A coach for life 0.3.76
Go on your personal growth journey with the support from yourlifeMentors.
Day by Day • Track & Build Hab 1.6.1
Day by Day, building & tracking life-changing habits hasneverlooked better.
Manifestation Journal - Affirmations & Gratitude
Glenn Ryan
Daily journal for setting intentional actions with positivity&motivation
My Affirmations: Live Positive 7.6
Positive affirmations at regular intervals to condition thethinkingprocess.
The Moon Calendar 3.43
Laura Haworth
Horoscope, planner & journal with moon-aligned ritualsandintention setting
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
Selfpause: AI Life Coach 191
Selfpause LLC
AI Chat & Daily Affirmations
FriendTip - Daily Quotes 2.24
Affirmations and positive daily quotes. Motivational quotesmakerand good vives
My Biorhythms 1.33
Features: - The application displays data on 3 biorhythms on agraph- Ability to select almost any date to calculate - View thescheduleof compatibility of biorhythms with other users. - You canshare thecalculation of biorhythms with friends. - Add anunlimited number offriends or family. - Set the widget to the mainscreen. - Be alwaysaware of important days with the installationof notifications. Thisis a convenient and easy-to-use applicationthat allows you tocalculate the forecasts of personal biorhythmsfor a selected datefor each user. It has a user-friendlyinterface, allows you to findthe most dangerous days in a month,calculate your biorhythms fortoday (or any other) day, and see onthe charts how your biologicalrhythms will change within a month.Calculations are performed withhigh accuracy. Knowing yourbiorhythms, you can always be sure whatto expect from each day isvery convenient, fast and absolutelyfree. Features of biorhythms:The application displays data on 3biorhythms, since the personfrom the day of birth is in exactlythese biological rhythms: 1)Physical, the cycle is 23 days. Itdetermines the energy of aperson, his strength, endurance,coordination of movement. 2)Emotional, the cycle is 28 days.Determines the state of thenervous system and mood. 3) Intelligent,the cycle is 33 days.Defines the creative ability of the person.For example, in thefirst half of the physical cycle (about 10-11days), you will beeasier to give physical exertion, will be moreenduring and work.In the second half of the physical cycle, on thecontrary, it ismore reasonable to approach physical exercises, tryto controlloads, without special need not to overwork themselves.Similarly,one should behave in the positive and negative phases oftheemotional and intellectual cycles. Critical days are thosedayswhen the biorhythm curve crosses the zero mark. At this moment,theimpact of this biorhythm on a person is unpredictable. If twoorthree sinusoids cross the same zero point, then such "double"or"triple" critical days are especially dangerous. That's all!Usethe calculation of biorhythms with this application to controlyourhealth and improve your performance. Good mood and good luckforthe day!
Socreates: Selfhelp & Growth 4.0
Heartfulness, introspection, self betterment, assessment,evaluationtherapy
Weight Loss Hypnosis 2.54
Experience our hypnosis for weight loss app and unlock weightlossmotivation
Affirmations Assistant 3.3.3333
We are what we affirm and an increasing number ofstudiesarestarting to show this. Essentially you are what youthinkaboutyourself whether that is through positive thinking ortheopposite.Positive affirmations and daily affirmations quotes areapowerfultool in helping you improve your mindset. The more youuseselfpositive affirmations the more your mindset swingstowardsthepositive. Affirmations Assistant increases positivethinkingaboutyourself by enabling you to receive positivedailyinspirationeither through creating your own positiveaffirmations,choosingfrom the hundreds of pre-defined positiveaffirmations orby justreceiving several daily positive quotes eachday.AffirmationsAssistant has been built specifically usingtheknowledge gainedfrom studies into using positive affirmationsforhelping improvethe effectiveness of the app and improvethepositive thinking ofthe user for longer. A quick searchfor"positive thinking apps"will return hundreds of app resultsaroundpositive thinking,including free meditation apps, paidmeditationapps, mindfulnessapps, apps that help calm an over activemind andanxiety apps.Many of which include some form of positiveselfaffirmationsfunctionality, however this is often not theircorefunction,whereas Affirmations Assistant is targeted onlyatimproving yourpositive thinking through using positiveselfaffirmations.Affirmations Assistant can help improvepositivemindset whichpersonal positive affirmations, lists ofpowerfulaffirmations,daily inspirational affirmations and asanaffirmations reminder tomake sure you maintain thepositivethoughts about yourself. UsingAffirmations Assistant foryour ownpositive affirmations routinemakes the whole process easyandleaves you with positive thoughtsabout yourself. Also includedinthe app is information about thescience and studies that havebeenconducted around the use of selfaffirmations. Read about howdailypositive affirmations effectyour brain and improvedpositivethinking and how the app has beendesigned to targetspecific brainpatterns and functionality toimprove effectiveness.AffirmationsAssistant can and is used indifferent ways by everyoneto motivateand increase the number ofdaily positive affirmationsconsumed tohelp improve with positivethinking. You can useAffirmationsAssistant to: * To create yourown personal positive andpowerfulaffirmations for use with theaffirmations reminder features* Touse the apps affirmationexamples provided to create a listofpositive affirmations * Tochoose the best affirmations thatworkfor you to improve yourmindset * To improve the number ofpositivethoughts about life byselecting from our categorizedaffirmationsincluding loveaffirmations, abundance affirmations,healthaffirmations * To usethe affirmations reminder feature tomake surethat you maintainyour routine of using your personalizeddailypositive quotes * Toreceive daily inspiration from our nearlyonethousand positive andpowerful affirmations. * Use thecalendarfeature to track yourprogress over time using youraffirmationsreminders * To shareyour personal positive affirmationswithfriends and family helpingwith their positive thinking too *Toshare our daily inspirationalpositive affirmations with thoseyoucare about to help them withtheir positive mindset too * Learnhowto write positive I amaffirmations using our in app guides *Tounderstand what ishappening inside the brain when you usedailypositive affirmationsAffirmations Assistant is for everyonewantingto improve theirpositive thinking. You will findpositiveaffirmations for women,positive affirmations for men,positiveaffirmations for peoplewith self confidence or self esteemissues,Mindfulnessaffirmations, spiritual affirmations, plus manymanymore.
Fasting tracker 16/8 1.17.0
Intermittent fasting tracker, app with timer, 16/8, 20/4fastingprograms
Mindshine: Mental Health Coach 4.0.9
Personal Development made easy. Reduce stress, find motivation&self-esteem.
New Habit: Simple Tracker 2.3.2
✔️ Build good habits ✖️ combat bad lifestyle routines with anewhabits tracker
Self-Esteem Hypnosis 2.54
You won’t have to try to feel self-confident — it justhappensnaturally!*
Habit Challenge - Life Change 6.6.1
Habit Challenge will help you form new habits and keep you ontrack📈(ad-free)
Fresh Tri: Habits & Mindset 2.20.0
Fresh Tri
Lasting weight loss & health
BeCoach 0.82.0
BeLabs UG
Coaching app for coaching, OKRs, jounaling, habits and goals
Purify: Positive Affirmations 1.4
Listen daily affirmations to improve your mindset and buildpositivepersonality
Eat Right Now® 6.11.0
Eat Right Now® is a 28-day program to help change yourrelationshipwith eating.
Know Yourself Personality Test 4.4.21
Excel At Life
Increase self-awareness. Over 40 tests & 100 traits!Developedby psychologist.
Timecap: Habit tracker & To-do 1.15.1
A fabulous app for habit tracking, getting todo's done&boosting productivity
Moonly App: Moon Phases, Signs 1.0.155
Full moon calendar, lunar cycles. Astrology guide. Meditationsformental health
Habit Tracker Planner HabitYou 1.7.5
Habit Tracker app, Journal, To Do, Daily Planner, Track DailyGoalsand Habits
Uplyfe - Precision Nutrition 1.8.1
Uplyfe AG
Get healthy and fit with Uplyfe Health now - your nutrition isyourmedicine
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Saged: meditation + astrology 5.8.6
Rituals, meditations, affirmations & oracle cards foryourspiritual journey
AlcDroid Alcohol Tester 2.5
FLX Apps
What's your current blood alcohollevel?AlcDroid Alcohol Tester - one of the most flexibleandeasiest bac calculator apps on Play Store.You are on the way with friends and want to know yourcurrentblood alcohol level? You want a rough orientation when youaregoing to be completely sober again? With this BAC calculatoryoucan do so intuively and quickly! The Alcomat uses theestablishedand scientific Watson formula, taking many individualfactors likeage, gender, height and weight into account. Thealcohol calculatoreven regards time and visualizes the degradationof your BAC in aline chart. Go and test your blood alcohol levelnow!FEATURES★ line chart★ detailed stats (like how many grams of alcohol you consumed,howmuch this is in calories, when you are going to be soberagain,...)★ supports presets for a even more fast and intuitivehandling★ flexible and almost directly usable, only littleconfigurationnecessary★ supports different units in size, weight, drink volume etc.★ takes many individual factors like age, gender, height andweightinto account.★ saves drinks until the next startOTHERS ABOUT ALCDROID (TRANSLATED REVIEWS):★★★★★ "Top - very good app! In my opinion, the best onebeingavailable on the android market! Above all, it needs onlylittlepermissions on the phone!"★★★★☆ "Does, what it is supposed to do... in a pleasantdesign,little permissions and easy handling! Very nice!"★★★★★ "Great app - I'm really sorry, that the developer has todealwith so many absurd reviews. I would give a bunch of times 5stars,if I could..."★★★★☆ "Good try - Gives a good clue. Most probably notcompletelyexactly, but it certainly goes into the rightdirection!"★★★★★ "Works great. Can be recommened as a guideline."