Top 18 Games Similar to Volleyball Coach's Helper

Volleyball Stats 2.86
Hayava, Inc
Track Volleyball Stats easily from your phone!
Volleyball Ace Stats 9.05
Volleyball Ace Stats - Complete livevolleyballstats- One tap on the player to record stats- Stats derived from order of touches & outcome- Serves, digs, passes, attacks, sets & blocks- Serve and attack charts- Serve and pass ratings- Accurate score- Player position and rotation tracking- Android tablet and Android phone platforms- Includes multiple rosters, opponent reports- (No in app purchases required)Reports & Output- Box scores, including hitting efficiency- Points per rotation (including side out %)- Pass and serve ratings- Serve and attack charts- Match and season consolidation- Opponent attack tendencies, blocks and serves- Email from enabled device- MaxPreps and DakStats output- Data sharing with desktop apps
Volleyball Manager 13 1.0
★ Earlier versions have more than 12,000usersworldwide! Join in! ★Volleyball Manager 13 is coach's clipboard app. Create, planandanimate your tactics on the go. Wherever and whenever you getanidea of a new tactic, you're able to save it on your deviceandlater show it for your team.Move the players and balls on the field, draw lines, changethecolors of the players, number or name them and animate thetacticto create the best tactic you can.Watch the instruction video and in a few minutes you're readytostart creating.★ New Features ★• Animations- Unlimited length- Instant playback- Fast and easy to use• Player Naming- Name a player or use position names- Write anything you want★ Improvements ★• Brand new look• 9 times faster loading and saving• More save slots• Easier to use menus• Retina graphics• And much more!★ Features ★● Saving and loading tactics● Saving and loading animations● Saving and loading colors● Add and remove players or balls● Auto numbering● Retina graphics● Easy to use menus● Player numbers and names● Drawing pen● Half field● Color editor● Instruction videoTrailer: video:
Volleyball Stats Tracker 1.1
This app was built to be simple to use sothatyou can track your daughter's or son's game day stats. Use theapptrack the team as a unit or a single player's stats and thensendthe stats to friends, parents, or grandparents by email ortextmessage.Track up to 12 stats: kills, attack errors, set assists,aces,service errors, solo blocks, digs, block assists, blockingerrors,ball-handling errors and more.Often sports software apps can be overly complicated. This oneisdesigned to be simple and easy to use.keywords: volleyball score sheet, high school volleyball,collegevolleyball, volleyball statistics tracking sheet,volleyballscoring, volleyball coach
Girls Volleyball Creator Paid 1.0
This app allows you to keep track ofyourvolleyball stats as you progress through a volleyball season.Italso allows you to take a photo and create a volleyball cardthatdisplays your photo and stats. This has the same functionalityasthe boys volleyball app, the only differences are thebackgroundgraphics. This differs from the free app by allowing youto accessand delete individual games from your season using thegame logbutton. For proper display of the card, make sure thattheauto-rotate screen setting is enabled and hold the phone intheportrait orientation. Designed for 320x480smartphonescreens.
Volleyball Scout Team 1.2
VolleyScout Team allows you to collectdataduring volleyball matches for a whole team. You have to definetheteam players, first. Five skills (serve, reception, attack,dig,block) can be evaluated using four levels.The app reports per match / per player statistics that canbeanalyzed locally or can be sent via email.
Assistant Coach Volleyball 2.4.14
Assistant Coach Volleyball is the mostcompleteand professional app for volleyball coaches to manageteams,players, games, stats, practices, exercises andcoachingstaffs.You can add all your teams for each season, and consult theteam'sinfos and seasonal stats.Add your players infos, photo, and game's performance; the appwillcalculate all the total stats for every singleplayerautomatically.Add your practice plan and exercises, describing the exerciseanddrawing with your fingers the clipboard.Manage your exercises archive, shared by all your teams, toeasilycreate new practice plans more rapidly.Add games result, and the performance of every single player afteragame, the app will calculate for you player's individuals statsandteam's total stats.You can also export every stats report and practice plan to PDFandsend them via email, or import them on your computer.• FEATURES •TEAMS• Manage your team practices, players and games foreachseason.• Add team's photo.• Consult your team stats for the season.• Export your team stats to PDF.• Send a group message to all your players via e-mail or text.PRACTICES• Add a new practice with description and date.• Add a new exercise to your practice plan withexercisedescription, note, duration and video.• Draw with your fingers the exercise clipboard.• Take the player's presence at practice.• Export practice plan to PDF.• Record a video of your players performing the practice foreveryexercise.• Add your favorite exercises to the archive, in order to addanexercise to your new practice more rapidly.PLAYERS• Add a new player with name, number, date of birth, role,height,weight, phone number, e-mail, notes and photo.• Add new players to a team from your other teams.• Consult the player's presence at practices, how many time he wasastarting five, season total stats and stats per gamesplayed.• Export the player's profile and seasonal stats to PDF.GAMES• Add a new game with game result, opponent team, game typeandnotes.• Add game with no score as scheduled game.• Add the starting five and the reserves.• Add players individual performance after a game, and the appwillcalculate the team's total stats.• Add your game formation, describing your module and placingyourstarting players on the clipboard.• Export game and players total stats to PDF.EXERCISES ARCHIVE• Create your exercises archive, adding your favoritepracticeexercises or marking an existing exercise.ASSISTANT COACH ACCOUNT• You can create a backup and share it on your devices usingthesame Assistant Coach account.• Add your colleagues with a registered Assistant Coach accountandshare your practice exercises and practice plans withthem.• PDF Streaming: every time you create a new PDF, the fileisuploaded automatically to your account. The file will appearonyour profile page on the web, and you will be able to downloadthelast 15 PDF files created.• CONTACTS •If you have any suggestions for improving the app, or anyproblem,or need help, please feel free to write to the emailbelow.E-MAIL: [email protected]:
McStats-VBall VolleyBall Stats 2.32
Complete Volleyball Stat Tracking including rotation controlandmatch summary.
Volleyball scout advantage 11
App per lo scouting in tempo reale diunapartita di volley.Semplice ed intuitivoSono disponibili le istruzioni al seguente link: funzioni rispetto alla versione normal:- Possibilità di creare un report a fine partita con tuttelestatistiche dei vari set, della partita, e di ognigiocatore- Configurare degli indirizzi di posta elettronica perognicategoria in modo da poter inviare il report finale- Possibilità di cercare un report di una partita giocata- Consultare statistiche cumulative di tutte le partite giocatedauna categoria, o da un singolo giocatore- Possibilità di effettuare una copia del database contenentetuttii dati- Possibilità di eliminare tutti i dati di tutte le partite(compresi i report), evitando di perdere i dati relativiaigiocatori- Possibilità di gestire lo scouting degli allenamenti- Calcolo di statistiche riguardanti le varie fasi di gioco:- attacco a 2 contro attacco a 2- attacco a 2 contro attacco a 3- attacco a 3 contro attacco a 2- attacco a 3 contro attacco a 3Nuove funzioni rispetto alla versione base:- Possibilità di gestire giocatori per categoria- Possibilità di memorizzare in modo permanente i dati relativiaigiocatoriFunzioni della versione base:- Possibilità di giudicare i 6 fondamentali quali:"B" - battuta"R" - ricezione"D" - difesa"A" - attacco"M" - muro"P" - palleggio- Comprende anche la sezione dedicata all'analisi del libero- Gestione sostituzioni- Calcolo delle percentuali- Resoconto fine set e fine partita- Resoconto a fine partita anche di ogni singolo giocatoreSi consiglia uno schermo di almeno 7 polliciApp for scouting inrealtime with a game of volleyball.Simple and intuitiveInstructions are available at the following link: features compared to the normal version:- Ability to create a report after the game with all thevarioussets of statistics, the game, and each player- Configure the e-mail addresses for each category so you cansendthe final report- Ability to search for a report of a game played- Consult cumulative statistics of all games played by acategory,or by a single player- Possibility to make a copy of the database containing allthedata- Ability to delete all data of all games (including reports),andavoid losing data related to you- Ability to manage scouting workouts- Calculation of statistics on the various phases of thegame:       - 2 attack againstattack2       - Attack against attack2to 3       - 3 attack againstattack2       - 3 attack againstattack3New features compared to the basic version:- Ability to manage players by category- Ability to permanently store data relating to playersFunctions of the basic version:- Ability to judge the six fundamentals such as:       "B" - joke       "R" - reception       "D" - defense       "A" - attack       "M" - wall       "P" - dribble- Also includes a section dedicated to the analysis ofthefree- Managing replacements- Calculation of percentage- Interim order sets and end of game- Minutes after the game also of each individual playerWe recommend a screen size of 7 inches
Volleyball Manager 12 4.1
★ More than 10,000 users on iOS worldwide!Joinin! ★Volleyball Manager 12 is coach's clipboard app and it costsonly79 cents!It gives you a great opportunity to plan and show your teamgametactics. You can place players and balls to the field andeasilynumber the players, move them on the field and draw lines toshowyour team how to play.It's easy to get started with Volleyball Manager 12 with thenewin-app instructions.The new color editor in Volleyball Manager 12 gives you agreatpossibility to change the colors of the players.Features:● Saving and loading tactics● Saving and loading colors● Add and remove players or balls● Auto numbering● High quality graphics● Easy to use menus● Player numbers● Drawing pen● Half field● Color editor● In-app instructions
Guess What Volleyball Stats V1.10
With Guess What Volleyball youcananalyseVolleyball actions and field positions. Statistic chartscanbeconsulted at any time during or after the match.It's also possible to e-mail the full analysis data inacsvformatted file which can be used in for example MS Excelformoreindepth analyses.This csv file also contains action date and timeinformationwhich,if you recorded your match, can be used to easilyskipthrough allthe actions of interest.9 volleyball actions and 5 ratings levels are available andcanbeuser defined.You can create and analyse unlimited teams and matches.Before you can analyse a match you have to setup at least2teamsand one match. After that select the created match andstartyouranalyses!Practical use showed that it not possible to analyseallactionsin a match (you have to switch your focus between thescreenandthe match to often). Analysing 2-3 actions (serve, assistandsetfor example) per match is more realistic.You can see both action and position statisticsduringthematch.I'm a volleyball coach myself and looked for anopportunitytolearn to create Android applications. Because at firsti didnotknew what application it would become i called itGuessWhat.That's how Guess What Volleyball started.Hope you enjoy the app! Please let me know your findings soIcanimprove the application with your input.
Volleyball Score Tracker 1.5
Dale Chalkey
Keep/Share the score of volleyball orothersporting event with this application. The App can sendon-demandSMS score/status updates to your remote fan base duringthe game.Up to 5 phone numbers can be sent the score updatessimultaneously.Easy score adjustments to the game are made ifmistakes recorded bythe official scoring table arediscovered.
Volleyball Coach Strategy Tool 1.4
Volleyball Coach Strategy Tool isaninteractive 3D simulation for your volleyball team’s tactics.With Volleyball Coach Tactic 3D you can easily design andimprovetactics for individual players and for your whole team.After creating a new tactic, you can add the names ofyourplayers and specify their roles (Middle Blocker, Setter,Libero,Opposite, Wing Spiker).Each tactic consists of the six rotations.For each of the six rotations, you can add four differentkindsof formations (Attack Formation, Defensive Formation,ReceptionFormation, Service Formation).1. Add Attack Formations to plan your offense:- Create attacks for players and choose a setter foreachattack- Adjust the location and the height of sets- Adjust the target location of spiked balls2. Add Defensive Formations to plan your defense:- Add blocks for front row players- Adjust the shadows of blocks to visualize which areas of thecourtare the blocker’s responsibility- Add digs for players- Adjust the location of the ball a player has to dig, tovisualizethe responsibilities of each defender3. Add Reception Formations to plan yourreceptionstrategy:- Reposition players, so that reception specialists can takemoreresponsibility when receiving a service- Auxiliary lines between players help you check, that theplayers’positions conform to the rules. If a player violates arule, thecorresponding line turns from green to red.- Add receptions to players to visualize thereceiversresponsibilities4. Add Service Formations to plan your service strategies:- Adjust the target of the service- Auxiliary lines between players help you check, that theplayers’positions conform to the rules. If a player violates arule, thecorresponding line turns from green to red.
Lebanese Volleyball 1.33
Features: - Guess the winner of each game and collect pointstocompete with other users. - Get notified when any new gameresultis available. - Get notified when there is a volleyball game.-Enable/Disable Notifications - View Upcoming Matches - ViewLatestResults - View Standings - Get Court Locations, Navigate toCourtsUsing Google Maps. Keywords: Lebanon, Sports,Volleyball,Standings, Result, Match, Voting,
Scoreboard Volleyball 1.12.10
7 peace
Scoreboard app for volleyball or badminton
Volleyball InStats 1.0
C Leota
"Want stats? Use Volleyball Instats. Helping you makecoachingdecisions easier"
Volleyball App 5.502
Timo Heinrich
Installiere Dir jetzt die Volleyball Die App enthält die aktuellen News ausderVolleyball Welt, die Hallen- und Beachregeln.Neu ist die Funktion LocalSpot, mit dieser Funktion kannst DuDirVereine, Turniere und Spielerbörseneinträge in Deiner Näheanzeigenlassen.Hast Du Anregungen zur App, dann schick mir einfach eine E-Mailan:[email protected] - Ich freue mich auf Dein Feedback!Viele GrüßeTimowww.volleyballer.deInstall Get theVolleyballApp of The app contains the latest newsfrom thevolleyball world, the indoor and beach rules.New is the local spot function, with this function, you canalsodisplay teams, tournaments and players Entries inyourneighborhood.Do you have any suggestions for the app, then just send me ane-mailto: [email protected] - I look forward to yourfeedback!
Volleyball Score Keeper 1.3
Keep track of your volleyball score whileyouare playing.We set up my Nexus 7 at the side of the volleyball net, andtouchthe screen whenever one side or the other scores a point.