Top 20 Apps Similar to Duncan´s Masonic Ritual

The Meanings of Masonry 1.1
Spirit Apps
The Meanings of Masonry a book about Freemasonry
Freemasons Guide Plus 1.0
omg guides
Freemasons Guide Plus offers amassiveFreemasonGlossary covering everything there is to knowabout theinstitution.The app covers the organization andprovidesinformation on theentire cycle of Freemason interests,action anddoctrine. Sorted fromA to Z.Freemasons are bound together with a philosophyofmoralstandards, mutual understanding and brotherhood.Understandit'shistory, knowledge base and everything about thephilosophy.Thereis tons of masonic information out there, but thisappcontainsonly the most accurate and traditional information.Masonry exists in various forms all over the worldwithamembership at around six million, including the GrandLodgeofScotland, Grand Lodge of Ireland, United Grand Lodge ofEnglandandjust under two million members in the United States.TemplarNOTE: This app does NOT contain any ads, spam or anythingofthatnature.
Freemason Glossary 1.0
The Freemason Glossary, as itsnameimplies,proposes to give its readers full andauthoritativeinformation onthe entire cycle of Freemason interests,action anddoctrine. Whatthe Freemasons teach and have taught.This Glossary contains more than 1,000 terminologyanddefinitionsyou will need when you are stuck trying to remember,orlearn aboutFreemasonry.With this guide, you will never have issues finding themeaningofFreemanson terminology again. And all is in one place, onthepalmsof your hand! Get it now!
Symbols of Freemasonry III 1.0.1
Symbols and Traditions Included: 1. THE BROKEN COLUMN 2. THEBURIAL3. THE CABLE TOW 4. THE BURNING BUSH 5. CABALA 6. THECADUCEUS 7.THE CAIRN 8. THE CAGLIOSTRO 9. CALVARY 10. THE CALENDAR11. THECATHEDRALS OF AMERICA 12. THE CANOPY 13. THE CATECHISMSANDLECTURES 14. THE CHARTERS AND THE OLD CHARGES ... SIX MOREAREINCLUDED IN THE FULL VERSION! "... there are few men who havethemeans, the time, and the inclination for the purchase ofnumerousbooks, some of them costly and difficult to be obtained,and forthe close and attentive reading of them which is necessarytomaster any given subject. It was this thought that, yearsago,suggested to me the task of collecting materials for a workwhichwould furnish every Freemason who might consult its pages themeansof acquiring a knowledge of all matters connected with thescience,the philosophy, and the history of his Order." [Note: Thesourcematerial for this app came from a public domain bookentitled, AnEncyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences,by Albert C.Mackey.] In L.V.X.
Masonic Working Tools 1.0.5
Description and understanding of eachWorkingTool of the Blue Lodge of Masonry.Here's a complete list of the Blue Lodge WorkingToolsincluded:1. THE TWENTY-FOUR-INCH GAUGE2. THE COMMON GAVEL3. THE CHISEL4. THE SQUARE5. THE LEVEL6. THE PLUMB RULE7. THE SKIRRET8. THE PENCIL9. THE COMPASS10. THE TROWEL"... there are few men who have the means, the time, andtheinclination for the purchase of numerous books, some of themcostlyand difficult to be obtained, and for the close andattentivereading of them which is necessary to master any givensubject. Itwas this thought that, years ago, suggested to me thetask ofcollecting materials for a work which would furnish everyFreemasonwho might consult its pages the means of acquiring aknowledge ofall matters connected with the science, the philosophy,and thehistory of his Order."[Note: The source material for this app came from threeseparatepublic domain books, entitled, An Encyclopedia ofFreemasonry andits Kindred Sciences, by Albert C. Mackey., Duncan'sMasonic Ritualand Monitor, by Malcolm. C. Duncan, and, A Dictionaryof SymbolicMasonry, by George Oliver.]
Symbolical Masonry 1.13
Spirit Apps
Symbolical Masonry: a book about freemasonry
Library of Masonic Collections 1
BigBoat Games
This rare collection of twenty books isamusthave for any Mason or for those interested inFreemasonry.Here'syour chance to own the best Masonic literatureand havethousandsupon thousands of pages at your fingertips.You won't find a better collection of Masonic history forthislowprice. This app is ad free and you get all 20 books.Included in this Library:Morals and DogmaThis book is was originally given to each Freemason whojoinedtheScottish Rite. It consists of over 800 pages and32Chapters,covering each of the 32 Degrees of Freemasonry. Amusthave for anyMasonic Library.Masonic MythsThe Dionysian ArtificersThe History of The Knights TemplarMasonic ManualThe BuildersMasonic MonitorOur Masonic PresidentsThe Golden Bow and The Silver CordThe Lost Keys of FreemasonryThe Symbolism of FreemasonryThe Apocalypse of FreemasonryThe Mysteries of FreemasonryThe Great Secret of MasonryThe Hidden Life In FreemasonryThe Hiramic LegendThe Spirit of MasonryThe True Esotery of MasonryThe Principals of Masonic LawGeorge Washington's Masonic CorrespondenceNew features include periodically added titles, "PinchtoZoom"and landscape mode.
Ancaman Freemasonry Templar 01 1.0.4
Selama berabad-abad, Freemasonrytelahmemancing banyak diskusi. Sebagian orang menuduhkan anekakejahatandan hal buruk yang fantastis kepada Masonry. Alih-alihmencobamemahami “Persaudaraan” tersebut dan mengkritisinyasecaraobjektif, mereka bersikap sangat bermusuhanterhadapnya.Sebaliknya, para Mason kian bersikukuh dengan tradisitutup mulutterhadap semua tuduhan ini, dan lebih memilih untuktampil sebagaiklub sosial biasa yang bukanlah bentuk sejatimereka.
Freemasons 1.0
The Freemason Glossary, as its nameimplies,proposes to give its readers full and authoritativeinformation onthe entire cycle of Freemason interests, action anddoctrine. Whatthe Freemasons teach and have taught. templar
Freemasonic ABCs 1.0.2
The Freemasonic meaning of each letter in the English alphabet."...There are few men who have the means, the time, and theinclinationfor the purchase of numerous books, some of them costlyanddifficult to be obtained, and for the close and attentivereading ofthem which is necessary to master any given subject. Itwas thisthought that, years ago, suggested to me the task ofcollectingmaterials for a work which would furnish every Freemasonwho mightconsult its pages the means of acquiring a knowledge ofall mattersconnected with the science, the philosophy, and thehistory of hisOrder." [Note: The source material for this app camefrom a publicdomain book entitled, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonryand its KindredSciences, by Albert C. Mackey.]
The Builders Freemasonry 1.53
Spirit Apps
The Builders a book about freemasonry
أسرار الماسونية 1.0.0
Android pro
أسرارلماسونية حقائق مذهلة قد لا يصدقهاإنسانبيدأن هذا الكتاب المثير يغوض بك عبر نظريات الماسونيةومعتقداتهمالتىيروجون لها حيث, قسم اليهود العالم إلى قسمين أسيادوعبيد لقدحرصالمؤلف على تسليط الضوء على الخوية البابليةاليهوديةوعلاقتهابالماسونية وكيف أنها اكتشفت الأمريكتين قبل كولومبسوالسروراء شركةفرجينيا الماسونية التى امتلكت الأراضى الأمريكية لتصبحبعدذلكالولايات المتحدة.هذا فضلا عن شروح تفصيلية للماسونية الكنعانية ودرجاتهاوأسرارهاالتىلا يعرفها أحد مع شروح هامة عن ارتباط الماسونيةوعبدةالشيطان.المثير فى هذا الكتاب أنه يتناول علاقة العائلةالملكيةالبريطانيةبالماسونية منذ تأسيس الامبراطورية البريطانية.والكتابإضافة جديدةومثيرة للمكتبة العربية لما يحويه من أسرار وخفايا،ومايتضمنه منعجائب ذلك العالم المذهل الذى يعرف بالماسونيةOsrarlmasonahamazingfactsyou may not believe her man, however, this excitingbook Agodyourcross-Masonic theories and beliefs they advocatewhere Jewssectionof the world into two masters and slaves authortohighlight theAlkhuyh Jewish Babylonian and theirrelationshipBalmasonip and howit has been very keen that theydiscovered theAmericas beforeColumbus and the secret behindVirginia Masonrycompany that ownedthe American territories to thenbecome theUnited States.This as well as detailed explanations of FreemasonryCanaaniteanddegrees and secrets that no one knows withimportantexplanationsabout the Masonic association andSatanists.Interestingly in thisbook that deals with the Britishroyal familyrelationshipBalmasonip since the founding of theBritish Empire.The authorsadd a new and exciting Arabic for thelibrary to itscontent ofSecrets and Mysteries, and the promise ofthe wonders ofthisamazing world that knows Balmasonip
رواية أنتيخريستوس - آخر طبعة 1.2
بعد قراءتك لهذا الكتاب ستعرف كل خبايا الماسونية وفرسانالهيكلوعلاقتهم بالمسيح الدجال. يتحدث الكتاب من ناحية قصصية وتاريخية عناحداث وقعت في البشرية كظهور الماسونية و فرسان الهيكل ومعرفة الناسبالسحر وصولا لمعرفتهم بالانترنت و السوشيال ميديا... وكيف مهدت هذهالأمور لظهور المسيح الدجال. ★ معلومات مفصلة عن الرواية:أنتيخريستوس, هي رواية تاريخية ألفها الكاتب أحمد خالد مصطفى ترويوقائع تاريخيةحقيقية بتسلسل زمني مبينة أسرار لا يعرفها الا القليلأسلوب الكاتبمشوق في التكلم عن الانس و الجن و العلاقة بينهما و مايحدث في العالم, بحيث يسرد قصص و يعلق عليها . ★ أقسام الرواية : •مقدمة • أميرالنور يوم خلق النور : حكاية النمرود وزواجه من سميراميسوتمرده علىأبيه و تعلمه السحر على يد لوسيفر ولقاءه مع سيدنا ابراهيمونهايته. •إهبطي يا "إنانا" : تدور أحداث القصة عن فينوس التي ذهبتلتعلم السحرالمضاد عند هاروت وماروت فحاولت إغوائهما ثم طردت منكهفهما فخرجتلنشر سحرهما ويلعنها الله • تسعة أعطيناهم النور : تدورأحداث هذهالقصة في زمنين الزمن الأول هو زمن سيدنا سليمان حين أحرق كلكتبالسحر فخبأ جني بعضها أسفل كرسي سيدنا سليمان أما الزمن الثانيحينيظهرها الجني في زمن الحملات الصليبية ليظهر كتب السحر لفرسانالهيكلالتسعة الذين بدأوا الماسونية في العالم • أفـخر أنواع السموم :تدورأحداث هذه القصة عن زمن فتنة مقتل عثمان وتشرح مراحلها وتفاصيلهاودوراليهود فيها • فارس من عِليين : فارس من قلعة الحشاشين التي أسسهاحسنالصباح وكيف اقنعهم انه وهبهم الجنة • إقرأ يا "دراكولا" : بتحدثهذاجزء عن فلاد الثالث المخوزق وكيف عذب استلذ تعذيب أهالي والاشياوكيفحاربه محمد الفاتح مع اخو فلاد رادو الوسيم • ويرو - كوموكو :القصةالحقيقية لبوكاهونتاس التي تختلف عن ما ورد في الفيلمينالمشهورين •فيلم أخرجه شيطان : تدور أحداث هذا الجزء عن الفترة ابانالثورتينالانجليزية والفرنسية • ياحكماء صهيون :يتحدث الكاتب هنا عنخطابتيودور هرتزل في المؤتمر الصهيوني الأول • دماء على أرض الميعاد:حكاية النكبة الفلسطينية • ألم يَئِنْ الأوان ياسيدي : يرويالكاتبهذا الجزء على لسان الجساسة او بيغ فوت الذي ترويه للمسيحالدجال •سيدنا.. وابن سيدنا : القصة حول كيفية ظهور المسيح الدجالوالبشرالذين رأوه
Symbols of Freemasonry IV 1.0.2
Symbols and Traditions Included: 1. THE ALPHA AND OMEGA 2. THEARKAND RAINBOW 3. THE CAVE AND CAVERN 4. THE CEDARS OF LEBANON 5.THECELTIC MYSTERIES 6. THE CENSER 7. THE CERTIFICATE 8. THE CHARGESOFA FREEMASON 9. CHALDEA 10. THE CHALICE 11. THE CHALK, CHARCOALANDCLAY 12. CHARLEMAGNE 13. THE CHERUBIM 14. THE COLORS, ELEMENTSANDPOINTS OF THE FIVE RULERS ... SIX MORE ARE INCLUDED IN THEFULLVERSION! "... there are few men who have the means, the time,andthe inclination for the purchase of numerous books, some ofthemcostly and difficult to be obtained, and for the closeandattentive reading of them which is necessary to master anygivensubject. It was this thought that, years ago, suggested to methetask of collecting materials for a work which would furnisheveryFreemason who might consult its pages the means of acquiringaknowledge of all matters connected with the science,thephilosophy, and the history of his Order." [Note: Thesourcematerial for this app came from a public domain bookentitled, AnEncyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences,by Albert C.Mackey.] In L.V.X.
Symbols of Freemasonry VII 1.0.2
Symbols and Traditions Included: 1. MASONIC LAW 2. ARCHITECTURE3.THE ARCHIVES 4. THE ANCIENT ARTILLERY COMPANY 5. ELIAS ASHMOLE6.THE CULT OF ASSASSINS 7. ARIEL 8. ARITHMETIC 9. THE ARK ANDDOVE10. THE SUBSTITUTE ARK 11. THE ARMOR 12. BENEDICT ARNOLD13.ASCENSION DAY 14. ASK, SEEK, KNOCK ... SIX MORE, ALONG WITHMOREINFORMATION, ARE INCLUDED IN THE FULL VERSION! "... there arefewmen who have the means, the time, and the inclination forthepurchase of numerous books, some of them costly and difficult tobeobtained, and for the close and attentive reading of them whichisnecessary to master any given subject. It was this thoughtthat,years ago, suggested to me the task of collecting materialsfor awork which would furnish every Freemason who might consultitspages the means of acquiring a knowledge of all mattersconnectedwith the science, the philosophy, and the history of hisOrder."[Note: The source material for this app came from a publicdomainbook entitled, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and itsKindredSciences, by Albert C. Mackey.] In L.V.X.
The Magic of the Golden Dawn 1.0
"The Magic of the Golden Dawn" gives adeptsanexclusive access to a comprehensive library which consists ofthemost secret and sacred texts attributed to the original Orderofthe Golden Dawn and the Rosicrucian society. With accesstohundreds of books, ranging from subjects of Magic,Kabbalah,Mysticism, Theosophy, The Tarot, Spirituality, God, Jesus,and muchmore.The following books are included, plus more:S.L. MacGregor MathersThe Final Address - by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.Isis Worship in ParisThe Qabalah UnveiledThe TarotThe Greater Key of Solomon Part 1The Greater Key of Solomon Part 2The Greater Key of Solomon Part 3The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I) (Goetia)The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton II) (Teurgia- Goetia)The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 1The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 2The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 3Liber 777 Falsely attributed to Aleister CrowleyW.W. WestcottW. Wynn Wescott's Address before the Sociatas RosicrucianainAngliaAn Introduction to the KabalahHistory Lecture - Golden DawnNumbers - Their Occult Power and Mystic VirtuesFlorence FarrThe Beloved of HathorThe Shrine of the Golden HawkA Dialogue of VisionThe Mystery of TimeA.E. WaiteThe Book of Ceremonial MagicThe Pictorial Key to the TarotThe Meaning of AlchemyThe Hermetic MuseumA French Method of CartomancyThe Pictorial Symbols of AlchemyThe Templar Orders in FreemasonryThe Real History of the Rosicrucians Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Part4Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic SymbolismOrdo RR et AC.Turba PhilosophorumThe Secret Doctrine in IsraelThe Doctrine and Literature of the KabalahWilliam Butler Yeats:Rosa AlchemicaThe Adoration of the MagiThe Countess Kathleen OSheaThe Crucifiction of the OutcastThe Curse of the Fires and the ShadowsPer Amica Silenzia LunaeThe Tables of the LawThe Celtic TwilightWhere There is Nothing There is GodArthur MachenA Fragment of LifeThe BowmenChildren of the PoolThe Great God PanThe Red HandThe Inmost LightThe White PeopleJ.W. Brodie-InnesFor The Soul of a WitchElsa BarkerMicroprosoposThe Mystic RoseThe SlumbererHe Who Knows LoveThe Frozen GrailDion FortuneCeremonial Magic UnveiledThe Machinery of the MindPsychic Self-DefenseThe Secrets of Dr. TavernerApplied MagicSane OccultismThe Training and Work of an InitiatePaul Foster CaseThe True and Invisible Rosicrucian OrderAn Introduction to the Study of the TarotIsrael RegardieThe Tree of Life Part 1The Tree of Life Part 2The Middle PillarA Garden of PomegranatesThe Art and Meaning of MagickThe Art of True HealingThe Philosopher's StoneMy Rosicrucian AdventureMarquis Nicolas TereschenkoMan and His SoulsDavid GriffinThe Book of the Concourse of Planetary and Zodiacal ForcesA Refutation of Aaron Leitsch's Biased Review of my RitualMagicManual
The Working Tools Masonic Maga 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
The magazine for Freemasons by Freemasons. All the current newsandinformation for today's Masonic members. In-depth articlesandfeatures provide you with everything you need to be enlightened.
Symbols of Freemasonry VI 1.0.0
Symbols and Traditions Included: 1. ABADDON 2. THE AMERICAN RITE3.THE ANGELIC MALACHIM ALPHABET 4. THE ASSASSINS OF THE THIRDDEGREE5. AMUN 6. THE ANAGRAM 7. ANIMAL SYMBOLISM 8. ANIMA MUNDI 9.THEANNOINTING 10. ANTEDILUVIAN FREEMASONRY 11. THE ANTIQUITYOFFREEMASONRY 12. THE ANCIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE OF FREEMASONRY13.ANUBIS OR ANEPU 14. APHANISM ... SIX MORE ARE INCLUDED IN THEFULLVERSION! "... there are few men who have the means, the time,andthe inclination for the purchase of numerous books, some ofthemcostly and difficult to be obtained, and for the closeandattentive reading of them which is necessary to master anygivensubject. It was this thought that, years ago, suggested to methetask of collecting materials for a work which would furnisheveryFreemason who might consult its pages the means of acquiringaknowledge of all matters connected with the science,thephilosophy, and the history of his Order." [Note: Thesourcematerial for this app came from a public domain bookentitled, AnEncyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences,by Albert C.Mackey.] In L.V.X.
Wicca Rituals 6.0.3-08282020.Release
We have compiled some of the best spells available for you needs.
Magick of the Gods & Goddesses 1.0
The philosophical roots of much ofWiccaandPaganism, as well as Western ceremonial magick, comefromancientEgypt. In this thoroughly researched book, the GrandMasterof theAurum Solis shares the history and evolution ofthetheurgictradition—including the origins of Hermeticism in EgyptandtheMediterranean world, the birthplace of thetheurgictradition—andhow-to instructions for discovering thepresence ofthe divine inthe world.Providing a seven-step system of exercises and rituals tohelpthereader achieve higher levels of consciousness, Jean-LouisdeBiasialso includes tips and techniques for working withsacredtexts,information about the five temples of the human being,TheGreatWork, the three cosmic rituals, and the real planetarydays.Avaluable resource for those interested in the historyandpracticesof the Western Mystery Tradition.