Top 3 Apps Similar to 経験者(資格不問)溶接求人・派遣情報アプリなら【溶接求人】

Welbee App 2.1.2
Welbee App is the application whichmonitorsand controls the welding source of Welbee inverter serieswhichDAIHEN CORP. sells.[Main Characteristics]- Panel operation: You can perform the same operations as fromthewelding machine front panel.- Welding machine internal information setting: You can setfunctioninformation, welding conditions, and welding managementinformationfrom a tablet.- Backup/restore: You can back up welding conditions from aweldingmachine and copy them to other welding machines.- Welding current/voltage monitoring: You can monitor theactualcurrent/voltage in graph form during welding.- Troubleshooting: You can refer to an error/troubleshootinglistfor the welding machine.[Precautions when using Welbee App]1. The welding machine control program must support theWelbeeApp.2. The proprietary communication board provided by DAIHEN CORP.mustbe mounted on the welding machine.3. The customer must supply the tablet and wireless accesspointetc.------------------------- [Rules when using "WelbeeApp"]-------------------------[Licensing Conditions]"Welbee App" (hereinafter known as the software) can only beusedafter agreeing to the following rules.If you do not accept these rules, you cannot use the software.Ifthis is the case, stop using the software and dispose ofitimmediately.If you are using the software, you have agreed to thefollowingconditions.- The use of this software is subject to the laws of Japanandshould only be used by people who obey the law.- If you are told to stop using the software by the manufacturerorby a public office, you must do so immediately.[Copyright]The copyright and all other rights related to this softwarebelongto DAIHEN CORP. (hereinafter known as Daihen).The software and its contents are protected by the Copyright ActandInternational Copyright Treaty, as well as laws andtreatiesrelating to property rights, proprietary rights,intellectualproperty rights and other incorporeal propertyrights.[Version Upgrades]Daihen may upgrade the software for improvementwithoutnotice.[Prohibition of Software Modifications]The customer cannot modify, adapt, reverse engineer,decompile,disassemble, or perform a similar action, even withreason.[Responsibility]Daihen will not accept any responsibility for damage that occursasa result of the use of this software or its provision to athirdparty.Also, the development and provision of this software maybecancelled without notice.[Applicable Law]The applicable law for this agreement is the law of Japan.[Juridical Court]All disputes related to this agreement should be handled byOsakaDistrict Court, Japan as the exclusive agreementjurisdictionalcourt of first instance.[Changes to the Agreement]This agreement may be updated without notice to the customer.
Smart Controller 1.1.0
Smart Controller is the application which monitors and controlsthewelding source of Welbee inverter series which DAIHEN CORP.sells.[Main Characteristics] 1) It's possible to change theweldcondition. 2) It's possible to change the presence of thecrater,the crater condition and the initial condition. 3) It'spossible toread JOB which is being preserved in a weld machine. 4)It'spossible to indicate the actual current which is being weldedandthe actual voltage. [Precautions when using Smart Controller]1.The welding machine control program must support theSmartController. 2. The proprietary communication board providedbyDAIHEN CORP. must be mounted on the welding machine. 3.Thecustomer must supply the smart phone and wireless access pointetc.------------------------- [Rules when using "SmartController"]------------------------- [Licensing Conditions] "SmartController"(hereinafter known as the software) can only be usedafter agreeingto the following rules. If you do not accept theserules, youcannot use the software. If this is the case, stop usingthesoftware and dispose of it immediately. If you are usingthesoftware, you have agreed to the following conditions. - The useofthis software is subject to the laws of Japan and should onlybeused by people who obey the law. - If you are told to stopusingthe software by the manufacturer or by a public office, youmust doso immediately. [Copyright] The copyright and all otherrightsrelated to this software belong to DAIHEN CORP. (hereinafterknownas Daihen). The software and its contents are protected bytheCopyright Act and International Copyright Treaty, as well aslawsand treaties relating to property rights, proprietaryrights,intellectual property rights and other incorporeal propertyrights.[Version Upgrades] Daihen may upgrade the software forimprovementwithout notice. [Prohibition of Software Modifications]Thecustomer cannot modify, adapt, reverse engineer,decompile,disassemble, or perform a similar action, even withreason.[Responsibility] Daihen will not accept any responsibilityfordamage that occurs as a result of the use of this software oritsprovision to a third party. Also, the development and provisionofthis software may be cancelled without notice. [Applicable Law]Theapplicable law for this agreement is the law of Japan.[JuridicalCourt] All disputes related to this agreement should behandled byOsaka District Court, Japan as the exclusiveagreementjurisdictional court of first instance. [Changes to theAgreement]This agreement may be updated without notice to thecustomer.
Schweiß-App Westfalen AG 1.4
Westfalen AG
Die App dient zur Schweißdatenermittlung undenthältzusätzlichUmrechnungs- und physikalische Daten vonGasen.Funktionen:Schweißdaten, MAG-Schweißen,WIG-Schweißen,Schutzgas,Abschmelzleistung Streckenenergie,PhysikalischeEigenschaften,