Top 11 Apps Similar to Dr. Julia Kinder

Down Syndrome Information 1.0
This app provides complete informationaboutdown syndrome diseases. Best comprehensive overview coversthesymptoms and treatment of down syndrome r This app hasbeendeveloped for everyone, all topics has been made to makeitcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from down syndrome• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of down syndrome and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for down syndrome• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from downsyndromein your family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy!^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains down syndrome diseases information forknowledgeif you need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information in thisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is rightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should notreplace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyfor pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbeforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.This app providescompleteinformation about down syndrome diseases. Bestcomprehensiveoverview covers the symptoms and treatment of downsyndrome r Thisapp has been developed for everyone, all topics hasbeen made tomake it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from down syndrome.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of down syndrome and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for down syndrome.• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to usethisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app foryourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from downsyndromein your family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy!^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains down syndrome diseases information forknowledgeif you need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor.Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professionalmedicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have amedicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergencyservices.Before acting on any of the information in thisapplication,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is rightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app can not and should notreplacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyforpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult adoctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in thisapp.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.
Medical Tests Meaning 2.0
Would you like to know what your bloodtestresults mean? Explaining lab tests in conjunction with symptomsisone of the most central diagnostic instruments used by doctorstoidentify if a patient in distress from any health condition.SmrtX 2nd Opinion is an interactive Clinical DecisionSupportSystem (CDSS) that is designed to assist physicians andotherhealth professionals with determining diagnosis ofpatientdata.The tool is a knowledge-based CDS system that uses labtestresults that you are inserting from flow-sheet reportsplussymptoms related to a diagnosed health condition.If you got recently laboratory tests performed, you can havebeengiven a copy of the flow-sheet report by the lab or yourdoctor.Once you get your report, however, it may not be easy foryou toread or understand, leaving you with more questions thananswers.You can use the 2nd Opinion tool to help you understandyour testmuch better. 2nd Opinion clinical decision support systemproven toenhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions,and improvepatient safety.The system provides residents and attending physiciansatremendous resource to quickly and correctly diagnoseunusualhealth conditions. The big advantage of 2nd Opinion is thatyouhave a wealth of information at your fingertips when you needit.You would not have had to pour through medical books to comeupwith the same information that you came up with using 2ndOpinionin about 5 minutes.Important notes:We would love to hear your comments about the 2nd Opinion. Ifyouhave any questions, feedbacks, ideas or problems, then feel freetoget in touch with us at [email protected] app is designed to help you with your lab testresultsunderstanding. It is not a substitute for real humanhealthcare.
Диагностика Акулайф
Обследование всего организма человекапоакупунктурным точкам на ладони. По окончании диагностикидаютсярекомендации специалиста по лечению на основе вашихиндивидуальныхощущений на ладони и распечатка личной диагностики спостсервиснымобслуживанием.- Краткая информация о приборе «Акулайф».-- Основывается на информации медицинского трактата «Хуан динэйцзин». Прибор «Акулайф» представляет собой сочетаниеосновтрадиционной китайской медицины, учения о каналах«цзин-ло».Взаимодействуя на рефлекторные точки, расположенные наруке, можновосстановить проходимость соответствующих каналов иизлечиться отразличных заболеваний.Прошел испытания на практике в традиционной китайскоймедицине.Эффективность и точность прибора — более 90%.Оказывает на организм такое же воздействие, как и иглоукалывание,неимеет побочных эффектов. Стимулируя каналы и акупунктурныеточкивоздействующим элементом прибора, можно освободитьсобственнуюэнергию организма, улучшить кровообращение и циркуляциюэнергии Ци,улучшить состояние здоровья.- Основные принципы действия прибора «Акулайф».--Прибор оказывает электромагнитное воздействие наакупунктурныеточки--Оказывает положительное воздействие на каналы«цзин-ло»,увеличивает активность клеток тканей--Улучшает работу нервной системы и очищает кровь «Повышаетзащитные и восстановительные функции организма--Повышает иммунитет, облегчает ход заболеванияНа обеих руках человека расположены 12 меридианов, включающие86точек «цзин» и 224 точек «ци». На наших рукахсосредоточеномножество акупунктурных точек, отвечающих завнутренние органыорганизма. Точки, расположенные на ладонях,связаны с органами,находящимися на передней стороне туловища, аточки на тыльнойстороне ладони — с органами, расположенными назадней сторонетуловища. Независимо от того, происходят ли ворганизмепатологические изменения, вся информация поступает в нашируки померидианам. Прибор «Акулайф» с помощью электромагнитныхволнстимулирует акупунктурные точки, расположенные на руках,иулучшает, таким образом, работу внутренних органов.Длина волн промышленной частоты равна 5 см, а длинаэлектромагнитныхволн может достигать 21 м. С помощьювоздействующего элементаприбора «Акулайф» вы сможете легко найтиболевые точки и достичьоптимального результата.- Особенности прибора «Акулайф»- Это уникальный оздоровительный прибор, основанный напринципахиглотерапии (традиционная китайская медицина).- Патенты и сертификаты прибора «Акулайф»---Получение патентов на изобретение в 10 странах мира (Китай,США,Япония, Австралия, Корея, Германия, Малайзия, Таиланд,Индонезия,Тайвань). В Индии также подано заявление на патент.---Американский сертификат FDA---Сертификат ЕС---Сертификат соответствия правилам «Надлежащейпроизводственнойпрактики» (GМР)---Сертификат соответствия требованиям ISOInspection of theentirehuman body acupuncture points on the palm. At the end ofthediagnosis given specialist advice on the treatment based onyourpersonal feelings on the palm and print personaldiagnosispostservisnym service.- Summary of the instrument "Akulayf."- Based on information from the medical treatise "Huang DiNeiJing". Device "Akulayf" is a combination of fundamentalsoftraditional Chinese medicine, the doctrine of thechannels'Ching-lo. " Interacting on the reflex points located onthe hand,you can restore the patency of the respective channels andcurevarious diseases.Has been tested in practice in traditional Chinesemedicine.Efficiency and accuracy of the instrument - more than90%.Has on the body is the same effect as acupuncture has nosideeffects. Stimulating acupuncture points and channelsaffectingelement of the device, it is possible to release theself-energy ofthe body, improve blood circulation and circulationof Qi energy,improve health.       - The basic principlesofthe device "Akulayf."--Pribor Provides electromagnetic impact on acupuncturepoints--Okazyvaet Positive impact on the channels' Ching-lo ",increasesthe activity of tissue cells--Uluchshaet The nervous system and purifies the blood"Increasesprotective and regenerative functions of the body--Povyshaet Immunity, facilitates the course of the disease   On both hands of a man are 12 meridians,including86 points of the "I Ching" and 224 points of "chi". Onour handsfocused a lot of acupuncture points, responsible for theinternalorgans of the body. Points located on the palms areassociated withbodies located at the front of the torso, and thepoints on the backof his hand - with authorities located on theback of the torso.Regardless of whether occurring in the bodylesions, all informationcomes into our hands through themeridians. Device "Akulayf" usingelectromagnetic waves stimulateacupuncture points on the hands andimproves thus the internalorgans.Wavelength industrial frequency equal to 5 cm, and the length oftheelectromagnetic waves can reach 21 meters. With the help ofexposureto the elements of the device "Akulayf" you can easilyfind weakpoints and to achieve optimal results.- Features of the device "Akulayf"- This is a unique wellness device, based on the principlesofacupuncture (traditional Chinese medicine).- Patents and Certificates device "Akulayf"--- Obtaining a patent for an invention in 10 countries (China,USA,Japan, Australia, Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand,Indonesia,Taiwan). In India also filed an application for apatent.--- American FDA certificate--- Certificate EU--- Certificate of conformity to the rules, "GoodManufacturingPractice" (GMP)--- Certificate of compliance with ISO
Medical Management of MDR-TB 1.2
MDR-TB treatment resource for doctors and nurses
Sports Feet 4.0.2
Apps Together
Sports Feet is located in Dee Why, ontheNorthern Beaches of Sydney. We are the only clinic on theNorthernBeaches that offers both Physiotherapy treatment and Custommadeorthotics in one place. Our experienced team provides a varietyoftreatment services for any pain that you may be experiencing.Wepride ourselves on providing quality hands on treatment foralltypes injuries from elite sports people to Mrs Jones who hashurther back on the weekend while doing the Gardening.Download our free App to read more about us, our servicesandrelated information. You can also make bookings or enquiries,readand leave reviews, send us a photo to start the diagnosisprocess,catch up with our latest news and events, and engage withoursocial media like Facebook.- Quickly contact us or get directions to us- Make bookings or enquiries- Find out what is causing your pain- Read and leave reviews- Send us a photo to start the diagnosis process- Catch up with our latest news and events- Engage with our social media like Facebook
Eye exam
This eye test allows you to check yourvisualacuity. The App is FREE.Take care of your vision. With this program you can test yourvisionat home. It can't replace optician's regular fullexamination oradvise of ophthalmologist, but with this vision testyou maydiscover that your eyesight deteriorates and you need tovisit adoctor.90% of all information that comes into our brain is visual.That'swhy eye care is so important.The advantages of this eye test are that it is easy to use, itistotally free, it provides visual acuity measurementstatistics(history, charts and trends). You can also schedule nexteye exam(daily or weekly).Process:- Make sure you are in a comfortable position- Make sure that there is no glare on the phone's screen.- Place your phone approximately 40 cm/16 inches fromyoureyes.- Close one eye at a timeDuring the test you will see different objects. Try toidentifyshown object. The sequence of objects is random. Thatpreventslearning the sequence and guessing the answer.Features:- Several eye charts are available: Snellen chart, Landolt"C",Tumbling E, chart with pictures for little kids- Objects are shown randomly- Measurements statistics are availableDISCLAIMER:This application is not intended to replace optician's regularfullexamination. We recommend you get a full eye test afterusingit.
Oftalmología Orduna
Conexión con tu Oftalmólogo en la palmadetumano. Oftalmologia Orduna es Una empresa dedicada a laSaludyDiagnostico Precoz Ocular con sede en Madrid y con mas de40añosde experiencia en retina. Es pionera en el mundoOftalmologicodelas APPs móviles, prestando servicio a pacientes yoptometristasdevarias ópticas de ámbito nacional. Consulta connosotros a solounclic de distancia y encuentra toda nuestrainformación en unúnicolugar.Connectingwithyourophthalmologist in the palm of your hand. OphthalmologyOrdunais acompany dedicated to Health and Ocular Early DiagnosisbasedinMadrid and with over 40 years experience in retina. It isapioneerin the world of mobile APPs Oftalmologico, servingpatientsofvarious optical and optometrists nationwide. Check withus justaclick away to find all our information in one place.
St. Antonius Borstzorg 3.1.2
Sterkom BV
Deze app is speciaal gericht opdeborstkankerzorg van het St. Antonius Ziekenhuis met alsdoelpatiënten te informeren en te ontzorgen door:• Informatie gebundeld bij elkaar en dicht bij de hand aantebieden• Verwachtingen beter te managen• Het verloop van het traject duidelijk te maken• Patiënten in staat stellen zich goed voor te bereidenDe app is opgebouwd uit 2 delen. Het eerste deel is metnamegericht op het borstonderzoek en behandelt devolgendeonderwerpen:• Over het St. Antonius Ziekenhuis• Locatie en voorbereiding• Radiologie• DiagnoseHet tweede deel is gericht op patiënten die na hetborstonderzoekgediagnosticeerd zijn met een vorm van borstkanker.Dit tweede deelbehandelt het complete traject en is opgebouwd uitde volgendeonderwerpen:• Het borstkanker centrum• Over borstkanker• Behandeling: Chirurgie, Radiotherapie,Chemotherapie,Immunotherapie, Hormoontherapie• ControlesHet St. Antonius is een modern, topklinisch ziekenhuis metdeambitie de beste medische en verpleegkundige zorg en serviceteverlenen. Doordat het St. Antonius ziekenhuis jaarlijks bijna4000vrouwen met een verdenking op borstkanker ontvangt, zijn deteamszeer ervaren in het stellen van diagnoses en het uitvoerenvanbehandelingen en operaties. De gespecialiseerde behandelteamsinhet St. Antonius borstkankercentrum lopen voorop met denieuwstebehandeltechnieken en-apparatuur.This app isspeciallydesigned to inform breast cancer care at St. AntoniusHospital withthe aim to relieve patients and by:• Information bundled together and close to offeringthehand• manage expectations better• make clear the course of the trajectory• Patients enable them to prepare forThe app is made up of two parts. The first part is focused onthebreast examination and covers the following topics:• About the St. Antonius Hospital• Location and preparation• Radiology• DiagnosisThe second part is directed to patients who have beendiagnosedafter the breast examination with a form of breast cancer.Thissecond part deals with the entire process and is comprised ofthefollowing topics:• The cancer center• About breast cancer• Treatment: Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy,immunotherapy,hormone therapy• ChecksThe St. Anthony is to provide a modern, top clinicalhospitalwith the ambition of the best medical and nursing care andservice.Because the St. Antonius Hospital annually receives nearly4,000women with suspected breast cancer, the teams arehighlyexperienced in the diagnosis and perform treatments andsurgeries.The specialized treatment teams at St. Antonius cancercenter atthe forefront with the latest treatment techniquesandequipment.
МастерDent 2.3
Наша стоматологическая клиника предлагаетвампрофессиональные услуги лучших стоматологов, искренне любящихсвоюработу, знающих свое дело, и имеющих большой опыт вданнойобласти.Самое главное для каждого работающего у нас врача – этосчастливаяулыбка пациента, поэтому мы стараемся обеспечить непростокачественное лечение, но и максимальный комфорт. Каждыйклиентнашей клиники очень важен для нас, и поэтому как самистоматологи,так и администрация всеми силами стараются помочь врешении любойвозникшей проблемы.Индивидуальный подход и сопровождение пациентов,удобноерасположение в самом центре города, возможность полученияполногоцикла услуг от диагностики до оперативного лечения в однойклинике,— все это позволяет сделать процесс лечения максимальноудобным икомфортным.Стоматологическая клиника «МАСТЕР DENT» оснащена самымсовременныммедицинским оборудованием. Мы оказываемвысококачественные услугипо лечению и эстетической реставрациизубов, протезированию,удалению и профессиональной чистке иотбеливанию зубов. В нашейклинике сочетаются качественнаясовременная стоматология подоступным ценам.Врач и ассистент работают с пациентом в «четыре руки»,чтообеспечивает максимально быстрое и эффективное проведениелюбыхманипуляций. Лечение в стоматологической клинике «МАСТЕР DENT»—максимально безболезненная процедура, поскольку проводитсяподэффективным обезболиванием, с использованием самыхсовременныханестетиков. При проведении анестезии используютсякарпульныешприцы и одноразовые тончайшие инъекционные иглы,позволяющиепроводить инъекции безболезненно, и, тем не менее, дажеперед такимуколом наши врачи применяют местную анестезию. Мыиспользуем лучшиесовременные методики и технологии, в которыхприменяемстоматологические материалы самого высокогокачества.Our dental clinicoffersprofessional services of the best dentists, genuinely lovetheirwork, who know their business and have a lot of experience inthisfield.    The most important thing for everyonewhoworks with us the doctor - patient is a happy smile, so we trytoprovide not only quality care but also maximum comfort.Everycustomer of our clinic is very important to us, so thedentiststhemselves, and the administration of all the forces tryingto helpsolve any problem.    Individual approach and support ofpatients,convenient location in the city center, the possibilityof obtaininga full cycle of services from diagnosis to surgery ina clinic - allto make the process of treating the most convenientandcomfortable.    Dental Clinic "MASTER DENT» is equippedwiththe most modern medical equipment. We provide high-qualityservicesfor the treatment and aesthetic restoration of teeth,prosthetics,removal and professional cleaning and whitening teeth.In our clinicwe combine quality modern dentistry at an affordableprice.Doctor and assistant working with the patient in "four hands"thatprovides the most rapid and effective implementation ofanymanipulation. Treatment of the dental clinic "MASTER DENT» -themost painless procedure, as performed under effectiveanesthesia,using the most modern anesthetics. During the anesthesiausedcarpool disposable syringes and injection needles finest thatallowthe injection is painless, and yet, even before such a prickourdoctors use a local anesthetic. We use the best moderntechniquesand technologies, which use dental materials of thehighestquality.
ЛДЦ на Вернадского 1.1
Лечебно-диагностический центр на Вернадского–это лечебно-профилактическое учреждение, оказывающеенаселениюконсультативно-диагностическую илечебно-профилактическуюпомощь  с применением наиболеесовременных методов диагностикии лечения.Мы видим свою главную цель в том, чтобы повысить качествожизнилюдей, которые обращаются к нам за помощью, путемпостановкиправильного диагноза и назначения адекватного,эффективного леченияв соответствии с медицинскими стандартами.В нашем центре вы сможете:1.Пройти детальное обследование с помощью новых экспертныхаппаратовМРТ, УЗИ, ЭКГ и передовых лабораторныхисследований.2. Быстро сдать анализы без очередей и получить наруки достоверные результаты в короткие сроки.3. Получить исчерпывающую консультацию специалистов поразличнымпрофилям: неврология, терапия,кардиология,ортопедия-травматология, хирургия, гинекология,урология.4. Пройти соответствующее лечение и реабилитациюповышеперечисленным профилям, включая физиотерапию,мануальнуютерапию и массаж.Москва, пр-т Вернадского, дом 5, корп. 1Тел. +7 (495) 150-03-02www.ldc-mrt.comTreatment anddiagnosticcenter at Vernadsky - a health care setting, providingpublicconsultative and diagnostic, treatment and preventive careusingthe most modern diagnostic and treatment methods.We see our main objective is to improve the quality of lifeofpeople who are turning to us for help, by setting thecorrectdiagnosis and adequate, effective treatment in accordancewithmedical standards.In our center you can:1.Proyti detailed examination by a new expert MRImachines,ultrasound, ECG and advanced laboratory tests.2. Quickly get tested without the queues and get your handsonreliable results in a short time.3. Get detailed advice specialists in different profiles:neurology,internal medicine, cardiology, orthopedics,traumatology, surgery,gynecology, urology.4. Complete the appropriate treatment and rehabilitation fortheabove profiles, including physiotherapy, manual therapyandmassage.Moscow, Vernadsky Ave., Building 5, Bldg. 1Tel. +7 (495)
Lift Pulse 1.4
Lynx Design
Lift Pulse serves as a journaling apptorecordmotion data due to hand tremor.At Lift Labs, we came up with a way to record aperson'stremorusing the phone's accelerometers. Using a FourierTransform,thisapp can identify your tremor and calculate it'smagnitude. Youcanset your baseline tremor (tremor on a normal day)by tappingthecircle with your result. Subsequent readings willcompare tothisbaseline, and the circle displaying your result willchangecoloraccordingly.This app uses cutting-edge algorithms to detectandquantifymotion. In its current form it is a useful researchtoolbut notmeant for disease diagnosis.