Top 18 Games Similar to 阿拉霸

柏青斯洛 (PachinSlots)之糖果屋 1.0.071401
柏青斯洛遊藝館為一系列~台玩原創SLOT遊戲~第六代機台玩法~紅7節奏獎勵遊戲VS藍7連打獎勵遊戲 加上黑麻打屁獎勵遊戲~ 絕對讓您驚喜連連~!!!1. 糖果屋SLOT 一齊趕女巫 2.超級7PK 超會出大牌3. 野球魂 台玩郎 不多做介紹 4.. 鑽爆水果盤 免費拉彩金5.極速傳說 就是愛車馬炮 6.女海神SLOT 有玩有保佑(comimg soon)7.更多遊戲等您來體驗......
阿拉霸霸 1.0.0721
阿拉霸霸!霸氣拉彩金!!!你沒玩過的拉霸遊戲 創新玩法及豐富獎勵趕快來試試!讓神燈精靈,阿拉王子,沙漠公主及沙漠傳說寶物陪你一起挑戰神秘之旅!【豐富獎勵】*糾團打BOSS 團結賺獎金 每日限時開放,打多少送多少,最高彩金翻倍送!*獎金分紅制度!他拉彩 你分紅! 每次獲得彩金將提撥固定比例平分給線上玩家!*十倍奉還,獎勵十倍送 與線上好友交換愛心一同獲得十倍彩金!*眾多加分獎勵 神燈加速、神戒轉輪、金字塔尋寶、每小時線上獎勵,荷包賺滿滿!*每日任務稱號系統 每天都有不同的挑戰,讓你上線不無聊【貼心系統】*離線代打 不錯過任何大獎 有事暫離?免擔心!離線代打功能讓你不錯過任何彩金*商城系統 豐富道具 遊戲點數直接買!各式各樣道具讓你賺獎金更輕鬆*全伺服器聊天系統 與更多朋友一起同樂吧,認識世界各地的阿拉霸霸夥伴!Pa Pa Allah!Domineeringpull winnings! ! !You never played slot games innovative gameplay and richrewardshurry to try!Let wishmaster, Prince Allah, desert and desert princesstoaccompany you to challenge the legendary treasure mystery tour!Rich rewards []* Correction group to play BOSS unity earn bonusOpen daily limit, playing much to send the number, the highestprizemoney doubled to send!* Bonus bonus system! He pulled the color you bonus!CPA prize money will be divided equally to set aside afixedpercentage of online players!* Ten times your money back, delivery times rewardedExchange love and friends to get together online ten times theprizemoney!* Many reward pointsTDP acceleration, God quit runner, pyramid treasure hunt houronlinerewards, earn pockets full!* Daily Tasks title systemDifferent challenges every day, so you are not bored on theline[Close System]* Offline Doug miss any awardsSomething Away? Free worry! Offline pinch function lets you missanywinnings* Rich props mall systemGame points directly to buy! A variety of props to make iteasierfor you to earn bonus* Full server chat systemAnd more friends with Le Bar, recognize Allah Pa Pa partnersallover the world!
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鑽石拉霸水果盤 1.0.32
超精緻華麗的【鑽石拉霸水果盤】復古懷舊風,再起街機水果盤的經典回憶。遊戲免費下載,免註冊,讓您立馬試玩、大展豪氣!!!【遊戲特色】● 每日上線獎勵大方送,天天玩、天天送,連續上線愈多天獎勵就愈高!● 收集特殊連線,即開啟Fever Game模式,免下注瘋狂出獎!● 在線定時獎勵,讓您邊玩遊戲、邊開心領獎!● 保留離開機台功能,讓您隨時重回自己熟悉的機台!● 萬人同時連線,共同累積高額連線彩金,金幣多到數不完!● 週週排行競賽,只要您能進入排行榜,即可獲得大量金幣報酬!● 畫面精緻華麗,介面簡單易懂,讓您輕鬆上手,不用學!
777 Slot 1.9
[777 Slot]It's free for play ~~!You can save your chips without connecting the internet.Is a game simulate the early years of nostalgic game.Hurry up to try your luck !At first, you can get 5000 chips when the game began.If you win a lot of score by your good luck, don't worry aboutyourscore will lost when you leave.[777 Slot] will save your coins and you can continue your gamenexttime.And don't worry about the bad luck.We will give you another 5000 chips in two ways.1.When your chips become 0, please press the button!2.When your chip is less than 5000, please leave the game andturnback again!Without connecting internet and spend your time foranytime~!!!Go to download and play now ~ !!!
Casino Cruise-Free Slots&Poker 1.1.28
★★★ The best slots app on Android! EarnChipswith special events everyday! ★★★JOIN NOW FOR FREE!Play best casino games Anytime!Anywhere!Now is your chance to participate this joyful party!【Features】.Free Chips Everyday.Addictive Game Design.Comfortable interface.One-Handed Casual Game.Social Features, Mini-games, Special Events, and More!.Multi-Language VersionDownload this addictive game and challenge the best playersinthe world right now!Like us on Facebook for the latest news: opinion is the motive power of our advancement.Thankyou!
Casino水果盤(老虎機,slots) 1.0.7
Qplay App
★【每日獎勵】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【賺點數】FB分享訊息天天送!★ 機台種類最多、主題呈現超豐富!★ 最具臨場感的機台音效,轉盤拉大彩!★ 簡化介面,螢幕再小也能輕鬆掛機!★ JP彩金各台送,機會大!想了解更多?Casino水果盤官網如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱:[email protected]※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)=================遊戲說明=================★【遊戲方式】玩家用押分按鈕在各押分區押上分數、下注線數,每按一次押分,就會在各連線區域壓一分,每一分為10金幣,只要連線內有符合中獎的項目,即可得(押分x獎項組合賠率)。★【JP彩金】當玩家您幸運的拉中各機台指定圖案大獎時,就可依押注比例拉走高額JP彩金喔!★【機台開放】當玩家達成機台開放指定條件時,即可挑選您喜愛的機台進行遊戲。★【鑽點數】玩家可在遊戲大廳,完成指定分享方式,就可以獲得額外的bonus點數。
Let's Vegas Slots-Casino Slots 1.2.58
Download now for FREE! Play slots with your friends in thesameroom!
HUGA Slots-野蠻世界老虎機
SayYo Games
SLOTS水果盤(暗棋.麻將.小瑪莉.骰寶.百家樂) 1.27
SLOTS水果盤是一種簡易上手的拉霸遊戲,共有九個轉輪,擬真機台設計讓您享受真實的水果機台遊戲,體驗以小博大的刺激感。★【登入送】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【分享送】FB分享訊息天天送!★ 自選幸運機台、掛機台(插牙籤)超方便!★ 最具臨場感的機台音效,轉盤樂翻天!★ 簡化介面,螢幕再小也能輕鬆點選。★ 彩票遊戲博點數!免費送、不定期推出各類型小遊戲!★ 機台種類多變化,不定時推出新檯子!已開放機台:1.水果盤2.小瑪莉3.彈珠賓果4.暗棋5.麻將6.骰寶7.百家樂如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱:[email protected]※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)
King of 777: Vegas Slots 9
pu shencheng
Fun, entertainment and amusement!Welcome to King of 777: Vegas Slots! Start a fatanstic journeywithyour spinning! Win million coins to be a billionaire in thiswizardslots machine!Manipulating pokers, slots machines, bingo, lotto, video,cash,spin… Betting and winning the big plus jackpot bonus in thisace777 world!···Features···- Easy to understand!You will win the super jackpot as soon as you play thisfantastic777 game!- Fantastic music:A real entertainment of spinning in Las Vegas or Macao!- Million rewardsDiscover lots of amazing bonuses! And try to get double!- Particular friends system!Share your good luck with your friends and they will friendsbonusas well!- Dream Wheel!Coin, EXP, Boosters and chip: Spinning this magic wheel and thenwinall you want!- Travelling on your palm!There are various themes: Knight & Dragon, Jungle Raider,DeepBlue and etc. Start an exciting spinning journey!- Online bonus!Keep online you will get more free coins and boostersandchips!- As new player, you will get 2000 coins and 8 double boostersforfree! Spinning as you start this magic machine!- Fantastic jackpot, super bonus and atmospheric soundsYou will experience double excitement as a gambler in the casinoofLas Vegas or Macau and MGM Grand! Just spin & respin!Download now and bring it on your phone! You can play themostcharming 777 game and spin for great amusement & excitementnomatter where you are!
骰寶大亨 1.03
【骰寶大亨】是採用國際標準規則的骰盅遊戲,高獎金的倍率設計,讓您享受押注的快感、體驗以小博大的刺激感!★【登入送】每天登入送您獎勵點數!★【分享送】FB分享訊息天天送!★【遊戲多】不定時增加賭場遊戲!★ 超高賠率210倍,翻身最容易!★ 體感骰盅最有臨場感。★ 拉霸遊戲加碼送JP彩金。★ 寶箱定時回饋送,抽大獎!想了解更多?骰寶大亨官網如有任何疑問?1.可透過遊戲內客服系統回報、留言2.來電客服電話:04-22965817週一至週五 10:00~19:00) 3.來信客服信箱:[email protected]※ 每週三例行維護時間 09:00(am)~11:00(am)=================遊戲說明=================★【遊戲方式】玩家選擇下注籌碼,可任意下注任一賠率格內,所得獎金依各牌型賠率計算。★【JP彩金】當玩家當局下注點數達指定門檻,即可啟動拉霸遊戲,所得彩金將依拉霸賠率表計算,轉中財神連線可拉中90%的JP彩金大獎)。★【下注規則】單格下注上限為5萬點,單一豹子、任一豹子、特定總數(4~17):下注上限總額5萬點;單骰、大、小:下注上限總額10萬點★【寶箱回饋】每4個小時,玩家可至大廳點選寶箱,將有驚喜大獎回饋給您。
SlotJ-Slot Machine 2.1
Dangdang slot machine evolved!?Now experience the new SlotJwithoutinternet.
Five Silver FRUIT SLOTS 1.2.7
FRUIT SLOTS is a simple-to-use pull-Pagame,allowing you to enjoy the thrill of winning !!The game has fast mode can be switched quickly the game.Leave will automatically record score, bad luck willautomaticallyfill 8000 you continue to enjoy the thrill ofwinning.It does not require Internet - you can always spend time ~Quickly install to play ~ !!
Slots - Golden Era™ 1.22.0
Experience the HUGE WIN of Vegas in the#1Mobile Slots game!"Golden Era" brings the most Premium Slots experienceeverywhereyou go!Wide selection of Popular Themes and ThrillingBonuses!Guaranteed non-stop Entertainment!No Registration and Login required, just Download and PlayforFREE Now!----------------------------------------------------------Key Features:- FREE to Play, All Day, Everyday!- The most Authentic Slots experience designed byGamingProfessional!- The most Generous Payout with HUGE Wins up to 500 timesTotalBet!- Play like a Dream, Smooth and Fast! (No delay and hiccupsdueto slow connection)- Playable Offline, bring the full Slots experienceeverywhereyou GO!- Gorgeous HD Graphics, Sleek Animation, PremiumSoundEffects!- Exciting On-Reel Features, Stacked Wild, OverlappingSymbols,and a lot more!- Get Massive Payouts with Frequent Free Spins and RichBonusGames!- Get additional FREE coins with Time Bonus, Daily Rewards,andSpecial Promotion!- Get Bigger Discount as you Level Up to Save even More oncoinPurchases!----------------------------------------------------------What our users are saying about this game:"Plays like Atlantic City slots and pays enough to keepmeinterested. Better than most slot apps.""Slots game is quite easy to play but really addictive.Allmachines are well designed and I can win a lot!Highlyrecommend.""You guys do live up to your name saying #1 in the world.Goodjob!""One of the best slots game I've ever played! Love thegraphicdesign and various machines. Awesome!""Addictive game. Can't stop spinning. Love the bonus game,quitecute ;)""As a slots fan, I've tried many similar games but Golden Eraismy favorite one. I really love the graphic design and epicwin.Good job!"----------------------------------------------------------Slots - Golden Era does not manipulate or otherwise interferewithtournament outcomes in any way.Results are based entirely on chance and the choices madebyplayers.
Money in The Three Kingdoms
2015 the latest fun slot machines,noprepaidphone, without credit CARDS,land sent 10yuan money, touch screen win gift.This is a really profitable slot machines, enjoy theVIPtreatment,The "rich" activity will begin:The $one thousand prize shock,Gamblers game,Daily settlement。We provide the best entertainment online application,Themostauthentic slots game!Afterentering the game is wonderful voice,wheel of the rotation of indescribable feeling,can be found inthehang up the slotmachine.This is a unique slot machine game in the apple store,hurrygladyou have appledevices,with perfect quality and high quality sound effectstogive you the best experienceimmersive,now,you can enter the magical wheel world,What areyouwaiting for?Hurry up andspin【The game features】-Original cost level,Players can not only get gold COINS inspendinglevels,and you canalso get the phone card;-Fun around le:Online everyday can draw,you can To receivefreegold,and you can getmagic of the gold card rewards;-Original gold card system:Levels corresponding to the goldcard,winning,get bonus gold5%;-Every grand prix:Original material reward,each thepreviousthree,Not only have a wordsfee, along with a variety of mysterious giet.-The ported:Here is not only a slot machine,can also be fiercePKwith people, be king isnot just a dream.-The list of "rich" day,The list on the weekend,The listeachmonth,Win the most gold top3 players,can win phone awards,The first 100 yuan daily,weeklyfirst 300 yuan, 700 yuanfirst month.Hang up the slot machine is a fruit machine games forgamemode.Derived from Las Vegas,is better than the forest dance, fish's this kind of gamemoreattachment to the fire.Inaddition,to achieve conditions can also trigger turned aroundandmusic for free,make thegame more interesting and exciting,The perfect Chinese wind interface,I am here waiting for youtofight.Once the authorities to win points,You can choose whether toenter"guess men and women"link,as long as you dare to play, the reward without limit.Hang up the slot machine team to serve you
slot machine: Water Margin 2.1
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