Top 8 Games Similar to Snake Game

Poisonous Snakes Of The World 1.0
The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various poisonous snakes oftheworld. This game is free and challenges the memory. Score iskeptalowing you to try and do better each time.Another thrilling feature to the Poisonous Snakes MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the poisonous snakes game for kids & adults willshow thelink. You also get some help along the way.The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!People often run across poisonous snakes and never realizeitbecause they have no idea what they look like or what areastheyare found living in around the world. Although the Rattlesnakeisidentified by it rattle, other snakes will not be that easytoidentify if you are unfamiliar with snakes. If you are travelingtoother areas of the country or the world, you should knowwhatpoisonous snakes are located in those areas before you go. Themoreyou know about poisonous snakes of the world and their abilitytostrike and how toxic they are, the better prepared you would beifyou saw one.Non poisonous snakes are normally really safe tohandle,especially pet snakes and reptiles that are habituated tobeingpicked up. Even the species of snakes in the wild that arenonpoisonous are quite able to be handled without fear of beingbitten(the exception being water snakes and other kinds whicharenaturally aggressive). If you do need to pick up a reptile,takeyour time to move leisurely, and slide your hand under thebelly ofthe snake near the tail part. If you move rapidly, or fromabove,it may think you are a hunter. After you succeed in liftingthesnake and are holding it, don't hold it by the tail, justsupportit loosely with both hands (grip loosely but firmly, if yousqueezetoo hard it might damage it), and let the snake explore it'swayaround arms and hands. If the reptile feels agitated, or goesintoa strike position, it is best to slowly, but gently replacethesnake in it's box.I after about ten minutes of listening to another's commentsandmyself on the grass (from our vehicle and through my camera),wherethe snake had to be unable to come to the conclusion he wasalive,not to mention the revered Black Mamba, now that tookeveryone'sattention. I thought about it for a few seconds anddecided it wasnot very likely that one of those poisonous snakes.If it was, itprobably would move now, or at least rustled the grassorleaves.Snakebites, although uncommon, must not be underestimated.Avictim's age does not have an impact on the seriousnessofsnakebites, but size will. That is the reason why infantsandyoungsters are much more vulnerable to envenomation.Nonetheless,not all snakes are poisonous. Non poisonous snakespossess slenderheads, sleek tapered bodies, no facial pits, roundedpupils, anddouble row of teeth. Pit vipers have arrow head ortriangular head,with facial pits in between the eyes and nostril,vertical orelliptical pupils, and movable fangs. Lastly, cobrashave thecharacteristic hoods, that spread once they arethreatened.Rattlesnakes are one of four poisonous snakes that inhabittheUnited States. There are several different varieties ofrattlesnake that can be found across all of the contiguous 48states ofthe United States: the Prairie Rattlesnake, theEasternDiamondback, the Timber Rattlesnake, and the WesternDiamondback.Some of the rattlesnake species are comparably small,while otherspecies can grow as long as 8 feet. The DiamondbackRattlesnake,located in western states, is responsible for moresnake biterelated deaths in the U.S. than any other snake.The Poisonous Snakes Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyou.
Snake 2.6
Zabuza Labs
The BEST snake game on market.
Snake 1.10
Chuma Apps
Best version of a classic snake game
Snake Joy - Classic Free Game 3.0
With in-game achievements, NiceUIandanimation, Easy operation, 2 game modes( Classic ModeandImmortalMode ), 4 worlds with 64 levels, 5 difficulty settingsWith90Snakes, Dm Snake is the best classic snake game, addictivefun !Totally Addicted Yourself into old classic Snake game ?Wallowinnostalgia for old school snake from old phones ? Dm SnakewillBringYou Back to The Joy of Old Classic Snake, and havemoregameElements, have more fun . And It is also as addictiveastheoriginal snake!How to Play:* Touch screen to control the snake, turninArbitrarydirection.* Collect food on each level to progress the game.* Collect as many food as you can to increase extra bonusandchanceto get more kinds of snakes.* In Classic Mode, The snake dies if it touches walls oritsowntail.* In Immortal Mode, You will get a random snake playing inarandomlevel with random difficulty setting . And the snake willnotdie.* Total 4 worlds with 64 levels , you can get 90 kinds of snakesin5difficulty settings( Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, VeryHard).Allplayer can have a challenge in Dm Snake !* Every snake have its owner skill. They can increase extrabonusandchance to get Special snake.Tips:* Download Recommand game can earn more snakes.* Get free snakes every day.
Sneaky Snake 1.05
Snake game that you missed from your old phones now in yournext-genphone!
Always Hungry Caterpillar 1.8
If you like "Snake" games you are going to like playingAlwaysHungryCaterpillar. The Mechanics of the game are simple.With thebuttonson the screen control the worm direction. Try toeat asmany applesas you can. The more you eat the higher thescore. Butavoid touchingthe grass or the caterpillar will abandonthe stage,ending the game.
Snake Train 2.4
Stepus Inc
Snake Train - The most addictingarcadegame...PuupuuRemember, use your reflex and not let the train collide withthewallsNow you have in control of the Snake TrainNew stages updated - 80 stages for your funGuide the snake locomotive to the last the coin treasureWatch out to not collide with railway carriages.Easily to play, tough to master.Do not let the train collide.Features- 80 stages to play- Different world sizes- Two control types- Very responsive controls- Beautiful clock widgetThe controls are very responsive.Play more with new stages, now with 80 stages in total.Your mission is collect coins in all stages.Each coin piece that you collect, a new wagon willbecreated.Go to the railroad and collect all coin to go to thenextstage.This game it's easily to play and tough to master, at leastinsome stages.You are the conductor of the snakey train, use the touchscreento change the snake train direction.Follow the colorful track in finish the job.The difficulty varies depending on the stage.Get the locomotive and use it in the railway, this is a gameforall family.Control the game using the d-pad or the touchscreen.You can enter the tunnels or cross the screen.Some stages can only be finished if you go through the tunnelinthe scene.Can you unlock the conquests. Any conquest is unlocked whenyoufinish all stages in the world.Many stages for your fun.How many wagon you can carry, how much things you cancollectUse the powerfull train machine to go through the world, canyoutrack all ways using the train engine
The Snake Game 6.0
eHappy Studio
Snake eat all day non-stop:When it eat red fruit will get 30 points, eat yellowfruitcanbeScored 20 points, but if you eat purple fruit willsubtract10points.The default number of lives of 3:When the score is a multiple of 50, the increase in thenumberoflife.Snake longer, at the same time the speed will be accelerated.When the snakeheads met the boundary edges or snake,lifeminus1,When life is 0, the game will be terminated.The game can choose the sensor or touch by mobile Snake.Sensors: the use of the accelerator, mobile phone panelPoured RA control the moving direction.The touch: slide your finger on the panel.Game 10 highest score will be recordedBecome a model for all players to the chart.