Top 3 Apps Similar to Music Industry How To

Get Discovered 1.0
We believe that everyone deservestheopportunity to have their talent discovered by the eyes andearsthat matter within the music industry. This app is a tool tohelpyou get discovered. Every video submitted through the app willbereviewed by the Get Discovered review team. If our team feelsthatyou have the right stuff, then your video will be aired onthemonthly podcast within this app and submitted to our listofleading music industry professionals.Who Are We:The Get Discovered App is a tool to help you accomplish whatthename implies… Get Discovered!Our team will review your video and if we feel like you havewhatit takes then it will be reviewed on our monthly podcast andsent toleading contacts within the music industry.The initial review team is headed by Teague Ridge whosecreditsinclude:*Written, performed and produced multiple Billboard charttoppingsongs*Collaborated with 5 different Grammy winning producers*Concert promoter for the Louisville Music Showcase – one ofthenation’s most prestigious music showcases*Long-standing relationships with leading record label presidents,top A&R names, management companies, entertainment lawyersandproducers.Our list of music industry contacts include:-Grammy winning producers-Record label owners and executives-Billboard charting musicians-Top level A&R repsWhat type of musical talent are we looking for?We are looking for talent at any stage. If you think you havewhatit takes to make music your career then we want to see avideo.Bands, solo artists, musicians and groups all encompass thetypesof talent that we want to review.Why video:So we can see you! You can provide a link to a music video thatyouhave already made or lip sync to your own recorded music. Videoiseasy! It doesn’t have to be professional grade but it needs toberepresentative of the quality you would like portrayed.What happens if I am selected:If you are selected then your video will be reviewed on ourmonthlypodcast available through the app. These videos will thenbetransmitted to our music industry contacts fortheirconsideration.How do I help my chances to Get Discovered!There are a couple of things you can do….1) Submit a video that is a representation of yourbestwork2) Promote your video through the social media tab within theGetDiscovered AppWhat is your take if my video is chosen?Nothing! The only money that we make on the Get Discovered teamisthe fee that you paid to download the app. If you arediscoveredand signed by a record label, producer or any otherindustryprofessional then that agreement is between you andthem.Is it guaranteed that buying this app and submitting a videowillkick start my career?No! If you are talented enough to pass on to the next level thenwewill do so. The best videos will be reviewed on our monthlypodcastthen sent to our industry contacts.How do I know that my video was successfully submitted andwillbe reviewed?If your video was submitted successfully then you will getanimmediate confirmation. We do review every video. However, ifyourvideo does not make the cut then you will not get apersonalresponse from our team.How many videos can I submit?You can only submit 1 video per app purchase. If you would liketosubmit additional videos then you must delete the appandre-purchase the Get Discovered App from the app store.**Disclaimer**Purchaser of this app and/or artist submitting video(hereinafterthe "Artist") acknowledges that Get Discovered andTalgraceMarketing & Media (hereinafter the "Company") is notanemployment agent, theatrical agent or licensed artist'smanager,and that Company in no way guarantees employment, a recordlabelagreement or engagements for Artist. Company in no wayguaranteesthat your video will be reviewed by anyone else otherthan Company.Company reserves the right to display the Artist videoin a publicforum.
Music Marketing 1.0
Are you a musician or musicindustryprofessional who want to learn about music marketing? Wellyou'rein luck, as today I'm going to share with you some of thebestguides and resources in the industry!This app comes in two main parts, and gives you:* A three part audio translation of one of my most popularmusicmarketing guides. This guide is 15 minutes long, and givessomespecial music marketing tactics not usually talked about.Byapplying the marketing information from this guide, you shouldbeable to move your music career faster then ever before!Note: This guide is not narrated by myself Shaun Letang,althoughthe original guide was written by me.* Links to websites with further reading. If you want tolearnmore about how to promote your music, then you're in luck.Iprovide you with links to further websites I own which areupdatedwith new music marketing guides daily. Check them out.If you want to learn how to promote your music, this is theplaceto start. It doesn't matter if you're an independent musicianoryou've been signed to a record label for the last few years, youcanstill learn how to market your music. So download this app,listento the advice, and put into practice what you learn.Shaun Letang,Music Industry How To.Music Marketing World.
Music Business Report 2.1
Music Business Report isaneclecticindependent, monthly music magazine covering a widerangeofalternative, underground and non-mainstreamEntertainment.MusicBusiness Report celebrates and interrogates themost visionaryandinspiring, subversive and radical and undervaluedmusicians ontheplanet, past and present, in the realms ofhip-hop,electronicdance music, reggae, world music and rhythm andblues.MusicBusiness Report kills the calm and foolish me too musictastewitha barrage of sounds. It’s office is Miami Beach, FL, butitservesa growing online readership.