Top 40 Apps Similar to Pregnancy apps. Week by week

Pregnancy App & Baby Tracker 4.34.0
Track baby’s development & growth week by week withBabyCenter’spregnancy app!
I'm Pregnant - Pregnancy Week By Week 4.0.4
Welcome! Pregnancy is a wondrous and miraculousexperience.Pregnancyis an exciting time, but with so muchpregnancyinformation availablein books, in magazines, and onwebsites, howcan you hope to cover itall before giving birth?We've made iteasy for you to get all thepregnancy info you need inone place.Each week of pregnancy bringssomething new—for you, foryour baby,and for your partner! Find outwhat is going on with yourbabyduring your pregnancy and whatchanges to expect in momduringpregnancy. Our application "I'mPregnant" will give youdetails onyour baby's development and whatis happening to momduring herpregnancy. FEATURES I'm Pregnant is acomprehensivepregnancy app.Pregnancy Tracker and Calendar. It letsyou trackweight gain,manage pregnancy symptoms, and record prenatalvitaminsandmedications. You can also track your moods,bloodpressure,physical activity, and more. There’s also a sectionforpersonalnotes. Your Week by Week Pregnancy Guide. The app hasahandypregnancy calendar that you can personalize to help youkeeptrackof what week of pregnancy you are in. Each weekofpregnancyincludes a description of your baby's development, aswellas anexplanation of the changes taking place in your body.You'llalsofind helpful tips that will help keep you and yourbabyhealthy.Pregnancy Information. You will find information aboutthethreetrimesters and other common topics. We hope thisinformationhelpsyou during your pregnancy. Tips for relievingpregnancysymptomslike nausea, fatigue, leg cramps, and cravings.Readarticles andadvice from industry experts. Pregnancy Forum.Askquestions, learnfrom the experiences of others, and share howyoufeel. OtherFeatures: ✔ Pregnancy Diary ✔ Pregnancy Trackerincalendar format✔ Bumpie Photo Diary ✔ Reminders ✔ ContractionTimer✔ Kick Tracker✔ Kegel Exercises ✔ Prenatal Music ✔ HospitalBagChecklist ✔Healthy eating for conception and pregnancy ✔Dailytracking ofmood, energy, appetite and other notes ✔ Baby nameswithgender,origin, and meaning ✔ Boy or Girl ✔ Pregnancy Exercises✔WeightChart
AI Pregnancy App, Baby Tracker 6.9.0
Glow Inc
AI-Powered Pregnancy Tracker, Due Date Calculator & BabyCenterby Glow Nurture
280days: Pregnancy Diary 3.2.7
Enjoy the gestation period build a pregnancy record &pregnancydiary in couple!
Pregnancy Tracker 6.1.4
Pregnancy Tracker is an easy to use app for you.
Pregnancy watcher widget
Your pregnancy at a glance (current week ofpregnancy,size&weight of your baby)
Pregnancy App Tracker 2.5.2
pregnancy calculator, pregnancy diary weight tracker, flowerwidget,labor meter
Pregnancy Week by week 8.00005
A guide to conception, pregnancy week by week
101 Pregnancy Safety Tips Free 2.3.0
We'll help you have a healthy pregnancy and keep you and yourbabysafe!
Pregnancy Calendar. Childbirth 3.77
Pregnancy Calendar and journal. Childbirth - conception,birth,symptoms.
Pregnancy and Due Date Tracker 3.89.0
All-in-one pregnancy app, contraction timer, kick counter &duedate calculator
Parenthood - Parenting Tips 1.1.1
Parenthood by BabyCenter, provides a newsfeedof age-appropriate parenting tips and blog articles aboutyourchild's ongoing development. You can also connect with parentswhohave similarly aged children, and are experiencing the samejoysand challenges you're dealing with every day. Our tips andthrivingcommunity will help you dig into topics specific to yourchild'sage and stage of development -- ranging from potty training,sleephabits, discipline, mealtime routines, playtime, child healthandcare, to preschool transitions and more.Parenthood introduces age-appropriate information aboutchilddevelopment and behavior and more tips from our experts. Plus,youcan share or read about experiences with other moms and parentsinour thriving community of parents like you. It's brought to youbyBabyCenter, the world's #1 pregnancy and parenting resource,whichhas been trusted by over 300 million parents around the worldtoguide them through the journey of parenthood.FEATURES•Daily News Feed Get a steady stream ofpersonalized,age-based advice for parents of kids age 1+ along withhelpfulinsights and entertaining stories from BabyCenter'slivelyCommunity and Blog.•Community Learn and share with our Community ofparentsfor real-world advice, warm support, andthought-provokingdiscussions about parenting and other concerns,large andsmall.•Explore Dig into topics related to your child's ageofdevelopment, from potty training, tantrums, and sleep topreschooleducation and more.•Behavior Learn how to respond to your child's tantrumorcrying.•Development Find supportive activities to help yourchildbe healthy and strong.•Feeding See the most nutritious food for your child.Getadvice from other moms in our community about feeding yourkid.•Sleep It's a significant factor in your child's life.Getsleep advice from other parents and experts.•Childcare Make sure your children are safe and happyinan environment that's fun, educational, and loving.•Potty Training Learn the important points to makeyourchildren comfortable with the potty.•Children's Health Be aware of all aspects of yourchild'shealth: physical, mental, and social.•Activity & Play Find creative games and activitiestohelp toddlers and older kids spend their times well.•Toddlers Make sure you have reliable informationabouttoddler behavior, milestones, nutrition, and more fromexperts.•Trending topics See what's trending in the worldofparents and families.Download now for free.
Я беременна 6.20
SVD Soft
«Я беременна» – личный консультант поведениюбеременности. Программа расскажет вам о том, как развиваетсямалыш,какие изменения происходят с мамой на каждой неделе, чегождать вовремя беременности и чего следует опасаться. «Ябеременна»подскажет, когда и какие анализы нужно сдавать, что взятьв роддоми ответит на другие ваши вопросы.В программе:– Основной разделКаждая неделя беременности подробно расписана. Мамочка можеткаждуюнеделю узнавать интересную и нужную информацию о том,какразвивается малыш, что происходит с ее телом, чего ждать ичегостоит опасаться в этот период беременности. А еще на главномэкранеможно смотреть, как развивается малыш внутри – с каждойнеделей онрастет и меняется. Помимо этого, вы узнаете о том, какиеорганыребеночка уже сформированы и работают в настоящий момент, акакиетолько формируются.– Раздел «Списки»В программе есть подробные списки того, что нужно взять вроддом.Теперь вы ничего не забудете!– Раздел «Видео»Можно посмотреть видео и узнать о том, как правильно питатьсявовремя беременности, дышать при родах, какие физическиеупражненияделать и др.– Экспорт ежедневника в PDFУдобный ежедневник для заметок и фотографий можнолегкоэкспортировать в PDF и сохранять на своем компьютере.– Графики веса и сдачи анализовМамочка может следить за своим весом и весом малыша, а ещезаранееузнавать, когда и какие анализы нужно будет сдать.– Красивый виджетЕсли его разместить на экране, он будет автоматическиподсчитыватьдни до рождения малыша.P.S. Если на виджете не вмещаются все данные, то простоизменитеразмер виджета так, как вам нравится"I'm pregnant" -apersonal consultant to expectant mothers. The program will tellyouhow the baby develops, what changes occur with my mothereveryweek, what to expect during pregnancy and to be feared."I'mpregnant" tells you when and what tests need to take, what totaketo the hospital and to answer your other questions.The program includes:- The main sectionEach week of pregnancy detail painted. Mom can every week tolearninteresting and useful information on how to develop thebaby,what's going on with her body what to expect and what is tobefeared in this period of pregnancy. And on the main screen, youcanwatch as the baby develops inside - every week he growsandchanges. In addition, you will learn about what the babybodieshave been formed and are working at the moment, and whichonlyformed.- Section "Lists"The program has a detailed list of what you need to take tothehospital. Now you do not forget!- "Video"You can watch the video and learn how to eat right duringpregnancy,childbirth breathing, what exercise to do, andothers.- Export to PDF diaryConvenient for daily notes and photos can be easily exported toPDFand save on your computer.- Charts of weight and delivery of analyzesMom can keep track of your weight and the weight of the baby,andeven in advance to find out when and what tests need topass.- Beautiful widgetIf it is placed on the screen, it will automatically count thedaysuntil the birth of the baby.P.S. If the widget does not fit all the data, then simply changethesize of the widget as you like
Gravidez Digital 1.0.201910124
Tips and guidelines on pregnancy and baby's first year of life!
Pregnancy Calendar 2.9
A simple pregnancy calendar. Easy setup. Notes, hormones, weight.
Календарь беременности 1.0
Календарь беременности — это описаниетого,чтопроисходит в женском организме во время вынашиванияплода.Календарьбеременности подскажет все ли в порядке с вашиммалышом,правильноли развивается плод, и нормой ли являетсявашесамочувствие. Вданном календаре беременности развитиебеременностирасписано понеделям, ведь каждая неделя беременностиимеет своиособенности.Зная дату последних месячных, любая женщинаможет спомощью данногокалендаря беременности определитьпредполагаемуюдату родов,зачатия, даты обязательных осмотров уврача иконсультаций, анализови УЗИ. Календарь беременностиудовлетворитлюбопытство любой, снетерпением ожидающей своегоребенка,мамы.Pregnancy Calendar-adescription of what happens in the female bodyduringthegestation. Pregnancy Calendar will tell if everything isOKwithyour baby, the fetus develops correctly, and whether thenormis toyour health. This pregnancy calendar, pregnancy weekbyweekdevelopment is painted, because every week of pregnancy hasitsowncharacteristics. Knowing the date of the last menstrualperiod,anywoman can with this pregnancy calendar to determinetheexpecteddelivery date of conception, the date of themandatorymedicalexamination and consultation, analyzes andultrasound.PregnancyCalendar satisfy any curiosity, look forward toyourchild'smother.
Я беременна (free) 6.20
SVD Soft
«Я беременна (free)» - пробная версия популярной программы«Ябеременна»: весь первый триместр – бесплатно. Скачайте программуиполучите своего личного консультанта по ведению беременности.Скаждой неделей вы будете узнавать о том, что происходит свашиммалышом, чему он научился за прошедшие дни и чего следуетожидать вближайшее время. Программа расскажет, что происходит свашим телом,чего следует опасаться, когда необходимо обратиться кврачу. Впрограмме: - Основной раздел На главном экране вы увидите,какрастет ваш малыш: с каждой неделей он становится всебольше,превращаясь из маленького «головастика» в человека. Каждаянеделябеременности подробно расписана: какие изменения ждут вас ивашетело, как развивается ваша крошка, какие органы у негоужеработают, а какие – только начинают формироваться. Высможетеследить за его новыми «умелками»: узнаете, когда он услышитвашголос, научится сосать свой пальчик или начнет«тренироваться»дышать и др. - Ежедневник с графиками веса и сдачианализов Следитеза изменениями своего веса и веса вашего малыша,узнавайте заранее,какие анализы и когда вам необходимо сдавать.Кроме того, высможете делать различные заметки, сохранятьфотографии, отмечать,что вас беспокоит, указывать, какие симптомыбыли у вас в тот илииной день, чтобы ничего не забывать на приеме уврача. - Раздел«Списки» Подробные списки вещей и документов вроддом. Теперь выничего не забудете! - Раздел «Видео» Смотритевидео и узнавайте,как правильно питаться во время беременности, какнаучиться дышатьпри родах, какие физические упражнения делать,чтобы облегчитьпроцесс и др. - Красивый виджет Вы можете разместитьна своемэкране красивый виджет, который автоматически будетподсчитыватьдни до рождения малыша. Дополнительно: - Экспортежедневника в PDFЕжедневник можно экспортировать в PDF, чтобысохранить накомпьютере или отправить по e-mail. - Консультацияврача Задополнительную плату вы можете получить ответы набеспокоящие васвопросы у своего врача в любое время. Для этого, унего должна бытьустановлена программа «Я врач».
Календарь беременности 1.0
Знать, как проходит беременность понеделям,нетолько познавательно, но и необходимо! В этом вампоможетприложениекалендарь беременности. Календарь беременностипризвандержать мамув курсе всех событий внутриутробногоразвития,помогатькорректировать питание и образ жизни в разныепериодыбеременности.Кроме того, календарь беременностипозволяетрассчитать дату родов.Календарь беременности по неделямоченьудобен. Благодаря этомукалендарю беременности вы не забудетеонеобходимых процедурах. А сприближением даты родов такойкалендарьбеременности поможет лучшимобразом подготовиться кдолгожданномусобытию.To know howthepregnancyweek by week, not only informative, but alsonecessary!Thisapplication will help you a pregnancy calendar.Thepregnancycalendar is designed to keep the mother informedofalldevelopments of fetal development, helping to adjustdietandlifestyle in different periods of pregnancy. Inaddition,pregnancycalendar allows you to calculate the date ofbirth.Calendar byweek pregnancy is very convenient. Thispregnancycalendar you willnot forget about the necessaryprocedures. Andwith the approachingdate of delivery of such apregnancy calendarwill help the bestway to prepare for along-awaited event.
Pregnancy week by week 1.4
App in SpanishAre you expecting a baby? Receive tips week by week, is a uniqueandprecious process, you should take it and enjoy it as muchaspossible.This experience will change your life completely, prepareyourselfto feel the purest and true love that exists.Enjoy the guidelines, tips, fertility calculator,pregnancycalculator ... many tools to make your pregnancy the mostwonderfulexperience of your life, that work will have reward in theform ofthe human you love most.How much does the fetus measure and weigh, how much weight doesthepregnant woman usually increase according to the time ofpregnancy,what are the typical disorders of each trimester ofpregnancy, whattests, tests and analyzes belong to you and whenshould you performthe necessary ultrasounds.All pregnancy weeks to a single click !.The pregnancy calendar for weeks briefly describes thedevelopmentof the baby and the changes that occur in the woman.Because thereare no two identical pregnancies, changes can benoticed orexperienced according to the schedule presented.Pregnancy or pregnancy (from pregnant, and from Latin gravidus)isthe period between the implantation of the zygote in theuterus,until the moment of delivery, in terms of thesignificantphysiological, metabolic and even morphological changesthat occurin Women to protect, nourish and allow the development ofthefetus, such as interrupting menstrual cycles, or increasingthesize of the breasts to prepare for breastfeeding. Thetermgestation refers to the physiological processes of growthanddevelopment of the fetus inside the maternal uterus. In theory,thegestation is of the fetus and the pregnancy is of thewoman,although in practice many people use both terms assynonyms.It allows you to enjoy your pregnancy with all the informationyoushould know about you, your baby, the recommendations perweek,exercise routines and allows you to follow up weekly in averysimple way.Pregnancy week by week is an application with which anypregnantwoman will be able to make an intensive follow-up of herconditionon a weekly basis. If you want to control the gestationprocessthis tool will allow you to know in detail everything thatyou havein each stage of pregnancy.A very important advantage over other similar apps is that weoffervery little advertising.If you like the app it is also important that the values ​​tohelpus keep working and improving.To comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://
Pregnancy Week By Week Guide 1.0
Lovely AI
Download The Official FREE App In Android For Pregnancy Week ByWeekGuide Today! 100 % Free and Works Offline. This app is thebestplace to share and find pregnancy week by week guide andpregnancysymptoms, morning sickness, pregnancy weekly guide andpregnancydevelopment. This will also give expert information andadvice aboutthe changes in your body and how your baby growing anddoing likebaby kicking. Pregnancy Week by Week This will guide youalong andfind info on baby’s development during your pregnancy.Each week,something new and extraordinary happens that’s why bydownloadingthis free app it will help and teaches you through yournine (9)months of pregnancy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED This app is bestforpregnant women who need week-by-week guide for helping them thenine(9) months of pregnancy. A pregnant woman is not only onewho’sexpecting, this app also recommended for soon to be Dad.APPFEATURES ★ Do’s & Don’ts – a list of guidelines that aresafeand should have to avoid during pregnancy. ★ Pregnancy Diet -Ahealthy pregnancy diet will promote your baby's growthanddevelopment. Also, understand which nutrients you need mostandwhere to find them. ★ Due Date Calculator– an app thatcalculatesyour baby-to-be’s due date ★ Weekly Information – a guideandadditional information for week 1 to week 41 pregnancy. OUR APPHASALREADY HELPED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TO : ★ Have a proper insightintowhat is happening to the mother’s body and the baby too. ★Plan,keep track of and make the most of the pregnancy. ★ Attainhealthypregnancy. Download The Official App In Android ForPregnancy Weekby Week Today! ENJOY READING!
My Pregnancy 2.2
My Pregnancy is the best applicationdedicatedto future Moms! With its help you can easily find out howmany daysare left to your due date and how big is your baby rightnow.Moreover, let's not forget about one of the mostimportantaspects of pregnancy - monitoring the state of baby aswell as thestate of yours.With the functionality of our application not only will youbeable to count your baby's movements, but also timeyourcontractions and save all the records into history.Application also provides you with the access to otherusefulfunctionality, such as:- calendar which enables you to add reminders fordifferentimportant events,- weight controller for keeping the track of theoptimumweight,- recommended exercises to stay in shape and prepare for labourandadditional list of activities to avoid,- a full check-list of stuff to put in your hospital bag,- movie generation - take pictures and generate a film withthecollected images to check how your baby is growing,...and much more other useful things to discover withourapplication!Tags: pregnancy, pregnancy app, motherhood, mother, labour,babydelivery, baby, calendar
First pregnancy 15.0.0
Kaiser Apps
Is this your first pregnancy? So here you have an ideal toguideApp, learn and solve your doubts with this new phase of yourlife.You can learn tracking a pregnancy week by week, what kindoffeeding should follow, solve some questions that may arise toyouand of course, share with friends and family the goodnews.Downloading this application will have the followinginformation: -Pregnancy week by week: a weekly explanation of thechanges in yourbody and growth the baby. - Food: where we discloseimportant factsabout food that you should follow. - Preparation andbirth: youlist on a list needed for the arrival of the baby and thedifferentstages of labor. - FAQ: where you find answers to thesequestionsinexperience normal. - Images: beautiful pictures to sharewithanyone giving news or revealing the sex of the baby. The teamofLord App gives you the congratulations and for any questionspleasecontact the developer mailing.
Pregnancy Guide 2.2
Welcome to Pregnancy, an exciting and wondrous experience.Keeptrack of everything that's happening to you and your babywithPregnancy Guide! Get prepared for your baby’s birth. Trackyoursymptoms and compare them to other pregnant moms to see howcommonthey are, share information with your doctor, get answers toyourquestions and many more exciting features! Pregnancy Guide isthemost comprehensive pregnancy companion around! Simply enteryourbaby’s due date and get started for free today with thispregnancytracker. Note: This Application is intended forinformational andeducational use only. Please consult your healthcare provider ordoctor for any pregnancy or health concerns.FEATURES • Calculationof due date based on last menstrual period •Tracking of pregnancysymptoms, their causes and how their effectscan be minimized toget the best pregnancy experience • Weeklyguidelines regarding howto maintain your and your baby’s health andfitness • Guidelines onhow to organize your shopping andpreparations for the coming baby• Guidelines on how to maintain ahealthy and balanced diet,especially important for both mother andbaby during pregnancy •Video demonstrations to get help and monitorwhat’s going on withyou and your baby • Available in Arabic,Chinese, Dutch, Russianand Turkish languages DISCLAIMER In order tokeep the application100% free, ads may appear on its screens. Ifyou have any questionsor complaints regarding this, please feelfree to contact usdirectly instead of leaving a bad rating. Thankyou choosing ourapplication. We hope you have great experience withit.
Tinybeans Private Family Album 5.1.7-prod
The trusted place for private family photo sharing, no matterthedevice
Mi Embarazo ㋡Como Prepararse D 6.0
Follow your pregnancy week by week absolutely free. Download it Now
Календарь беременности 1.0
Календарь беременностидаствозможностьполностью контролировать свою беременность неделязанеделей! Вэтот период жизни он будет просто незаменим истанетпрекраснымпомощником на протяжении всей беременности,расскажетобособенностях роста ребенка, поможет в выборе питанияиподскажеткакой образ жизни вести. Календарь беременностисможетопределитьпредполагаемую дату рождения ребенка.Интерактивныйкалендарьбеременности по неделям очень функционален ивсегдаответит внужный момент на интересующие вас вопросыпобеременности.Календарь беременности напомнит когда нужно пойтикдоктору илисдать анализы. Календарь беременности понеделямполностьюподготовит вас к рождению ребенка. А спомощьюкалендарябеременности по месяцам, вы будете в курсе каждогоэтапаразвитиямалыша.PregnancyCalendarwillallow full control of your pregnancy week by week!Duringthisperiod of his life he is simply irreplaceable and willbetheperfect companion throughout the pregnancy, tell aboutthefeaturesof the child's growth, will help in the selection offoodand tellwhat kind of life to lead. Pregnancy Calendar will beabletodetermine the expected date of birth.InteractivePregnancyCalendar by week very functional and alwaysanswer at therighttime to your questions on pregnancy. PregnancyCalendar toremindwhen you need to go to the doctor or get tested.PregnancyCalendarby week fully prepare you for the birth of achild. Andwithpregnancy calendar by month, you will be informed ofeach stageofdevelopment of the baby.
BukuBumil - Pregnancy Tracker 22.4.10
Indonesian Mom & Pregnancy Community
Feed Baby - Baby Tracker 2.2.0
Penguin Apps
🍼 The perfect Baby Tracker. Tracks your babys breastfeeding,diaperssleeps. 🍼
Про беременность 3.0
Приложение рассказываетопротеканиибеременности по месяцам.Также вы узнаете как подготовиться к рождению ребенка.Материалы: app tellsaboutthepregnancy for months.You will also learn how to prepare for the birth of a child.Materials:
BabySleep: Whitenoise lullaby
Helps your baby fall asleep instantly, 14 built-in lullabies+record your own
homemade pregnancy tests 1.0
David Sang
homemade pregnancy testshave you ever wondered how some women find out if theyarepregnantor not without visiting the doctor !! do you wanttoexperience thesame thing without going to your doctor , justbystaying at yourlovely house with your lovely husband !!well you are in the right place , today you willfindoutpregnancy secrets other women are hiding from you or theydonotant you to learn about , i will put between your handsthetophomemade pregnancy tests , that women use to tell iftheyarepregnant.this is the list of the same tests you will find inside theapp:- homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste- homemade pregnancy test with shampoo- homemade pregnancy test with vinegar- homemade pregnancy test with soap- homemade pregnancy test with baking soda- homemade pregnancy test using salt- homemade pregnancy test recipeand others as wellyou might come across some pregnancy tests for real orsomeotheruseless pregnancy apps or real pregnancy apps , but thisonerighthere is very enough and with the value of instrctionsandideas youwill get from it , due to the high qualitypregnancyguide itincludes . so make sure you download homemadepregnancytests to use the app !?1. install the app in your smartphone2.choose any test you would like to do3.follow the instructions4.find out if you are really pregnant or not5. share the app with your friends and spread the can add any test to your favorites anytimeif you like this DIY pregnancy tests then show us yourloveandappreciation the comment section.rate the app , and make sure you comment and makeanysuggestionsabout how we can make this app better and better.
Premama Calendar 1.0.72
Premama Calendar is the application for all women who are pregnant!
Birth Stories having babies 1.0
David Sang
birthday storiesthis is is dedciated for women who are giving birth orabouttogive birth , most of the time they are afraid of the processduetothe bad experiences from here and there. especially whentheytrackpregnancy week by week i mean if it's week byweekpregnancy.although most women use what is called pregnancytrackerapp, tocontrol their pregnancy to avoid any problems that myoccurduringpregagncy. so, this birth stories app for women byfargathers themost inspiring pregnancy stories of all time.ovuline,during the period of pregnancy women can alwayscheckbabycenterpregnancy near them or any doctor toguidance,specialised inHealth & Parenting .and havingbabiespregnant women as you all know take pregnancy test toknowwhetherthey are realy pregnant or not using pregnanttest.although thereare too many pregnant games having babiesandpregnant games forgirls ( gales are dedictaed for kids wholoveplaying such pregnanctgames because they are fun ). forhavingbabies.including pregnant mommy games who are one ofthe topwantedgamesas well and babybump pregnancy test., babybump pregnancy free , baby bump pregnancy, having babyHow to use the app !!the app is very easy to use ,1.install the app in your android device2. select " birth stories " ( let the app load for awhilebacausethere are too many stories in there )3.choose any story you like to read .4. the ability to add any birth stories to your favoritesandcheckit from time to tile5. birth story of the day in the home screen6.the ability to change the font , and share onsocialmediafacebook,twitter;instagram,and so onto sum up ; i hope you will enjoy pregnant women storiesappandif you have any suggestions let me know in a commentbelowthankyou for your interest in our App :)Good Luck to all pregnant women
Pregnancy Tracker 1.1
YNR Studios
Pregnancy Tracker,Kick counter,Pregnancy week byweek,Pregnancymonth by month
Календарь беременности 1.0
Бесплатный календарь беременностипозволитвамследить за тем, как протекает беременность неделя занеделей!Онстанет для вас лучшим помощником в этот прекрасныйпериоджизни,будет держать вас в курсе всех событий ростаребенка,оказыватьпомощь в выборе питания, выбора образа жизни вразныемесяцыбеременности. Календарь беременности подскажетпредполагаемуюдатурождения малыша. Календарь беременности понеделям имеетбольшуюфункциональность и будет отвечать набеспокоящие васвопросы,которые будут появляться во времябеременности.Календарьбеременности напомнит о сдаче анализов, опрохождении УЗИи многомдругом. Когда наступит день рожденияребенка,календарьбеременности по неделям подготовит вас к этомусобытию. Акалендарьбеременности по месяцам будет проводником повсем сороканеделямбеременности. Он более полно расскажет о каждомэтапе.Freepregnancycalendarwill allow you to keep track of how proceedspregnancy weekbyweek! It will be your best assistant in thisbeautiful periodoflife, will keep you informed of all the growth ofthe childeventsto assist in the choice of food, lifestyle choicesindifferentmonths of pregnancy. Pregnancy Calendar will prompttheexpecteddate of birth of the baby. pregnancy calendar week byweekhasgreater functionality and will respond to your concerns,whichwillappear during pregnancy. Pregnancy Calendar reminddeliveryofanalyzes, the passage of US and many other things. Whenisthebirthday of the child, pregnancy calendar week by weekyouwillprepare for this event. A pregnancy calendar by month guidetoallthe forty weeks of pregnancy. It is more fully tell youabouteachstage.
Menú para el embarazo 1.0
** App en Español **Muchas veces os preguntáis qué es lo que podéis comer onoduranteel embarazo, si hay algún alimento recomendado o sitenéisque haceralguna dieta especial. Con Menú para elEmbarazotendréis uncompleto recetario semana a semana sobrelos alimentosrecomendadospara comer durante la gestación.Desde la primera semana hasta la última, no te preocupesmássobrelo que comer o lo que no, sigue el menúparaembarazadasincluido en la herramienta y olvídate sobretodaslas preocupacionessobre la comida. Todos los nutrientesquenecesita tu bebé paracrecer sano los encontrarás en lasrecetasincluidas en estautilidad.Los menús que contiene la app son una guía general sobreloquenecesitas comer durante el embarazo. Todas lasrecetasincluidasson muy fáciles de preparar así que no tienesexcusaparacuidarte.La alimentación en el embarazo debe ser sana,variadayequilibrada, lo que influye de manera fundamental eneldesarrollodel bebé que se está formando.Funcionalidades de la app:🍏 Amplio menú con recetas sanas y ricas para cada día delasemana.No te preocupes más sobre lo que puedes comer o no, teloponemosmuy fácil para que sepas qué comer cada día.🍍 Lista con los 10 alimentos más recomendados para ingerirdurantelaetapa del embarazo.🍒 Un espacio para que escribas tus notas y no olvidesningúndetalleen una etapa tan importante.🍌 Calculadora de Peso: Estate al día sobre la evolución de tubebéycalcula el peso semana a semanaLa alimentación durante el embarazo es muy importante. Conlosmenúsque se aconsejan mantendrás sano a tu bebé y tesentirásmejor quenunca.Recuerda: ¡no debes comer por dos! Sólo adaptar tualimentaciónalas nuevas necesidades. En esta herramienta te damosuna guíasobremenús.No esperes más y descarga ahora menú paraelembarazo,tendrás a tu disposición una gran variedaddealimentos y comidaspara alimentarte y cuidarte en tu periododeembarazada.-------------------------------------------------------------------------** Si te gusta la aplicación, valórala, por favor, nosayudaamejorar. Gracias** Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades deproteccióndedatos comunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en:
Baby Tracker - Newborn Log 4.32
A simple way to track your baby’s breastfeeding, diaperchanges,sleep patterns.
Baby Major Steps 1.43
Baby Major Steps is a smart helper for parents. This is ausefulappin helping parents keep track of their baby,toddler,kid'sdevelopment stages (up to 6 years). Baby Major Stepscontainsfourbasic parts: - the development stages list helping youknowwhen toexpect, on average, your child to reach a certain stage(andgentlyhelp them towards it); - a diary (timeline) allowing youtoaddpictures and notes to every stage your child reached; -awarningsigns list, telling you which developments stages,ifunreached,should prompt you to check with your child's doctor; -aforumwhere you can find tips on raising children, or sharewithotherparents your knowledge and experience. Growth stagesaregrouped byage and by development area (social andemotional,language andcommunication, cognitive development andphysicaldevelopment).Download Baby Major Steps now and happilyraise yourchildren!
Pregnancy & Parenting App 2.46.2
BabyChakra - Pregnancy Calculator, Parenting Tips & BabyCareApp
Ich bin schwanger 4.4
SVD Soft
„Ich bin schwanger“ hilft Sie nach, wannundwelche Tests Sie machen sollen, welche Unpässlichkeitendiewerdende Mutter in verschiedene Zeiten haben kann.Das Programm beinhaltet:Abschnitt „Video“ (neu!)Ärzte erzählen über gesundes Essen während derSchwangerschaft,richtiges Atmen während der Geburt, Körperübungenusw.Tegebuchsexport in den PDF-Format (neu!)Handliches Tagebuch, in dem Sie Notizen machen und dieFotoshitzufügen können (neu!), ist jetzt leicht inPDF-Formatexportieren und auf Ihrem Computer speichern.Horoskop (neu!)Wer auf Horoskope vertrauen, kann über den Charakter desKindeslernenGewichts- und TestschaubilderSie können seinem Gewicht und Gewicht des Kindes folgen, undimVoraus wissen, wann und welche Tests Sie machen sollen.Schönes WidgetWenn es auf dem Bildschirm aufgestellt ist, zählt esautomatischdie Tage vor der Geburt Ihres Kindes."I'm pregnant" It helpstoknow when and which tests to make what ailments may havetheexpectant mother in different times.The program includes:section "Video" (new!)Doctors talk about healthy eating during pregnancy,properbreathing during childbirth, physical exercises, etc.Tegebuchsexport in the PDF format (new!)Handy diary, in which you take notes and photos canhitzufügen(new!), Is now easily export to PDF format and save itto yourcomputer.Horoscopes (new!)Who rely on horoscopes, can learn about the character ofthechildweight and test chartsYou can his weight and weight of the child to follow, andknowin advance when and which tests to make.Beautiful WidgetIf it is placed on the screen, it automatically countsthedays before the birth of your child.