Top 50 Apps Similar to AntVentor: Demo adventure
Full Pipe: Puzzle Adventure Game 1.0.5
Feeling nostalgic for good-old point and click adventure games?Jumpdown Full Pipe for a mind-bending adventure quest with a rangeofcomplimentary arcade games. TRY it first, then PAY once andPLAYthis fun adventure game forever offline!! Once upon a time anoddcharacter we’d rather call Dude found a hatch beneath his bed.Andwhat seemed like an ordinary morning turned the strangestpuzzleadventure in his life. Follow Dude in this thisabsolutelyinconceivable brain-teaser for true fans of point andclickadventure games. Discover a secret yet absolutely realandunexplored world with a cast of quirky dwellers. Features ofthisadventure quest: * classic video game brought to mobile withnewfeatures introduced * 50 unique characters –head-feet,single-eyed, ear-winged and long-necked, but still socute andnaive. * A wonderful and shocking video game for those whoprefermid-core games with a good deal of thought and humor. * 6+hours inthis obscure world with hidden threats and moments of purejoy. *38 gorgeous locations that create the atmosphere of adventuregame.* 8 original swiping and tapping arcade games * Advancedhintsystem to let make it through the most tricky game twists. *Tryand Buy game Nowadays is the time when adventure quest getsecondlife on smartphones and tablets. Full Pipe is one of thosehitpoint and click adventure games which well fits the purpose.Likeother elaborated touch-friendly games, this adventure questgivesplayers the full swing of tapping, swiping, climbing, jumpingandwhatever else you expect from a fun puzzle adventure game. Italsostands to reason that mobile version of Full Pipe features arangeof enhancements, including advanced step-by-step hintssystem.While smart puzzles will make you squeeze the best of yourlogicskills and encourages you to think outside the box,thissmart game walk through lets you enjoy the challenge andneverleaves you in dead end. So, if you long for top-notch pointandclick adventure games, don’t miss this comic adventurequest.Explore a crazy underground universe full of pipes, hatches,secretpassages and traps. Find and apply stuff, search for hidesand earnvarious achievements. Take advantage of the integrated FullPipewalkthrough in this new installment to one of the bestadventuregames.
The Mooseman 0.1.45
Welcome to the mysterious world of ancient myth, basedonfinno-ugricculture of bygone pagan times. Long-long time agotheworld wascreated out of an egg-shell by a god named Yen. Inthemurky depthsof the endless ocean the Lower World was born.TheMiddle World wasmade for the men to dwell, and the Upper Worldwaswere the ancientgods would reside. Multitudes of spiritsdwellamong the layers ofcreation, guarding their secrets in thedark.Embark on a journeythrough all the worlds of ancient myth,findartefacts of Chud'tribes and solve all the mysteriesoffinno-ugric tales. You are theMooseman and you have the abilitytosee all that is hidden to themortal eye. You are about tovisitthree layers of this universe -the first one is the LowerWorldwhere the spirits of the deadreside. * Explore the worldsinspiredby Perm animal style * Diveinto the deep atmosphere offolk Komimusic * Meet long forgottengods and spirits * Learn theancientmyths of finno-ugric tribes *Don't expect an easy journey,thereare riddles in the dark * Unlocknew abilities and use them togetto the Upper World * Find all theartefacts that are hiddenfromthe mortal eye
Chronology - Time changes... 1.92
Chronology is a puzzleplatformadventure starring The Inventor and The Snail. Try "Part I"with 3chapters for FREE.◆ "Best Casual Game of the Year" & "Best MobileGameof the Year" @ Game Connection Paris 2014◆ "When Braid and LIMBO had a pretty baby"(★★★★ Chronology, you manipulate the past and the future,inorder to fix the present. Play as the Old Inventor and hissidekickThe Snail, and take advantage of their special abilities -travelback and forth in time, stop time, manipulate objects andsolvepuzzles.◆ Time changes everything - Solve puzzles by travellingbackand forth in - or freezing - time.◆ Characters with heart and soul -Switchbetween two lovable characters with different abilities andcombinetheir strengths.◆ A mind-bending story line. As the story unfolds, learnhowthe main character has already played a central role in shapingthefuture of his world.◆ A magical, colorful, vibrant and living universe thatmixeselements from different times and cultures.◆ Amazingly animated characters, machines andcreatures,inspired by Hayao Miyazaki (Howls Moving Castle, MyNeighborTotoro).◆ Fully voice acted in EnglishFollow our social accounts to receive the latest news andupdatesregarding the magical adventure through time andspace:▶Facebook:▶Twitter:
Sol705 505
This is an old demo version, get the NEW FULL adventure at:🌞 for 🌞 Sol 705 on the Store Join this hilarious point andclickfree graphic adventure lead by a group of blockhead friendslookingto break out from school and spend all their free time attheir ownsecret paranormal research club: Sol705 ! This winter’sholiday isthe last chance to save hometown from total bore - doom!Escapefrom Father Carlito's school prison and be part of thismysteriousclub starving for clues to find the truth behind thisoutrageoustown conspiracy. Uncover UFO sighting cases and theinfamousrelationships among aliens and your fellow citizens ofLagunaTucana... But more important, help the boys to conquestthetoughest and exciting peril of them all: ¡flirting with thegirlsof the local soccer team and get a dreaming date! * Fullenglishversion performed by extra talented voice actors! *Psychedelic andprogressive pop rock classic soundtrack! * Anunmatched atmospherefull of rpg quests, hidden object andcompulsive thinking! * 2D HDCartoon style sprite graphics withamazing realistic hand madebackgrounds. * English, spanish, french,german, portuguese,russian and italian subtitles! * Super funnypuzzles and amazinghidden stuff to collect and use: old taperecorders, narco lepticyoyos, remastered vinyls, non toleratedliterature, x ray glasses,angry moles, time continuum chocolatecandy and much more! *Totally free, add free 1st episode in thesaga! * Join Meeno, Lena,Bobina, Gabriel, Alicia and Tony in thiswacky tale of vengeance,fellowship and crashing relationships!
Karma. Incarnation 1. 1.2
This multi-award winning, wonderfully weird,puzzle-filledindieadventure game explores a love story between twobeautifulsoulsthrough ingenious humour and a bizarre,hand-drawn,frame-by-frameanimation style. Our hero’s beloved hasbeen abductedby evilspirits, and the only way to reunite them is toreincarnatehimselfas a dragon to defeat Evil. But something hasgone wrong,and hissoul is reborn as a worm named Pip. Now Pip mustovercomethechallenges of a surreal world, solve mind bendingpuzzles, andsavehis love. Choosing between good and evil, Piplearns the lawsofKarma, and his choices define the outcome of thegame. NOTE:Afterplaying through the first few levels, players willbe promptedtounlock the rest of the content with a singlein-apppurchase.Features: • Play as Pip and explore a rich, bizarreworld.• UseAstral sight, a power that allows you to peek into theworldofspirits at any point of the game. • Learn Karma lawsthroughchoiceand action. Each evil deed spoils Pip’s karma andchangeshisappearance. Good deeds purify karma. Keycharactersresponddifferently to Pip’s karma, opening additionalstoryline.•Hand-drawn animations of the varied interactions of Pipwithhisstrange environment. The environment and other charactersofthequests are drawn individually for each situation. •Livemagicalaward winning music and sound by ZMEIRADUGA Awards:•AndroidExcellence Game of 2017 • Intel Level Up contest: BestArtDesign •Intel Level Up contest: Best Sound • Indie GameCup:BestStory-telling game • Indie Game Cup: Best Unity game•DevGAMM:Excellence in Audio • DevGAMM: Excellence in Game Design•IndiePrize: Most Promising game in development • Indie Prize:Bestinshow: critic's choice • NextCastle: Best game in show
Message Quest — the amazing adventures of Feste 0.1.7
Message Quest is a tiny stained-glass point-and-clickadventureaboutlaziness and its herald. The atmosphere and storywereinspired y awell-known Japanese animation studio. This isthestory of a lazyherald called Feste. You may know heralds, theguyswho show up atthe beginning of every story, looking for a herotodeliver that“call to adventure” thing to. You know, rightbeforethe interestingstuff starts to happen. That’s exactly ourFeste'sjob: find a hero,give them their call to adventure, and bedonewith it. No exploits,no saving the world. But all he wants todois sleep and eat candy.You must become his conscience and leadhimthrough the struggles andstrange encounters of the RoadBetweenWorlds. A cute fantasticjourney for one evening—the gamelastsabout an hour and a half, soyou’ll get the full story inonesession. The adventure will be funfor children and adultsalike.Message Quest is an RPG for anyone wholoves unusual talesoffantasy. Features: - Unusual stained-glassgraphics thatmakeeverything look like a fairy tale; - Charmingcharacterswithunpredictable reactions who share their stories; -Puzzleswithtraditional mechanics that allow you to fully enjoythestorywithout losing game immersion; "- Funny boss fights intrueJRPGstyle with zany attacks and bonuses; - A new dialoguesystemthatallows you to control multiple characters in aconversation;"-Jokes and easter eggs that will surprise you whenyou leastexpectit; - A magical soundtrack written especially forMessageQuestthat will immerse you in the bizarre fantasy universeof theRoadBetween Worlds.
The Curse of the Mushroom King 1.0.2
Bad Viking brings you his first adventure.Alegendary quest to lift a despicable curse; a quest so importantitwill lead you to question what you're doing with your life.Meetquirky characters with astonishingly witty names (likeColin),collect items, solve logical puzzles that are honestlytrying theirbest not to annoy you. A classic Point and Clickadventureawaits!
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a gameaboutdestruction, deception, and fatherhood. The playercontrolsOctodad, a dapper octopus masquerading as a human, as hegoes abouthis life. Octodad's existence is a constant struggle, ashe mustmaster mundane tasks with his unwieldy boneless tentacleswhilesimultaneously keeping his cephalopodan nature a secret fromhishuman family.REQUIREMENTSSamsung Galaxy S4 or higher is required for bestperformance,although game may run acceptably with older devices.1GB RAM orhigher required. Android TV devices require a gamepadtoplay.KEY FEATURES• Octodad’s wacky physics create hilarious moments thataredifferent every time. Be surprised by the randomness ofOctodad’sflailing or express your own sense of humor by makingOctodad dosilly things.• An all-new adventure that explores Octodad’s world,relationshipsand backstory.• Complete Octodad’s sartorial style by collecting and wearingavariety of hidden neckties.• Enjoy additional NVIDIA PhysX features through playing onNVIDIASHIELD as featured in SHIELD Hub.TROUBLESHOOTING• If you find your device is incompatible or need a refund forotherreasons, please feel free to contact [email protected].• Android Marshmallow requires explicit read/write access inorderto save and access additional game files.• Please ensure Google Play Games is up to date, which youcansearch for on the Google Play store.• Try restarting your device or reinstalling the app if youarehaving issues opening the game.• If the game does not reach the main menu, please tryreinstallingfrom the Play store. The game may not have finisheddownloading theentirety of the content.• Closing other applications could improve performanceandstability.
The Silent Age
Episode Two now available, the final chapterinthis award winning adventure.The Silent Age takes you on an adventurous journey into adystopianfuture where mankind has gone extinct!Travel through time between the iconic 70's and a desolatepresentday haunted by silence.The Silent Age is an atmospheric point-and-click adventure gamewithstylized visuals and an eerie soundtrack that will keep youinsuspense as you solve mind-bending puzzles.With an interface specifically designed for touch devices,you'llflow through the story without hiccups and frustrations. Sitback,plug in your headphones, and enjoy the adventure.BackgroundStory-------------------------------------------------It’s 1972. Love is free. Flipflops, English leather and bandanasarethe height of fashion. Meanwhile the Cold War is more thanlukewarmand a real one is going on overseas. Movements arehappening.Environmentalists, the female liberties movement, and onthe dancefloors an entirely different kind of movement isovertaking theunderground clubs. The winds of change are certainlyblowing overthe country.Somewhere in the big city, in a tall, faceless governmentbuildingsomeone left a window open. All the winds of change aredoing hereis blowing leaves all over Joe’s newly-swept floor. He’sbeen therefor two years now. Working a dead-end attendant jobmaking sure thebuilding is as spotless as the suits walking thehalls. It’s beenlike this for years, going from one soul-devouringjob to thenext.Our protagonist is Joe in more than just name. He is quiteliterallyJoe Average. Average height, average weight, average IQ.In fact,the only thing remotely remarkable about him is exactlyhow much heconforms to the median of the hypothetical everyman,and up untilthis point, Joe’s life hasn't exactly been biographymaterial.This is all about to change...Reviews -------------------------------------------------Metacritic score: 84*** "You may detect a strong Twelve Monkeys influence at work inthegame's storyline." -- Eurogamer*** "The Silent Age is an absolutely fantastic adventure thatfansof the genre should not miss" -- 148Apps*** "Beautiful and immersive graphics and soundtrack createanuncannily calm ambiance. Logical puzzles make sense in thecontextof the world" -- Gamezebo*** "Smart, mysterious and layered beneath a very welcome doseofotherworldly eeriness, The Silent Age will delight anyadventuregamer who feels that the genre's revival, welcome thoughit is, isjust a little too light-hearted in the 21st century"--Modojo*** "The Silent Age delivers a charming experience, packedwithstylish graphics and sound, simple touch controls and anintriguingstory" --*** "I especially recommend The Silent Age to fans ofsciencefiction, time travel, quirky writing, inner monologues andepicmustaches" -- Indie Love
Hilda Creatures 1.9.3
Join Hilda and her friends on their mission to discover,befriendandcollect all the weird and wonderful creatures ofTrolberg andthesurrounding Wilderness! The enchanting world ofHildaCreaturesawaits. Based on the hit comic series by LukePearson, andnow aNetflix Original Series, this is the start ofyour ownadventurealongside our blue-haired heroine. Place itemsand wait tosee whoshows up: will it be a tiny Elf, a fluffy Woffor maybe anenormousTroll?! Watch the creatures play with theitems, chat andpicnicwith them, then capture the moment with yourcamera! Meet themall,collect memories and new friends, and fill upyour FriendshipBook.Choose where you want to explore Just likeHilda, you canwanderthe Wilderness or take to the bustling city ofTrolberg. Eachishome to many interesting spots such as a waterfallor quainttownsquare. Visit one and try laying out some items -perhapsanirresistible snack, some pretty flowers, or a snazzyjazzrecord?Assemble an inventory of interesting things Is yourbackpackempty?The Wood Man is always there to trade with… Don’tworry,he’sgrumpy and indifferent with everyone. The Wood Manacceptstheacorns you’ve collected as payment for all kindsofknick-knacks.Entice all manner of creatures with temptingtreatsUse carefullyselected combinations of items to attractWoffs,Trolls, and otherpeculiar creatures. They might even pop bywhenyou’re not aroundand leave a present - how thoughtful! If youcatchsomeone whilethey’re visiting, you can get to know them betterovera chat orsome food - if they’re cute and fluffy maybe all theywantis alittle pat on the head. Document your memories inyourFriendshipBook Bad-tempered and destructive, or sweet-naturedandcalm?You’ll encounter all sorts! But most importantly, see ifyoucancatch them in a funny pose for your photocollection.HighlightsTwo maps, the Wilderness and Trolberg, with 10idylliclocations toexplore Place items to attract creatures whileyou playor whileyou’re away Cute characters from the comics andNetflixOriginalSeries - with new faces too! Tap to talk, pet, andpicnicwithcreatures Collect all the creatures and add them toyourFriendshipBook Increase your friendship by meetingcreaturesseveral timesHelp keep the natural world blooming bygrowing yourown plantsDaily missions, Weekly missions, and otherAchievementsmean you’realways expanding your Sparrow Scout badgecollection!Good grief,there’s so much to do… But such is the lifeof anadventurer! You’dbetter get going if you’re going to be homebeforethe troll rockscome to life…. Experience Hilda the seriesonNetflix now! Discover the comics and booksathildabooks.comHi, we’re BIGUMAKU. We combine leading-edge artwithinnovativegameplay to create games for kid in This is a free todownload game withoptional in-apppurchases. HILDA is a NetflixOriginal Series.HILDA™ ©2018 HildaProductions Limited, a SilvergateMedia CompanyThe Hilda comicbooks are © Nobrow Ltd. and LukePearson. Hildacomics arepublished by Flying Eye Books, an imprintof Nobrow Ltd.
Apothecarium: The Renaissance of Evil 1.0.15
Walk the Renaissance Italy in a thrilling mystery game asyouexplorethe secret city of alchemists. Solve puzzle mini-gamesandfind cluesin hidden object scenes. When a mysteriousplaguespreads across thecountry, the rumours of a miraculous cureflyfrom mouth to mouth.Apothecarium has gathered the brightestmindsof the Renaissance,most renowned artists and scientists.That’swhy Duke Medici, Masterof Florence, sent his family therewhen theepidemic broke out… for aperil worse than the disease.Tasked toinvestigate theirdisappearance, you are now to explorethe hiddencity of alchemistswith its dangerous mysteries. Featuresof thisengrossing HOG ➤ PLAYFREE AND UNLOCK FULL GAME VERSION FROMWITHINTHE APP ➤ Enthrallinghidden object adventure in theRenaissancesetting ➤ 20+ mini gamesof puzzle and skill type ➤Collectiblecoins to purchase upgrades ➤Hidden object locationswith morphingitems and zoom scenes ➤Replayable puzzles and HOS ➤AlternativeMatch 3 puzzles ➤ Immersivecutscenes and professionalvoiceovers ➤Integrated step-by-stepstrategy guide ➤ Bonus quest tounlock inwhen you complete the ghosttown adventure Journey back intime androam the deserted streetsfinding items to help you proceedwiththe investigation. Livethrough a detective story and unmaskthevillain who will stop atnothing to retrieve an elixirofimmortality. As you complete hiddenobject puzzles, you mayreceiveup to 3 coins to be spent for variousupgrades in the Shop.Also,every location contains hiddencollectibles which add coins toyourpurse. If you are not fond ofseek-and-find, you may switch tothealternative Match 3 gameplayanytime. This HOPA game also bragsavariety of brain-teasers tocompliment the adventure. Thesearetile-matching and jigsaw puzzles,a host of classic boardgames(e.g. hashi or tangrams), and arcademinigames like mazesolving.It’s an option to earn additionalbonuses for solvingslidingpuzzles and other brain-teasers. Byshowing your wits andskills,you may win up to 20 trophies.Otherwise, if you need aprompt, abuild-in walkthrough is there tohelp you. So, wait nomore anddelve into a haunted historicalmystery full ofintrigue!Questions? Contact our tech [email protected]
Man-Eating Plant VIP 1.0.47
#Update 1. Summon the special prey of other worldswithsummoningmagic. 2. The ending has been added. 3. Added coingivingbuttonthat if you watch ads. 4. Some game data edited. ◆ Thisisthe VIPversion of the Man-Eating Plant. ◆ VIP benefits 1.10000coins 2.30 Dark Stones 3. 10 Video Ads skip coupons 4.FreePet(Developer)◆ Video ads still play at the user's option. Bethemaster of thedungeon and feed the warriors sneaking in to stealtheprecioustreasures to the monster plant! (It is far from yourusualbugeating plant ;) Information: We dare say that the musiconthisgame is a piece of art in this game so make sure tohaveearphoneson while playing. # Prologue The player's character isthemasterof a dungeon in a far-flung corner of nowhere. For himhavingtofend off the warriors who keep coming over to thieveitemsandtreasures is a real pain. One day, he gets himself alittleplantin order to help him relax. However, as the plant growsourguystarts to get the feeling that he got more than whathebargainedfor. # Features 1. Cute graphics - pixel graphicscomposedpixel bypixel 100% manually. 2. Satisfying scream sound -There isa uniquescream (?) for individual feed. 3. Different kindsof feed- Thereare about 30 different kinds of prey, so havefundiscovering themone by one. 4. The next stage of the evolutionofplant - As theplant grows, various body parts (?) evolvewhichmight give yousomething to chuckle about. 5. The pets fromtheother dimension-pets that have sold their souls (?) in theotherworld will collectcoins for you. # How to play 1. Water thepot andlet it sprout. 2.Once it grows a head, I try to feed it aslime. 3.After eating,the plant spits out the treasure the preypossessed.4. Gather thethings you spit out and feed them better. 5.Keepfeeding the plantand watch it evolve. # Precautions beforedeletingthe game Pleasenote that when the game is deleted from thedevice,saved data isalso deleted. Please utilize the cloud saveloadfeature in thesetup menu when changing your device. Paymentdetailscan berestored for non-consumptive products (pet, addremoval etc)butnot for consumptive products (coins, dark stone, adskip,etc.).Please use the " Restore Purchase History " functioninthesettings menu. # Why does it ask for access to a photo album?Itisto ask for permission to save the capture screen. It isnotusedfor any other purpose.▶PrivacyPolicy◀