Top 1 Apps Similar to Eurofighter's Photo Album Lite

Eurofighter's Photo Album 1.0.1
Stanley Kuo
Eurofighter's Photo Album is aslideshowapplication for Android. It retrieves photos about thejetfighter,Eurofighter, from Flickr and then shows the photosonscreen.In order to use this application, the internet connectionhastobe turned on. It supports the features as follows :1. It uses your internet connection to retrieve thephotosfromFlickr, it will show a warning message if theinternetconnectionis not available.2. It does not require a user account to login.3. It supports the action bar. The followings areitsoptionactions :. Properties. It is tapped to show the properties of thephotothatis shown now.. Home. It is tapped to go to the first photo.. End. It is tapped to go to the last photo.. Goto. It is tapped to go to the specified photo. User hastoenterthe page index.. Play. Start the slide show. When all the retrieved photoshavebeenshown, it will retrieve another set of photos.. Pause. Stop the slide show. It allows users to navigatethephotosby press the Left(<) and Right(>) buttononscreen.. SetAsWallpaper. Tapped to set the current photo as thewallpaperofhome screem.. WikiPage. Tapped to access the wiki page of Eurofighter. Itisanintroduction to Eurofighter in Wikipedia.. Reference page. Tapped to access the flickr web pageforthecurrent page.. Settings. Tapped to access the settings page for the app.3. The time interval between two consecutivephotosisconfigurable.4. User can specify the order of photos to show. Therearetwoorders : sequential order and random order.5. It supports rotation and scaling. All are configurable.6. Supports the following transition effects :. Shuffle. Fade-in, fade-out. Horizontal transition. Vertical transition. Diagonal transition. Slide transition. Scale transition. Strip transitionIt is configurable by user.7. It will keep the screen always on when it is on theslideshowview.8. When the photo is set as the wallpaper on the homescreen,amessage will be shown. It can be disabled by user.9. It retrieves the photos in a separate task, so there willbenonegative impact on user's operations.This application does not gather any information about theuser.Nopersonal identifiable information is collected orstored.Images are copyright to their respective owners. Flickrisatrademark of Yahoo, Inc.