Top 2 Apps Similar to Maluma Cuatro Babys

Cartel De Santa Songs 2016 1.0
((Cartel de Santa is a Mexican bandfromthe"barrio de la Aurora", Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico.Thebandstarted playing in 1998 as part of the AvanzadaRegiamusicalmovement and is currently composed of Eduardo DavalosdeLuna, alsoknown as MC Babo (lead vocals), Rowan Rabia(beatmaker)and DJAgustín (only in live shows). They have beenreferred to asone ofthe most notable Mexican hip-hop artists.Cartel de Santastartedplaying in 1996, when MC Babo and somefriends began bysingingimprovised rap songs. The group becamefamous in 2003, whentheband released its first self-titled album.The album includeshitssuch as "Perros", "Todas mueren por mi" and"La pelotona".Thealbum was produced by Jason Roberts who hadpreviously workedwithartists such as Cypress Hill, Ice Cube, Houseof Pain, GunsN'Roses, Control Machete, and Plastilina Mosh. Thiscontributedtothe fame of the band. That same year, the groupreleased avideoclip of the song "Perros". This video was broadcastacrossLatinAmerica on MTV. A year later, in 2004, a new albumwasreleased,Cartel de Santa, Vol. 2, which included hits as"Blah,blah, blah","La llamada" and "El arte del engaño". Cartel deSantaVol. 2counted with the collaboration of other artists, suchasTegoCalderón, in "Conexión Puerto Rico", and Mr. Pomel,in"CrónicaBabilonia". In 2007, Cartel de Santa recorded itsthirdalbum,named Cartel de Santa, Volumen Prohibido. It includedthesingles"Cheka Wey" featuring female hip-hop artist Mery Dee. Afewmonthsafter the album release, the lead vocalist, Babo,wasarrested forthe killing of a fellow band member. Duringaconfrontation withJuan Miguel Chávez, an old rival, on thestreet,Babo shot awarning shot, which instead hit former bandmemberUlises. EduardoDávalos, Babo, turned himself in to theMinisterialPolice of NuevoLeon state. He later wrote a song aboutthe incidentwhile inprison in which he expresses his regret overthe killing ofUlises.The band released a compilation album, Cartelde Santa,GreatestHits, aimed at raising funds to be used to set thevocalistfree.MC Babo was liberated from prison nine months later,with helpofSony Music, after the group paid about 130,000 pesos asbail.InFebruary 2008, the band released its fourth album, CarteldeSanta,Vol IV. Some of the songs recount Babo's memories duringthemonthshe was in prison. The album was meant as a message tofansthat "elCartel" would keep making music. The first single ofthisalbum was"Hay mamita" which also has a music videoclip. InMarch2010, Baboannounced on the band's Myspace the release ofanotheralbum. Thefifth album was released in May 2010 with the name"Vol.V:Sincopa". Like their last work, Volume V showed a bettersoundandbeats quality. Cartel de Santa was nominated for theLatinGrammysas a result of their new release. In June 2013,Cartelrelease hisnew single: Me Alegro de su Odio.))It is the application of Lyrics and Music.You can download it for free, this application is very easytouseand small apk capacity. Can be played on a cell phoneandyourfavorite tablet.Have a nice day.Enjoy ...Es la aplicación de Letras y Música.Se puede descargar de forma gratuita, esta aplicación es muyfácildeusar y pequeña capacidad de apk. Se puede jugar enunteléfonocelular y su tableta favorita.Que tengas un buen día.Disfruta ...
Letra Camila 2016 1.0
((Camila is a Mexican pop rock groupformedin2005. Founded by the award-winning composer, singerandproducerMario Domm (Coahuila, Mexico), Camila made itsofficialdebut in2005 when Domm signed his first record contractwith SonyMusic,together with his friends and colleagues guitaristPabloHurtado(San Luis Potosí) and Veracruz native Samo. Camila madeTodoCambió(2006) and Dejarte de amar (2010), which gained themsuccessinLatin America.Songs like “Abrázame,” “Coleccionista de canciones,”“Todocambió,”“Mientes,” “Aléjate de mí” and “Bésame,” have gainedthemthreeLatin Grammy Awards, three Billboard Awards, DiamondandPlatinumcertifications, and more than two millionalbumssoldworldwide.Additionally, they have performed in major venues, such asNewYork’sand Los Angeles’ NOKIA, El Coliseo in Puerto Rico,inBarquisimeto,Venezuela (a concert with a hundred thousandpeoplein attendance),el Gran Rex de Buenos Aires, Argentina andViña delMar, Chile, andMexico. The band has also worked withinternationalstars, such asColbie Caillat, Kenny G, AlejandroSanz, AlejandraGuzman, Reyli,Chambao, Aleks Syntek, and WanessaCamargo.In 2014, Camila launches a third studio album, Elypse. It willbethefirst album released as a duo since Samo left thegroup.“Decidistedejarme,” is the leading single for thealbum.))It is the application of Lyrics and Music.You can download it for free, this application is very easytouseand small apk capacity. Can be played on a cell phoneandyourfavorite tablet.Have a nice day.Enjoy ...Es la aplicación de Letras y Música.Se puede descargar de forma gratuita, esta aplicación es muyfácildeusar y pequeña capacidad de apk. Se puede jugar enunteléfonocelular y su tableta favorita.Que tengas un buen día.Disfruta ...