Top 6 Games Similar to Typing Mania

스마트 타자연습 2.8
빠르고 정확한 타자 연습 게임화면에서 광고를 제거했습니다! 게임의 난이도를 상향했습니다! 대한민국 방방곡곡~~게임센터가추가되었습니다.!
빠른손 타자연습 1.03
스마트폰 타자에 익숙하지않으신분들을 위해 타자연습 하기를 준비하였습니다.KT에코노베이션 스마트스쿨<5조> 4번타자Others are notfamiliarwith smartphone-Show for those who have been preparing for batting practice.Eco-Smart School KT Novation<5000000000000> 4 hitter
制服物語~第4話~ 『遭難ふたりぼっち』 1.0
The fourth episode of "The Uniform Story", a typing game aboutlovestories.
Logo Quiz Ultimate
★★★Logo Quiz Ultimate! A brand new LogoQuizGame with thousands of logos classified in 24 categories foryou toenjoy the logo quiz fun!★★★Merry Christmas!Playing is pretty simple: In first 19 levels, there's noconditionsso that you can go ground in these levels and guesslogos. If youwant to go further, you will have to guess a certainnumber oflogos to unlock the new categories and new levels.How to guess the logo: Just walk through the logos in levels,takeone logo and you're shown a series of scrambled letters, outofwhich you have to make a word that you associate withthelogo.Play Logo Quiz Ultimate, you will get: instant fun,accuratelyclassified in categories, clear and beatiful UI in thislogo quizgame!We now present you the new puzzle adventure - Logo QuizUltimate!Download the top trending game on the market for free andbegin theicon mania right now!
聖魔伝説 ~TYPING FANTASY~【体験版】 1.2
本アプリは、『聖魔伝説~TYPING FANTASY~』の無料体験版アプリです。シュートダウン(防御力UP)時のキーボードの不具合を改善いたしました。=================物語のあらすじ=================主人公はひとりの若き騎士―。近衛隊に新兵として叙任された直後のこと。王位継承をめぐる大規模な反乱がおこり、王国軍は奇襲を受ける。戦いにより傷つき、意識を失った彼は、森の奥へと逃がされたが…反乱軍によって王城は落ち、王国軍・近衛隊ともに壊滅。国王と第2王女ロッタは囚われの身となってしまった。王権を奪った反乱軍はすぐさま恐怖政治を開始。国民たちは搾取に疲れ、国王とロッタの復権を心から望んでいた。王国奪還のための唯一の希望となった若き騎士は、深手を負った王国最強の騎士・ニネットと共に、王国の奪還を誓う。そして、反乱軍に対抗する力を手に入れるべく、王国に伝わる『聖魔の宝玉』を探しはじめた。=================アプリ概要=================タイピングゲームで経験値を得ることで、主人公が強くなっていきます。戦闘中にもタイピングが必要となるため『打鍵速度』が攻略のポイントになります。ユーザ様がご自身で設定しているキーボード(端末既存のもの、ATOK、OpneWnn、Simeji等)を使って、タイピングゲームを楽しむことができます。アンドロイドの文字入力に不慣れな方も、すでにフリック入力に自信のある方も、ぜひお試しください!=================別売りアイテムについて=================戦闘中のタイピング難度を下げるアイテム『聖騎士のアミュレット』『勇者の紋章』を、GooglePlayで登録しております。ご利用方法につきましては、それぞれの詳細ページをご確認ください。(※それぞれ有料となっております)This application is afreetrial version of the application "Kiyoshima legend ~ TYPINGFANTASY~".We improve the problem of keyboard shoot down of (DefenseUP)time.=================Plot of the story=================The young knight hero of one -.That immediately after being ordained as a recruit in Guards.Full-scale insurrection over the throne occurs, Royal Army receiveasurprise.He is vulnerable to fight, lost consciousness, but wasrelievedthe rest of the way into the forest ...Ojo fell by rebels, devastating both the RoyalArmy-Guards.Second princess Lotta and the King became a captive.Rebels took the kingship to start the reign ofterrorimmediately.Tired to exploitation, people who wanted sincerelyreinstatementof the king and Lotta.Young knight was the only hope for the kingdomtorecapture,Along with the knight of the kingdom, Ninette strongest sufferedagrievous wound, I swear the recapture of the kingdom.And, in order to get the power to counter the rebels,I started looking for the "jewel of the Holy Demon" transmittedtothe kingdom.=================Apps Overview=================By using gain experience in typing game, the main characterwillbecome stronger."Keying speed" to make a point of capture for typing isalsorequired in combat.You can use (of the existing terminal, ATOK, Opne Wnn, Simeji,etc.)like keyboard user has set on your own, and enjoy thetypinggame.Some people are not familiar with the character input ofAndroid,and the one with the confidence to flick input already,please tryit!=================For items sold separately=================I am Sign up for Google Play, items to lower the difficultyoftyping in combat "amulet of Holy Knights" and "coat of arms ofthebrave".With regard to the Terms of Use, please check the details ofeachpage.(It becomes a fee ※, respectively)
가로세로 낱말맞추기 1.5.0
가로세로 낱말 맞추기! 1000만 다운로드 돌파!광활한 스테이지 !! 무한 퀴즈의 즐거움에 빠져보세요 !!(매일 매일 새로운 문제가 1개씩 추가 됩니다.)** 각 스테이지별 1위 기록은 매달 1일 리셋됩니다 : )** 다양한 업데이트를 준비하고 있습니다. 더욱 재미있는 가로세로 낱말맞추기가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.많은사랑 부탁 드립니다. ^^ **- 누구나 즐길 수 있는 쉽고 간편한 퍼즐!- 200개 이상의 다영한 스테이지 (매일 1문제씩 추가)- 스테이지별로 클리어 시간을 통한 기록 경쟁!(1등 유저의 이름이 스테이지에 표시됩니다.)* 본 게임 상점에는 부분 유료화 서비스가 포함되어 있으며,  부분유료화 아이템을 구입할 경우 유료과금이 발생합니다.  (구매 후 청약 철회 불가)----개발자 연락처 :경기도 성남시 분당구 운중동 109-10 2층 202호 블루윈드Aspectcrosswords!Surpassed 10 million downloads!Open stage! Immerse yourself in endless fun quiz!(Every day new issues are added one by one.)# 1 written by ** for each stage will be reset on the 1st ofthemonth:)Various updates are ready **. Crosswords more interestingaspecthope to be. I ask a lot of love. ^ ^ **- Everyone can enjoy the easy, simple puzzles!- More than 200 Dayoung one stage (one issue eachadditionalday)- Clear the stage by competition through time records!   (1 user's name as appears on the stage.)* This game shop service includes a partial charge,If you buy an item pay part of the billing charge will occur.(Cancellation of contract is impossible after purchase)