Top 33 Apps Similar to Oi Ligou

Minha Oi - Conta, 2ª Via de Fa 5.8.4
Has access to the 2nd copy of account recharging,internetconsumption and more.
Oi WiFi 5.0.1
Oi WiFi is the wireless internet service from Oi
Oi Recarga
Write a recharge safely at any time and wherever you are!
Oi 9º Dígito 1.5.0
*Informamos que o Serviço Oi 9º Dígitoserádescontinuado a partir do dia 31/03/2017, sem previsãoderetorno.Agradecemos pela compreensão.Descrição:Ficou muito mais rápido e fácil atualizar a sua agenda! Comoaplicativo gratuito Oi 9º Dígito você formata seus contatosparaefetuar ligações quando estiver viajando para fora de suacidade oufora do Brasil, organiza sua agenda e insere o nono digitoem todosos contatos das regiões que adotaram este novo formatodenumeração.Você ainda pode padronizar os números da sua agenda com o códigodelonga distância da Oi.A Oi completa você.Até 2016, todos os números de celular do Brasil, exceto Rádios,irãoganhar o nono dígito. Essa mudança está sendo feita deformagradual, conforme cronograma determinado pela Anatel.Os contatos gravados no Sim Card não são atualizáveis poresteaplicativo. Caso queira atualizar, recomendamos que importeoscontatos armazenados no Chip para a memória do seu aparelhoantesde atualizar os contatos.Para sua maior segurança recomendamos que faça um backup dasuaagenda antes de efetuar as alterações.É necessário estar conectado à Internet quando utilizar oaplicativopara que a atualização do arquivo de regras do 9º dígitosejarealizada a cada vez que uma nova região receber o nonodígito. Odownload do arquivo de regras (aproximadamente 7kB) e éisento decobrança de tráfego na rede de dados celular da Oi.Novidades:Agora o usuário poderá programar a inclusão do +55 nos contatosdaagenda para efetuar chamadas quando estiver em viagem noexterior.Para isso basta indicar nas configurações do próprioaplicativo adata provável de fim da viagem. Nesta data o aplicativoirá emitiruma notificação lembrando o usuário de voltar a agenda decontatosao padrão original, sem o +55.A tela de configurações iniciais (tela de configuração queapareceapós a instalação do aplicativo) agora identifica o DDD deorigemdo cliente automaticamente.Possibilidade do usuário escolher qual será o DDD que oaplicativoirá acrescentar nos contatos da agenda que estão salvossem o DDD.Por exemplo, uma pessoa do Rio de Janeiro (DDD 21), quemoratemporariamente em outra região, São Paulo, poderá optarporincluir DDD 11 nos telefones de sua agenda que estão semoDDD.* Please be advisedthatthe Service Hi 9 digit will be discontinued from theday03.31.2017, no return forecast.Thank you for understanding.Description:It was much faster and easier to update your schedule! With thefreeapp Hi 9 Digit you format your contacts to make calls when youaretraveling out of your city or outside Brazil, organizes hisscheduleand enters the ninth digit in all contacts of the regionsthat haveadopted this new numbering format.You can also standardize the numbers of your schedule withthelong-distance code Hi.The Hi complete you.By 2016, all mobile numbers in Brazil, except radios will wintheninth digit. This change is being made gradually, asdeterminedschedule by Anatel.The contacts saved in the Sim Card are not updatable bythisapplication. If you want to upgrade, we recommend that youimportthe contacts stored on the chip to the memory of your devicebeforeupdating contacts.For your safety we recommend that you make a backup of yourschedulebefore making the changes.It must be connected to the Internet when using the applicationforthe update of the 9th digit rules file is performed every timeanew area receive the ninth digit. Downloading rulesfile(approximately 7kB) and is free of charge traffic in cellulardatanetwork Hi.News:Now the user can program the inclusion of the 55 phone bookentriesto place calls when traveling abroad. For this please selecttheproper application settings the probable end of the trip. Onthatdate the application will issue a notification reminding theuserto return the address book to the original standardwithout+55.The screen initial settings (configuration screen that appearsafterinstalling the application) now identifies the client sourceDDDautomatically.User chance to choose what the DDD that the application will addthephonebook entries that are saved without the DDD. For example,oneof Rio de Janeiro (area code 21), who lives temporarily inanotherregion, São Paulo, you can choose to include DDD phones in11 of itsagenda that are without the DDD.
Simples Controle Remoto Oi TV 5.6.2
Remote control compatible with OiTV / ELSYS / Light /Vivo.Universal control
Técnico Virtual – Suporte Técn 2.9.0
With the Téc. Virtual, solve problems of Hi Fiber, Broadband, TVorFixed.
Consulta Operadora 2.6.1
Consulta Operadora descobre qual a operadora dos telefonesdoBrasil, não importando se eles sejam eles da Vivo, Claro, Oi,Tim,Nextel ou de qualquer outra operadora de telefonia fixa, móvelourádio. Com ele é possível realizar buscas em sua lista decontatos,chamadas recentes ou também de números não cadastrados emseudispositivo.** ECONOMIZE NAS LIGAÇÕES **O Consulta Operadora não possui limite de consultas diárias,assimvocê descobre a operadora de seus contatos a qualquer momentoeeconomiza em ligações e sms utilizando seus bônus.** PORTABILIDADE **Fique por dentro das mudanças de operadora de seus contatos! Abasede telefones do Consulta Operadora está sempre atualizada comasportabilidades mais recentes, e o melhor de tudo é que vocênãoprecisa atualizar o app para receber essas alterações.** 9º DÍGITO **Com a chegada do nono dígito em alguns estados brasileiros, àsvezesfica difícil saber quando é preciso acrescentar o número 9nostelefones, principalmente em ligações para outros DDDs. Com abuscainteligente do Consulta Operadora, o nono dígito é inseridoouremovido automaticamente quando necessário, evitando que vocêtenhade se preocupar com esse pequeno detalhe.Você também pode consultar diretamente através do site!http://www.consultaoperadora.comQueryOperator discovers that the operator of Brazil's phones,whetherthey be they Vivo, Claro, Hi, Tim, Nextel or any otherfixed-lineoperator, mobile or radio. With it you can performsearches on yourcontact list, recent calls or also unregisterednumbers on yourdevice.** SAVE THE LINKS **   The Query Operator does not have limit ofdailyqueries, so you find the operator of your contacts at any timeandsaves on calls and sms using your bonus.** ** PORTABILITY   Stay on top of changes operator of yourcontacts!The base Query Operator phones are always updated with thelatestportability, and best of all is that you do not need toupdate theapp to receive those changes.** 9 DIGIT **   With the arrival of the ninth digit insomeBrazilian states, it is sometimes difficult to know when youneedto add the number 9 on the phones, especially on calls tootherarea codes. With the intelligent search query operator, theninthdigit is inserted or removed automatically when needed, savingyouhaving to worry about that little detail.You can also refer directly through the site!
Oi!-SOCIO Framework 1.0.1
Oi! has been updated! Latest version is "Oi!"
OI Safe 1.4.6
Store your private data with OI Safe.
Oi Mais Empresas 1.7.9
With the App Hi More Companies you request serviceanytime,anywhere.
OI File Manager 2.3.1
Manage files on the SD card with OI File Manager.
Meus Créditos: Saldo e Recarga 2.0
Precisa recarregar seu aparelho ouconsultarseus créditos mas não confia em serviços de terceiros?O aplicativo Meus Créditos faz justamente isso, trás até vocêosprincipais serviços de sua operadora ao toque de um botão.Vocênunca mais vai precisar lembrar daqueles códigos chatos como*222#,*544. etc.Com este aplicativo você pode: Consultar Saldo, FazerRecarga,Consultar Promoções e Atendimento.Operadoras Suportadas:Claro, Vivo, Tim e Oi*Compatível com planos de créditos pré-pagosTodas as Funções:- Recarga Claro- Recarga Vivo- Recarga Tim- Recarga Oi- Saldo Claro- Saldo Vivo- Saldo Tim- Saldo Oi- Promoções Claro- Promoções Vivo- Promoções Tim- Promoções Oi- Atendimento Claro- Atendimento Vivo- Atendimento Tim- Atendimento OiE ai, tá esperando o quê para consultar seu saldo e fazerumarecarga com toda a segurança de uma transação direto comsuaoperadora?Instale Agora!Need to rechargeyourdevice or consult your credits but does not rely onthird-partyservices?The application My credits does just that, back to you themainservices of your service at the touch of a button. You'llneverneed to remember those boring codes like * 222 #, * 544.etc.With this app you can: Check Balance, Make Refill, SeeDeals& Service.Supported operators: Claro, Vivo, Tim and Hi* Compatible with prepaid airtime plansAll functions:- Recharge course- Live Recharge- Refill Tim- Recharge Hi- Balance course- Live Balance- Balance Tim- Balance Hi- Promotions course- Live Promotions- Tim Promotions- Hi Promotions- Service course- Call Live- Tim Service- Hi ServiceAnd then, what's waiting to see your balance and make arechargewith all the security of a direct transaction withyourcarrier?Install Now!
Oi Cloud 1.0.0
The Hi Cloud is a storage service and synchronizing files
NET e Claro
O NET CLARO WIFI é a um gerenciador de redes que te ajuda aseconectar gratuitamente a milhares pontos da rede#NET-CLARO-WIFIpresentes em ruas, estabelecimentos comerciais eaeroportos dasprincipais cidades do país. A rede está disponívelpara qualquerpessoa, independente que seja cliente Claro ou NET.Quem podeacessar à rede #NET-CLARO-WIFI: - Clientes NET com umplano de NETVirtua acima de 5 MEGA; - Clientes com pacote ComboMulti, complano de NET Virtua de qualquer velocidade; - ClientesClaro complano Pós Pago ou produto Internet Casa. - Qualquerusuário que nãoesteja nas condições acima após assistir um vídeopublicitário parater seu acesso liberado. Veja como é fácilutilizar: 
1. Baixe,instale e abra o app. 
2. Utilize seu login NETou Claro ou conecteatravés do Facebook Pronto! Agora você já podeencontrar um pontode acesso #NET-CLARO-WIFI e navegar! Após oprimeiro acesso, app tenotifica ao entrar em área com cobertura#NET-CLARO-WIFI eautentica automaticamente, garantindo que você seconecte a redesempre que estiver em um ponto de acesso. Você podetambémpesquisar no mapa outros pontos da rede #NET-CLARO-WIFIpróximos,ou pesquisar por uma localidade específica de seuinteresse. Paramais informações sobre o serviço e suas regras deuso, acesse aopção de “Dúvidas Frequentes” do aplicativo.
Free Internet Australia 7.8
Genidox Apps
In this app I will show you in many ways howtoget free internet android connection. All the methods we offerareworking now, not for all countries, but for most of them areworkingwith 3g speed.Why you should install our App:1- We will reveal unique and 100% 2015 working methods tohavefree internet Access with 3g network.2- Our App It is free, you have nothing to lose.3- Our methods are legal and you do not need to be root or payapenny.4- The application is very easy and simple to use.5- We will teach you how to get free internet connection anywherenoservice6- We will reveal how to get free internet connection withoutmobiledata or wifi.7- We will guide you step by step to learn how to get freewificonnection in your mobile8- We will send you weekly notifications to your mobile to keepyouupdated about tips and tutorials about different methods togetfree internet and free wifi.Once you have your free internet connection 3g or 4g networkyouwill have the same capabilities as any other user who havepaidinternet connection service, once you get free internet youwillhave Access to many options as free international calls,freeinternational texting or even free internet radio onlybyinstalling other apps that provide any of those services, anditwill have not different with any paid internetconnectionservice.Advantages:- We will teach you how to get free wifi hotspots- We will talk to you about an free wifi calling app withunlimitedminutes- We will show you how to install free wifi apps- We will talk to you about an app that will give you access tofreewifi calling and texting unlimitedHow to get free internet is a question we always asktoourselves, with our app you have found the answer to yourquestion,we will teach you how to get access to:Apps we work with to get unlimited internet connectionthroughfree VPN servers:FinchVPN - Free & Premium VPNYour Freedom VPN clientPSIPHON secure tunnelOpenVPN ConnectTunk.ko InstallerGlobus Vpn Pro or VPN+TOR Globus Pro!EasyOvpn - Plugin for OpenVPNProxyDroid LiteElement53Unlimited Free VPN - betternetVpn One ClickTUN.ko InstallerVPN in TouchTroidVPN - Android VPNDroidVPN - Android VPN*ATTENTION: In this APP we only offer tutorials about how togetfree internet, and free wifi, nothing else, please be aware ofthisbefore installing our application in your mobile.Countries where this app works:AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBangladeshBelgiumBelizeBoliviaBrazilBulgariaBurkina FasoBurmaBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaChileChinaColombiaCosta RicaCroatiaDominicaEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorFranceGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGreeceGrenadaGuatemalaGuineaGuyanaHaitiHoly SeeHondurasHong KongIndiaIndonesiaIranIraqIrelandIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLaosLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaMacauMaliMauritiusMexicoNigerNigeriaPakistanPanamaNew GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalRomaniaRussiaSerbiaSomaliaSpainSyriaTaiwanTajikistanTanzaniaThailandTurkeyUnited KingdomUSAUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuelaVietnamMore...
Oi Proteção Sync 2.4.16
Oi Segurança
Your life easier: save online photos and release the phone memory!
OI Flashlight
OI Flashlight is a simple andeffectiveapplication that helps you find a way in the dark. OIFlashlightlocks the display backlight on, clearly illuminatingthesurrounding area. For devices with a camera flash, OIFlashlightcan also use the flash as a bright torch to brighten theroom. Thecolor of the backlight is completely customizable with OIColorPicker.This application is ad free and does not require theinternetpermission.The source code of this free and open source applicationisavailable at: the complete list of changes and a list of frequentlyaskedquestions, please visit:http://www.openintents.orgYou can help to improve the translation into your languageatLaunchpad:* Lock the display backlight on.* Lock camera flash on.* The color of backlight is customizable.International versions:Lanternă OI, OI El feneri, OI Flashlight, OI Latarka, OI Luche,OITaschenlampe, OI Torcia, OI Zaklamp, OI Фенерче, OI قول چىراغ,OIटॉर्च, OI 전등, OI手电筒, פנס OI
WiFi Password Map Instabridge 22.2024.01.23.0815
Secure WiFi Internet: Hotspot, Passwords, Data SavingBrowser,Offline Map, VPN
Me diga a operadora 2.3.2
(( BETA ))O Me Diga a Operadora efetua a consulta da operadora dequalquernúmero fixo ou celular no território brasileiro. A consultatambémé válida para os números que fizeram portabilidade.Suporte ao nono dígito.Suporte a números de rádios e satélites (Nextel, GlobalStar)Novas operadoras: Porto Conecta, LocaWeb TelecomPor favor, nos comunique em caso de dúvidas ou problemas.((BETA))The Me Tell Operator performs the query operator from any fixedormobile number in Brazil. The consultation is also valid forthenumbers that made portability.Support the ninth digit.Support radio and satellite numbers (Nextel, Globalstar)New operators: Port Connects, LocaWeb TelecomPlease notify us if you have questions or problems.
Oi Segurança 1.01
Oi Segurança
O Oi Segurança é um pacote completo deproteçãoonline, que oferece inovadores aplicativos para você e suafamíliausarem a internet com tranquilidade, segurança e confiança.Vocêfica livre de vírus, pode fazer compras online sempreocupações,proteger os conteúdos acessados pelos filhos e aindaguardar nomesmo lugar todos os seus arquivos maisimportantes.The Hi Security isacomplete package of online protection that providesinnovativeapplications for you and your family use the Internetwithconfidence, security and trust. You are free of viruses, canshoponline with confidence, protect the content accessed bychildrenand still keep in the same place all your importantfiles.
Voice Search: Fast assistant
Need fast search engine or speech to text app? Try voiceassistant& recognition
Mobile Number Locator 7.9.10
Find phone numbers with ease. Block spam calls &Identifyunknown callers today!
Recarga Certa
Recarga Certa
Recarregue seu celular aonde estivercomfacilidade, agilidade e segurança usando o seu cartãodecrédito.Além disso, você pode adicionar recarga nos chips de celularesetablets de seus familiares, amigos e funcionários.Oferecemos também a opção de recarga agendada. Com ela, vocêpodeagendar uma recarga automática todos os meses e mudarasconfigurações do agendamento a qualquer momento.Não fique sem créditos para usar os seus chips de celularesetablets pré-pagos ou controle.Você pode recarregar linhas pré-pagas e controle das 4grandesoperadoras brasileiras:- Claro- Oi- TIM- VivoPague com seu cartão de crédito:- MasterCard- Visa- Diners- EloNão deixe de instalar o Widget do Recarga Certa para fazerrecargasrapidamente!O Recarga Certa trabalha com protocolos internacionais deSegurança(PCI).Dúvidas e sugestões? Entre em contato com a Equipe RecargaCertapelo e-mail: [email protected] o aplicativo Recarga Certa e não fique maissemcréditos!** Aplicativo de recarga disponível somente paradispositivosSamsung.Recharge yourmobilewherever you are with ease, speed and security using yourcreditcard.Also, you can add refill the chip phones and tablets of yourfamily,friends and employees.We also offer the scheduled reload option. With it, you canschedulean automatic refill every month and change the schedulesettings atany time.Do not run out of credits to use its chips to cellular andprepaidtablets or control.You can recharge prepaid lines and control of four majorBrazilianoperators:- Of course- Hi- TIM- VivoPay with your credit card:- MasterCard- Visa- Diners- EloBe sure to install the Recharging One widget toquicklyrefills!The Recharging One works with international securityprotocols(PCI).Questions and suggestions? Contact the Recharging Team Onebye-mail: [email protected] the Refill One application and do not get morewithoutcredits!** Application reload available only for Samsung devices.
Phone tracker Find my friends 1.0.6
Blur Apps Ltd
Turn your Android phone into a gpsphonetracker locate anyone for free. Now you can turn your phoneinto areal cell phone tracker device and track location by phonenumber.You will be reassured to know the kids went to school /homesafely, the husband / wife traveled safely, and your familywillinform you the position during the traveling.Use your phone to know where your friends and family in the cityoranywhere in the world. Our application combines the friendlocatorgps tracker of the Android platform with most popular map tocreatea system that allows people to know each other's currentlocationand track a friends cell phone by gps.* The features of mobile location tracker by phone number canhelpyou:✓ Is the phone tracker by number exact location✓ Track wife, girlfriend cell phone location at any time✓ Track the location of employees during working hours✓ Find friends location by phone number✓ Search for the phone which is lost or stolen✓ The application is completely free app to track by gps cellphoneby number* The advantages and safety when you use the application forcellphone tracker number:✓ Combine the gps track someone elses cell phone and myfriendlocation tracker on map by phone number✓ The application was designed as phone number tracker withlocationto track the security for families, children andfriendseasily.✓ The privacy of your position and your family is always ourfirstconcern, your location is only revealed to those youbelieve✓ Know the location when loved ones lost, or the dangerous regiononthe map and instantly message to your family✓ In case your phone is lost, check the position of the phoneandfollow up with a phone of your family member. To view thelocationof your phone on a map and find the culprit, the locationservicesmust always be allowedNote: To our application works properly, the location servicesmustalways be allowed. Phone Tracker application always needs tocheckyour position and it take up to 11% of your battery.
Find My Phone 21.3.1
Find My Phone! Find My iPhone & Android Phone istheessentialtracking tool for anyone who has experienced thestress,worry, andinconvenience associated with a lost or stolendevice.What’s more,it’s free for iPhone, and Android! Tracking youriPhone&Android has never been easier. Using thisstate-of-the-artGPStracker, you can instantly: • Find a lost,stolen or missingdevicewhether it belongs to you, your spouse oryour child • Keeptabs ona lost or missing device with real timelocation updates.When themissing or stolen phone is moved, itsposition is updatedinstantlyon the app’s map and our website. • Youcan even track& locateAndroid tablets, or an iPad Our app’snavigationalassistance canguide you to it, making retrieval quickand easy.Essentially,cellular companies know a mobile device’sdistance fromcellulartowers. Our app secures this data and displaysthewhereabouts ofyour cell on the app’s map. From there, it’s easyforyou toretrieve the lost device. We’ve been developing ourGPStechnologyfor over 5 years, making our app the most accuratemobilecelltracker you can find! Note: For the tracking featuretofunction,the app must be installed on the iPhone or Droidyou’relookingfor. Once you’ve installed the app on your iPhone,orAndroidPhone, simply log into our website. You’ll see a pin onthemapshowing the location of your phone. The mapalsofeaturesdirections to the device’s exact location. Anotherkeyfeature isreal time updates on both the app and our website.You’llsee themap instantly updated whenever the device moves.LocationHistoryYou can see where your Droid has been throughout theday,using thelocation history feature. As the Droid is moved, wetrackit.Later, you can just open the app and find out where ithas,andwhere it hasn’t, been!
Oi Gestão de Info 2.3.0
O aplicativo Oi Gestão de InformaçãodeCampopermite a coleta de dados a qualquer hora e emqualquerlugar,facilitando o trabalho e a gestão da força decampo.- Checkin e checkout: Localização por GPS ou evidências.Registreolocal da sua visita.- Formulários online: Colete e registre informações a qualquerhoraequalquer lugar.- Registro de evidências: Fotografias e comentáriosanexosaosformulários ajudam a melhorar a qualidadedainformaçãocoletada.- Agenda de visitas: Listagem dos locais a serem visitadosacadadia.- Histórico: Tenha sempre o histórico de suas coletassincronizadonanuvem.The HiFieldInformationManagement application enables data collectionanytimeandanywhere, facilitating the work and managementoffieldstrength.- Checkin and checkout: Location GPS or evidence. Recordthelocationof your visit.- Online Forms: Collect and record informationanytimeandanywhere.- Evidence of registration: Photos and comments attachedtoformshelp improve the quality of information collected.- Business Calendar: Listing of the places to bevisitedeveryday.- History: Always have a history of your synchronizedcollectionsinthe cloud.
Mobile Tracker & Route 7.4
Daniel Qin
Mobile Tracker & Route is the bestfreeapplication to track mobiles and record routes for playback.After installing and setting this app in a mobile phone, youcanlog into from any PC, mobile or tablet to trackthismobile, and also you can track multiple mobiles and reviewmobiles’historical routes in Google map.Purpose:1. install in family members’ mobiles who need to be cared.2. install in self's mobile phone, to record route automatically,orto find it easily in case of lost. or to send exact location SMStorescuers in emergency(text messaging is more reliable thancall).3. install this app in mobile phones owned by a company tomanageeasily.Tips:1. Installation needs only three steps : locatesuccessfully,connect to Internet and set log in information.2. The app runs silently, it can restart automatically if themobilephone shuts down and restarts.3. The app uses a special algorithm to get very lowelectricityconsumption and very low network traffic.4. With GPS turned on, you can get speed information and veryhighaccuracy(about 2 meters), however the mobile phone shouldbeoutside with a clear view of the sky and no metal objectscovered.It may take several minutes to have a first fix ofGPSposition.5. GPS position can also run well even without SIM card inmobile,however connection to Internet through WIFI is needed inorder toupload location information .6. Anytime's historical routes can be replayed.7. Observer can send the command message to make the app wakeupandwork properly. .8. There can be multiple mobile phones with one log account.Select"New Log in " when installed in the first mobile and select "Addmobiles " when installed in the second or more mobiles.9. The app can be used worldwide.10. Any questions, please contact [email protected] Description:1. Receive SMS messages: receive command message sent by observertoresume normal operation.2. Send SMS messages: give observer a reply of location messagewhencommand message is received, or send location message torescuers inemergency.3. Locate: locate mobile phones' location via GPS or network.4. Connect to Internet: upload mobile phone's position in ordertoview by logging of Mobile Tracker & Route may violate the privacyofothers, you are required to obtain others’ consentbeforeinstalling, and the application can only be used within thescopepermitted by law.
SECRETO GPS Tracker Hidden 1.0
7 days free trial!Instructions, if you want to use our SECRETO GPS TrackerHiddenapp,download the it directly from our website. So it won'tshow intheplaystoreapplicationsmenu. Before you install this app onsomeone'sdevice, please install first on yours, tounderstandtheprocessTRACK PHONE ONLINE: open app > notedeviceIDnumber > start service > go to>create an account > log in >click to add device >insertyour name and device ID number >wait a few seconds: Youareonline! (green light)PERSONAL AND FAMILY ACCOUNT:gotohttp://www.secretogps.comPERFECT FOR:- Tracking your phone online in real time;- Record and review tracks;- Recover lost phones;- Personal safety;- Keep track of your teenager;FEATURES:• Real Time Tracking – track a tablet or phone online,viewexactaddress and other info• Geofence Alerts – get alerts when person arrives atwork,school,home etc.• Over Speed Alerts – get alerts if person is in vehicleoverthespeed limit that you consider safe.• Recover Lost Phone – track and find lost or stolen phone• History and Reports – view reports with:visitedlocations,distance traveled, stops, etc.• POI - Points of Interest - mark everything usefull onthemap(clients, stores, gas stations, hospitals,restaurants,work,school, etc)About SECRETO GPS Tracker Hidden app:• Application gets location using GPS and AGPS• Possibility to change tracking interval• Possibility to change location accuracy settings• If Internet is lost, application save locations anduploadthemlaterAbout SECRETO GPS Tracker software:SECRETO GPS Tracker (Hidden Tracking) management system.Itallowsyou to track unlimited number of devices in real time,getspecificnotifications, generate reports and much more. It issimpletouse.For personal, family or business accountgotohttp://www.secretogps.comGPS Tracker Hidden is an apk to download from our websiteSupport? [email protected]
Rastreador Anytracking GPS 2.0 1.1.5
Monitor and track real-time employees, salespeople,technicians,family
Qual Operadora 2.1.3
Verifique qual é sua operadora, semlimitedeconsultas!Check whatyourcarrier,unlimited queries!
Anatel Serviço Móvel 1.3.6
Allows its user to view the map in stations of the mobile service.
Google Find My Device 3.0.046-5
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Find, ring, lock, and erase any lost Android device
DISH/DTH TV UNIVERSAL REMOTE will helpsyoutooperate your DTH connection in TV.we will added morethat200DTH/DISH connection in the can chose yourconnectionandTV and once you done the selection you can startoperatetheRemote,you can control your TV through your needofany other remote just download our app and startusingtheremote.before using the remote you need to selecttheDTHconnection of yours and the TV type,there is a numberofoptionavailable there to make selection.Download our app andmakeyourandroid phone as TV remote,this is the one of thefirstDIsh/DTHremote app in the Google play. Follwing are theDTH/DISHConnectionwhich we added in this remote,check whetheryourconnection areavailable in this list,if yes download our appandchange yoursmart phone to remoteSUPPORTED DTH/DISH CONNECTIONSDish TV,TataSky,Airtel,SunDirect,DDFreeDish,Videocon,Reliance,BigTv,PittsburghInternationalTelecommunications,DirecTV,DISHNetwork,Comcast,Glorystar,Spiritcast,SkyAngel,GlobeCastWorldTV,Home2US,AT&TU-Verse,VerizonFiOS,Indovision,TransVision,AoraTVsatelit,Skynindo,BigTV,Orange,K-Vision,TopasTV,IRIB,yes,SKYPerfecTV!,Astro,DDishTVLLC,UNITEL DTH,DishHome,Dream SatelliteTV,G Sat,Cignal DigitalTV,Skylife,Dialog TV,PeoTV,DishLanka,TrueVisions,GMM Z,CTH,TOTIPTV,SkyNetDTH,Austar,Foxtel,SelecTV,UBIWorldTV,VAST,SKY,Freeview,Euro1080,Digit-Alb,SkyÖsterreich,ORF,Austriasat,TVVlaanderenDigitaal,TéléSATNumérique,Belgium SatelliteServices,VivacomTV,Bulsatcom,MTel,DigiTV,SEEMORE,NOVACyprus,SkyLink,CSLink,DigiTV,UPCDirect,CanalDigital,Viasat,ABSat,CanalSat,TPS,BISTV,FRANSAT,TNTSAT,CanalDigital,Viasat,MagtiCom,SkyDeutschland,NOVAGreece,OTE TVGreece,Digi TV,UPCDirect,T-home,HelloHD,AustriaSatMagyarország,Sky,Saorsat,SkyItalia,TéléSATLuxembourg,CanalDigitaal,CanalDigital,Viasat,CyfrowyPolsat,nc+,Portugal[edit],ZONTV Cabo,MEOSatélite,Orange TV,DigiTV,Dolce,Focus Sat,Kosmos TV,NTVPlus,OrionExpress,RIKORTV,Russian TV Time,Tricolor TV Sibir,NTVPlusVostok,TricolorTV,Serbia[edit],Digi TV,TotalTV,DigiTV,MagioSat,Skylink,CSLink,UPCDirect,Digital+,CanalDigital,Viasat,SatelliteMediaSwitzerland,GLOBCOSSwitzerland,Digiturk,D-Smart,Sky,Freesat,iSatLTD,VirginMedia,Ukraine[edit],NTVPlus Ukraine,ViasatUkraine,ВОЛЯ(Cable),Максимум ТВ (MITRIS),XtraTV,BellTV,ShawDirect,Spiritcast,Glorystar,TelusTV,DirecTV,Antina,TuvesHD,InterSatelital Bolivia,SKY Brasil,VivoTV,Claro TV,OiTV,GVTTV,Telefónica TV Digital,DirecTV,ClaroTV,MovistarTVHogar,DirecTV,TuvesHD,DirecTV,Peru[edit],CableMágicoSatelital,DirecTV LatinAmerica,TuvesHD,TuvesHD,DirecTV,DirecTV,MovistarVenezuela,SKYMéxico,DishMéxico,Cablevisión México,Following are the some of the TV model which ourappswillsupport--SUPPORTED TV MODELSFujitsu 179, Funai 171,179,180,Futuretech180,GE047,451,051,021,027,282,178,135,174,Goldstar060,056,030,019,178,Hitachi 151,145,056, Ikea 041, 231, JVC053,Kloss 046,024,030, KTV180,030,280,185,039,LG023,143,144,163,235,264,301,302,345, Luxman056,LXI047,054,154,178,Mark 003, Memorex150,154,056,016,178,MGA150,030,019,178, Mitsubishi 150,015,178, NEC030,056,019,Optimus166,154,150,165, Panasonic250,051,055,054,Philco054,096,030,019,187, Philips054,096,030,019,187,Pioneer166,Proscan 047,Proton 466,178,003,Quasar250,051,055,Radioshack,,180,165,039,056,047,030,RCA047,018,135,090,019,174,Realistic154,165,056,030,019,178,180,039,Runco060,494,030,017,Sampo030,039,Samsung060,427,056,030,019,178,Sanyo154,159,146,Scott236,019,178,180,179,Sears047,054,154,171,056,156,178,179,146,Sharp 093,491,165,039,Sony000,080,Souddesign178,180,179,186,Sylvania054,096,030,187,186,ymphonic171,179,180,Tandy093,165,039,054,047,Tutang055,003,051,Techwood051,056,003,055,250,Teknika092,054,060,056,019,016,180,179,186,039,Toshiba156,154,060,VectorResearch030 plus 100 more models.