Top 4 Apps Similar to Aplikasi Latihan Training EA

EA+SC 1.1
App Corporativa de la EA+SC deManises(Valencia). Estudios Superiores de Cerámica, CiclosFormativos enCerámica Artística, departamentos, eventos, horarios,calendario deestudio, contacto, diseño, tecnología cerámica,decoracióncerámica, inkjet, artesanía high tech,alfarería,restauración.Ⓒ Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de ManisesCorporate App EA +SCManises (Valencia). Ceramics Higher Education, VocationalTrainingin Artistic Ceramics, departments, events, schedules,studycalendar, contact, design, ceramics technology, ceramicdecoration,inkjet, high tech craft, pottery, restoration.Ⓒ School of Art and Superior of Ceramics of Manises
EA English 2.2
Learn English for free with the amazing EA English app fromEdgwareAcademy.
EA Exam Prep 3.1.0
Appitur Co
Master the concepts on the Enrolled Agentexamusing customizable quizzes and practice exams with realquestionsfrom previous EA exams. EA Exam Prep includes explanationsforcorrect/incorrect answers, as well as performance tracking thatisdesigned to help you make the most of your study time so thatyoupass the exam the first time, on time.The EA Exam Prep application is accessible from yourmobiledevice giving you the ability to study at your conveniencefrom anylocation.Free download includes a handful of questions and flashcards asademo. Additional content is available for purchase:•IND: all questions and flashcards, plusperformancetracking.•BUS: all questions and flashcards, plus performancetracking.•RPP: all questions and flashcards, plus performance tracking.EA Exam Prep Highlights:•Questions from previous exams•Randomized quizzes customizable by number of questions andexamsection•Performance-tracking tool pinpoints areas of strengthandweakness•Statistical tracking of personal performance filteredbysection•Full practice exams with place-saving featureMobile education for professionals on the go.Appitur – Education Evolved
StudyClub EA
To Study Club ΕνδομυλικήςΑποκατάστασηςανήκειστην Ελληνική Προσθετική Εταιρεία και στόχος τουείναι νασυμβάλειστη εκπαίδευση στο χώρο τηςΣυντηρητικήςΟδοντιατρικής.Το όραμα του αρχικού εμπνευστή, κου Σπύρου Δουκουδάκη,ήτανναδημιουργηθούν πολλά Study Club σε διάφορα μέρη της Ελλάδοςκαιναοργανώνονται ομιλίες με θέματα που ενδιαφέρουν τα μέλητουκάθεClub.Καθώς η επικοινωνία μέσω των μέσων κοινωνικήςδικτύωσηςδιευκολύνουντην επικοινωνία, σκεφτήκαμε να ξεκινήσουμεμέσωfacebook τηνανταλλαγή απόψεων.Καλή αρχή.Δημήτρης ΤσανακτσίδηςΜίνως ΣταυριδάκηςTo StudyClubintracoronalRehabilitation belongs to Greek Prosthetic Societyandits aim is tocontribute to education in the fieldofConservativeDentistry.The vision of the original inspiration, Spiros Doukoudakiwastogenerate a lot Study Club in various parts of Greeceandorganizedlectures on topics of interest to members ofeachClub.As communication via social media facilitatecommunication,wethought we'd start by facebook exchange.Good start.Tsanaktsidis DimitrisMinos Stavridakis