Top 4 Apps Similar to County Pest Control Services

Pest Control Software 7.1
★ Pest control services call fororganizationand complete control over processes as many jobsrequire repeatedapplications after a set period of time. Pestcontrol servicesrequire proper scheduling and recording of allbusiness activitiesand the software that fully accommodates theserequirements is thepest control software.★ Making work and transactions more efficient and controllable,pestcontrol software offers the provision of easily recordingandviewing of all business transactions and appointments.Thedifferent pest control services that can be recordedseparatelyinclude roach and termite control, wood bee or carpenterbeecontrol, mice and rats control, pest control, bird androdentcontrol, flea control and all other general pest controljobs.Other jobs include recording of jobs relating to spiders,ants,crickets, silverfish, ladybugs, water bugs, millipedes,clovermites, moths, weevils, beetles and all other such insectriddancejobs.★ Since pest control jobs involve repeated applications attimes,using the scheduler of the pest control software new and oldjobscan be appointed through viewing dates which are availableandaccommodate jobs likewise.The pest control software is an easy to use, simple programthatoffers four distinct functions including the scheduler,reports,clients and workers.★ The scheduler section allows storing of all job appointmentsandtimings which can be used to refer to current andupcomingappointments as well as appointing time for new jobsaccording toavailability. The reports section allows the earningsper day, perworker and total earned amounts to be viewed andcalculated almostinstantly. A calendar appears on the screen thatlists the earnedamount per day under each date which allows theuser to checkappointments on a date and earnings of the job alongwith the jobdetails.★ The clients section stores all information about a client forwhoa job has been performed including all details of the job andallcontact details and address of the client. This makesviewingprevious job history for a client easy along with viewinganyfuture appointments you may have with the respective client.Theprogram also allows the user to engage in a direct phone calltothe client from the program.★ Not only can you save in the email, mobile, home and workphonenumbers along with the address, but you can also capturephotos ofthe clients if you want and save it with theirprofile.★ Lastly the workers section provides all information aboutallworkers involved in the pest control job including alljobsperformed, earnings per job and total earnings and all futureandpast appointments of the worker. Also a complete profile ofeveryworker is available on the program from which you can chooseasuitable candidate for any specific pest control job.
PestScan Pest Control 7.4.0
PestScan B.V.
App to register pests and do service visits. Visit monitorssuchasmouse traps, bait boxes, fly lamps or glue traps.Registerbaitconsumption or the number of trapped individuals.Optimizedforoffline use. Create recommendations for your customerandtakepictures. Register visit time, used materials andinvoicedata.Interactive floorplans. This app has a largeweb-basedbackend.Please get in touch with us to get access to afree 1-monthtrialaccess version at: Fullyavailable intheselanguages: English, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch,French,German,Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish andTurkish.
World Pest Control 1.399
Over 37 years of experience and service,WorldPest Control & Sunflower Services is the company to callwhenyou want safe and responsible pest control service. We are afamilyowned and operated business that started in 1975. Our mainoffice“World Pest Control” is located in Sylvan Grove, KS and ourbranchoffice “Sunflower Services” is located in Otis, KS.General Pest, Termite, Rodent Control, Specializing in theTempAir Remedial Heating System for Bed Bugs and the SentriconColonyElimination System for Termites. We are a full servicecompany,with trained staff to take care of your pest controlneeds.Here are some of our app features:• GPS directions to our main office in Sylvan Grove,Kansas• A description of services that we offer to our customers• Downloadable documents on bed bug tips andtreatmentrecommendations• A video library loaded with tips and how-to’s when dealingwithbed bugs, termites, rodents and any other sort of pests youmightbe dealing with• Email us your photos and we can quickly help identify yourpestproblem
Alpha Pest Control
Alpha Ecological, your local pestcontrolexperts with a passion for community outreach. Download ourapp fora convenient way to reach your local pest control expert foryourant, spider or rodent issue. At Alpha Ecological, we careaboutprotecting your home, family and your pets from several of themostdamaging pest invaders.Alpha Ecological is the responsible choice in pest controlthatconsiders your health and safety. Using our IntegratedPestManagement approach, we develop a program just for youalwaysconsidering the least invasive method first. Your local pestexpertwill consider the pests food source, life cycle and breedinghabitsas well as the conditions in your home before developingatreatment plan