Top 50 Apps Similar to Learn Russian vocabulary with pictures. 5000 words

Learn Russian - 11,000 Words 7.3.2
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Russian Vocabulary - Kid 1.5
Enes Aydın
learning for kids,beginners and starters with pictures,soundsandplaying games
Learn Danish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Bulgarian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn English 5000 words with 3.2.98
Sh Languages
You will learn English vocabulary easily and quickly viathe„LEITNER“ system.
Learn Czech Language 3.8.5
Learn Czech, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speak words&phrases.
Learn Russian Number Easily- M 1.2.0
learn to read, write and memorize Russian number (numeral) witheasyand fun!
Learn Norwegian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Swedish Language 3.8.0
Learn Swedish, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases.
Learn Ukrainian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn English 5000 words with pictures. 3.2.98
Sh Languages
You can learn English vocabulary for free 4 to 5 timesfasterthan normal while having fun. Through the „LEITNER“ system,Englishvocabulary will be fully engraved on your minds with imagesandsounds, that you will have difficulty in forgetting them. Themoreyou repeat words, the quicker you memorize them. That isexactlywhat the system does. It makes the necessary analyses formoreefficient memorization and guides you (in this process).Itis fairly easy to use. Add the vocabulary that you wanttolearn to favorites by using the star icon and log intothe„LEITNER“ system. Supports 29 languages. ✔ English ✔ Deutsche✔Español ✔ Français ✔ Hrvatski ✔ Italiano ✔ Dansk ✔ Kiswahili✔Magyar ✔ Nederlands ✔ Norsk ✔ Polski ✔ Português ✔ Română ✔ Suomi✔Swedish ✔ Tagalog ✔ Čeština ✔ Ελληνικά ✔ Беларуская мова✔български ✔ русский ✔ العربية ✔ ไทย ✔ 中文 ✔ 日本語 ✔ Українська ✔ 한국어✔Türkçe * 5000 English vocabulary, verbs, adjectives,adverbsand pronouns that are often used in daily life. * Noneed toconnect to the Internet. * Vocabulary is dividedinto 156sub-topics. * Learning with images, sounds and writing. *6different learning modes.
Learn English words & phrases 6.0.5
Memorizing English words and increasing the vocabulary oftheEnglish language.
Learn Italian Speak Italiano 3.9.4
Learn Italian, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases
Learn Slovak - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Russian Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach Your Kids Russian in a fun and engaging way.
Азбука, цифры, цвета и фигуры 1.20
Уникальное бесплатное развивающее приложение длядетейдошкольноговозраста, с помощью которого малыши смогутбыстровыучить азбуку(русский алфавит), познакомиться с цифрами исчетом,узнатьосновные цвета и часто встречаемые фигуры. Нашаговорящаяазбукапоможет ребенку изучить буквы русского алфавита,цифры, цветаифигуры, проверить полученные знания пройдя специальныетестыизакрепить их, выполнив дополнительные задания!Изучаемыйматериализ разных разделов азбуки часто пересекается,эторазвиваетвнимательность и логику у ребенка, а системаоценкирезультатовстимулирует его к восполнению пробелов взнаниях.Получай настоящиеоценки! И все это в игровой интерактивнойформе.Некоторые заданиямогут оказаться довольно сложными. Ониимеютотметку (5+).
Learn Portuguese - 11000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Czech - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Spanish Language: Listen 3.5.1
Learn Spanish, Fun Games, Speak Spanish Words & Phrases,AllAges Learning
Learn Italian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Английский язык на слух. Трена 3.1.2
Sergei Lupov
The simulator will learn the skills to take the English languagebyhearing
Learn Swedish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Qlango: Learn 45 languages 2.0.34
Qlango d.o.o.
You'll finally learn the language you always wanted to know!
Learn Croatian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Русские Народные Сказки Аудио 2.46.20149
Сборник русских народных аудиосказок! Сказки —этонастоящаяэнциклопедия, в которой собран многовековой опытрусскогонарода.Многие из нас помнят детские воспоминания -граммпластинкасзаписью сказки, мягкое шуршание и скриппроигрывателя, иголосдиктора - Дружок, хочешь я расскажу тебесказку? Также многиеизнас слушали аудиосказки из радиоприемника - ислушают ипоныне!Несколько поколений выросло на чудесныхаудиосказках,озвученныхзамечательными актерами. Именно поэтому мы исобралибогатуюколлекцию аудиосказок народов мира, у нас вынайдете:белорусские,украинские. Русские народные сказки для детейбесплатночитать скартинками. Сборник аудиокниг включает следющиенародныесказки: -Заюшкина избушка - Баба-Яга и ягоды -Гуси-лебеди(аудиосказки длямалышей) - Журавль и цапля - Про глупогозмея иумного солдата -Золотой топор - Как лиса летать училась - Каклисас овцой волканаказали - Как мужик гусей делил (фольклорныйрассказ)- Каша изтопора - Колобок (самая известная русская сказка)- Кот илисаСкачать бесплатно детские стихи аудио сказки длядетей.Приложение"аудиосказки для детей" содержит следующие функции:-красочныекартинки и иллюстрации для каждой сказки - таймер дляснавприложении аудиосказки с картинками -возможностьиспользоватьаудиосказки без рекламы (функция отключениярекламы заденьги) -вам доступны все аудиосказки без интернета -установка накартупамяти (SD card), экономит память телефона - чтобыиспользоватьприложение в фоновом режиме, нажмите кнопку"Домой"("Home") -подходит для детей дошкольного возраста,школьников,родителей,бабушек и дедушек Русская народная сказка -произведениеустноготворчества русского народа, один из видовфольклорной прозы.Врусских сказках русский народ пытался высказатьсвоёнациональноемироощущение, наставить своих детей в первобытной,ноглубокойжизненной мудрости, — разрешая лежавшие на егосердцежизненные,нравственные, семейные, бытовые и государственныевопросы
Learn American English 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Polish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Русский язык: Орфография
Russian language: Spelling - preparation for the exam and CT intheRussian language.
Learn Spanish Language 3.9.2
Learn Spanish, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases
Learn Czech LuvLingua Pro 1.08
Learn to speak Czech with fungames,phrasebook, beginner and intermediate level courses. Listento allthe essential words and phrases you need to build asolidfoundation of Czech.This app was created by a language teacher who foundthatstudents learn language more effectively through funandrepetition. Different learning styles are catered to with themanygames and quizzes:- Visual (picture quiz)- Auditory (listening quiz)- Read-Write (multichoice quiz, word guess)- Kinesthetic (animation game).Learn common words and phrases that are sorted into manyusefulcategories.Phrasebook sets include: greetings, hobbies, conversation,food,animals, language difficulties, travel phrases, adjectives,verbs,countries, clothing, colors, emergencies, shopping,directions,numbers, school, work, and telling the time.Listen to authentic, high quality audio of a Czech nativespeakerwith clear pronunciation.This app will help you learn Czech for travel in theCzechRepublic, work, school, fun, or to talk to your friendsorpartner.Study a new language set every day and practice it in theGamesSection.Quickly find a word in the Search Section.Change user language in the App Settings.Words and phrases have been translated by native speakersintoEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Chinese (simplifiedandtraditional characters), Arabic, Czech, Dutch, Indonesian,Italian,Japanese Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Swedish,Thai,Turkish and Vietnamese.All language is carefully translatedby nativespeakers and NOT by computers/onlinetranslators.Created by a team of Czech native speakers, language teacherandandroid developer.If you have any feedback, please let us know whatyouthink.There will be regular updates and improvements in the future.LuvLingua - Love Learning LanguagesSilver Moon AppsEMAIL: [email protected] (Learn Czech Pro - Android)WEBSITE: www.luvlingua.com
Learn German Speak Language 3.9.0
Learn German, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases
Learn Romanian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Russian alphabet for kids 2.1.0
Whisper Arts
Learn Russian alphabet and play fun word games with kids
Learn Brazilian Portuguese 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Hebrew - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Italian - Language Learning Pro 3.5.1
Learn Italian with LuvLingua Begin the learning experiencealreadyenjoyed by over 2 million language learners. LuvLinguaeducationapps teach you to speak and read through fun games, and abeginner& intermediate level course. This Italian learning appis funfor ALL ages. Understand and speak Italian to communicatemoreeffectively! COURSE DESIGNED BY LANGUAGE TEACHERS Studyessentialwords and phrases to build a strong foundation of Italian.Gainconfidence and level up your language ability with thebeginnercourse. 200+ lessons that systematically teach and reviewnewvocabulary, as well as help you build sentences andquestions.Designed for students to train and improve fundamentallanguageskills & knowledge. Recommended for anyone who wants tolearnItalian, including students, travellers, and business people.GAMESWITH DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES Games and quizzes that supportyouto learn Italian by catering to different learning styles. -Visual(Picture Quiz, Memory Game) - Auditory (Listening Quiz)-Read-Write (Writing /Multichoice Quiz, Word Guess) -Kinesthetic(Animation Game) LuvLingua promotes learning throughgames toremember new words in a FAST & FUN way. PHRASEBOOK FULLOFUSEFUL CATEGORIES Everyday conversation along with many corewordsand phrases sorted into helpful categories. Phrasebooksetsinclude: greetings, numbers, hobbies, accommodation,adjectives,animals, body, colors, clothing, countries,directions,emergencies, food, school, shopping, transportation,travel, verbs,weather and work. Study a new set every day andpractice it in theGames Section. This phrasebook is convenient fortravel. HIGHQUALITY AUDIO BY NATIVE SPEAKERS Listen to high qualityauthenticaudio of native speakers with clear pronunciation. Testyourlistening and speaking ability. CAREFULLY TRANSLATED INTO30+LANGUAGES All language is carefully translated by bilingualnativespeakers and NOT by computers/online translators. TranslatedintoEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian,Portuguese,Swedish, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Finnish,Romanian, Korean,Japanese, Mandarin Chinese (simplified andtraditional characters),Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, Indonesian,Malay, Farsi/Persian,Arabic, Khmer, Hindi, & Nepali. SEARCH,FAVORITES &SETTINGS SECTIONS Quickly and easily lookup a wordor phrase in theSearch section. Save words and phrases to theFavorites section forlater study. Change user language and turn offthe daily wordnotification in the Settings section. Learn Italianfor travel inItaly, work, school, fun, or to talk to your friends.This is anoffline Italian learning app. Created by a team oflanguageteachers, native speakers and mobile developers and isupdatedregularly to improve content and features. Bugs, feedbackorsupport => [email protected] Love Learning LanguagesLuvLingua
Russian Language Trainer 1.16
Deep Learning of Russian words and phrases. ReadingRussianbilingual books.
Learn Languages - FunEasyLearn 3.6.9
Learn words & sentences faster with a visual vocabularybuilderfor 34 languages
Learn Thai Language: Listen, S 3.5.1
Learn & speak Thai words, phrases, alphabet. Languagelearningfor all ages.
Learn German - Language Learning Pro 3.5.1
Learn German with LuvLingua Begin the learning experiencealreadyenjoyed by over 2 million language learners. LuvLinguaeducationapps teach you to speak and read through fun games, and abeginner& intermediate level course. This German learning appis funfor ALL ages. Understand and speak German to communicatemoreeffectively! COURSE DESIGNED BY LANGUAGE TEACHERS Studyessentialwords and phrases to build a strong foundation of German.Gainconfidence and level up your language ability with thebeginnercourse. 200+ lessons that systematically teach and reviewnewvocabulary, as well as help you build sentences andquestions.Designed for students to train and improve fundamentallanguageskills & knowledge. Recommended for anyone who wants tolearnGerman, including students, travellers, and business people.GAMESWITH DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES Games and quizzes that supportyouto learn German by catering to different learning styles. -Visual(Picture Quiz, Memory Game) - Auditory (Listening Quiz)-Read-Write (Writing /Multichoice Quiz, Word Guess) -Kinesthetic(Animation Game) LuvLingua promotes learning throughgames toremember new words in a FAST & FUN way. PHRASEBOOK FULLOFUSEFUL CATEGORIES Everyday conversation along with many corewordsand phrases sorted into helpful categories. Phrasebooksetsinclude: greetings, numbers, hobbies, accommodation,adjectives,animals, body, colors, clothing, countries,directions,emergencies, food, school, shopping, transportation,travel, verbs,weather and work. Study a new set every day andpractice it in theGames Section. This phrasebook is convenient fortravel. HIGHQUALITY AUDIO BY NATIVE SPEAKERS Listen to high qualityauthenticaudio of native speakers with clear pronunciation. Testyourlistening and speaking ability. CAREFULLY TRANSLATED INTO30+LANGUAGES All language is carefully translated by bilingualnativespeakers and NOT by computers/online translators. TranslatedintoEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Italian,Portuguese,Swedish, Czech, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Finnish,Romanian, Korean,Japanese, Mandarin Chinese (simplified andtraditional characters),Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, Indonesian,Malay, Farsi/Persian,Arabic, Khmer, Hindi, & Nepali. SEARCH,FAVORITES &SETTINGS SECTIONS Quickly and easily lookup a wordor phrase in theSearch section. Save words and phrases to theFavorites section forlater study. Change user language and turn offthe daily wordnotification in the Settings section. Learn Germanfor travel inGermany & Austria, work, school, fun, or to talkto yourfriends. This is an offline German learning app. Created bya teamof language teachers, native speakers and mobile developersand isupdated regularly to improve content and features. Bugs,feedbackor support => [email protected] Love LearningLanguagesLuvLingua
Learn French Language 3.9.3
Learn French, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases
Learn Swedish LuvLingua Pro 1.05
Learn to speak Swedish with fungames,phrasebook, beginner and intermediate level courses. Listento allthe essential words and phrases you need to build asolidfoundation of Swedish.This app was created by a language teacher who foundthatstudents learn language more effectively through funandrepetition. Different learning styles are catered to with themanygames and quizzes:- Visual (picture quiz)- Auditory (listening quiz)- Read-Write (multichoice quiz, word guess)- Kinesthetic (animation game).Learn common words and phrases that are sorted into manyusefulcategories.Phrasebook sets include: greetings, hobbies, conversation,food,animals, language difficulties, travel phrases, adjectives,verbs,countries, clothing, colors, emergencies, shopping,directions,numbers, school, work, and telling the time.Listen to authentic, high quality audio of a beautifulSwedishnative speaker with clear pronunciation.This app will help you learn Swedish for travel in Sweden,work,school, fun, or to talk to your friends or partner.Study a new language set every day and practice it in theGamesSection.Quickly find a word in the Search Section.Change user language in the App Settings.Words and phrases have been translated by native speakersintoEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Chinese (simplifiedandtraditional characters), Arabic, Czech, Dutch, Indonesian,Italian,Japanese Korean, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Swedish,Thai,Turkish and Vietnamese.All language is carefully translatedby nativespeakers and NOT by computers/onlinetranslators.Created by a team of Swedish native speakers, languageteacherand android developer.If you have any feedback, please let us know whatyouthink.There will be regular updates and improvements in the future.LuvLingua - Love Learning LanguagesSilver Moon AppsEMAIL: [email protected] (Learn Swedish Pro - Android)WEBSITE: www.luvlingua.comFACEBOOK:
Learn English Speak Language 3.7.2
Learn English, language learning, alphabet, grammar, speakwords& phrases.
English with Lingualeo
Lingualeo LLC
Lingualeo is an interactive serviceforlearning and practising English created specially for yourAndroiddevice suitable for both adults and children.Learn new words and train in the most unexpected places such asanendless line to the doctor, a boring lecture at your universityormiles-long traffic jam. Make use of your time effectivelyandyou'll see your results after a month.Your smart pet Leo show you what to do now to move throughthejungle of English. Have fun playing games and learning Englishatthe same time!Application features:- Your personal dictionary with individualassociations,transcription and audio pronunciation for everyword.- Thematic glossaries with visual associations.- Effective trainings: translation of words, wordbuilder,listening.- The possibility to choose one of the best translations or toaddyour own English word.- The possibility to monitor your progress of learning Englishinreal time.- Server synchronization and the ability to work offline.- A user friendly interface and good technical support.- The possibility to learn English for free.The application for Android is a great addition to the webversionof that includes even more features to learnandpractise English.More than 10,500,000 people use Lingualeo and improve theirEnglishevery day.Send your feedback to: [email protected].
Learn Swedish - 50 languages 14.0
Learn Swedish fast and easy using your native language!
Learn Dutch - 11,000 Words 7.3.2
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Catalan - 11,000 Words 7.2.6
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn French - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Learn Hungarian - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.