Top 19 Apps Similar to 多多学英语 懒惰的国王

輕鬆學單字 1.8.1
学英文 - 英文每日C (English Daily C) 1.2
英文單字記憶王-多益、全民英檢、大學指考、國中小必備單字 1.1.3
S.M.P.D. Inc.
Through daily word quiz achieve learning and review, continuingtoenhance familiarity of words
單字王 1.0.2
【單字王】五大功能:★學習狀況:隨時掌握進度、追蹤成長幅度,還可以跟同行比較排名,瞭解自己的落點。★單字學習:篩選懂與不懂的單字,系統將自動安排測驗。★單字測驗:一次20題,有中翻英、英翻中,不斷交叉出現,熟記單字!★單字複習:在複習的時候,都可以看詳細的解釋,加深對單字的印象與認識★學習社群:定期推播單字的相關小知識,透過更深入的討論,瞭解單字的情境用法- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -【單字王】收錄了國內、外熱門6,000多個英文檢定測驗的常考單字,像是多益測驗、大學入學考試和國家考試等。★學習4撇步:1.自定學習計劃、訂定學習時間與每週學習目標2.設定學習鬧鈴,可養成定時學習的習慣,不間斷培養對英文單字的熟悉度。3.只要是答錯的題目就會重複出現,一直出題出到使用者答對為止。4.善用APP可零碎學習的特色,簡潔的介面,就像隨身單字卡,隨時查看解答與釋義,一邊學習,一邊自我檢測,立即瞭解自己的問題。經歷學習、測驗、與複習等三個階段後,單字一定可以記起來!馬上下載【單字王】,親身體驗有感學習!
英文單字王3專業版EngKing EX - 背單字的最佳利器 3.0.17
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进步听力学英语 13.0.30
一个锻炼听力的英语学习软件.内含2000多个英语音频文件.来自全国各地的网上朋友组成资源创作团队.每天都在不断地增加更多的听力专辑.一个倾听用户建议.批评.改正的软件.极致追求用户好评的软件.靠口碑流传的软件.一个必备完整的实用的学英语工具.从初中到大学,到商务英语.到出国英语一个免费学英语的英语工具.坚持不做积分限制.不滥放广告.包含初中,高中,大学教材最清晰的发音最标准的课文听力和单词听力专辑.包含四六级考试的听力专辑.包含托福,雅思等出国考试英语听力专辑.包含商务英语听力专辑.包含日常会话英语的听力专辑 .其中还包含了最经典的4册新概念英语(美音版.英音版.4册单词)听力专辑A-Exercise hearingEnglishlearning software. Contains over 2000 English audiofiles.Online friends from around the country to form a creative teamofresources. Every day continue to increase in the hearingthealbum.A listen to user suggestions. Criticism. Correct software.Ultimatepursuit of the software by users. Rely on word of mouth tospreadthe software.English must complete the practical tools of learningEnglish.Abroad from junior high school to college, andbusinessEnglish.Tools of a free English learning English. Adhere withoutintegrationlimits. Abuse put ads.The clearest pronunciation includes junior high school, highschool,college textbooks the standard texts hearing and wordlisteningalbum.CET hearing the album. Contains TOEFL, IELTS the overseasexamsListening album.Contains business Listening album. Contains the dailyconversationin English listening album.Which also includes the classic four New Concept English(US-soundversion. The British accent Edition .4 volumes of theword) hearingthe album
听歌学英语 5.1.50918
为了帮助大家能在一个轻松、欢快的环境下学习英语,尤其是提高英语的听读能力,爱语吧针对经典欧美老歌开发看此应用。让大家在回味原汁原味地经典欧美歌曲的同时,快乐学习英语词汇,语法,用法。在听经典的同时全面提升听力、词汇量等。主要创意与功能如下:一、 爱语吧独家听英语经典歌曲同时学习应用的创新应用,对每首英语歌曲一句句地语法词汇解析,深度实现了听歌学英语。二、 针对不同用户的需求,将经典的歌分了四大类:经典老歌,乐队组合,男歌手,女歌手。三、 您可以在线听经典歌曲,同时可以将自己喜欢的歌曲下载到本地,方便您在无网络的环境里依旧可以享受优美的英文歌曲。四、 软体资料有知行英语专业英语团队解析,精心挑选近两百首欧美经典,中英文同步对照,在听觉上、视觉上充分满足您的需求。五、 实现实时分享到新浪微博、腾讯微博和人人的功能,可以让您随时随地与您的好友分享金典。六、 提供用户注册登录,将您喜爱的歌曲加到收藏夹里,方便您快速找到自己喜爱的歌曲。To help you tolearnEnglish in a relaxed, cheerful environment, especially toimprovetheir English listening and reading skills, words of love itforthe look of classic European and American songs developthisapplication. So that everyone in the recollection ofauthenticEuropean and American classic songs at the same time,happy tolearn English vocabulary, grammar, usage. Enhancelistening,vocabulary, etc. while listening to classical.The main ideas and functions are as follows:First, the exclusive right to listen to words of love songswhilelearning English classic application of innovativeapplications, foreach of the first songs in English grammar andvocabulary to parse asentence, to achieve the depth of songs tolearn English.Second, for the needs of different users, the classicsongsdivided into four categories: classic songs, the bandcombination,male singer, female singer.Third, you can listen to songs online, while their favoritesongscan be downloaded to a local, so you in no networkenvironment canstill enjoy the beautiful English songs.Fourth, there is knowing and software information forEnglishMajors team analysis, nearly two hundred carefully selectedfirstin Europe and America classic, English synchronous control, inthehearing, to meet your visual needs.Fifth, to achieve real-time sharing of Sina Weibo, TencentWeiboand all the feature that allows you to share the Goldenanywherewith your friends.6, to provide user registration log your favorite song totheFavorites folder, you can quickly find your favorite songs.
每日背單字 - 常用英文單字TOEIC/TOEFL 3.9
Easy to learn Let your words do not have to memorize!
Learn English 2.1.2
English study Offline Free Developed by TflatFunctions:1.Conversations with audio, transcript and translation2.VideoEnglish study 3. Regular English phrases with soundandtranslated4. Regular English word with mp3 sound and translated.5.Save yourfavorite words or phrases or lessons easily tolearnlater. Contactto below email for [email protected]
Mexu Learn English TFlat 5.3.7
Learn speak English by speaking with Mexu. You can speak languagein3 months.
英文即時通:社交情境會話 1.06
*初級和進階聽力口說的學習利器! *多達90分鐘、300句的對話內容*超過600句實用例句,共900句真人語音內容!*超過600題測驗等你來挑戰
全民PHONE單字:多益英文必考單字(超互動式課程/遊戲) 1.5.1
愛麗絲英語 感謝所有下載使用【全民PHONE單字】的朋友,您的學習就是我們最大的動力!我們也會努力做到最完美來回報您 ^_^★★★★★ 為您精心打造的單字學習APP ★★★★★(1) 30天之內讓您熟悉多益必考600單字(2) 愛麗絲英語為您精心安排30天教材,讓您輕鬆按照預習、學習、復習三大步驟,按部就班學會多益必考單字(3) 愛麗絲老師親編例句,讓您學習單字更扎實(4) 最完整的評量功能,讓您可自己選擇想評量的單字(5) 最精美的編排,讓您學習時賞心悅目!(6) 單字真人發音,可離線使用,成為您通勤時最佳良伴!★★★★★ 分享您的學習,讓更多人為您喝彩 ★★★★★(1) 覺得一個人學習好孤單?全民瘋單字讓您可與好友互相砥礪,一起進步!(2) 提供各項學習積分排行,讓您檢視自己和朋友的學習狀況★★★★★ 內建超好玩小遊戲,讓學習更有趣 ★★★★★(1) 超好玩小遊戲,讓您克服學習惰性,從此愛上學習!(2) 每兩個月新增一款不同類型遊戲,讓您永遠有新遊戲嘗試歐!★★★★★ 雲端學習的單字學習APP ★★★★★(1) 與facebook帳號同步,學習記錄都將為您儲存在雲端,可跨平台使用!(2) 無需登入也能使用,但建議您登入才能使用更多超棒功能!AliceEnglish thanks to all the people download [word] PHONEfriends,your learning is our greatest power!We will try to do your best to return ^ _ ^★★★★★ carefully crafted words for you to learn APP ★★★★★(1) 30 days to familiarize you with Doeg compulsory 600 words(2) Alice English for your materials carefully arranged 30 days,soyou can easily follow preparation, learning, review thethreesteps, step by step to learn more beneficial compulsoryword(3) Alice teacher pro series sentence, allowing you to learnwordsmore solid(4) The most complete assessment function, allowing you to chooseasingle word assessment wantPleasing (5) The most exquisite choreography, so whenyoulearn!(6) The word human voice, offline use, become your bestcompanioncommute!★★★★★ share your learning, allowing more people to yourapplause★★★★★(1) find a good person to learn alone? All the people crazywordallows you to temper each other and friends,progresstogether!(2) provide various learning Credit Ranking, allows you toviewthemselves and their friends learning situation★★★★★ built super fun mini-games, make learning more fun★★★★★(1) The super fun mini-games, so you learn to overcome inertia,fromfalling in love to learn!(2) Every two months a new different types of games, so thatyoualways have new games to try Europe!★★★★★ cloud learning vocabulary learning APP ★★★★★(1) synchronized with facebook account, learning recordswillprovide you store in the cloud, can cross-platform!(2) No sign can also be used, but we recommend that you sign intouse the more awesome features!
Social Language -Learn Chinese 1.0.10
Social Language is a fun and effectivelanguageexchange & social networking App that aims to be yourbridge tothe eastern world!#4 Education App in New Zealand#8 Education App in CanadaAre you interested in learning Chinese?Do you wish you know someone in China, who you can ask aboutwhichcities to travel to, some insights on businesses you’re in,whichschools to apply, or any interesting topics related toChina?If you’d like to learn Chinese:Social language not only provides fun and effective voicecoursesfor free; we also have thousands of Chinese users, wantingto chatand practice Chinese with you! What more fun and effectivecan itbe than practicing and chatting with native speakers rightafterlearning each course!If you’d like to connect with someone in China:Social Language provides you a platform where you can searchrealusers in China. They’re interested in the western world andareeager to talk to you. You can exchange languages, resources,shareyour interests, culture or topics you’re both interestedin!Features:1.Short & Effective Voice Courses- Design for you to speak right from the start.- Can see result with 5 minutes a day!2.Accent Correction from Native Speakers- Instead of just listening, you can speak & havenativespeakers correcting your accent!3.Voice Chat with Friends from around the world- Meet your study pals, teachers & new friends fromacrosscontinents!- Apply what you’ve learned and talk to them!- Not only languages, you can share your cultures, resources,andinteresting topics with each other!4.Fun & Addictive Games- Have fun while you learn!- Play games, take challenges and earn badges along the way!5.Join the community & Give Back- Not only all courses are free, you can also earn rewardsbyteaching others!- It’s an amazing feelings to help someone learn about yourlanguage& culture!Plenty of native speakers are willing to teach & gettingtoknow you through Social language, so join us now!For more information:Join our FB fan page: Official Site:
VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
Kids English Vocabulary 3.4
A fun way to memories and learn words and the alphabet
Workplace English 2.5
※ Workplace English 2 & 3 & 4 isnowavailable for download.This app will help non-native English speakerscommunicatesuccessfully with job interviewers, employers,supervisors, andfellow workers.You will be introduced to a variety of workplace situations andthelanguage used in these situations, helping you develop theskillsyou need to communicate successfully in Englishbusinessworld.You will learn how to handle:Finding a JobA Job InterviewNegotiating Your Salary & Company BenefitsDocuments & EquipmentCompany OrganizationDays Off & OvertimeLife at the OfficePreparing for a MeetingIn the MeetingAccountingBusiness TravelAir TravelStaying at a HotelSchedule ArrangementMaking a Presentation I&IIGoing Out with Co-workersPerformance ReviewPromoting a ProductMarketingCustomer ServiceDining with ClientsCompany EventsCollocationCover Letter & ResumeMemos & EmailsBusiness Letters
兔兔單字王 1.2
1. 世界首創gamification(遊戲化)快速有效的益智性背單字App2. 「兔兔單字王」分「全民英檢初、中、中高級」和「多益」單字。3. 全民英檢內的所有單字均以GEPT官方網站公佈的單字為主。4. 透過「抽單字」學習,累績50個單字,可以進入「單字庫」做「闖關」測驗。5. 「闖關」成績越好,得到獎勵的比例越高,成績越差,得到獎勵的比例越低。6. 「測驗」分「看英文考中文」和「看中文考英文」兩大類,任使用者選擇。7. 「測驗」有時間限制,答得越快,得到獎勵比例越高,相對則得獎比例低。8. 「結束」後,可以進入「答錯單字」檢查,再反覆學習,一直到學會為止。9. 「兔兔單字王」所有出現的英文單字語音,通通使用TTS系統的語音為主。10.「兔兔單字王」「英檢」「初級」48關(2400字)、「中級」84關(4200字)、「中高級」64關(3200字)、「多益」90關(4500字)共收錄14300個單字。11. 每天花30分鐘玩「兔兔單字王」可活化您的腦細胞,增強您的記憶力。12. 趣味性的學習、遊戲性的規畫將使您輕輕鬆鬆地成為「英文單字達人」。提醒您:巨量國際資訊有限公司相關APP介紹,請按首頁K,K代表本公司的K STORE。1. Theworld'sfirstgamification (gamification) quickly and efficientlybackingwordpuzzle App2. "Bunny king word" points "GEPT beginning,middleandhigh-class" and "more beneficial" word.3. GEPT all words are GEPT within the officialwebsiteofword-based.4. through the "smoke word" learning, tired performance50words,you can enter "Shan character" do "pass through" test.5. "checkpoints" score better, get reward ratio ishigher,theworse the results, the lower the proportion to berewarded.6. "test" points "to see the English test Chinese" and"lookatChinese test in English," two categories, any userselection.7. "test" has a time limit, and the answers faster,gethigherreward ratio, a relatively low proportion of thewinners.8. "end", you can enter "got it wrong word" inspection,andthenrepeated learning, until the Society has been to.9. "Bunny king word" all occurrences of English wordsvoice,allusing voice-based TTS systems.10. "Bunny word King" "British subject" "junior" 48Off(2400words), "intermediate" 84 Off (4200 words), "senior" 64Off(3200words), "more beneficial" 90 off ( 4500 words) containsatotal of14,300 words.11. Spend 30 minutes to play, "King Bunny word" canactivateyourbrain cells, enhancing your memory.12. The fun of learning the game of planning will allowyoutoeasily become "a word of English people."Remind you: massive APP International, Inc.relatedpresentation,press Home K, K behalf of the Company's KSTORE.
英听先修班 - 图文测验 - 真人发音 1.11
★系统开发:台湾最大云端补习班、数位学习- 艾尔云校 ,首创 『名师线上课程』的云端学校,课程可线上试听。★系统营运:http://airABC.tv英文学习服务、网路学习,最佳英文学习频道,400万人一致推荐!想加强英语能力吗?想加强英听能力吗?本APP完全免费,上百题黄金精选题库就在『英听先修班-图文测验』现正火爆上线中!!本开发团队继英文单字王、英文每日C、英文5分钟、百科小学堂、英听特训班等优质APP之后,再次强力推出快速提升英听能力的APP录音内容全真人发音绝对高品质语音,就是现在赶快下载!!段考考听力,英检考听力,教育部会考也加考听力!!继好评不断的英听特训班之后,艾尔教育集团趁热加码推出题目增加双倍以上的英听会考,题目更丰富,题材更多元!不论是全民英检(GEPT)、全球英检(GET),还是教育部会考,只要使用英听先修班APP的黄金题库,就可以Hold住听力基础,还让您不小心手滑变成听力神人,怎么考都不怕!本APP特色:1.上百题独家试题语音MP3,随时随地测验学习。学习英文最好的方式不在乎是『多听多说』,我们在此就提供您『听』运用学习模式 , 测验模式,实战模拟测验三种模式加强『听』已助英文能力更上一层楼2.题型内容实用度100%!A.辨识句意依据所听到的语句内容,选出符合的图片。B.基本问答单一来回对话的问答,评量是否掌握简易对话的基本沟通功能,只要依据所听到的单一问句,选出一个最适合的回答即可。C.言谈理解学习短篇的言谈段落,评量能够理解简易的日常对话,从言谈内容中做出情境推论,只要听懂短文或对话中的主要内容即可作答。此三类听力试题均属基本容易的日常语句及短篇言谈,能力表现偏向「基础」等级,只要经由本APP的基本教学中习得基本聆听能力,即可作答。英语听力是必须以「积沙成塔」和「少量多餐」的方式来训练,例如利用通勤时间,每日花20 分钟,30 天就等于600分钟,一个月就多了10个小时的练习时间,而且这平均分配到每天的练习时间,绝对比在假日用个1 小时练习听力有效。Want to improve English proficiency do ? Want to improveEnglishlistening capable?This APP is free, featured hundreds of exam questions on gold"English listening Examination - The Basics " is now hot on theline! !The development team , following the English word king , adailyEnglish C, English 5 minutes , Encyclopedia small school ,afterlistening to the British Gifted classes and other quality APP,onceagain launched a strong ability to quickly upgrade theBritishlisten to audio content pronounce APP absolutely full ofhighquality live voice , which is now quickly download ! !Section quiz hearing , the British seized the hearing test ,theMinistry of Education Examination also added test hearing !!Following the praise of English listening Gifted classescontinuedafter Al overweight launch hot topics Education Groupincreased bymore than double the English listening examinations ,subjectricher, more diverse themes ! Whether GEPT (GEPT), a globalBritishseized (GET), or the Ministry of Education Examination ,just usethe English listening examinations app gold exam , you canhold thehearing live basis , but also allows you to become carelesshandslipped hearing God, how the test are not afraid !The APP Features :1 . Hundreds of questions questions voice exclusive MP3,anytimequiz to learn.The best way to learn English do not care " listen more to say,"Here we will give you "hear" the use of learning mode, testmode,three modes of combat simulation tests to strengthen"listening "to the next level English skills have helped2 questions as practical degree 100% !A. Identification of the sentence was intendedBased on the contents of the statement have heard , elected inlinewith the picture.B. Basic Questions and AnswersQ & A single back and forth dialogue , communicationandevaluation functions are easy to master basic conversation ,aslong as the single basis hear questions , select the onebestsuited to answer .C. speech understanding learningConversation short paragraphs, assessment can understandsimpleeveryday conversation , make inferences fromsituationalconversation content , short or long to understand themain contentof the conversation to answer.Listening Tests are basically three types of daily statementsandshort easy conversation , the ability to express bias " basic"level , as long as the acquisition of basic listeningskillsthrough basic education in the APP , you can answer.Listening is a must in order to " sand into the tower " and"smaller meals " approach to training, such as the use ofcommutetime , spend 20 minutes a day, 30 days is equivalent to 600minutesa month on more than 10 hours of practice time , and thisaveragedaily practice time allocated to , definitely more than onehour inthe holiday months to practice listening and effectiveuse.
多多学英语 妈妈在哪儿 2.2.0
本应由5个模块供小朋友选择:1.【中文诵读】:中文逐句诵读,可暂停、上句、下句;2.【英文诵读】:英文逐句诵读,可暂停、上句、下句;3.【跟我唱歌】:对照文字逐句唱歌,可暂停、上句、下句;4.【对照练习】:中、英对照,逐句讲解,并对重点词汇圈点解释,可暂停、上句、下句;5.【看图认词】:对照图片,中、英对照,学习单词,可暂停、上个、下个。功能特点:**双语教学:在学习童话故事的同时加强英文听,读水平。**动画界面:全新动画设计,充满童趣。**图片精美:鲜艳亮丽,手绘卡通风格,易于理解,便与记忆。**互动练习:通过学单词,跟读,英文歌曲等互动环节,激发孩子的学习热情**优美配乐:以优美的名曲为音乐背景,帮助孩子更好的领悟故事意境。《多多学英语》系列共有40多个应用,专为孩子英语学习方面而设计,搜索"多多"下载更多应用。妈妈在哪儿(Where is my mom),中英对照看童话,边看边学英语。适合4岁到12岁儿童。一个温暖的春日,小鸡彼彼正在院子里玩....