1.0 / September 19, 2016
(5.0/5) (1)


The application "Shooting Range"(forairweapon) is designed to provide ease of operation of ballisticshootcalculator, fast data entry and screen output of necessaryandimportant data suitable for its quick changes and achievementofthe result.
The ballistic shoot calculator in itself has much in common withthesame applications. It is available to make basic calculations,suchas track of a bullet in vertical direction, wind reflection,timeand velocity of the bullet at a given distance and mostimportantlyballistic corrections which can be transferred intotangent scaledivision. A user-friendly table lists all data notedabove.
It is available to change all units at the same place. There isnoneed to waste time in search of the way to convert centimetersintoinches, meters into pounds or yards, kilometers into miles andsoon. "Shooting range" is also available for convertingtheseunits.
Good luck using the application. I am waiting for yourfeedback.Thank you!

App Information Shooting Range

  • App Name
    Shooting Range
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 19, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Rostovskaya obl. Taganrog Chehova 250
  • Google Play Link

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Garden calendar Pro 2.2 APK
The algorithm of sowing calendar isavailable;- The sowing calendar has no date limitations;- It has more than 30 crop names (groundnut, shortest carrot, maizeetc.);The software “Garden calendar” contains recommendations foreveryday handling of plants according to the phase of the Moon.Different phases of the Moon have different influence with plants.By using the software you will be able to tend plants properlyaccording to the forces of nature. For example, during waning moonroots are very hurtable, so this is not a good time fortransplanting.Moreover, software recommendations take into account position ofthe Moon towards zodiacal constellation.The software defines favorable days for garden activity: days forplanting, watering, weeding and many other activities.The most distinctive feature of this calendar (unlike any of othercalendars existed on the Internet) is the correction on precessionphenomenon. As is well-known, precession phenomenon causes the moveof first point of aries towards the Sun by 1degree the 72 years.Approximately 2000 years ago signs of the zodiac and zodiacalconstellations almost coincided, but the move by one sign of zodiac(approximately 30degrees) has taken place between now and then.This points to the fact that ordinary lunar calendars go wrong withthe position of the Moon in zodiacal constellations. This option isin programme settings.The calculation carry out on any date with account of basicplanting algorithms.
Helping Plants A pro 1.1 APK
«Helping Plants A» - Данная программа являетсянебольшим справочником по дефицитам у растений. Не зависимо от тогогде растут ваши растения в теплицы, в открытом грунте или наподоконнике, за всеми нужен досмотр. Своевременное выявление какоголибо дефицита NPK или макро элементов и быстрое внесение егопоможет избежать гибель растения.В данном справочнике присутствует не только признаки дефицитакакого либо элемента но и передозировки других элементов которыеблокируют данный элемент питания (Антагонизм). А также обратнаясвязь при избытке одного увеличивается потребления другого(Синергизм).«Helping Plants A» - Thisprogram is a small guide to deficiencies in plants. No matter whereyour plants grow in greenhouses, open field or on a window sill forall necessary inspections. Timely detection of any deficiency ormacro elements NPK and rapid introduction of his help to avoiddeath of the plant.This handbook is present not only signs of deficiency of anyelement but an overdose of other elements that block the activebattery (antagonism). As well as feedback in excess of oneincreases the consumption of the other (Synergy).
Shooting Range 1.0 APK
The application "Shooting Range"(forairweapon) is designed to provide ease of operation of ballisticshootcalculator, fast data entry and screen output of necessaryandimportant data suitable for its quick changes and achievementofthe result.The ballistic shoot calculator in itself has much in common withthesame applications. It is available to make basic calculations,suchas track of a bullet in vertical direction, wind reflection,timeand velocity of the bullet at a given distance and mostimportantlyballistic corrections which can be transferred intotangent scaledivision. A user-friendly table lists all data notedabove.It is available to change all units at the same place. There isnoneed to waste time in search of the way to convert centimetersintoinches, meters into pounds or yards, kilometers into miles andsoon. "Shooting range" is also available for convertingtheseunits.Good luck using the application. I am waiting for yourfeedback.Thank you!
Garden Calendar 2.2 APK
The software “Garden calendar” contains recommendations foreverydayhandling of plants according to the phase of the Moon.Differentphases of the Moon have different influence with plants.By usingthe software you will be able to tend plants properlyaccording tothe forces of nature. For example, during waning moonroots are veryhurtable, so this is not a good time fortransplanting. Moreover,software recommendations take into accountposition of the Moontowards zodiacal constellation. The softwaredefines favorable daysfor garden activity: days for planting,watering, weeding and manyother activities. The most distinctivefeature of this calendar(unlike any of other calendars existed onthe Internet) is thecorrection on precession phenomenon. As iswell-known, precessionphenomenon causes the move of first point ofaries towards the Sunby 1degree the 72 years. Approximately 2000years ago signs of thezodiac and zodiacal constellations almostcoincided, but the move byone sign of zodiac (approximately30degrees) has taken place betweennow and then. This points to thefact that ordinary lunar calendarsgo wrong with the position ofthe Moon in zodiacal constellations.This option is in programmesettings.
Зеленый Блокнот 1.2 APK
Программа «Зеленый блокнот» имеетнаборфункционала для обеспечения и поддержания надлежащего уходазадомашними, садовыми, тепличными растениями. А также позволяетвестибазу данных для наблюдения за растениями, для этого впрограммувключен метод архивации и фотографирования.В программе присутствует «NPK Калькулятор» для расчетаудельноговеса химического элемента в растворе. Присутствуетвозможностьнакопления рецептов растворов и их быстрый поиск, атакже привязкарецепта к конкретному растению.The "green notebook" hasaset of functionality to achieve and maintain proper care forhome,garden, hothouse plants. And also allows you to maintain adatabaseto monitor the plants for this program included the methodofarchiving and photographing.The program has a «NPK Calculator" to calculate the proportionofchemical elements in the solution. There is the possibilityofaccumulation of recipes and their solutions quickly find andbindto a specific recipe plant.
Helping Plants A 1.1 APK
«Helping Plants A» - Данная программаявляетсянебольшим справочником по дефицитам у растений. Не зависимоот тогогде растут ваши растения в теплицы, в открытом грунте илинаподоконнике, за всеми нужен досмотр. Своевременное выявлениекакоголибо дефицита NPK или макро элементов и быстрое внесениеегопоможет избежать гибель растения.В данном справочнике присутствует не только признаки дефицитакакоголибо элемента но и передозировки других элементов которыеблокируютданный элемент питания (Антагонизм). А также обратнаясвязь приизбытке одного увеличивается потребления другого(Синергизм).Если вы хотите избавится от рекламного блокастороннихорганизаций скачайте версию Pro.Отсутствие рекламы это единственное отличие, но тем неменеевыподдерживаете разработчика.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.qvet.helpingplansapro«Helping Plants A» -Thisprogram is a small guide to deficiencies in plants. No matterwhereyour plants grow in greenhouses, open field or on a windowsill forall necessary inspections. Timely detection of anydeficiency ormacro elements NPK and rapid introduction of his helpto avoiddeath of the plant.This handbook is present not only signs of deficiency of anyelementbut an overdose of other elements that block the activebattery(antagonism). As well as feedback in excess of oneincreases theconsumption of the other (Synergy).If you want to get rid of the advertising blockthird-partyorganizations, download the version of Pro.No advertising is the only difference, but the nemenee yousupportthe developer.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.qvet.helpingplansapro
Недвижимость Таганрога 1.0 APK
Решились обойтись без агентств и посредников?В этом Вам поможет программа от Единой Службы Новостроек(esn-tg.ru) . Наша программа - это карманный гид, которыйпредоставит Вам всю информацию по объектам недвижимости отзастройщиков города Таганрога. Только у нас самая актуальная базаданных по квартирам и домам. Мы не гонимся за количеством, мыработаем только с проверенными застройщиками, гарантированносдающие свои объекты в установленные сроки.Программа всегда на связи с нашим сервером, а значит Вы имеетеактуальную информацию в любое время. Где находится объект, егодетальное описание, фотографии и самое главное ЦЕНА объекта,установленная застройщиком. Не дайте себя обмануть непорядочнымпосредникам, пользуйтесь нашим приложением, которое поможетприобрести жилье без дополнительных переплат.При просмотре объектов недвижимости, Вы можете отметить для себянаиболее понравившиеся и вернуться к ним в любое удобное для Васвремя. А также не выходя из программы совершить звонок нашемуспециалисту из Единой Службы Новостроек, который поможетопределиться с выбором среди многочисленных объектов и ответит навсе интересующие Вас вопросы.They decided to dowithout agencies and intermediaries? This will help the programfrom United Novostroek Service (esn-tg.ru). Our program - a pocketguide that will provide you with all the information on real estatedevelopers from the city of Taganrog. Only we have the most currentdatabase of apartments and houses data. We are not looking for thenumbers, we work only with reliable builders, who give guaranteedtheir facilities in a timely manner.The program is always connected to our server, which means youhave the latest information at any time. Where is the object, adetailed description, photos and most important object price set bythe developer. Do not be fooled by dishonest intermediaries use ourapp that will help to purchase a house without anyoverpayments.When viewing the properties, you can check for themselves themost favorite and return to it at any time convenient for you. Andwithout leaving the program to make a call to our expert from theUnited Novostroek Service, which will help determine the choiceamong numerous objects and answer all your questions.