App Information Resep Donat Kentang Lembut
- App NameResep Donat Kentang Lembut
- Package Namecom.raimediacenter.resepdonatkentang
- UpdatedNovember 27, 2014
- File Size6.4M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version2.1
- DeveloperRai Media Center
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLifestyle
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan 3.1 APK
Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan berisi 50 tebakanlucu + 20 Tebakan Gombal Romantis, gokil abisss, sulit ketebakcocok untuk menyemarakan suasana saat kumpul bersama teman ataukeluarga. Banyak jawaban tidak terduga yang tetap masuk akal bisamembuat anda tersenyum atau malah tertawa sendiri saatmembacanya.Fitur:- 50 tebakan plesetan lucu dan gokil habis- 20 tebakan gombal romantis- spesialis plesetan bukan tebak-tebakan lucu biasa- tebak-tebakan unik untuk banyak kalanganDisarankan TIDAK MEMBACA DI KENDARAAN UMUM ATAU DITENGAH KERAMAIAN!!!!Jangan sampai anda terpingkal-pingkal sendiri ditengah orangbanyak.Ayo install aplikasi tebak-tebakan gokil plesetan dan 20 tebakangombal romantis ini sekarang sebelum tertawa itu dilarang!!!Guess guess guess Gokilfunny pun contains 50 + 20 guess Gombal Romance, gokil abisss, hardketebak suitable to enrich the atmosphere when sharing with friendsor family. Many unexpected answer that still makes sense to makeyour own smile or even laugh when reading.Features:- 50 guesses pun funny and discharged gokil- 20 guesses romantic rags- A play specialist instead of guessing the usual cute- Unique guessing game for many peopleAdvised NOT READ IN GENERAL VEHICLE OR Amid CROWD !!!!Do not let your own laughing amid the crowd.Let's install applications gokil guessing a play and 20 romanticrag guess this now before it is forbidden to laugh !!!
Resep Masakan Sehari hari 3.1 APK
Resep Masakan Sehari-hari yang mudah dibuatdan sangat disukai keluarga Indonesia. Resep masakan sederhana inidilengkapi dengan bahan yang dibutuhkan dan cara membuat makanansehari-hari tersebut.Fitur aplikasi resep masakan sehari-hari ini adalah:- Menyajikan aneka resep populer sehari-hari yang simple tetapidisukai keluarga, seperti:1. Aneka olahan ayam2. Aneka olahan Mie dan Bakso3. Aneka olahan tahu & tempe4. Aneka olahan sayuran- GRATISSS- Update secara periodikJadi jika anda mencari kumpulan resep masakan sehari-hari yangmudah dan disukai anggota keluarga, install aplikasi resep inisekarang.Everyday Recipes are easyto make and highly preferred family of Indonesia. This simplerecipe is equipped with the required materials and how to make thedaily diet.App features daily recipes are:- Presents a variety of popular recipes are simple everyday butfavored family, such as:1. Various of processed chicken2. Various processed noodles and meatballs3. Various preparations know and tempe4. Various preparations of vegetables- Gratisss- Update periodicallySo if you are looking for a collection of everyday recipes areeasy and preferred family members, install applications this recipenow.
Resep Donat Kentang Lembut 2.1 APK
Resep donat kentang lembut dan terbaik besertavariannya seperti Dunkin ataupun J Co, dilengkapi dengan ide bisnisdonat yang menarik. Sebagai salah satu makanan favorit di Indonesiadonat disukai segala usia dan segala kalangan. Maraknya geraipenjualan donat dari pasar tradisional sampai ke dalam mall-mallbesar merupakan buktinya. Jadi tidaklah salah jika anda inginmembuka bisnis donat kentang. Semua itu bisa dimulai denganmenginstal aplikasi resep donat kentang lembut ini.Resep donat kentang lembut ini memiliki Fitur:- Menyajikan resep donat kentang yang lembut dan enak- Menyajikan resep variasi donat seperti donat panggang, donatmini, sate donat dan donat durian- Menyajikan cara membuat aneka topping donat seperti Dunkin dan JCo- Memberikan ide bisnis kue donat yang menarik danmenguntungkanJika anda ingin membuat kue donat sendiri maka aplikasi iniadalah alat bantunya.jika anda ingin mempunyai bisnis donut sendiri aplikasi ini jugabisa membantu.Jadi jangan ragu untuk menginstal aplikasi Resep donat kentanglembut ini, apalagi aplikasi ini GRATIS !!!Donut recipe and the bestsoft potato and its variants such as Dunkin or J Co., equipped withdonuts an interesting business idea. As one of the favorite foodsin Indonesia donuts favored all ages and all walks of life. Therise of outlets selling donuts from traditional markets to thelarge malls is proof. So it is not wrong if you want to open apotato donut business. All that can be started by installing theapplication of this soft potato donut recipe.The soft potato donut recipes have Features:- Presents recipes potato donuts are soft and tasty- Presents recipes variations such as donuts baked donuts, minidonuts, donuts and donut satay durian- Presents a way to make a variety of toppings such as Dunkindonuts and J Co- Providing business idea donuts attractive and profitableIf you want to make a donut own then this app is a toolaccessories.If you want to have his own donut business applications can alsohelp.So do not hesitate to install applications soft potato donut recipeis, moreover this application FREE !!!
Nomor Telepon Penting 1.0 APK
Nomor Telepon Penting adalah aplikasi gratisyang menyediakan nomor telepon penting khususnya dalam kondisidarurat seperti ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, deliverymakanan ternama, taxi, penerbangan, bandara, stasiun dan nomortelepon penting lainnya.- Pernahkah anda dalam kondisi membutuhkan no telpon daruratseperti ambulance atau pemadam kebakaran? kecepatan dan ketepatansangat dibutuhkan.- Pernahkan anda harus segera ke Bandara tetapi kesulitan mencariTaxi sdngkan anda tidak hapal nomor telpon taxi favorit anda?- Tahukah anda bahwa memesan tiket kereta api luar kota bisa dengantelepon saja?Telepon penting sangat membantu anda dalam situasi-situasi yangdisebutkan diatas.Penggunaannya sangat mudah tinggal pilih mana yang ingindihubungi lalu tekan nomor tersebut maka otomatis akan masuk kemode telepon. (tap to call).Fitur:- Untuk memudahkan pemakaian nomor telepon penting diklasifikasikandalam 4 bagian:1. Darurat (ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, dsb)2. Transportasi (taxi, stasiun, bandara, dsb)3. Telekomunikasi (cek pulsa semua operator, call center semuaoperator)4. Food Delivery (kumpulan kuliner ternama yang menyediakan jasadelivery)- Tap to call- Form feedback untuk dapat memberi masukan membangun danmenginfokan nomor telepon penting lainnya yang juga bermanfaat.Jadi jika anda ingin mudah dalam mencari nomor telepon pentingatau ingin selalu siap dalam kondisi apapun, download dan installaplikasi Telepon penting ini sekarang.Important Phone Numbersis a free application that provides important phone numbers,especially in emergency situations such as ambulance, police, fire,leading food delivery, taxi, flight, airports, stations and otherimportant phone numbers.- Have you ever in a condition requiring emergency telephone nosuch ambulance or fire department? speed and accuracy areneeded.- Have you ever had to get to the airport but having troublefinding Taxi sdngkan you do not remember your favorite taxi phonenumber?- Did you know that ordering a train ticket out of town can be withjust a phone?Very important phone helps you in situations mentionedabove.Very easy to use just select which one to call and press thenumber then it will automatically go into phone mode. (Tap tocall).Features:- To facilitate the use of important phone numbers classified in 4parts:1 Emergency (ambulance, police, fire, etc.)2 Transportation (taxi, stations, airports, etc.)3 Telecommunications (check pulses all operators, call centers alloperators)4 Food Delivery (famous culinary collection that provides deliveryservices)- Tap to call- Form to be able to provide feedback and input to buildmenginfokan other important phone numbers are also helpful.So if you want easier to find important phone numbers or want toalways be ready under any circumstances, download and install thisimportant phone app now.
Bisnis Model Kanvas for Bisnis 2.1 APK
Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk memulai ataumembesarkan bisnis anda. Suatu model bisnis spektakuler denganpendekatan pada satu lembar kertas, menghasilkan model bisnis yanglebih sederhana dan komprehensif, menjadikan Organisasi yang lebihefektif sehingga dapat terus tumbuh, di tengah-tengah perubahan danpersaingan yang sangat ketat saat ini. Pelajari bisnis model kanvasini dan action now.Fitur aplikasi bisnis model canvas:- Pengenalan singkat tentang Bisnis Model Kanvas- Detail penjelasan 9 blok pembentuk Bisnis Model Kanvas- Contoh Bisnis Model Kanvas FBAplikasi Bisnis Model Kanvas ini sangat cocok bagi:- yang ingin memulai usaha- yang sudah punya usaha tapi kok jalan ditempat- yang usahanya sudah berjalan dan ingin cepat berkembangBuatlah Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk usaha anda dan bersiaplahuntuk menjadi besar.Instal aplikasi ini sekarang juga jangan sampai didahului olehkompetitor anda.Business Model Canvas tostart or increase your business. A spectacular business model withthe approach on one sheet of paper, produced a business model thatis simpler and comprehensive, making the organization moreeffective so that it can continue to grow, in the midst of changeand competition is very tight at the moment. Learn the businessmodel of this canvas and action now.Features canvas models of business applications:- Brief Introduction to the Business Model Canvas- Detailed explanation of 9 blocks forming the Business ModelCanvas- Sample Business Model Canvas FBApplications Business Model Canvas is ideal for:- Who wants to start a business- Which already had a business but why the place- Whose business is already running and want fast growingMake Business Model Canvas to your business and be prepared tobe great.Install this application now also not to be preceded by yourcompetitors.
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses 2.0 APK
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses merupakan aplikasibisnis gratis yang menjelaskan 4 pilar untuk membangun bisnis yangsukses. Saat ini sedang tren berwirausaha alias berbisnis baik yangsedang bekerja, mau pensiun ataupun yang sejak awal ingin langsungberbisnis saja. Banyak tawaran Bisnis oportunity, franchise,pelatihan dan workshop bisnis yang semuanya menawarkan kesuksesan.Sebelum jauh kesana mari pelajari 4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses ini dengangratisss.Manfaat:- memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang bisnis- Menjelaskan tentang 4 pilar dalam membangun bisnis suksesSebelum kurusus atau workshop atau membangun bisnis, pelajaridulu konsep dasar 4 pilar bisnis ini.Install sekarang GRATISSSS4 Pillars of a SuccessfulBusiness is a free business application that describes 4 pillars tobuild a successful business. Currently trending aka businessentrepreneurship which are working, or who want to retire from thebeginning wanted to direct business only. Many offer businessoportunity, franchise, training and business workshops that are alloffering success. Before there is much to learn 4 Pillars let'sBusiness Success with gratisss.Benefits:- Provide basic knowledge about the business- Explaining about the 4 pillars in building a successfulbusinessBefore kurusus or workshop or building a business, first learnthe basic concept of the 4 pillars of this business.Install now GRATISSSS
Game Pendidikan Anak 2.2 APK
Game Pendidikan Anak berupa Puzzle warna danbuah untuk merangsang kecerdasan anak usia dini. Dilengkapi dengangambar buah warna warni selain dapat merangsang otak diharapkanjuga dapat membuat anak lebih mudah makan buah sesuai denganprinsip tak kenal maka tak sayang.Manfaat aplikasi game pendidikan anak bagi buah hati anda:- Merangsang kecerdasan anak- Pengenalan 7 warna utama (merah, kuning, hijau, oranye, ungu,putih dan coklat)- Pengenalan 7 buah yang sesuai dengan 7 warna diatas- Dari mengenal diharapkan anak menyukai buah-buahan yang sangatbermanfaatGame bertemakan pendidikan ini lebih cocok diberikan kepada anakusia dini sampai usia TK meskipun demikian untuk puzzlenya bisadimainkan pula untuk anak sampai usia 7-8 tahun.Melihat manfaat diatas jangan ragu menginstall dan memberikangame pendidikan anak ini kepada anak anda.Install sekarang, GRATISSS dan rasakan manfaatnya.Game Puzzle Children'sEducation in the form of color and fruit to stimulate earlychildhood intelligence. Equipped with colorful fruit image than canbe expected to stimulate the brain may also make it easier child toeat fruit in accordance with the principles do not know it waslove.Benefits kids educational game app for your baby:- Stimulate the child's intelligence- Introduction 7 primary colors (red, yellow, green, orange,purple, white and brown)- Introduction 7 pieces corresponding to 7 colors above- Of the children are expected to know like fruits that arebeneficialThemed games are more suitable education given to young children upto the age of kindergarten though for the puzzle can be played alsofor children up to the age of 7-8 years.Seeing the benefits of the above do not hesitate to install andgive this child educational game to your child.Install now, gratisss and feel the benefits.
Game Memory Anak 1.0 APK
Game Memory Anak untuk meningkatkan dayaingatdan kreatifitas anak anda melalui permainan yang menarik. Gameinigratis dan terdiri dari 3 macam, yaitu game memory huruf,gamememory angka dan game memory buah. Semua menggunakanwarna-warnicerah yang akan menstimulus kreatifitas anak anda.Install sekarang juga agar segera mendapatkan manfaat game iniuntukanak anda.Fitur:- Meningkatkan kecerdasan dan daya ingat anak- Pengenalan huruf- Pengenalan angka- Pengenalan buah-buahanChildren Memory Gamestoimprove memory and your children's creativity throughexcitinggames. The game is free and consists of three kinds, namelylettersmemory game, memory game memory game of numbers and fruit.All usebright colors that will stimulate your child'screativity.Install now also for the immediate benefit of this game foryourchild.Features:- Improve children's intelligence and memory- Introduction of the letters- The introduction of a number- Introduction of fruits
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Resep Donat Kentang 1.0 APK
Aplikasi ini sengaja kami buat untuk Anda parapecinta kuliner khususnya donat kentang. Dalam aplikasi initerdapat banyak resep bagaimana cara membuat donat kentang yangenak disukai semua orang. Berikut ini contoh dari daftar resep yangdibahas dalam aplikasi ini:- Resep Donat Kentang Dunkin Asli- Resep Donat Kentang J.CO Yang Lembut Dan Empuk- Resep Donat Kentang Isi Coklat Yang Legit- Resep Donat Kentang Keju Empuk- Resep Donat Kentang Kukus Coklat Keju Spesial- Resep Donat Kentang Mini Warna-Warni- Resep Donat Kentang Panggang Lezat- Resep Donat Kentang Spesial Enak Empuk- Membuat Resep Donat Kentang Tanpa Telur- Donat Kentang Bersalju- Donat Kentang Unyu- Donat Kentang Santan- Donat Kentang Mini Serba 25- Donat Kentang Mama Irit Telur- Donat Kentang Empuk Gampang BikinnyaSerta masih banyak resep donat lainnya yang dibahas diaplikasiini. Aplikasi ini akan selalu diupdate, sehingga akan banyak resepdonat kentang terbaru dalam aplikasi ini.This application isdeliberately made to your culinary connoisseurs especially potatodonuts. In this application there are many recipes how to make adelicious potato donuts liked by everyone. Here is an example of alist of recipes that are discussed in this application:- Recipe Potato Dunkin Donuts Original- Recipe Potato Doughnuts J.CO Gentle and Soft- Fill Brown Potato Recipe Donuts The Legit- Soft Cheese Potato Doughnuts Recipe- Steamed Potato Recipe Donuts Chocolate Cheese Special- Recipe Potato Mini Donuts Colors- Baked Potato Recipes Delicious Doughnuts- Prescription Discount Delicious Doughnut Potato Soft- Make Doughnuts Potato Recipe Without Eggs- Doughnut Potato Snow- Potato Doughnuts Unyu- Potato Doughnuts Santan- Doughnut Potato Mini Serba 25- Doughnut Potato Mama Irit Eggs- Easy Soft Potato Doughnuts BikinnyaAnd many others are covered donut recipe is applied. This appwill always be updated, so will a lot of the latest potato donutrecipes in this application.
던킨 모닝스타트업 4.4 APK
★던킨도너츠 모닝스타트업 앱 리뉴얼★건강한 아침 습관을 도와주는 던킨 애플리케이션!모닝스타트업으로 간편하고 맛있는 아침을 시작하세요~1) 아침이 즐거운 던킨 모닝 알람으로 일어나2) 원하는 아침 메뉴 쿠폰을 선택!(단, 오전 11시 이후 설정 시, 쿠폰을 받으실 수 없습니다.)3) 오전 11시까지 던킨도너츠 매장으로 GO! (모닝스타트업 매장: 모닝스타트업 쿠폰으로 부담 없는 가격에 아침을 맛있게 즐기시면 끝!재미있고 맛있는 아침 습관! 던킨 모닝스타트업 애플리케이션과 함께 시작하세요~※ 모닝스타트업 쿠폰 사용 가능 매장은 홈페이지에서 확인하세요(일부 매장 사용 불가)※ 모닝스타트업 쿠폰 사용 시, 해피포인트는 적립되지 않습니다. (타 행사 및 타 쿠폰 중복할인 불가)■ 주요 기능- 아침이 즐거워지는 알람 사운드를 자유롭게 선택- 도넛을 커피 속으로 Dunk-In! 재미있는 알람 해제 기능- 알람 해제 후 다양한 아침 메뉴 쿠폰 선택(오전 11시 이후 설정 시, 쿠폰을 받으실 수 없습니다.)- 스마트 폰 속으로 할인 쿠폰이 발행※ 던킨 모닝 스타트업 애플리케이션에 대한 문의는 "판매자에게 문의하기" 혹은 [email protected]으로문의 주시면 신속히 답변 드리겠습니다 :)※ 던킨 모닝스타트업 애플리케이션은 320 *480 해상도를 지원하지 않습니다.Dunkin 'Donuts Wake ★ ★renewal app startup Healthy habits help morning Dunkin application!Easy to start up and start your morning with a deliciousbreakfast - Wake up to pleasant Dunkin alarm 1) morning2) you want breakfast (but not the menu, select coupons! Setafter 11 am, will receive a coupon.)3) 11 am to Dunkin 'Donuts store GO! (Morning Start-up store: enjoy a delicious breakfast at an affordable price 4)Morning start-up coupon tip! Breakfast habits, fun and delicious! Start your morning with astart-up application - Dunkin ' Morning start-up coupons available ※ Please check the storewebsite (not some used store) ※ When using the morning start-up coupon, you will not earnHappy Points. (Other events and other discount coupons Noduplicates) ■ Key Features- Freely choose the alarm sound fun this morning- The Dunk-In donut into coffee! Funny alarm off functionAfter the alarm off (not set after 11 am, the coupon available.)Wide selection of breakfast menu couponDiscount coupons are issued in smartphones※ Morning Dunkin 'questions about the application start-up, pleasecontact [email protected]"contact seller" on or we will promptly answer :)Does not support 320 * 480 resolution ※ Morning Dunkin 'startupapplications.
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mCent - Free Mobile Recharge 2.0 APK
Use mCent and get free recharge to top-updata, talktime, and SMS.How it works: Discover. Earn. Recharge.1. Discover new apps we picked just for you2. Earn credit for each of the free apps you try3. Use the credit to recharge your phone for free!Earn free recharge money on mCent your first day and everyday afterthat. You can use your free data recharges anyway you want. Visitwhatever website you want, download any app, or give your rechargeto friends.Never worry about data charges again.Mobile recharges are supported on all major operators.
Cool Browser - Fast Download 3.1 APK
Download the best mobile browser -Cool Browser for android. Cool Browser provides you Breaking News,in-built HD video player, share center, multi tab browsing,incognito browsing and amazing speed to watch and download yourfavorite movies.Unique Features✓ Lightweight Browser✓ Personalized Search✓ Download & Share Videos✓ Download Manager✓ Inbuilt HD Video Player✓ Multi Tab Browsing✓ Suggestive Search✓ Image off mode✓ Incognito Browsing✓ Zoom In/Out✓ Offline Videos------------------------------------------------------------❖ Lightweight Browser- Very lightweight application provides you great browsingexperience. Enjoy superfast speed for watching your favorite movies& TV shows online❖ Personalized Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm. Selectyour preferred search engines conveniently for best result.❖ Download & Share Video- Now you can download & share videos to your Whatsapp &Facebook with a single click.❖ Download Manager- Now download your favorite files, videos with a single click.In-built download manager helps to enhance the download speed forany desired file.❖ Inbuilt HD Video Player- Enjoy HD viewing experience for your favorite movies within-built HD video player.❖ Multi Tab Browsing- It is allowing you to open multiple tabs while browsing. You canswipe & switch desired page according to your need.❖ Suggestive Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm.❖ Image off mode- Filters out photos for a faster browsing experience. Also savesdata cost for downloading photos & images.❖ Incognito Browsing- Surf your favorite websites in private browsing (incognito) modeand secure your privacy.❖ Zoom In/Out- Watch screening with zoom mode to enjoy enhanced visualexperience.❖ Password Protection- Password protection for your personal login information.❖ Offline Videos- Plays videos offline without internet. Get your favorite videosoffline.❖ Customizable Skin- Make your browser more personal with customizable features andattractive skins.❖ Share Center- Share your favorite videos with your friends and groupseasily.❖ Breaking News- Get top trending results daily with easy navigation. Watch &download them is not supported due to their terms of service.facebook:
Discover 1.0 APK
“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
Double Tap: Screen Wake Up 1.2 APK
Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
Gigato: Free Data Recharge 3.14 APK
With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:[email protected] allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines 5.0.0 APK
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