App Information Poker Texas Polski
- App NamePoker Texas Polski
- Package Namecom.boyaa.androidmarketpl
- UpdatedJuly 13, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid Varies with device
- Version6.2.1
- DeveloperBoyaa
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryCard
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Poker Texas Polski Version History
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Poker Texas Polski 6.2.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2021 /1/25Requires Android: Android 4.2+ (Jelly Bean, API: 17)File Size: 95.4 MBTested on: Android 10 (Quince Tart, API: 29)File Sha1: f0ded5064c67767480666f9658c208cdef27c32d -
Poker Texas Polski 5.4.2 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /12/5Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 32.9 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)File Sha1: 6da9608d4004e1e20cdd12388de4d116ce67f772 -
Poker Texas Polski 4.1.1 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /7/6Requires Android: Android 2.0+ (clair, API: 5)File Size: 18.9 MBTested on: Android 3.1 (Honeycomb, API: 12)File Sha1: 511a27a7e1e98666f4456e9e04bb84f2f80f6b6d -
Poker Texas Polski 4.1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/29Requires Android: Android 2.0+ (clair, API: 5)File Size: 18.9 MBTested on: Android 3.1 (Honeycomb, API: 12)File Sha1: 50cdcb82d84d8b38476a62fb68f2651456f902ba
Boyaa Show More...
Boyaa Texas Poker 6.4.0 APK
♠♣Online Poker with International TexasHold’em Tournaments and Challenges. ♥♦(Real tournaments and real players, but no real money. We are hereto compete, chill out, mind training and meeting people)-LOTS OF DAILY ACTIVE USERSWe’ve joined our platforms so now it’s easier to find Texas Holdemplayers anywhere, anytime.-CLEAN POKER GAMEWe use an algorithm certified by iTech Labs and a specialized teamto keep the game fair, clean and fun. Poker Online at itsbest.-PRESTIGE AND REAL POKERBoyaa is the multinational company that is defying the tradition byblending online and offline Texas poker in an internationalenvironment.-DAILY BANKROLL, VIP CARDS AND +We have all kind of poker tools so the game adapts to you, whetheryou are a novice, a casual weekend player that wants to improvehis/hers poker skills, an ambitious challenger who is aiming forthe rankings or a professional online poker player. From daily freechips to bankruptcy relief and special services for VIP players. Ifyou think of can bet we have it!-MULTIPLATFORMPlay on Android, iOS and Facebook in a seamless way. Log in withyour Facebook account to jump from one platform to another. PC,mobile or Pads. We've linked them all.Of course, you can always enter as a Guest. No accounts, nopersonal data, just open and play.-4 MULTIPLAYER MODES (Hold’em, Sit’N’Go, MTT, Club)Play Texas Hold’em on fast or slow tables with high or low stakes.Play without limits, Play Multi-table poker tournaments or justSit’N’Go rooms. Now you can even open your own private poker roomsin Club Mode so you can choose the rules, the blinds, and yourpartners.- INTERACTIVEAll the icons, emoticons, stickers and buttons are 100%interactive. Click on any player, and analyze his/her profile, besthands, winning rate and other data. Click on any playful item onthe screen and share it with friends, frenemies, dealers,girlfriends, boyfriends and poker partners.——The game is designed for an adult audience. It doesn’t offer realmoney, only Boyaa coins that can be redeemed for virtual items,game chips and new options.Privacy Policy: Terms of Service:
Poker Texas Polski 6.2.1 APK
♠♣Poker online z międzynarodowymi turniejami iwyzwaniami Texas Hold‘em.♥♦(Prawdziwe turnieje i prawdziwi gracze, ale nie prawdziwepieniądze. Jesteśmy tu, by rywalizować, zrelaksować się, potrenowaći poznać nowych przyjaciół)- RZESZE CODZIENNIE AKTYWNYCH GRACZYPołączyliśmy platformy, by jeszcze łatwiej było teraz znaleźćgraczy do gry, w każdym zakątku świata, o każdej porze.-CZYSTY POKERUżywamy algorytmu z certyfikatem iTech Labs i wyspecjalizowanymzespołem, który dba o to, by gra była sprawiedliwa, czysta izabawna. Najlepszy poker w sieci-PRESTIż PRAWDZIWEGO POKERABoyaa jest międzynarodową firmą, która tworzy nowe standardy łączącprawdziwy i sieciowy poker w globalnym otoczeniu.- DZIENNY BANKROLL, KARTY VIP I +Mamy wszelkie możliwe narzędzia pokerowe, więc gra dostosowuje siędo Ciebie, czy jesteś nowicjuszem, graczem weekendowym, który chcepoprawić swą grę, ambitnym graczem celującym w miejsca rankingowe,czy też profesjonalnym internetowym pokerzystą. Od darmowychżetonów przez wsparcie bankruta aż po specjalne opcje dla graczyVIP. Mamy wszystko, czego zapragniesz-MULTIPLATFORMAGraj na Androidzie, iOS czy Facebooku, płynnie przełączając sięmiędzy urządzeniami na tym samym koncie. Zaloguj się ze swojegokonta na Facebooku by móc przełączać się między urządzeniami. PC,komórka, czy tablet, wszystko jest powiązane.-4 MODUŁY GRY DLA WIELU GRACZY (Hold’em, Sit’N’Go, MTT, Club)Graj w Poker Texas na szybkich lub wolnych stołach, na niskich bądźwysokich stawkach. Graj bez ograniczeń. Weź udział w dużychturniejach mistrzowskich lub wejdź po prostu do pokoju Sit‘n’Go.Teraz możesz nawet utworzyć swoje prywatne pokoje pokerowe w moduleklubowym, tak, by samemu ustalać zasady, ciemne i graczy, z którymichcesz grać.-INTERAKTYWNYWszystkie ikony, naklejki, przyciski są w 100% interaktywne.Kliknij na jakiegokolwiek gracza i analizuj jej/jego profil,najlepsze ręce, współczynnik zwycięstw oraz inne dane. Kliknij nazabawny element na ekranie i podziel się nim z przyjaciółmi,dealerami, dziewczyną czy chłopakiem.--Gra jest przeznaczona dla dorosłych. Nie oferuje szans nawygranie prawdziwych pieniędzy, jedynie monet Boyaa, które mogą byćwymienione na wirtualne gadżety, żetony i dodatkowe opcje.Polityka prywatności: usług Boyaa:♠ ♣ Poker onlineinternational tournaments and challenges Texas Hold'em. ♥ ♦(Real tournaments and real players, but not real money. We are hereto compete, to relax, to train and make new friends) - Reich DAILY ACTIVE PLAYERSWe combined platform would have it easier now to find players toplay in every corner of the world, at any time. -clean POKERWe use an algorithm Certified iTech Labs and specialized team thatmakes sure that the game was fair, clean and fun. Best onlinepoker-PRESTIż REAL POKERBoy is an international company that creates new standards bycombining real and poker network in the global environment.- DAILY bankroll VIP CARD AND +We have every possible tool poker, so the game adapts to you,whether you are a novice, a weekend player who wants to improvetheir game, an ambitious player excelled in place of Ladder or aprofessional online poker player. From the free chips by bankruptsupport to special options for the VIP players. We have everythingyou desire-MULTIPLATFORMAPlay on Android, iOS and Facebook, seamlessly switch betweendevices on the same account. Log in with your Facebook account tobe able to switch between devices. PC, cell phone, or tablet,everything is linked. -4 MODULES multiplayer games (Hold'em, Sit'N'Go, MTT Club)Play Poker Texas on fast or slow tables at low or high stakes. Playwithout restrictions. Take part in big tournaments master or simplyvisit the room Sit'n'Go. Now you can even create their own privatepoker rooms in the unit club, so that alone set the rules, and thedark of players that want to play. -INTERACTIVEAll icons, stickers, buttons are 100% interactive. Click on anyplayer and analyze his / her profile, the best hand, thecoefficient of victories and other data. Click on the fun elementon the screen and share it with friends, dealers, girlfriend orboyfriend.--Gra Is intended for adults. It does not offer a chance to winreal money, only coins Boy, which can be exchanged for virtualgoodies, chips and additional options. Privacy Policy: of Service Boya:
Capsa Boyaa APK
☆☆☆☆☆ Capsa Boyaa 3.2.4☆☆☆☆☆【2015.10.10】Memperbaiki bug yang sudah diketahui【2015.07.24】1. Memperbaiki bug yang sudah dikehahui!2. Meningkatkan pengalaman main!【2015.04.27】Upgrade FB SDK, optimalkan versi--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•Big Two adalah semacam poker yang sangat populer di masyarakat.Menurut peraturan game ini, angaka yang paling tinggi adalah2,•maka disebut Big Two. Big Two juga berjulukan Capsa.•Orang segala kaum juga main game ini, caranya gampang, mudahdiajar.•Tapi kalau ingin menang diperlukan pertimbangan dan pikiran yangbetul,merupakan game inteligen yang bersifat kompetitif.Capsa 3.2.4 Boyaa ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【】 10/10/2015Fix the bug that is already known【】 07/24/20151. Fix the bug that is already dikehahui!2. Increase play experience!【】 04/27/2015Upgrade FB SDK, optimized version--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Big Two is a kind of poker that is very popular in the community.According to the rules of this game, the highest Angaka is 2,• so-called Big Two. Big Two also nicknamed Capsa.• People of all the clans are also playing this game, how simple,teachable.• But if you want to win the necessary consideration and mind isright, is a game that is competitive intelligence.
Happy Capsa 3.1.1 APK
☆☆☆☆☆ Happy Capsa 3.1.1☆☆☆☆☆【2016.05.04】Upgrade FB SDK, optimalkan versi•Capsa merupakan semacam permainan kasual yang paling populer didaerah Hongkong, Taiwan, hampir setiap orang tahu cara mainnya.Empat pemain dibagikan 13 kartu per orang, yang punya Wajik 3berhak menjalankan kartu dulu, adapun yang paling cepatmenghabiskan kartu di tangan merupakan pemenang;•Menantang IQ, hanya orang yang paling pintar bisa menangterakhir;•Cocok untuk mengisi waktu malam hari, bisa juga ajak temanuntuk main bersama, membuat kehidupanmu lebih seru dan menarik.•Permainan yang bisa sambil main dan sambil chatting, cara mudahsegera bisa.•Gratis, Banyak bonus.Happy Capsa 3.1.1 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【】 04/05/2016Upgrade FB SDK, optimized version• Capsa is a kind of casual game of the most popular areas inHong Kong, Taiwan, almost everyone knows the way the game. Fourplayers are dealt 13 cards per person, which has Wajik 3 entitledto run the first card, while the most rapidly depleting the cardsin hand is the winner;• Challenging IQ, only the most intelligent person can win thelast;• Suitable for filling time of night, you can also invitefriends to play together, to make your life more exciting andinteresting.• The game can be while playing and while chatting, easy wayimmediately.• Free, Many bonus.
Poker Texas Русский 6.2.0 APK
Миллионы игроков со всего мира!Время начатьигру!Официальный сертификат от iTech LabsBoyaa Техасский Покер - это возможность принять участие вмеждународном оффлайн турнире BPT в Макао.Играйте с нами и примите участие в следующем турнире BPTВ нашем покере вы найдете сотни интерактивных предметов, опций.Мыпредоставляем вам огромный выбор захватывающих турниров. В течениепразднования Нового года вас ожидают многочисленные призы,подарки,бонусы и награды!Зарегистрируйтесь,играйте с нами каждый день и получайте БЕСПЛАТНЫЕфишки за вход.Забудьте о скуке!Играйте с членамисемьи,друзьями,коллегами!Поздравляйте их с праздниками,отправивбукет роз, кружку пива или запустив в начальника гранатой, прямо вигре!- МНОГОПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬСКАЯ ИГРА (Hold’em, Sit’N’Go, MTT, Частнаякомната)БЕСПЛАТНАЯ ИГРА!Загрузите игру и получайте фишки БЕСПЛАТНО!Играйтес нами каждый день и получайте еще больше бесплатных фишек занепрерывный вход в игру, а также, за ежедневныедостижения!Занимайте первые места в рейтинге и мы подарим вамнастоящие призы (мобильные телефоны, беспроводные зарядныеустройства, вещи с логотипом компании Boyaa и другое)ТУРНИРЫ!Sit ‘n’ Go, MTT, Spin ‘n’ Go, Holdem столы , частные комнаты,атакже МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ оффлайн турнир BPT в Макао в самых роскошныхзалах Казино Венециан!Выигрывайте приглашения для участия в турниреBPT онлайн, и мы оплатим ваши авиабилеты в Макао!- ОБЩЕНИЕНайдите друзей по интересам!Общайтесь с игроками из разных городовв чате в игре!Отправляйте интерактивные предметы, стикеры, подаркидругим игрокам, а также аудиосообщения прямо в игре!У другазакончились фишки?!Отправьте ему фишки в подарок и продолжайтеиграть вместе!-ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫЙ РЕЖИМТолько у нас 100% интерактивные предметы,подарки ,стикеры!Нажмитена профиль друга и узнайте о его/ее достижениях!Хотите узнать закаким столом играет друг, чтобы сыграть вместе!?Найти друга легко ипросто!КАЗИНОНе тратьте время впустую,ставя на футбольные матчи!Дерзайте!Играйтев наш Слот между партиями!Немного устали и нуждаетесь впаузе!?Сыграйте в наши мини-игры прямо за столом!Все,что вам нужно- это ваш мобильный телефон,страница в FB, VK или OK !Нет страницыв FB, VK или OK!?Не волнуйтесь!Воспользуйтесь Гостевымаккаунтом,чтобы насладиться игрой!Игра создана для взрослой аудитории и не предусматривает игры нареальные деньги. Для игры можно использовать только игровые фишки.Политика конфиденциальности регулирует порядок обработки ииспользования персональных и иных данных игроков. Миллионы игроковсо всего мира выбирают компанию Boyaa Interactive и играют в BoyaaTexas Poker!Политикаконфиденциальности:Условия оказанияуслуг:Официальные страницы приложенияОтправляйте нам свои отзывы и предложения прямо в игре, а также,участвуйте в акциях на наших официальных страницах приложения всоциальных сетях FB, VK, OK!— FB:— VK:— OK:Служба поддержкиОтзыв в игре:служба поддержки ответит на все ваши вопросы с ПН поПТ!;Служба поддержки по электронной почте: [email protected]Спешите присоединиться к нам!!!До встречи за столом!Millions of playersaround the world! Time to start the game!The official certificate from iTech LabsBoyaa Texas Poker - this is an opportunity to take part in aninternational offline BPT tournament in Macau.Play with us and take part in the next tournament BPTIn our poker you will find hundreds of interactive objectsoptsiy.My offer you a huge selection of exciting tournaments.During the celebration of the New Year you expect numerous prizes,gifts, bonuses and rewards!Sign up, play with us every day and get free chips for entry.Forget about boredom! Play with your family, friends, colleagues, Icongratulate them to holidays by sending a bouquet of roses, a mugof beer or a grenade launching in chief, right in the game! - MULTIPLAYER (Hold'em, Sit'N'Go, MTT, private room)FREE GAME! Download the game and get tokens for FREE! Play with usevery day and get more free chips for continuous input into thegame, as well as for the daily achievements of! Occupy the firstplace in the rankings and we'll give you real prizes (mobilephones, wireless chargers Boyaa things with the company logo,etc.)TOURNAMENTS!Sit 'n' Go, MTT, Spin 'n' Go, Holdem tables, private rooms, as wellas international offline BPT tournament in Macau to the mostluxurious halls of the Casino Veneziano! Win an invitation toparticipate in the tournament BPT online, and we will pay yourtickets in Macau!- TALKFind friends with the same interests! Communicate with players fromdifferent cities chatting in the game! Dispatched by theinteractive objects, stickers, gifts to other players, and audiomessages directly into the game! Have a friend run out of chips?Send him a gift in chips and continue to play together!-Interactive ModeOnly we have 100% interactive items, gifts, stickers! Click on thefriend's profile to find out about his / her achievements! Want toknow which table plays a friend to play together? Find anothereasy!CASINODo not waste time, betting on football matches Dare Play our slotbetween the parties a little tired and in need of a pause Playthese mini-games at the table all that you need -!!!!! This is yourcell phone, Web FB, VK or OK! No pages in FB, VK or OK!? Do notworry! Use a guest account now to enjoy the game!The game is designed for an adult audience and does not provide forreal money games. To play only the game pieces can be used. PrivacyPolicy governs the processing and use of personal data and otherplayers. Millions of players around the world are choosing acompany Boyaa Interactive and play Boyaa Texas Poker!Privacy Policy: http: // of services: page of the applicationPlease send us your feedback and suggestions directly into thegame, as well as participate in promotions on our officialapplication pages in social networks FB, VK, OK!- FB: VK: OK: serviceReviewed in the game: support staff will answer all your questionsfrom Monday to Friday !;Support by e-mail: [email protected] to join us !!!See you at the table!
博雅四人鬥地主(酷炫新版) APK
一年的蟄伏,博雅四人鬥地主新版本盛大發佈!全新界面,全新玩牌體驗,一切都與眾不同,等你來體驗!★★★★★博雅⋅四人鬥地主(酷炫新版)★★★★★1.全新界面,清爽升級,天天玩牌好心情;2.簽到獎勵,日進斗金,免費領錢鬥地主;3.活動多多,驚喜連連,獎勵狂贈不停歇;4.牌局配桌更合理,遊戲體驗再升級5.網路連接優化,玩牌更流暢A year of hibernation,Burson four Landlords released a new version of a grand! The newinterface, new playing experience, everything is different, and soon for you to experience!★★★★★ Burson ⋅ four Landlords (cool new version) ★★★★★1. The new interface, fresh upgrade, playing every day a goodmood;2. attendance incentives, Rijindoujin, free pick up the moneyLandlords;3. activities, lots of surprises, rewards mad gifts do notstop;4. The Board table with more reasonable gaming experience and thenupgrade5. Internet connection optimization, playing more smoothly
德州撲克•博雅 texas poker 全家人一起玩的遊戲 5.6.0 APK
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Boyaa Poker 1.7.4 APK
Texas Hold'em is the most popular pokergamearound the world. It is widely considered to have the moststrategyof all poker games, yet the rules are quite simple. It'sadeceptively simple game to learn but a harder game tomaster.Betterthan zynga poker.Boyaa Texas Poker(GREE) is totally free.Daily free login chips bonus.Different levels and states ensure that there must be a seatthatsuits you.Millions of players are online every day. Easy to findyourseat.Support (854*480\800*480\480*320)mobile screen resolutions.
Poker Hands 4.2 APK
Learn Texas Hold'em or improve your game playwith Poker Hands, the free feature rich Android poker app.This app features:- Official poker hand rank from best to worst.- A guide to Position Play pre-flop.- Top 10 Best Starting Hands.- Top 10 Worst Starting Hands.The official poker hand rank in order from best to worst is ahandy reminder of which hand is better. Especially useful forbeginners still learning how to play poker.A list of the ten best and ten worst Texas Holdem starting handswill give you extra confidence about which cards to play and whichto fold.As you improve as a poker player Position play becomes crucialto winning at Texas Hold'em. This app provides a guide to help youbecome experienced at what cards to play and how to play thembefore the flop.The many features of Texas Hold'em Poker Hands means thisAndroid app is suitable for beginners starting out through toadvanced level players wanting to improve.Whether you play home games, online, cash or tournaments atcasinos you will find Poker Hands a great app to have.Tags: poker, hand ranking, poker guide, texas holdem, poker forbeginners, advanced poker, position play, hand order, poker rank,rank order, android poker app
AI Texas Holdem Poker offline 1.098 APK
AI Texas Holdem Poker Offline.AI (artificial intelligence) play Texas Hold'em Pokeraffectionately with you even if offline- 5 types AI- 6 people or Heads-Up ring game- 5 or 9 people Tournament- 9 people KnockOut Tournament- pre-flop only, rever only Ring game- daily bonus chips- online ranking (++Coin/day)- calculate probability of hand, and odds (need a Coin)- open opponent's cards (need a Coin)- medal system (Speedrun factor)Web Page: Ranking:'s Twitter:
Poker Games 1 APK
Play free Poker Games on Google PlayStore.This App makes the choice of installing the application andplaysthe Poker Games looks a lot of quick an easy way. We help youtofind your favorite games eg. World Series ofPoker,PokerMaster,poker cash game, texas holdem poker game, goodgames poker,poker card games etc.Do not miss! 100% Free and no longer have to spend timetolooking.*It requires an Internet connection
Poker King 1.2.1 APK
Go all-in and win big in this year’s hottestonline Poker game!Poker King is a free to play multiplayer game with unique featuresthat set it apart from the rest! Whether it’s a steady challengeyou are looking for or a casual quick game, find it all on PokerKing today! If you can’t beat them, bluff them!In Poker King you can...Play & win big in TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER• A full game mode that provides you with the ultimate Vegas TexasHold’em Poker experience for free! Play online against millions ofplayers from around the world now!Go HEADS UP against new opponents• Take on a different Poker challenge in this variation for 2players! Join a quick match with blinds rising fast and intenseturns!Raise the stakes in CASH TABLES• Choose Texas Hold’em Cash Tables for quick games and play for aslong as you want (or can!)Try your luck in Sit-n-Go tournaments• Want a more challenging experience? Sit-n-Go is just thechallenge for you. Take on some of the best Poker players for thechance to win big!Challenge FRIENDS & win yourself a WORLD RANKING• Outplay everyone and aim for the top of the leaderboard! Goahead, make your mark as the world’s ultimate Poker champion!Win MORE CHIPS IN MINIGAMES• Take a break from table and win big prizes on the Lucky Wheel ortake your chances in Baccarat!Get social!• Chat with your friends or brag to your opponents about all yourwins using the online chat feature!Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to win big?Download now and get the most authentic Vegas casino experience, inthe palm of your hand!------------------------------------Find out more about Miniclip: http://www.miniclip.comTerms and Conditions: Policy:’t miss out on the latest news:Like Miniclip: us on Twitter:• This game requires an internet connection.• This game uses virtual currency only and does not offer any realmoney or prizes. In-game experience and success do not correspondto real casino gambling.
B-Bro Big2 (Big Two/Pusoy Dos) 1.55 APK
The Most Complete and Authentic Big2/PusoyDos!(Chinese Poker, Deuces, Giappuniza, Ciniza,CapSa)****** Support the International Rule, TaiwanRuleandPhilippinesPusoy Dos!****** Innovative UI design helps youtoidentifydifferentcombination in your hand!****** Powerful Automatic Card Pick upsystem"Slide-2-Select",justslide your card, and the computer willchoosethe mostappropriatecombination/card for you.****** Automatic Pass Function. No moreannoyingPass!(Activateinsetting menu)****** Voice with English,Cantonese and Mandarinenjoythecardplaying experience !****** Unpredictable Computer AI, which will hold the cardandendthegame in a way that you don't expect.****** Unlock various achievements,collect your medal now!****** Over 19 Ranks, Challenge to become the king in Big 2!****** User interfaced designed in a way to help you playthegamebyusing only one hand, if you are left hand user, youmayalsoswitchto left hand mode!Big Two Rule (Base on Hong Kong/Pusoy Dos/InternationalRule)Big Two (also known as Deuces, pusoy dos, 大老二, 鋤大D) isacardgamewith a Rule Similar to Texas Hold'em.The game is very popular in Asia, especiallythroughoutChina,HongKong, Phillippines, Macau, Malaysia, SingaporeandTaiwan.Common gameplayed with four players. The objective ofthegame isto be the firstto get rid of all of your cards.Cards may be played as singles or in groups of twoorfive,incombinations which resemble poker hands. The leadingcardtoatrick sets down the number of cards to be played; allthecardsofa trick must contain the same number of cards.Thecombinationsandtheir rankings are as follows.Single CardRanking:2->A->K->Q->J->.....->3Suit: HongKong:♠>♥>♣>♦Taiwan:♠>♥>♦>♣PusoyDos:♦>♥>♠>♣Single cards: Any card from the deck, ordered byrankwithsuitbeing the tie-breaker.Pairs: Any two cards of matching rank, ordered aswithsingularcardsby the card of the higher suit.Triples: Any Three card of matching rank, order by rank.5-card hand: Uses the same ranking as Poker. There arefive(var.2)different valid 5-card poker hands, ranking, from lowtohigh,asfollows (the same ranking as in poker):Straight : Any 5 cards in a sequence (but not thesamesuit).Thereisn't JQKA2, while A2345 is largest 23456 is2ndlargest.(Fortaiwan game, A2345 is the smallest while23456islargest)Flush: Any 5 cards of the same suit (but not in asequence).Rankisdetermined by highest value card and then byhighestsuit.Full House: a composite of a three-of-a-kind combinationandapair.Rank is determined by the value of the triple.Four of a kind + One card : Any set of 4 cards of thesamerank,plusany 5th card.Straight Flush: A composite of the straight and flush:fivecardsinsequence in the same suit.Each player got 13 cards.At the beginning of each game, the player withthesmallestcard(3♦in Hong Kong, 3♣ in Pusoy Dos or Taiwan) startsbyeitherplaying itsingly or as part of a combination, leading tothefirsttrick. Playproceeds counter-clockwise, withnormalclimbing-gamerules applying:each player must play a highercard orcombinationthan the onebefore, with the same number ofcards.Players mayalso pass, thusdeclaring that he does not wanttodiscard anycards (or does not holdthe necessary cards to makeaplaypossible).A player need to warn others when he/she isoneplayingcombinationaway from winning. The goal is, then, fortheotherplayers to play(and get rid of) as many cards aspossiblewhileavoiding thecombination that would allow the callingplayerto winthe game. Forexample, if the said player has one lastsinglecard,the otherplayers would play pairs or other combinationstoforcehim/her topass. If the other players doesn't do that, itisknownas illegalassist. 3X Penalty will be applied.The game ends when one player runs out of cards.
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Digimon Heroes! 1.0.52 APK
Digimon Heroes is an exciting and free cardgame where you collect, fight and evolve more than 1,000 of yourfavorite DIGIMON characters! Join the card battle adventure, buildyour teams, and conquer your enemies all over the Digital World ofFile Island.Match cards to fight, heal and execute epic combo moves in unique,strategic Digimon battles. Evolve your Digimon or use fusion topower them up, and launch even more massive attacks!• STRATEGIC MATCH-3 CARD BATTLES- Match Command Cards to form chains and devastate yourenemies!- Play cards of the same color to fight, heal and unleashultra-powerful moves!- Fight alongside your favorite Digimon Heroes• COLLECT YOUR FAVORITE DIGIMON- Digimon champions from common to legendary – Collect over 1000 ofyour favorites!• DIGIFUSE, DIGIVOLVE AND LIMIT BREAK- Evolve your Digimon to more powerful forms- Digimon fusion powers up your favorite characters- Break through your Digimon’s limits to unleash their fullpotential• EPIC BATTLES AND SPECIAL EVENTS- Fight your way through File Island and push your team to itslimit with epic events and challenges!- Battle heroes and take on incredible challenges in analways-evolving online worldDigimon Heroes is the ultimate strategic card game, with all ofyour favorite Digimon in the fray! Collect cards, battle enemies,and evolve your Digimon to combat the ultimate enemy on FileIsland!Download Digimon Heroes and join the card battle today!Note: Digimon Heroes! is free to download and play but there arein-app purchases available. If you do not wish to use thesefeatures, you can disable in-app purchases in your device’ssettings. In-app purchases are available via the Shop within thegame. Please refer to In-App Purchases for price tiers.A network connection is required to play.For more information on BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc:Checkout out our website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: to our Youtube channel: and play other BANDAI NAMCO games!:• PAC-MAN• PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX©2015 Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation. © SCG Characters LLC. DigimonHeroes! and all related logos, characters, names, and distinctivelikenesses thereof are the exclusive property of Toei Animation andSCG Characters LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used UnderAuthorization.©2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.Published and distributed by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc.
SCR888 Apps 2.0 APK
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UNO ™ & Friends APK
UNO™ & Friends: Fast Fun forEveryone!UNO™, the world's most beloved card game, introduces a new freesocial experience!Playing UNO™ with friends, family, and the millions of fansworldwide has never been easier! Join one of the largest mobilegaming communities and enjoy a free multiplayer experience,brand-new game modes and tournaments that let you shout ""UNO!"" ona whole new level!GAME FEATURES:√ Easy to learn, difficult to put down!√ Play in Tournaments and become an UNO champion!√ Team up for the win in 2vs2 UNO!√ Use Boosts & Companions to diversify your strategy!√ Level up your UNO Companions and unleash their powers!√ Create custom games and invite your friends to play!√ Challenge millions of UNO fans worldwide!_____________________________________________You can download and play this game for free. Please be informedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency, which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or by deciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with real money.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performed usinga credit card, or other form of payment associated with youraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Play accountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit card number orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting the authenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google Play Store Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases) andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutes orNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorized purchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protection turned on ifyou have children or if others could have access to yourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethird parties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcan disable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-based advertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can be found in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google > Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connect tothe Internet.___________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like uson Facebook at to get more info aboutall our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy: of Use: License Agreement:
Solitaire APK
Solitaire by MobilityWare is the original Solitaire game forAndroid devices! Klondike Patience has never been better! Join over100 million users playing our Solitaire for Android! Our version ofSolitaire is free and is the most popular in the Play Store! Trainyour brain with our Daily Challenges for a new Solitaire experienceeach & every day. Download now to play the best classicSolitaire card game on Android now! SOLITAIRE BY MOBILITYWAREFEATURES: Fun Addicting Games of Classic Klondike & PatienceSolitaire ♠ Play different versions of Klondike solitaire,including draw 1 card Klondike Solitaire or classic draw 3 cardKlondike Solitaire! ♠ Winning Deals: Never let the challenge of thegame get too great! But beware, you will still have to find theright moves to beat the challenge! ♠Try all the addicting uniqueways to train your brain with the classic game of Klondike! PlayChallenging Games & Unlock New Challenges Each Day ♥ Challengeskeep the classic game of Klondike solitaire new every time. Neverrun out of new puzzles and ways to train your brain! ♥ Always Free- Play unlimited games every day for a unique, challenging game!Classic Games, Modern Options ♣ Statistics tracker: track yourprogress across several games of Klondike, and study your playstyle to get even better at solving puzzles! ♣ Customize the cards& tables to play with your own style! ♣ Play online or take thechallenge offline with random deals. No WIFI required to playanywhere for free! ♣ Remove the Menu and Status bar to makenavigation easier on Devices which utilize Android’s Navigation Bar(requires Android 4.4 or above) Multiplayer & Leaderboards ♥Brag about your scores and show off to your friends with theleaderboards included in game! ♥ Race against the world when youplay with others in multiplayer! Train your brain and solve eachDaily Challenge to receive a crown for that day. Earn trophies eachmonth by winning more crowns! Play our Daily Challenges andSolitaire free! The game is ad-supported, but only between deals.We don’t put ads on your playfield. LIKE US on Facebook
RikVIP - Đại gia Game Bài 1.0.36 APK
GAME BÀI ONLINE HAY NHẤT VIỆT NAM - RIK VIP!Tham gia chơi đánh bài (choi danh bai) online tại cổng game bàidân gian Rik VIPChơi Bài với đa dạng các thể loại game bài (game bai) được yêuthích cùng với slot games như:• Xóc Đĩa (Xoc Dia)• Sâm (Sâm Lốc, Sam Loc)• Tiến lên miền Nam (Tien len mien Nam)• Poker• Ba cây (Ba cay)• Mậu binh (Mau binh)• Tài xỉu ( Tai Xiu)• Mini Poker• Cao Thấp (HILO)• Vương Quốc Rik (Vuong Quoc Rik)• Sấm truyền (Sam truyen)• Bầu Cua ( Bau cua)• Phục Sinh (Phuc sinh)RIK VIP – CỔNG GAME CHƠI BÀI HÀNG ĐẦU• Cộng đồng cao thủ Tiến lên Miền Nam ( TLMN), Liêng (Lieng),Sâm (Sam), Tài Xỉu, Poker , Xóc Đĩa ... đông nhất hiện nay.• Tự động chơi bài thay khi mất kết nối hoặc người dùng bận, tránhcác trường hợp mất Rik (Xu) một cách bị động.• 1 tài khoản duy nhất chơi trên mọi nền thiết bị.• Cổng game bài duy nhất có game Mini Poker, Tài Xỉu, Tranh tài caothấp, Vương Quốc Rik, Sấm truyền.• Thường xuyên tổ chức event tặng hàng triệu RIK cho mỗi người chơitrên cổng game.• Tối ưu hóa kết nối 3G và Wifi đối với tất cả các dòng máy và hệmáy smartphone chống các hiện tượng lag giật• Thêm bạn thêm vui với tính năng mời bạn bè cùng chơi.• Bảo mật 100% với mật khẩu OTPVới giao diện đẹp, hiệu ứng, âm thanh sinh động, game chơi mượttrên hầu hết các hệ điều hành, đặc biệt là cảm giác sống động nhưthật, cổng game Rik VIP đã trở thành một phần mềm không thể thiếucho các game thủ yêu thích trải nghiệm cảm giác hồi hộp, hấpdẫn.THÔNG TIN HỖ TRỢCác thông tin liên hệ với BĐH cổng game bài khi cần hỗ trợ:- Hỗ trợ: [email protected] -Hotline: 19006988- Trang chủ: Fanpage:
Sauspiel Schafkopf 1.2.1 APK
Mit Sauspiel Schafkopf kommt die besteKartenspiel-Erfahrung auf Dein Android-Gerät. In der gemütlichenvirtuellen Wirtschaft erwarten Dich Tag und Nacht über 300.000Mitspieler an den Spieltischen. Sauspiel, Wenz und Solo, wann Duwillst, wo Du willst und so viel Du willst!Nie war Kartenspielen so einfach und intuitiv: Tippe mit demFinger auf einen der vielen Spieltische und Du bist sofort mittenim Geschehen. Klicke auf den Chat und sende ein Servus an DeineMitspieler, wähle Dein Spiel indem Du einmal über das Displaystreichst und schiebe wie am echten Tisch mit der Hand Deine Kartenin die Mitte des Spieltisches!With Sauspiel Sheepsheadthe best card game experience comes to your Android device. In thecozy virtual economy like night and day expect over 300,000 playersat the tables. Sauspiel, Wenz and solo, when you want, where youwant and as much as you want!Never play cards was so simple and intuitive: Tap with yourfinger on one of the many poker tables, and you're instantly in themiddle of the action. Click on the chat and send a Hello to yourfellow players, choose your game by you once streichst via thedisplay and move as on a real desk with the hand your card in themiddle of the table!