2.1.3 / June 21, 2017
(3.8/5) (40)


Application to store personal information,personal photographs.
With the application can be:
- Create groups (categories) of notes in a notebook
- Add notes image files
- Share notes and fotos, go to the "cloud storage"
- Create a photo in the application and immediately stored in anotebook
- Protect notes from watching others password
- Sort by notebooks
- Copy the image files from your notes
- Recover deleted files from recycle bin application
- To create a backup copy of the application data
- To protect the entrance to the application PIN-code

The application does not require internet access, data (notebooks,notes, photos) stored in your device!

Free version is intended to review the application and haslimitations, as opposed to the paid version of Pro!

App Information P Notepad, notes + photo

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Охрана труда. Тест+ 1.3.1 APK
Приложение для обучения и подготовке кпроверке знаний норм и правил охраны труда.В приложении:- 85 вопросов по правилам охраны труда- 30 вопросов по правилам оказания первой помощи при несчастныхслучаях на производстве и в быту.Application for trainingand preparation for the examination of knowledge of norms and rulesof labor protection.In the application:- 85 questions on the rules of labor protection- 30 questions on the rules of first aid in case of accidents inthe workplace and at home.
P Notepad.Pro, notes + photo 2.1.2 APK
The application for storing notes, personalinformation, personal photos.With the application can be:- Create groups (categories) of notes in a notebook- Add notes image files- Share notes and fotos, go to the "cloud storage"- Create a photo in the application and immediately stored in anotebook- Protect notes from watching others password- Sort by notebooks- Copy the image files from your notes- Recover deleted files from recycle bin application- To create a backup copy of the application data- To protect the entrance to the application PIN-codeApplication does not need the Internet, no ads!Please write your comments and suggestions that can help developersmake applications more useful and convenient for you!
Кулинария 50-х. Pro 1.4.5 APK
Для любителей советской кухни в приложениисобраны кулинарные рецепты блюд из популярных книжных изданий 50-хгодов прошлого века.Классические рецепты -* холодных закусок* рыбных холодных блюд* салатов* заливных блюд* первых блюд* мясных блюд* рыбных блюд* соусов* сладкой выпечкиС помощью приложения вы можете не только просматривать рецептысоветских времен, но и записывать свои рецепты, добавлять фототехнологии приготовления!Создайте свою книгу рецептов...Нет рекламы !ДЛЯ СВЕДЕНИЯ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯМ С ДЕВАЙСАМИ ANDROID 6 !!!- с целью исключить сбой приложения проверьте разрешение доступа кпамяти,откройте "Настройки" вашего устройства\Приложения\Кулинария50-х.Pro\Разрешения\ПамятьВнимание! Если Вам не понравится приложение, Вы можете вернутьоплату!For fans of the Sovietkitchen annex contains recipes of dishes from the popular bookeditions of 50-ies of the last century.Classic recipes -* Cold appetizers* Fish cold dishes* salad* Aspic* Soups* Meat* Fish dishes* sauces* Sweet pastriesWith the app you can not only view the recipes of the Sovietera, but also record their recipes, upload cookingtechnology!Create your own recipe book ...No advertising!INFORMATION FOR USERS WITH ANDROID Soup 6 !!!- In order to eliminate check the memory access permission failureapplications,go to "Settings" on your device \ Applications \ Cooking 50 h.Pro \Permissions \ MemoryAttention! If you do not like the app, you can return thepayment!
Экзамен для электрика 1.3.8 APK
Приложение - экзаменатор дляэлектротехнического (электротехнологического) персонала поэлектробезопасности в электроустановках напряжением до 1000в.В экзаменаторе билеты для персонала II и III групп допуска поэлектробезопасности.Appendix - Examiner forelectrical (electro-technological) for electrical personnel inelectrical voltage up to 1000V.The examiner tickets for staff groups II and III admission ofelectrical safety.
Photo Album 1.3.6 APK
The application allows you to upload files ofyour pictures from your smartphone, create album folders to groupyour photos by categories.Capturing camera in your device and save them directly to thealbum.You can store data Photo Album in the device memory or SDcardApplication language - English, Russian.
P Notepad, notes + photo 2.1.3 APK
Application to store personal information,personal photographs.With the application can be:- Create groups (categories) of notes in a notebook- Add notes image files- Share notes and fotos, go to the "cloud storage"- Create a photo in the application and immediately stored in anotebook- Protect notes from watching others password- Sort by notebooks- Copy the image files from your notes- Recover deleted files from recycle bin application- To create a backup copy of the application data- To protect the entrance to the application PIN-codeThe application does not require internet access, data (notebooks,notes, photos) stored in your device!Free version is intended to review the application and haslimitations, as opposed to the paid version of Pro!
Безопасность работ на высоте 1.3.5 APK
Приложение для проверки знаний по "Правилам охраны труда при работена высоте - 2015" (действующая редакция) В приложении - тест поновым Правилам, принятым в 2015г. (50 вопросов) и правила дляизучения. Используйте приложение для повышения уровня своих знаний.Нужен бланк наряда - допуска? Откройте Правила, выберите "Бланкнаряда-допуска", нажмите "Отправить файл для печати", например поemail, также вы найдете файл в папке "Workheight"