App Information Nomor Telepon Penting
- App NameNomor Telepon Penting
- Package Namecom.raimedia.teleponpenting
- UpdatedAugust 13, 2014
- File Size6.6M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperRai Media Center
- Installs500 - 1,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryTools
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan 3.1 APK
Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan berisi 50 tebakanlucu + 20 Tebakan Gombal Romantis, gokil abisss, sulit ketebakcocok untuk menyemarakan suasana saat kumpul bersama teman ataukeluarga. Banyak jawaban tidak terduga yang tetap masuk akal bisamembuat anda tersenyum atau malah tertawa sendiri saatmembacanya.Fitur:- 50 tebakan plesetan lucu dan gokil habis- 20 tebakan gombal romantis- spesialis plesetan bukan tebak-tebakan lucu biasa- tebak-tebakan unik untuk banyak kalanganDisarankan TIDAK MEMBACA DI KENDARAAN UMUM ATAU DITENGAH KERAMAIAN!!!!Jangan sampai anda terpingkal-pingkal sendiri ditengah orangbanyak.Ayo install aplikasi tebak-tebakan gokil plesetan dan 20 tebakangombal romantis ini sekarang sebelum tertawa itu dilarang!!!Guess guess guess Gokilfunny pun contains 50 + 20 guess Gombal Romance, gokil abisss, hardketebak suitable to enrich the atmosphere when sharing with friendsor family. Many unexpected answer that still makes sense to makeyour own smile or even laugh when reading.Features:- 50 guesses pun funny and discharged gokil- 20 guesses romantic rags- A play specialist instead of guessing the usual cute- Unique guessing game for many peopleAdvised NOT READ IN GENERAL VEHICLE OR Amid CROWD !!!!Do not let your own laughing amid the crowd.Let's install applications gokil guessing a play and 20 romanticrag guess this now before it is forbidden to laugh !!!
Resep Masakan Sehari hari 3.1 APK
Resep Masakan Sehari-hari yang mudah dibuatdan sangat disukai keluarga Indonesia. Resep masakan sederhana inidilengkapi dengan bahan yang dibutuhkan dan cara membuat makanansehari-hari tersebut.Fitur aplikasi resep masakan sehari-hari ini adalah:- Menyajikan aneka resep populer sehari-hari yang simple tetapidisukai keluarga, seperti:1. Aneka olahan ayam2. Aneka olahan Mie dan Bakso3. Aneka olahan tahu & tempe4. Aneka olahan sayuran- GRATISSS- Update secara periodikJadi jika anda mencari kumpulan resep masakan sehari-hari yangmudah dan disukai anggota keluarga, install aplikasi resep inisekarang.Everyday Recipes are easyto make and highly preferred family of Indonesia. This simplerecipe is equipped with the required materials and how to make thedaily diet.App features daily recipes are:- Presents a variety of popular recipes are simple everyday butfavored family, such as:1. Various of processed chicken2. Various processed noodles and meatballs3. Various preparations know and tempe4. Various preparations of vegetables- Gratisss- Update periodicallySo if you are looking for a collection of everyday recipes areeasy and preferred family members, install applications this recipenow.
Resep Donat Kentang Lembut 2.1 APK
Resep donat kentang lembut dan terbaik besertavariannya seperti Dunkin ataupun J Co, dilengkapi dengan ide bisnisdonat yang menarik. Sebagai salah satu makanan favorit di Indonesiadonat disukai segala usia dan segala kalangan. Maraknya geraipenjualan donat dari pasar tradisional sampai ke dalam mall-mallbesar merupakan buktinya. Jadi tidaklah salah jika anda inginmembuka bisnis donat kentang. Semua itu bisa dimulai denganmenginstal aplikasi resep donat kentang lembut ini.Resep donat kentang lembut ini memiliki Fitur:- Menyajikan resep donat kentang yang lembut dan enak- Menyajikan resep variasi donat seperti donat panggang, donatmini, sate donat dan donat durian- Menyajikan cara membuat aneka topping donat seperti Dunkin dan JCo- Memberikan ide bisnis kue donat yang menarik danmenguntungkanJika anda ingin membuat kue donat sendiri maka aplikasi iniadalah alat bantunya.jika anda ingin mempunyai bisnis donut sendiri aplikasi ini jugabisa membantu.Jadi jangan ragu untuk menginstal aplikasi Resep donat kentanglembut ini, apalagi aplikasi ini GRATIS !!!Donut recipe and the bestsoft potato and its variants such as Dunkin or J Co., equipped withdonuts an interesting business idea. As one of the favorite foodsin Indonesia donuts favored all ages and all walks of life. Therise of outlets selling donuts from traditional markets to thelarge malls is proof. So it is not wrong if you want to open apotato donut business. All that can be started by installing theapplication of this soft potato donut recipe.The soft potato donut recipes have Features:- Presents recipes potato donuts are soft and tasty- Presents recipes variations such as donuts baked donuts, minidonuts, donuts and donut satay durian- Presents a way to make a variety of toppings such as Dunkindonuts and J Co- Providing business idea donuts attractive and profitableIf you want to make a donut own then this app is a toolaccessories.If you want to have his own donut business applications can alsohelp.So do not hesitate to install applications soft potato donut recipeis, moreover this application FREE !!!
Nomor Telepon Penting 1.0 APK
Nomor Telepon Penting adalah aplikasi gratisyang menyediakan nomor telepon penting khususnya dalam kondisidarurat seperti ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, deliverymakanan ternama, taxi, penerbangan, bandara, stasiun dan nomortelepon penting lainnya.- Pernahkah anda dalam kondisi membutuhkan no telpon daruratseperti ambulance atau pemadam kebakaran? kecepatan dan ketepatansangat dibutuhkan.- Pernahkan anda harus segera ke Bandara tetapi kesulitan mencariTaxi sdngkan anda tidak hapal nomor telpon taxi favorit anda?- Tahukah anda bahwa memesan tiket kereta api luar kota bisa dengantelepon saja?Telepon penting sangat membantu anda dalam situasi-situasi yangdisebutkan diatas.Penggunaannya sangat mudah tinggal pilih mana yang ingindihubungi lalu tekan nomor tersebut maka otomatis akan masuk kemode telepon. (tap to call).Fitur:- Untuk memudahkan pemakaian nomor telepon penting diklasifikasikandalam 4 bagian:1. Darurat (ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, dsb)2. Transportasi (taxi, stasiun, bandara, dsb)3. Telekomunikasi (cek pulsa semua operator, call center semuaoperator)4. Food Delivery (kumpulan kuliner ternama yang menyediakan jasadelivery)- Tap to call- Form feedback untuk dapat memberi masukan membangun danmenginfokan nomor telepon penting lainnya yang juga bermanfaat.Jadi jika anda ingin mudah dalam mencari nomor telepon pentingatau ingin selalu siap dalam kondisi apapun, download dan installaplikasi Telepon penting ini sekarang.Important Phone Numbersis a free application that provides important phone numbers,especially in emergency situations such as ambulance, police, fire,leading food delivery, taxi, flight, airports, stations and otherimportant phone numbers.- Have you ever in a condition requiring emergency telephone nosuch ambulance or fire department? speed and accuracy areneeded.- Have you ever had to get to the airport but having troublefinding Taxi sdngkan you do not remember your favorite taxi phonenumber?- Did you know that ordering a train ticket out of town can be withjust a phone?Very important phone helps you in situations mentionedabove.Very easy to use just select which one to call and press thenumber then it will automatically go into phone mode. (Tap tocall).Features:- To facilitate the use of important phone numbers classified in 4parts:1 Emergency (ambulance, police, fire, etc.)2 Transportation (taxi, stations, airports, etc.)3 Telecommunications (check pulses all operators, call centers alloperators)4 Food Delivery (famous culinary collection that provides deliveryservices)- Tap to call- Form to be able to provide feedback and input to buildmenginfokan other important phone numbers are also helpful.So if you want easier to find important phone numbers or want toalways be ready under any circumstances, download and install thisimportant phone app now.
Bisnis Model Kanvas for Bisnis 2.1 APK
Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk memulai ataumembesarkan bisnis anda. Suatu model bisnis spektakuler denganpendekatan pada satu lembar kertas, menghasilkan model bisnis yanglebih sederhana dan komprehensif, menjadikan Organisasi yang lebihefektif sehingga dapat terus tumbuh, di tengah-tengah perubahan danpersaingan yang sangat ketat saat ini. Pelajari bisnis model kanvasini dan action now.Fitur aplikasi bisnis model canvas:- Pengenalan singkat tentang Bisnis Model Kanvas- Detail penjelasan 9 blok pembentuk Bisnis Model Kanvas- Contoh Bisnis Model Kanvas FBAplikasi Bisnis Model Kanvas ini sangat cocok bagi:- yang ingin memulai usaha- yang sudah punya usaha tapi kok jalan ditempat- yang usahanya sudah berjalan dan ingin cepat berkembangBuatlah Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk usaha anda dan bersiaplahuntuk menjadi besar.Instal aplikasi ini sekarang juga jangan sampai didahului olehkompetitor anda.Business Model Canvas tostart or increase your business. A spectacular business model withthe approach on one sheet of paper, produced a business model thatis simpler and comprehensive, making the organization moreeffective so that it can continue to grow, in the midst of changeand competition is very tight at the moment. Learn the businessmodel of this canvas and action now.Features canvas models of business applications:- Brief Introduction to the Business Model Canvas- Detailed explanation of 9 blocks forming the Business ModelCanvas- Sample Business Model Canvas FBApplications Business Model Canvas is ideal for:- Who wants to start a business- Which already had a business but why the place- Whose business is already running and want fast growingMake Business Model Canvas to your business and be prepared tobe great.Install this application now also not to be preceded by yourcompetitors.
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses 2.0 APK
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses merupakan aplikasibisnis gratis yang menjelaskan 4 pilar untuk membangun bisnis yangsukses. Saat ini sedang tren berwirausaha alias berbisnis baik yangsedang bekerja, mau pensiun ataupun yang sejak awal ingin langsungberbisnis saja. Banyak tawaran Bisnis oportunity, franchise,pelatihan dan workshop bisnis yang semuanya menawarkan kesuksesan.Sebelum jauh kesana mari pelajari 4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses ini dengangratisss.Manfaat:- memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang bisnis- Menjelaskan tentang 4 pilar dalam membangun bisnis suksesSebelum kurusus atau workshop atau membangun bisnis, pelajaridulu konsep dasar 4 pilar bisnis ini.Install sekarang GRATISSSS4 Pillars of a SuccessfulBusiness is a free business application that describes 4 pillars tobuild a successful business. Currently trending aka businessentrepreneurship which are working, or who want to retire from thebeginning wanted to direct business only. Many offer businessoportunity, franchise, training and business workshops that are alloffering success. Before there is much to learn 4 Pillars let'sBusiness Success with gratisss.Benefits:- Provide basic knowledge about the business- Explaining about the 4 pillars in building a successfulbusinessBefore kurusus or workshop or building a business, first learnthe basic concept of the 4 pillars of this business.Install now GRATISSSS
Game Pendidikan Anak 2.2 APK
Game Pendidikan Anak berupa Puzzle warna danbuah untuk merangsang kecerdasan anak usia dini. Dilengkapi dengangambar buah warna warni selain dapat merangsang otak diharapkanjuga dapat membuat anak lebih mudah makan buah sesuai denganprinsip tak kenal maka tak sayang.Manfaat aplikasi game pendidikan anak bagi buah hati anda:- Merangsang kecerdasan anak- Pengenalan 7 warna utama (merah, kuning, hijau, oranye, ungu,putih dan coklat)- Pengenalan 7 buah yang sesuai dengan 7 warna diatas- Dari mengenal diharapkan anak menyukai buah-buahan yang sangatbermanfaatGame bertemakan pendidikan ini lebih cocok diberikan kepada anakusia dini sampai usia TK meskipun demikian untuk puzzlenya bisadimainkan pula untuk anak sampai usia 7-8 tahun.Melihat manfaat diatas jangan ragu menginstall dan memberikangame pendidikan anak ini kepada anak anda.Install sekarang, GRATISSS dan rasakan manfaatnya.Game Puzzle Children'sEducation in the form of color and fruit to stimulate earlychildhood intelligence. Equipped with colorful fruit image than canbe expected to stimulate the brain may also make it easier child toeat fruit in accordance with the principles do not know it waslove.Benefits kids educational game app for your baby:- Stimulate the child's intelligence- Introduction 7 primary colors (red, yellow, green, orange,purple, white and brown)- Introduction 7 pieces corresponding to 7 colors above- Of the children are expected to know like fruits that arebeneficialThemed games are more suitable education given to young children upto the age of kindergarten though for the puzzle can be played alsofor children up to the age of 7-8 years.Seeing the benefits of the above do not hesitate to install andgive this child educational game to your child.Install now, gratisss and feel the benefits.
Game Memory Anak 1.0 APK
Game Memory Anak untuk meningkatkan dayaingatdan kreatifitas anak anda melalui permainan yang menarik. Gameinigratis dan terdiri dari 3 macam, yaitu game memory huruf,gamememory angka dan game memory buah. Semua menggunakanwarna-warnicerah yang akan menstimulus kreatifitas anak anda.Install sekarang juga agar segera mendapatkan manfaat game iniuntukanak anda.Fitur:- Meningkatkan kecerdasan dan daya ingat anak- Pengenalan huruf- Pengenalan angka- Pengenalan buah-buahanChildren Memory Gamestoimprove memory and your children's creativity throughexcitinggames. The game is free and consists of three kinds, namelylettersmemory game, memory game memory game of numbers and fruit.All usebright colors that will stimulate your child'screativity.Install now also for the immediate benefit of this game foryourchild.Features:- Improve children's intelligence and memory- Introduction of the letters- The introduction of a number- Introduction of fruits
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Old phone tone 1.1 APK
Collect something from the past .it’sapplication have a collection of different ringtones which userwill surely like. Amazing collection of old ring tones .user canallocate different ringtones for each friend and then user willknow that who one is calling. In this application differentcountries (old American, old Arabian , old Belarusian , old Britishphone etc ) of ring tones are available. User can enjoy a differentringtones of old phone tones .sounds of these ring tones are so godthat user can’t want to pick the call. this application have a 3dcontact list with search , delete , and save.Features• Easy to use.• Simple to user interface.• Can set tone for all calls (separately).• Functionality of a delete, add and search.
kode cek pulsa all operator 1.3 APK
Sering ganti-ganti no hape? lupa kode cekpulsa? dengan aplikasi kecil ini hal tersebut tidak akan terjadilagi. Anda tidak perlu menghafal lagi kode-kode cek pulsa untuksemua operator seluler di Indonesia. Bahkan anda tidak perlu lagimengetikkan kode-kode ketika harus cek pulsa, isi pulsa, transferpulsa, dll. Semua tinggal pilih menu klik dan beres.Dengan aplikasi android kode cek pulsa all operator ini andabisa melakukan berbagai macam aktivitas yang biasanya menggunakankode kini tinggal pilih menu saja misalnya cek pulsa, transferpulsa, isi ulang pulsa, cek paket, daftar paket internet, dsb.Selain cek pulsa aplikasi ini dilengkapi pula dengan daftar nodarurat. Misalnya no polisi, no ambulance, no pemadam kebakaran.Sekali lagi anda tidak perlu mengetikkan no tersebut jika inginmenghubungi tinggal pilih menunya maka secara otomatis aplikasiakan menghubungkan anda dengan pemadam kebakaran misalnya.Aplikasi mendukung seluruh operator di Indonesia diantaranya;telkomsel as, simpati, halo, indosat im3, mentari, xl, axis, tri,smartfren, flexi, esia.Frequent change-change nophone? forget the pulse check? with this small application thatwill not happen again. You no longer need to memorize the codescheck pulse for all mobile operators in Indonesia. In fact, you nolonger need to type in the code when it came to check pulse, pulsecontent, credit transfer, etc.. All just select menu and click onOK.With android application code check your pulse all theseoperators can perform various kinds of activities that typicallyuse the code now just select the course for example pulse checks,transfer balance, reload, check the package, a list of Internetpackages, etc..In addition to check the pulse of this application is alsoequipped with a list of emergency no. For example, no police, noambulance, no fire department. Once again you do not need to typethe no if you want to contact just select the menu then theapplication will automatically connect you with the firedepartment, for example.Application supports all operators in Indonesia include;Telkomsel as, sympathy, hello, Indosat IM3, sun, xl, axis, tri,smartfren, Flexi, Esia.
فتح الهاتف بالبصمة جديد Prank 1.0 APK
هل تريد قفل الشاشة مختلفة تماما !!!فتح الهاتف بالبصمة هو تطبيق يساعدك على قفل هاتفك بالبصمة و لا يمكنكفتح شاشة الهاتف الا عن طريق بصمتك .قفل و فتح فقط باستخدام البصمة لا يمكن لأي واحد فتح هذه الشاشةالقفل.البرنامج عبارة عن قفل وفتح الهاتف بالبصمة فوق الشاشةيمكنك أيضا تشغيل أو إيقاف قفل الشاشة الخاصة بك على قبالة الشاشة قفلالبصمة....فتح الهاتف بالبصمة هو عبارة عن مقلب joke فقط prank..مزايا تطبيق برنامج فتح الهاتف بالبصمة :✔ من افضل تطبيقات الاندرويد الجديدة 2016.✔ قفل و فتح الهاتف بالبصمة يقوم بقفل الهاتف بالبصمة الخاص .✔ قفل و فتح الهاتف بالصوت قفل هاتفك و فتحه بصوتك .✔ يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت .✔ يعمل على جميع الهواتف و جميع اصدارات الأندرويد.✔ يمكنك مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك.✔ فتح قفل الهاتف بالبصمة الخاص.✔ مساحة التطبيق قليلة.✔قفل بالبصمة يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت .✔ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.✔ و في الاخير دائما نتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم و لا تنسوا تقييمه و كتابةملاحظاتكم لتحسين هذا التطبيق في المستقيل شكرا لكم.تطبيقات جديدة بدون انترنتقفل التطبيقاتفتح الهاتف بالصوتفتح الهاتف جديدتطبيقات جديدة 2016فتح الهاتف 2016التطبيقات الجديدةفتح الهاتف بالوجهفتح الهاتف بالصورة الشخصيةفتح و قفل الهاتف بالصورةفتح الهاتف بالبصمةفتح الهاتف بالبصمة الخاصةفتح الهاتف بالوجهDo you want to lock thescreen completely different !!!Open up the phone fingerprint is an application that helps you lockyour fingerprint, and you can not open the phone screen only byyour fingerprint.Lock and unlock using only a fingerprint can not be any one to openthis lock screen.The program is a lock and unlock the phone above the screenfingerprintYou can also turn on or off your screen lock to lock off the screenfootprint ....Open up the phone fingerprint Mold is a joke only prank..The advantages of open application program fingerprint Phone:✔ of the best new Android applications in 2016.✔ lock and unlock the phone fingerprint locks your phonefingerprint.✔ lock and unlock the phone sound lock your phone and open yourvoice.✔ You can run the application without access to the Internet and atany time.✔ Works on all phones and all versions of Android.✔ You can share the application with your friends.✔ Open up the phone lock your fingerprint.✔ few application space.✔agafl fingerprint you can run the application without access tothe Internet and at any time.✔ not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications. ✔ in the fourth and always obtain We hope that you like itand do not forget evaluation and writing your remarks to improvethis application in the outgoing thank you.New applications without InternetLock applicationsOpen up the phone soundOpen a new phoneNew applications in 2016Open up the phone in 2016New applicationsOpen up the phone faceOpen up the phone personal imageOpen and lock the phone imageOpen up the phone fingerprintOpen up the phone fingerprint ownOpen up the phone face
Kuota Internet Tri 0.0.2 APK
Aplikasi ini bersifat unofficial, data diambillangsung dari web tri. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukancek pulsa ataupun cek kuota khusus operator tri. Untuk melakukanpengecekan bisa menggunakan koneksi internet, sms atau ussd.This application isunofficial, data is taken directly from the web tri. Thisapplication can be used to perform pulse checks or checks trioperator-specific quotas. To check could use an internetconnection, SMS or USSD.
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ENGIE - Convivium APK
Convivium, l’applicazione ENGIE pensata per semplificare la vitanelcondominio! Convivium gestiste, per l’amministratore e icondòmini:• SEGNALAZIONI TECNICHE: facilita la gestione dellerichieste diintervento, aggiornando i condòmini e l’amministratorein temporeale sullo stato di avanzamento • MESSAGGIAMMINISTRATORE:semplifica la comunicazione tra condomino eamministratore suscadenze, assemblee e molto altro • ARCHIVIODOCUMENTI: raccoglie idocumenti importanti del condominio, comeverbali e preventivi •CONTATTI UTILI: gestisce la rubrica con icontattidell’amministratore, dei condòmini e dei fornitori delcondominio,come l’idraulico e l’elettricista • BACHECA SOCIAL:crea unacommunity tra i condòmini per scambiare informazioni eavvisi utiliL’applicazione è dedicata agli amministratori chegestisconocondomini clienti ENGIE e a tutti i loro condòmini.ACCESSOCONDÒMINI: per accedere è necessario seguire la proceduradiregistrazione condòmino, indicando come codice condominio ilCodiceFiscale del condominio ACCESSO AMMINISTRATORI: per accedereènecessario utilizzare le credenziali impostate per lapiattaformaweb Si segnala che la grafica e la navigabilità dell’appConviviumsono ottimizzate per la navigazione da smartphone. Ituoisuggerimenti e le tue segnalazioni sono importanti per noi.Perqualsiasi necessità puoi chiedere supporto scrivendoall’indirizzoemail [email protected], saremo felici diaiutarti.
NetLoop VPN 5.0.4 APK
NetLoop is formerlyknownasSimpleAndroid ServerThis app contains a Proxy Server and aFreeVPN.The VPN is not a full featured VPN. it is notprovidedforsecuritybut for tunneling purposes.if you are using NetLoop's proxy serveroptionpleasemakeremove any existing proxy server address inyourdevice'sAPNsettings. Failure to do this will cause Some ofyourapps not togothrough the VPNVPN features:• HTTP request Compression.•Ability to modify TCP connection parameters.• Ability to use hotspot over VPN ( Requires root )•Ability to use multiple concurrent connections to theVPNserversforthe best Network usage experienceLocal server features:•modify outgoing requests.•specify alternate proxy servers to send a request through•provide alternate headers and ability to stripheadersfromincominghttp responses•ability to choose number of connections to be maintainedbytheapp(good for power management)•ability to share configurations throughanyfiletransfermethod.•System wide proxy serviceif you are to use this app with the proxyserverfeature,makesure that the device's proxy use a received config.json fileasthecurrentsetting:•locate the received file using any file manager ofyourchoice•open the share menu of the file manager and select"usefileasconfig"OR•Launch NetLoop and use Load ConfigThe Profiles Feature lets youeasilyswitchbetweenconfigurations when using NetLoopEnjoy!!.
FREE WiFi Password Recovery 4.3 APK
Need to re-connect your new device to WiFinetwork, but forgot your password? Want to share a WiFi password ofrandom characters with your friend?Use FREE Wifi Password Recovery to backup all WiFi passwords onyour device, and restore it when you need them with just one click!Share with friends through SMS or email. Yes, just that easy!FREE Wifi Password Recovery features:■ LIST, BACKUP & RESTORE all network's (WiFi) password savedon your device!■ Show SSID and Password on fullscreen (for easy viewing andsharing with others)■ Copy WiFi Password to Clipboard (to be able to pasteanywhere)■ Show QR Code (to another device scan and access thenetwork)■ Share password through SMS or EmailPlease Note that FREE Wifi Password Recovery:① only works on rooted devices (needs super-userpermissions).② is not a WiFi password cracker. NOT intended to crack WiFinetworks.③ needs previous access to WiFi networks with your device toretrieve passwords.❐ Please understand that FREE Wifi Password Recovery is a freeapp and contains ads to support develop cost. For ads free app, wehave a paid version - check out in Play Store:❐ Why FREE Wifi Password Recovery only works on a rooteddevice?Because your device stores WiFi passwords when you connect to a newWiFi network. You are not able to access the passwords and retrievethem unless you have super-user permissions. Checkout here for moreinformation on root:❐ Please don’t hesitate to contact([email protected]) for any issues you may have; and dogive us 5 stars if you like us! Thanks & enjoy!
XAPK Installer 1.4 APK
Say goodbye to Android APK OBB Installing error problem, XAPKInstaller makes that easier and faster than ever.• Scan and preview all .apk file on your phone and SD Card• Delete or install APK, XAPK ( APK with cache data or obb file)automatically• Download XAPK, APK free online with your Android phone andtabletXAPK Installer for PC is available that allows you to install.apk files from Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8. 8.1 to Android devices.Learn More: downloading or installing APK with XAPK Installer? See need more help? Please tell us more about the issue onFacebook.
360 Security -Free Antivirus,Booster,Space Cleaner APK
Free Security Protection, Speed Booster andJunk Cleaner for Android PhoneTrusted by 200 million users, 360 Security is the #1 all-in-onepower cleaner, smart speed booster and antivirus app that optimizesyour background apps, memory storage, junk files & batterypower, keeping your device safe from virus and trojan.Download this powerful super cleaner master optimization &security app that’s intuitively designed to protect your mobilelifestyle in just ONE tap, making phones run like they're brand newall the time.Why 360 Security is a MUST-HAVE app?★It’s an Effective Speed Booster & Smart Cleaner-Lacking spacefor new apps and photos? Just clean app caches and junk files,boost your phone with ONE click!★It’s a Smart Battery Saver- Battery draining quicker than ever?Kill redundant apps that drain your battery and extends batterylife!★It’s a Virus Remover for android -Worried about viruses orphishing? 360 Security’s top antivirus solution makes sure yourdevice is free from malware, vulnerabilities, adware andTrojans!------------------------------------------Highlights of 360 Security►Security & AntivirusScan installed apps, memory card content and new appsautomatically. 360 Security’s latest protection technologiesagainst viruses, adware, malware, trojan and more.►Junk File CleanerDelete all types of junk files (system cache, image cache, videocache and advertisement cache) to free up the storage space.►Speed BoosterBoost speed to improve the performance and RAM of your phone, boostyour games to make them run smoothly.►CPU Cooler MasterIntelligently saves your device’s power by knowing when toautomatically trigger 360 Security’s Battery Saver feature and makeyour phone stay with durable power and never overheated.►Anti-theftAn all-in-one anti-theft solution, should you lose your belovedphone. A suite of features including, Erase, Locate, Alarm &Lock can assist you with retrieving the lost device and protectingpersonal data. You can trigger remote features via our webinterface at►PrivacyPrivacy & App Lock – Prevent data on the device such asFacebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat, photo albums and otherimportant & private documents from falling into the wronghands.►Intruder SelfieInstantly snap a photo of anyone who breaking into your apps andrecord the date & time in App Lock for check.►Fingerprint LockUnlock screen quickly and easily with your fingerprint if yourdevice has the fingerprint sensor, no fear of forgetting pattern orPIN code any more.►Real time protectionScan installed apps & local APK files and also monitor eachinstallation process, provide the best payment & shoppingsecurity.Protect your mobile device with 360 Security, a top of the linefree security app designed to protect your Android phone againstthe latest virus, malware, system vulnerabilities & privacyrisks. This super speed cleaner also clears application caches andjunk files from your system, increases the available storage spaceon SD card and boosts your Android phone for free.------------------------------------------360 Security is available more than 35 languages: English,Português(Brasil), Português(Portugal), Español(España),Español(Latinoamérica), Pусский, हिन्दी, ไทย, Bahasa Indonesia,Türkçe, Tiếng Việt, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體), Bahasa Melayu, 日本語, Deutsch,Français, 한국어, Italiano, Čeština, Nederlands, Svenska, Polski,Suomi, Română, Ελληνικά, Magyar, Hrvatski, Dansk, العربية, हिन्दी(भारत), Filipino / Tagalog, فارسی, Українська, Lietuvių (Lietuva),Slovenščina (Slovenija), Norsk, ភាសាខ្មែរ (កម្ពុជា), اردو زبان,etc.► Read in app permissions and usage here: ► would like to hear from you:Like us on Facebook: us on Google Plus Community:
Undeleter Recover Files & Data 5.0 APK
Scan for and recover deleted files from memorycards and internal storage on rooted* devices.Without a jailbreak/root* access, Undeleter can only scan appcaches for images. READ BELOW FOR INFO ABOUT ROOT.For free, the app will restore all supported image file typesand all types of data, including SMS, call logs and WhatsApp orViber conversations. It will also shred and secure delete.Unlock it to recover other supported file types, remove ads andenable background scanning.*ROOT/SUPERUSER PERMISSIONS require that you modify theoperating system on your device, visit this website for moreinformation: caches can contain images that would not otherwise bediscoverable: you may find photos that were shared with you onsocial media but you never opened, or lower quality copies ofimages you have now or have deleted in the past. They may alsocontain images that have been preloaded by your browser or otherapps on your device - even images of people you don't know. Theycan be filtered out using "Hide extant files".File types: Journal scanning can discover files with anyconceivable extension. Essentially these files are still on yourvolume with their data in allocated sectors. Journal scan is onlyavailable on EXT4 and derived file systems.Deep scan heuristically scans for and recovers the following typesof files: BMP, JPEG/JPG, PNG, MNG, JNG, GIF, MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3,OGG, OGM, WAV, FLAC, AMR, MP4A, PDF, SXD, SXI, SXC, SXW, ODT, ODG,ODS, ODP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ZIP, JAR, APK, EPUB.Data scanning is available for a select number of apps, includingthe system phone and SMS applications. Data will be recovered inthe form or HTML files for WhatsApp and Viber, as we cannot mergethird-party catalogs.Shred/secure delete: Files found on free disk areas can be erasedpermanently in bulk using the Shred function. You can also use thesystem-wide Share menu to securely erase files directly through anyother app, for example by opening the gallery, selecting a numberof images, pressing the Share button and selecting Securedelete.ACCOUNT - needed for Google Drive and Dropbox uploadCALL/SMS - needed for app data scanner - deleted SMS and calllogsLOCATION - for ads
Security Master - Antivirus, VPN, AppLock, Booster APK
The original CM Security upgraded to thewhole new Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM, Cheetah Mobile)and redefined the scalp of Phone Security: protects not only yourphone but also your privacy. Instead of providing all the popularfeatures, Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) introducedIntelligent Diagnosis to detect your phone status and advise neededsolution, including Antivirus, Junk Clean, and Phone Booster(Battery Saver, and CPU Cooler) in time. Furthermore, westrengthened the protection of privacy by creating a shield for allonline activities through SafeConnect VPN.★SafeConnect VPNSecurity Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) presents the mosteasy-to-use free VPN, proxy & unblock solution. Apart fromother VPN, SafeConnect VPN partners with “Hotspot Shield Free VPNProxy” and was designed for everyone. SafeConnect VPN establishes asecured cyber environment as you need to block out hackers. WithSafeConnect VPN, you can apply virtual location to enhance securityand freely access favorite contents. Security MasterAntivirus&VPN(by CM) now protects not only your device, but theprotection extends to online data transmission to prevent leak ofonline banking information, private messages, and browsing history.(Will be available worldwide soon.)★Intelligent DiagnosisOur famous big button design upgraded to intelligently diagnoseyour most needed solution. All solutions to keep your phone safe,clean, and optimized like a new one, including battery.Antivirus - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) equips thecertified #1 antivirus engine. It detects 100% of virus &malware by customized scan and removes virus & malware. Itprotects phone and also your personal information against malware,spyware, and hackers.Junk Clean - Phone stores junk files automatically from time totime. Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) detects this issueand frees storage when needed. One tap to clean cache & junkfiles at once. The smartest way to clean and optimize phone.Phone Boost, Battery Saver, and CPU Cooler - Your phone can nothave the best performance if it stays at a high temperature or highmemory usage. Especially when charging battery and playing games,it watches out phone & battery and keeps your phone cool, fast,and saves more battery life.★Message SecurityWorry about others peeping your message notifications? SecurityMaster Antivirus&VPN(by CM) hides notifications timely toprotect your privacy by Message Security. It gathers all chatnotifications into one and makes them easier to read &manage.★AppLockSecurity Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) protects the privacy ofapps by AppLock. You can lock anything you want to protect, such asBluetooth & Wi-Fi switches, incoming calls, recent apps,settings, photos, WhatsApp, or any apps you choose. Furthermore,the preview of notifications can be also locked so that no one cansee which apps you are using or who you are chatting with.With Applock, you can lock apps with a pattern, PIN code, orfingerprint. Fingerprint lock is supported on Samsung or Androiddevices 6.0 and above that are equipped with fingerprint sensors.You can also customize the re-lock time to re-lock at device screenoff so that no need to unlock each time you launch an app.Intruder Selfie - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) protectsapps privacy from snoopers. If someone tries to unlock your appwith a wrong password, the photo of the intruder will automaticallybe taken and the intruder alert will be sent to you by e-mail. Itkeeps your phone safe and further tells who the intruder is.Disguise cover - Security Master Antivirus&VPN(by CM) disguiseslock screen so that no one is aware of you are using AppLock whilekeeping your secret & privacy safe. You can protect yourprivacy without your parents, partner, or children knowing.Theme - You can choose style of lock screen from hundreds ofAppLock themes or customize with your photos.