1.0.4 / March 9, 2016
(4.4/5) ()


喜歡手繪創作也喜歡收藏小物、喜歡開心大笑、 有幽默感的人生態度、有實現夢想的勇氣、對任何事物都感到新鮮好奇、喜歡記錄生活、像貓咪一樣自在的享受生活... 最重要的是... 喜歡當一個特別的女孩。
Chennai fruitgirlrepresentatives adjective Yes. . . Half sugar to ice,lovely,lively and playful, people close, there are dramas, like allofnature, like the special things, the idea of ​​outfit,
Like hand-painted creation also like to collect small objects,likethe happy laugh, humorous attitude towards life, have thecourageto realize their dreams, to feel fresh and curiousabouteverything, like record live like cat as comfortable enjoymentoflife's most important ... is ... like when a special girl.
... Do you also NEKO GIRL?

App Information MORI&NEKO奈果

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 9, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    ime design
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
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  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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桃園糕仔零售批發‧明發糕仔 1.0.4 APK
ime design
傳統糕仔古早風味 桃園一甲子的滋味在桃園深耕近一甲子的明發糕仔店,將大家最熟悉的「稻米」製作成糕仔,早期更利用模具純手工一個一個製作出糕仔,以前農業時代,大家都會身上帶著糕仔稻田裡耕種,肚子餓時就派上用場。品茗好茶的良伴 古早風味也可宅配到府明發糕仔店提供有多種傳統的糕仔,包括綠豆糕、桂花糕、蜜梅糕、鳳梨糕等,新鮮美味鬆軟口感又帶點傳統的風味,除了接廟會、逢年過節的訂單外,明發糕仔也接客製化訂單,送禮給親朋好友也合適!
魚訊平價釣具裝備線上購物 1.0.4 APK
ime design
魚訊平價釣具裝備的每件商品都是精心設計的,目的是為了讓每個愛釣魚的買家都能以最平價最親民的價格買到最實用的釣具裝備。在這魚訊平價釣具裝備為您提供最熱誠的服務,魚訊平價釣具裝備用最親民的價格滿足愛釣魚的您,並提供您迅速,穩定,負責的服務態度。魚訊平價釣具裝備會持續不間斷的上架最優質最平價的釣具裝備來滿足您的需求。The aim of fishingequipment cheap fishing season each item is designed to let eachbuyers love fishing can be the most affordable of the most friendlyprice to buy the most practical of fishing tackle and equipment.In this fishing season parity fishing equipment to provide youwith the most dedicated service, fish hearing parity fishingequipment with the most friendly price to satisfy your love offishing, and provide you with fast, stable and responsibleattitude.Best fishing season fishing equipment will continue uninterruptedAdded best and most affordable fishing equipment to meet yourneeds.
Cubbish商城 1.0.1 APK
ime design
2006年4月1日愚人節,一位從事印刷多年的小業務員WinnerYang,開除了老闆,自行創業,一直想要自創品牌的他,收留了一群沒方向感迷路的各式動物來自四面八方。Winner乾脆成立了動物園取名:CubbishZoo。多年下來不只Cubbish成長茁壯,還跟其他插畫師聯名合作許多創意商品~Cubbish旗下品牌有 傻笑鱷魚、 y星球/PLANT.y、卡樂否MBcolorful、布蘭達小皮箱 BrendaSuitcase,Cubbish會持續延攬更多風格豐富您的視野。Cubbish商城特色:1. 立即掌握限量商品資訊2. 隨時更新活動相關訊息3. 方便快捷的購物模式4. 第一手優惠資訊5. 商品齊全,資料詳細。6. 更快速收到您訂購的商品我是傻笑鱷魚陪你自信滿滿每一天.cubbish官網:www.cubbish.tw聯絡:[email protected]粉絲頁:傻笑鱷魚,Cubbish
YeBoDa 韓國野啵黨 1.0.4 APK
ime design
韓國官方商家連線配合的韓國代購服務提供最新的商品訊息和絕對正貨的韓國商品專門代購韓國當地讓你變漂亮的用品包含保養品、衣服和化妝品都可以詢問客服連絡方式MAIL:[email protected]因為掉信嚴重詢問會在36小時內回覆.如沒收到回覆請在寄一次給我們使用Line搜尋ID @MXQ5128R加入生活圈詢問會在36小時內回覆❤ 重要事項請注意 ❤下訂單一律先匯款後取貨匯款後隔天起,開始備貨訂購14~30個工作天 (不含台韓例假日)(依廠商出貨速度而訂)因韓國斷貨速度很快,所以匯款後不一定可以購買成功喔!!商品到貨後會迅速幫您寄出無法等候的請勿下單唷以免造成日後不必要的爭執South Korean officialbusiness connections with the Korean Shopping ServiceLatest commodity information and absolutely genuine goods KoreangoodsKorea purchasing specialized local supplies let you becomebeautifulInclude skin care products, clothes and cosmetics can askCustomer Service Contact wayMAIL: [email protected] the letter seriously outInquiry will reply within 36 hours. If not receive a reply pleasesend to usUse Line Search ID @ MXQ5128RJoin putting on inquiry will reply within 36 hoursImportant Note ❤ ❤After the order will be the first to pick up remittancesThe next day after the transfer, began stocking order of 14 to 30working days (excluding Taiwan and South Korea on holidays)(According to the manufacturer to ship speed and Order)Because Korea stock quickly, so the money can not always buysuccess Oh !!After the merchandise will quickly help you can not wait for thearrival of Do not send orders yoSo as to avoid unnecessary disputes in future
ime design
奈果女孩的代表形容詞是。。。半糖去冰的可愛、活潑而且俏皮、讓人親近的、有文藝氣息的、喜歡大自然的一切、喜歡特別的事物、有想法的穿搭、喜歡手繪創作也喜歡收藏小物、喜歡開心大笑、 有幽默感的人生態度、有實現夢想的勇氣、對任何事物都感到新鮮好奇、喜歡記錄生活、像貓咪一樣自在的享受生活... 最重要的是... 喜歡當一個特別的女孩。…你也是NEKO GIRL嗎?Chennai fruitgirlrepresentatives adjective Yes. . . Half sugar to ice,lovely,lively and playful, people close, there are dramas, like allofnature, like the special things, the idea of ​​outfit,Like hand-painted creation also like to collect small objects,likethe happy laugh, humorous attitude towards life, have thecourageto realize their dreams, to feel fresh and curiousabouteverything, like record live like cat as comfortable enjoymentoflife's most important ... is ... like when a special girl.... Do you also NEKO GIRL?
優群點心舖 1.0.4 APK
ime design
優群公司簡介優群貿易股份有限公司成立於民國90年,主要業務為各類糖果餅乾進出口及國內現代通路經營,為了讓顧客可以吃到更多美味優質的點心,我們除了從各國搜尋優質美味點心之外,並且在台灣開發各地著名美食,來滿足顧客的需要。在過去十多年的日子裡◎台灣美食全記錄:網羅台灣各地特色點心。◎台灣十大伴手禮:將台灣的百年品牌推廣到現代通路的伴手禮市場。◎FOODPRO特色點心:年節糖以小包裝及符合SGS檢驗的新標準,給顧客安心及全新的感受。這些商品奠定了優群貿易的良好基礎與顧客信賴,我們希望在接下的日子為顧客提供更豐富的商品選擇,在同仁共同激盪下,有了新的發想及努力的目標◎卡路里:一個新的品牌誕生,這個品牌將跟健康生活有關,少油少糖少鹽相關的點心,將在卡路里這個品牌底下繁衍發展,照顧現代人的健康,做為我們全公司下一個階段的努力方向。創辦人 賴董事長是一位年經有活力有熱誠的領導人,他常常說:『食品是人的產業,要用心、要堅持,才會有好口碑』。Excellent group CompanyProfile       Excellent group TradingCo., Ltd. was established in the Republic 90 years, the mainbusiness for the import and export of all kinds of candies andcookies domestic modern trade business, in order to allow customersto be able to eat more high-quality delicious dessert, we not onlyfind quality and delicious snacks from countries outside and thedevelopment of the country's famous cuisine in Taiwan, to meetcustomer needs. In the past ten years the days◎ Taiwan Food Full Record: snare around the characteristics ofTaiwan snacks.◎ Taiwan Top 10 Gifts: Taiwan Centennial Souvenir branding tomarket modern path.◎ FOODPRO special snack: New Year candy with a small package and anew standard in line with SGS test, giving customers peace of mindand a new experience.These goods laid a good foundation and the trust of customersexcellent group of trade, we want to take over the day to provide aricher selection of products for customers, colleagues together inunder agitation, with the new hair to the goal and effort◎ Calories: the birth of a new brand, the brand will be concernedwith healthy living, less oil and less sugar, salt and relatedsnack, calories will multiply under the brand development, modernhealth care, as the next phase of our company-wide endeavors. Founder, chairman Lai is a years' dynamic has dedicated leader, heoften said: "The food industry is human, to heart, to adhere to,will have a good reputation."
Chrisdoll 娃娃的倉庫 1.0.4 APK
ime design
About Chrisdoll WarehouseFROM:2011.9.26我們想要將美好的商品分享給大家,為大家把關最好的品質。在這Chrisdoll Warehouse娃娃的倉庫為您獻上最熱誠的服務,Chrisdoll Warehouse娃娃的倉庫服務項目:日韓服飾、包包、彩妝、保養、童裝、嬰幼兒等商品代購、銷售。如需更其他商品詢問諮詢,也歡迎使用客服與我們聯絡。我們會竭盡所能的為您服務。AboutChrisdollWarehouseFROM: 2011.9.26We want everyone to share the good merchandise, as we check thebestquality.In this Chrisdoll Warehouse warehouse doll present you themostdedicated service,Chrisdoll Warehouse doll warehouse services:Japan and South Korea apparel, bags, cosmetics,maintenance,children, infants and other commodities purchasing andsales.For more inquiry consulting other commodities are also welcometouse the customer service contact us.We will do our best to serve you.
Corner Baby Boutique 夢幻樂園 1.0.4 APK
ime design
CornerBaby並不是一個生硬與複雜的樂園,是真心希望能讓您增加時間來陪伴增加親子生活的趣事來讓寶貝擁有快樂的童年。就這麼說吧!從現在開始,您可以把幸福的元素輕輕鬆鬆地帶進寶貝的生活裡,她的洋裝,她的頭飾,他的遊戲,他的故事書,他的積木城堡,他的手推車,他的餐點,他的房間擺設。於是妳開始和他一起說一個故事,一起討論感覺,一起玩一個遊戲,一起看看彩虹一起品嘗美好食物,一起歡樂大笑,一起幸福快樂。然後您會發現,讓寶貝有快樂幸福的童年從不遙遠,也不困難。我們的宗旨『品質不只是一種表現而是一種習慣』CornerBaby始終如一我們相信:唯有用心‧才能深得您心。讓我們獻上最熱誠的服務.和我們一起分享屬於Corner空間中獨有的購物便利與舒適希望所有的買家都能在這裡幸福的Shopping。CORNER BABY為您獻上最熱誠的服務,用最合理的價格,提供您一整季的流行。迅速、穩定、負責,是我們最由衷的服務宗旨。