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App Information Legend Online - Português

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    Legend Online - Português
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Legend Online - Português Version History

Select Legend Online - Português Version :
  • 3.0 (300010)


Dance Up 1.3.0525 APK
é um jogo de dança, criada cuidadosamente paradispositivos móveis, de músicas românticas. Possui um cenáriofashion muito bem feita. Usa gráficos 3D avançados - Unity3D -, comsuporte abrangente, ferramentas de desenvolvimento de múltiplasplataformas, proporcionando gráficos altamente otimizados,permitindo que o efeito 3D possa ser executado sem problemas mesmoem hardwares menos potentes. Possui som, luz, sombra, renderização,e movimentos comparáveis a um jogo de PC. O jogo traz umaexperiência visual deslumbrante aos jogadores, podendo aprimorar ascenas de palco, com personagens que aparecem ao redor de estrelas.Como um jogo de música que visa o social, o conteúdo do jogo émuito diversificado. Não apenas pode fazer amigos enquanto espera,mas também pode adicionar as pessoas do chat como amigos.Os movimentos realistas de foi desenvolvido por meio de técnicasprofissionais, capturando movimentos reais. No jogo você poderá sesentir como um astro de todos os jovens que gostam de música edança. Todos poderão ter o seu show em um palco, deixar essa paixãofluir.Há 3 modos de jogo: Modo de Dança do Amor, Modo de Bolha, e ModoClássico. O primeiro é adequado para os jogadores iniciantes comoperações simples, enquanto o modo bolha é para os mais avançados.No entanto, basta prestar atenção no rítmo, basta clicar no momentocerto, que aparecerá PERFEITO. O modo clássico é para todos aquelesque gostam de música.Para jogos de músicas, a Loja é o local onde as pessoas maisgostam, neste lugar você poderá deixar o seu personagem do seujeito. O palco de tornou-se num local de fazer amigos, dançar, edesfile de moda! O jogo possui milhares de vestimantas, capaz depermitir a todos mostrarem sua personalidade, especialmente quandovocê está no palco.também possui o sistema de casamento, há um Hall romântico quepode ajudar as meninas e meminos para se conhecerem. Basta umacarta de amor para se declarar ao seu parceiro, e se os doisentrarem no jogo ao mesmo tempo, pode aumentar o nível deintimidade. Quando o nível de intimidade alcançar 100, poderáentrar com os trâmites do casamento. Ainda é possível convidaramigos para assistirem a sua cerimônia romântica.Sob licença genuína de ddianle. com Inc. para exploraçãoexclusiva de operação, vendas e publicidade do jogo "Dance Up"versão de língua portuguesa no território a dance game, createdcarefully for mobile devices, romantic songs. Has a fashion scenevery well made. Uses advanced 3D graphics - Unity3D - withcomprehensive support multiple platforms development tools,providing highly optimized graphics, allowing the 3D effect can beexecuted smoothly even less powerful hardware. It has sound, light,shadow, rendering, and movements comparable to a PC game. The gamebrings a stunning visual experience to players and can enhance theperforming scenes with characters that appear around stars.As a music game aimed at the social, the game content is verydiverse. You can not just make friends while waiting, but can alsoadd people as friends chat.The realistic movements was developed by professionaltechniques, capturing real movements. In the game you can feel likea star of all young people who love music and dancing. Everyone totake your show on a stage, let that passion flow.There are 3 game modes: Dance of Love Mode, Bubble Mode andClassic Mode. The first is suitable for beginners with simpleoperations, while the bubble mode is for the more advanced.However, just pay attention to the rhythm, just click at the righttime, which will appear PERFECT. Classic mode is for those who lovemusic.For music games, the Lodge is the place where people most likein this place you can make your character your way. The stage ofbecame a place to make friends, dance, and fashion show! The gamefeatures thousands of vestimantas, able to allow everyone to showtheir personality, especially when you're on stage.also features the marriage system, there is a romantic Hall thatcan help girls and meminos to meet. Just a love letter to declareyour partner, and the two entered the game at the same time, canincrease the level of intimacy. When the level of intimacy reach100, you can enter with the wedding formalities. You can stillinvite friends to watch your romantic ceremony.Under genuine license ddianle. Inc. for exclusive use withoperation, sales and advertising the game "Dance Up" Portugueseversion in Brazil.
Legend Online Classic-Ultimate 1.2.0 APK
Legend Online Classic é um jogo com uma guerra fantástica comoplano de fundo, no estilo de ""Legend Online"". Devido àportabilidade dos dispositivos móveis, o modo de batalha QTE deLegend Online Classic se torna mais ágil e interessante.Características:1. A tela do jogo é renderizada em 3D e apresentada em 2D,oferecendo uma experiência visal inigualável.2. As campanhas e missões dos mais de 100 níveis contam lendasinesquecíveis.3. Campanhas PVP inter-servidores: jogadores de todo o mundo naluta pelo primeiro lugar.4. Efeitos de batalha magníficos: o modo de batalha por turnosem tempo real cria um show fantástico.5. Batalha Mítica! Batalhas de Guildas! Batalhas com Bosses!Arena! Você lutará até ao fim!6. Segue o estilo épico de Legend Online, o jogo recomendado pormilhões de jogadores em todo o mundo!7. Apresentando pela primeira vez um sistema de batalha QTE emjogos móveis.8. Mantém funcionalidades clássicas como desenvolvimento desoldados, construção de cidades, etc.Sob licença genuína de 7road a Oasis Games - Role Playing paraexploração exclusiva de operação, vendas e publicidade do jogodesenvolvido por Hoolai Game Ltd "Legend Online Classic" versão delíngua portuguesa no território brasileiro.LegendOnline Classic is a game with a fantastic war as the background inthe style of "" Online Legend "." Due to the portability of mobiledevices, the QTE battle mode Classic Online Legend becomes moreagile and interesting.Features:1. The game screen is rendered in 3D and presented in 2D, offeringan unparalleled visal experience.2. The campaigns and missions of over 100 levels haveunforgettable legends.3. Campaigns inter-PVP servers: players from around the world inthe fight for first place.4. magnificent battle effects: real-time turn-based battle modecreates a fantastic show.5. Mythical Battle! Guild battles! Battles with bosses! Arena!You will fight to the end!6. Follow the epic style Online Legend, the game recommended bymillions of players around the world!7. Featuring the first time a QTE battle system in mobilegames.8. Maintains classic features such as developing soldiers,building cities, etc.Under genuine license 7road the Oasis Games - Role Playing forexclusive use operation, sales and advertising game developed byGame Hoolai Ltd "Online Legend Classic" Portuguese version inBrazil.
Legend Online - Español 2.6 APK
Legend Online es un juego móvil CCG y MMO quete ofrece una experiencia única de colección de tarjetas,personalización de tu mazo y combate en calabozos o contra otrosjugadores en tiempo real. Más de 200 tipos de tarjetas diferentes yniveles podrás encontrar, obtenlas y poseerás un gran poder.Algunas tarjetas únicas te costarán tiempo y esfuerzo conseguirlas,pero son increíblemente potentes y vale la pena el esfuerzo. Unabuena colección y combinación de cartas harán los combates másfáciles. Ello exhibirá tus logros y experiencia de juego, ademásimpresionarás a tus amigos. Una vez que haya desplegado sustarjetas en formación, el combate es completamente automático. Loúnico que hay que hacer es mantener tu teléfono o dispositivo en lamano para ver la batalla y luego proceder a tomar las recompensas,cosechas, experiencia y satisfacción.En este mundo fantástico de la Edad Media, actuarás como unhéroe para ayudar a la Sacerdotisa a restablecer la paz yprosperidad del Reino. Una aventura te espera, demuestra tuvalentía, con estrategia y tacto podrás salvar al mundo.Legend Online hereda el escenario del mundo, los personajes y latrama de la obra maestra eponymousbrowser que ha logrado un granéxito en muchos países, especialmente en Turquía. La versión denavegador de Legend Online atrajo a un total de 10 millones dejugadores en todo el mundo y ha calificado como uno del Top 25 dejuegos de Facebook mundialmente popular.Principales características:++ Atmósfera de fantasía y leyenda: elegir una de las tresclases para iniciar su aventura: GUERRERO (fuerte y valiente),Arquero (ágil y preciso) y Mago (inteligente y creativo) Cada clasetiene sus características y habilidades únicas. Elige la clase quemás te convenga.++ PK increíblemente divertido y emocionante: Prepare sustarjetas e impresione a todos en nuestra ARENA PVP exclusiva, dejaque el duelo comience.++ Una combinación de CCG, RPG y MMO: usted puede encontrar todotipo de elementos de juego acá: coleccionar tarjetas como en unCCG, interpretar el papel de un héroe como en un RPG y encontrar amuchos jugadores en línea al mismo tiempo como en un MMO. Sea cualsea su tipo de juego favorito, le encantará este juego.++ Un equilibrio entre el combate y un juego relajante: efectosde combate espectaculares combinados con un control automático.++ Recolecte y administre una combinación de tarjetas con tactoy estrategia: coleccionando tarjetas de niveles superiores te daráun mejor rendimiento, una victoria por una pequeña ventaja terecordará que su estrategia de formación ha sido mejor y se sentiráorgulloso.++ Si se siente solo y sin esperanza de eliminar algunosmonstruos, podrá obtener la ayuda inmediata de alguno de sus amigosdentro del juego. Tal vez algún día serás el gran héroe de tusamigos.VALORACIONES5/5 ""Juego Sensacional"" - Gui Jorge5/5 ""Muy bien, no hay lag en absoluto"" - Erick Mateus5/5 ""Siempre busqué un juego divertido y agradable como este y nonecesitan que de mucho para ser fuerte y divertirse."" -EkuLz5/5 ""Adictivo...en una buena manera, el mejor de los juegos enlínea."" - Zaphode5/5 ""Este es un impresionante juego RPG. Definitivamenterecomendado."" - GrotesqueGuitarSi te gustan los juegos de cartas de combate, no lo dudes ydescarga de inmediato “Legend Online” Invita a tus amigos aparticipar y tener más diversión.Legend Online is a CCGand mobile MMO game that offers a unique experience of collectionof cards, personalization of your deck and battle in dungeons oragainst other players in real time. Over 200 different card typesand levels can find, obtenlas and possess great power. Some uniquecard will cost you time and effort to get them, but they areincredibly powerful and worth the effort. A good collection andcombination of letters make the easiest fights. This showcase youraccomplishments and gameplay, plus you impress your friends. Onceyou have deployed your cards in training, combat is completelyautomatic. All you have to do is keep your phone or device on handto watch the battle and then proceed to take the rewards, crops,experience and satisfaction.In this fantasy world of the Middle Ages, you will act like ahero to help the Priestess to restore peace and prosperity of theKingdom. An adventure awaits you, show your courage, strategy andtouch can save the world.Legend Online inherits the world stage, the characters and theplot of the eponymousbrowser masterpiece that has achieved greatsuccess in many countries, especially in Turkey. The browserversion of Legend Online attracted a total of 10 million playersworldwide and has ranked among the top 25 globally popular Facebookgames.Main features:++ Atmosphere of fantasy and legend: choose one of three classesto start your adventure: GUERRERO (strong and brave) Archer (fastand accurate) and Mago (intelligent and creative) Each class hasits unique characteristics and abilities. Choose the class thatsuits you.++ Incredibly fun and exciting PK: Prepare your cards andimpress everyone in our exclusive PVP ARENA, let the duelbegins.++ A combination of CCG, RPG and MMO: You can find all kinds ofgame elements here: collecting cards like in a CCG, playing therole of a hero like an RPG and find a lot of players online at thesame time as in an MMO. Whatever your favorite type of game, youwill love this game.++ A balance between combat and a relaxing game: combinedeffects of spectacular combat with an automatic control.++ Collect and manage a combination of cards with tact andstrategy: collecting cards higher levels will give betterperformance, a win by a small advantage will remind your trainingstrategy has been better and be proud.++ If you are lonely and without hope of eliminating somemonsters, you can get immediate help from one of his friends in thegame. Maybe someday, you'll be the big hero of your friends.REVIEWS5/5 "" Sensational Game "" - Gui Jorge5/5 "" Well, no lag at all "" - Erick Mateus5/5 "" I always looked for a fun and enjoyable as this game and donot need much to be strong and have fun. "" - EkuLz5/5 "" Addictive ... in a good way, the best of online games. "" -Zaphode5/5 "" This is an awesome RPG game. Definitely recommended. "" -GrotesqueGuitarIf you like card games combat, do not hesitate and downloadimmediately "Legend Online" Invite your friends to join and havemore fun.
Ocean Overlord 2.0.20 APK
Ocean Overlord is the newest free classic battleship mobile game.The first battleship game with a single global server, creating atrue global free-for-all environment. The game includes over 200elaborately designed battleship models and more than 100 modernfamous navy generals to help you create and lead your owninvincible fleet and conquer the whole world! The game is set inthe early 20th Century when the world was still shrouded indarkness after World War I. Your job is to lead the anti-fascistmovement, blow the horn of justice, gather like-minded people,eliminate the world’s dark forces and restore world peace! 【GameFeatures】: 1.***Exquisite Battleship Models & Cool VisualEffects*** Over 200 carefully crafted battleship models, includinglegendary vessels from USA, Germany, Britain, Soviet Union, Franceetc. 2.***100 Famous Navy Generals & Prominent BattleStrategies*** Dubbed human voices and realistic graphics help bringhistoric Generals back to life. Gather different famous modernGenerals, each with their own special traits, and watch as theychange the face of a battle in the blink of an eye. 3.***InnovativeStrategy Battle Mode & Original War Scenery*** Ignite your wargenes and command up to 12 Generals to lead up to 72 battleships,aircraft carriers, and cruisers into battle. 4.***Elaborate BattlePlot*** Occupy the world’s famous ports and cities one by one,recreate original famous battles and devise effective strategiesand tactics. 5.***Various PVP,PVE Game Modes*** Multiplefascinating game modes, including Legion battles, Anti-shipexercises, Air-defense exercises etc. 6.***Single Global Server***Fight for your country, enjoy real-time translation, create onlinefriendships and build your own great online Alliance battle in thesingle global server. Exquisite battleships, furious battles,lifelike speech and explosive music together create the perfect“Ocean Overlord”. Download now to discover other wonderfulfeatures! 【Contact Us】 Official Customer Support Email:[email protected] Facebook Fan page:
Bleach: Immortal Soul 2.1.19 APK
The official Bleach mobile RPG. Rid Soul Society of all Hollows!
Shark Boom - Fun Social Game 1.3.2 APK
This is 2017's most fun social game - Shark Boom. In this funsocial game, you can create your dream island and collect adorable3D cartoon pets. In this casual game, you can invite your existingfriends or make new friends to help you build and guard yourisland. Shark Boom is also 2017's most popular social game withgirls, so come and join this 3D cartoon social game now!☆Unrivalled collection of cute pets! Electric Eel, Octopus, varioussmall starfish and more, with multiple abilities, give you a richexperience and help you protect your islands. ☆Oceans are waitingto be conquered! Newly themed islands, holiday themed islands andmysterious tribes from the Ice Age, Sea World and Jurassic Worldallow you to travel through time. ☆Spin the Lucky Wheel tocontinuously receive great surprises! Spin your wheel to gainpirate treasure, but keep an eye out for enemy revenge attacks.☆Real-life friend battles to see who's the best of the best! Inviteyour Facebook friends to flaunt your space and build the strongesthome! More amazing gifts are waiting for you to collect. ☆RankingsSeparate Rich and Evil rankings! Will the richest person be themost evil person? Various game modes are waiting for you to play!The more friends you have, the more fun you will have! Right nowyour King is on the island! Come play now! New and original themedislands, holiday themed islands and mysterious ancient tribes allowyou to travel through time. 【Contact Us】 FacebookPage: Customer SupportEmail:[email protected]
Tank Commander - Русский 1.0 APK
Во время 2-й мировой войны возникли 3 большиевоенные организации. Дым сражений поглотил мир, огонь войнывспыхнул по всей земле...Создай свою собственную базу и стремись к славе и победе вкачестве командира военной организации. Упорно сражайся ради своеголагеря в период, когда выживает только сильнейший, и взойди навершину мира!Вперед, командир, уничтожь врагов и завладей миром с помощьютанков! Поле боя уже ожидает тебя!During the 2nd World War,having 3 large military organization. Smoke engulfed the world ofbattles, the flames of war broke out all over the earth ...Create your own base, and strive for glory and victory ascommander of the military organization. Fought hard for his camp ata time when only the strongest survive, and come up to the top ofthe world!Forward Commander, destroy the enemy and seize upon the worldwith the help of tanks! The field of battle is already waiting foryou!
Sword of Throne 1.0 APK
Sword of Throne é o primeiro jogo onlineparacelular de luta/ação. O jogo se passa na Idade Média, no mundodolendário de reis e dos Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda. Umaartesombria e bela, 3 classes de personagem para se escolher,dezenasde habilidades, 8 campanhas e centenas de missõesproporcionarão aomais exigente dos jogadores uma experiência únicaem um mundorepleto de aventuras.O jogo está disponível para iOS e Android e suporta Wifi, 3Ge2G. Basta você possuir um smartphone para poder jogar, nãoimportaonde estiver!A interface do jogo é toda voltada para aparelhos móveis,commenus simples, fácil operação e experiência personalizada.Porexemplo, as instruções para missões possuem um modo rápidoquepermite que o personagem mova-se automáticamente em direçãoaolocal da missão.Além disso, o jogo usa um joystick virtual de posição, tamanhoesensibilidade ajustados para proporcionar a melhorjogabilidadepossível.O jogo tem um modo de batalha livre, o botão à esquerda datelamovimenta a personagem, os botões à direita permitem atacareliberar poderes. Os poderes não consomem energia, basta queseaguarde seus tempo de espera. Durante as batalhas pode-serecuperarvida e ressucitar.As campanhas épicas permitem a você ser o protagonistadahistória.Torneios, arenas de combate, batalhas entre grupos ecombatesdeathmatch oferecem experiências de jogodiversificadas.Sistemas como o élfico, o de gemas e o zodíaco, lhe desejamumaboa jornada por este mundo de reis.Sob licença genuína de Linekong Entertainment TechnologyCo,Ltdpara exploração exclusiva de operação, vendas e publicidadedo jogo"Sword of Throne" versão de língua portuguesa noterritóriobrasileiro.Email do SAC: [email protected]: of Throne isthefirst online mobile game fighting / action. The game is set intheMiddle Ages, in the world of legendary kings and the Knights oftheRound Table. A dark and beautiful art, 3 character classestochoose from dozens of skills, 8 campaigns and hundreds ofmissionsprovide the most demanding of players a unique experiencein aworld full of adventures.The game is available for iOS and Android and supports Wifi,3Gand 2G. Just you have a smartphone to play, no matter whereyouare!The game interface is all focused on mobile devices, withsimplemenus, easy operation and personalized experience. Forexample, theinstructions to missions have a quick way that allowsthe characterto move automatically toward the site of themission.In addition, the game uses a virtual joystick position, sizeandsensitivity adjusted to provide the best possible gameplay.The game has a free battle mode, the button to the left ofthescreen moves the character, the buttons on the right let youattackand release powers. The powers not consume energy, it isenough towait for their wait time. During the battles can recoverlife andresurrect.The epic campaigns allow you to be the protagonist ofthestory.Tournaments, combat arenas, battles between groups andfightingdeathmatch offer diverse gaming experiences.Systems like Elvish, the yolks and the zodiac, you want agoodjourney through this world of kings.Under genuine license LineKong Entertainment Technology Co,Ltdfor exclusive use operation, sales and advertising the game"Swordof Throne" Portuguese version in Brazil.Email SAC: [email protected]: