App Information Kids Song Offline - Baby Songs
- App NameKids Song Offline - Baby Songs
- Package Namecom.MarsalBermain.NurseryRhymesCarInsurance
- UpdatedJun 12, 2023
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.4
- Version20
- DeveloperMarsal Bermain
- Installs100K+
- PriceFree
- Categoryinfo_outline</i></button></div>
- DeveloperRevenue Tower Lt. 2, District 8 Lot 13 SCBD Area Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
- Google Play Link
Marsal Bermain Show More...
Game Puzzle Anak Seri Binatang 6 APK
Permainan puzzle ini merupakan game edukatif untuk anak-anakdanbalita usia 2, 3, dan 4 tahun untuk mengenali nama-namabinatang.Anak-anak akan dihibur dan dikenalkan pada nama-nama dansuarahewan. Terdapat beberapa kategori hewan dengan habitatberbedadalam permainan ini yaitu hewan laut, peternakan, afrika,danhutan. Dalam game puzzle ini untuk sementara terdapat empatjenispermainan dan akan terus ditambah. Pertama, anak-anaksecaraotomatis akan diminta untuk mencocokkan beberapa binatangberbedadengan siluet kosong di lingkungannya. Jika anak denganbenarmeletakkan binatang sesuai pada siluetnya maka game iniakanmengeluarkan suara anak kecil yang menyebutkan nama hewandisertaidengan suara hewan tersebut. Permainan kedua, anak-anakdimintauntuk menyusun pecahan gabar hewan menjadi gambar binatangutuh(jigsaw puzzle). Ketiga, permainan mencocokkan warnadenganmeletakkan bebek di perahu sesuai warnanya. Keempat,permainanmencari makanan yang hewan inginkan. Permainan inipenuhwarna-warni, efek suara, gambar hewan kartun, dan interaksiyangmenarik sehingga tidak monoton dan anak betah bermain danbelajar.Game ini sangat cocok untuk dimainkan anak usia sekolahPAUD danTK. Kami dedikasikan permainan ini agar anak-anak bisabermain danbelajar bersama di masa pandemi covid-19. Kamimengutamakanpendidikan anak yang menyenangkan dan bermanfaat.Setiap saran danmasukan yang membangun sangat kami harapkan yangdapat andasampaikan lewat play store.
CoComelon Canciones Infantiles 3.0 APK
Mire cómo JJ aprende con sus familiares y amigos y ayuda a travésde canciones educativas adecuadas para la edad de sus hijos. Estaaplicación contiene videos completos de Cocomelon adecuados parabebés y niños pequeños con animaciones coloridas y atractivas. Losvideos de esta aplicación se pueden reproducir sin conexión, peroprimero debe descargar los videos existentes. si no desea descargarel video, aún puede verlo en streaming. Pros en la aplicación: - Sepuede reproducir sin conexión a Internet (después de descargar elvideo) - Calidad de video clara (después de descargar el video) -Canciones más completas - Equipado con atractivas animaciones. Acontinuación se muestran videos de canciones infantiles en estaaplicación y se seguirán agregando y actualizando: 1. A la escuelairé 2. El hámster perdido 3. La Lectura 4. Pijamada de Jelly Bean5. Jugar en el parqu 6. JJ quiere una cama nueva 7. Preparándosepara la escuela 8. La playa 9. Cumpleaños feliz 10. La cancion delfútbol 11. Itsy Bitsy Araña 12. Las ruedas del bus van 13. Canciónde baño 14. Mi perro, Bingo 15. El viejo MacDonald tenía una granja16. Aprendamos a nadar 17. Lavemos el auto 18. Se hace así 19. Laspaletas multicolor 20. Mi hermano mayor 21. Un pastel 22. Vamos albaño 23. Canción para ayudar 24. Huerto de calabazas 25. Noche debrujas en la escuela 26. Disfraz de noche de brujas 27. Hora dedormir (Cámping) 28. El sin mover 29. El guiso del huerto 30.Canción El dolor 31. La tortuga y la liebre 32. Diez pequeñosdinosaurios 33. Llega la cama nueva de JJ 34. Canción del día decampo 35. ABC con globos 36. Mary Tenia un Corderito 37. El baileanimal 38. Manzanas y Bananas 39. La canción de la maestra 40.Ovejita Negra
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Nursery Rhymes Songs Offline 2.46.20150 APK
Singing songs and rhymes with your baby is really good for them,asthe rhythms and repetitive language make it easier for babiestolearn language skills. Your baby will love hearing the samerhymesover and over again and will soon learn to join in withtheactions. Singing and reciting with your child is also a greatwayof bonding with them. *** Songs for kids fun children's songs****** Nursery rhymes songs with video and lyrics *** ***Nurseryrhymes FREE mp3 *** The collection includes the following"nurseryrhymes for 2 year old baby": - Old MacDonald Had A Farm -This OldMan (Knick-Knack Paddy-Whack) - The Grand Olde Duke Of York- OhDear What Can The Matter Be? - Yankee Doodle - Michael Finigan/poems for kids / - The Farmer In The Dell - Polly Put The KettleOn- I Had A Little Nut Tree (fairy tales stories book free) - SkipToMy Lou (educational songs for kids) - Frère Jaques. Kids songsfunsongs for kids free. - Bingo (nursery rhymes for kids) -PeasPudding (audio stories) - Ring-A-Ring-A-Roses - ABC - I SawThreeShips (nursery rhymes sing and learn) - Oranges And Lemons for2year old baby - Goosey- Goosey Gander / Baby songs videofreerhymes in tamil - The Big Ship Sails On The Ali-Ali-O. Babysongsvideo free rhymes in tamil. - Simple Simon (educational gamesforkids nursery) - Pat-A-Cake, Pat-A-Cake / Bible songs for kids -TomTom The Piper's Son for kids train songs - For He's AJolly-GoodFellow / Songs for kids fun children's songs Features ofour free"kids songs" application: - install to SD card - handysleep timerto sleep to - ability to set melody as ringtone, alarmornotification - HD quality background images for each story sound-ability to remove ads for extra money via in-app purchase-suitable for kids and parents (stories for babies) - worksoffline,no internet needed - guided reference / educational songsfor kids- in app volume control; - bedtime stories for baby withpictures(lullabies) - Most popular songs for kids from 0 to 7 yearsold Wecreate a lot of educational kids applications in English,Spanish,Italian, telugu. A nursery rhymes songs with video andlyricswithout internet is a traditional poem or song for childreninBritain and many other countries, but usage of the term onlydatesfrom the late 18th early 19th century. In North America thetermMother Goose Rhymes. Poems for kids in video in englishfree.Nursery rhymes videos free download for kids in hindi offline.Achildren's song may be a nursery rhyme set to music, a songthatchildren invent and share among themselves or a moderncreationintended for entertainment, use in the home oreducation.Children's music is music composed and performed forchildren. InEuropean-influenced contexts this means music, usuallysongs,written specifically for a juvenile audience. The composersareusually adults. Children's music has historically heldbothentertainment and educational functions. and skills. A lullaby,orcradle song, is a soothing song or piece of music, usuallyplayedfor or sung to children. The purposes of lullabies vary.
Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (Offline 40+ Songs) 3.01 APK
Research on the effects of music on child development has revealedalink between music and the early development of the brain. Inthisrespect, music will be a good tool to support the developmentofyour baby, which begins to distinguish music sounds fromthemother's womb. Especially the academic development of yourchild;language development, social-emotional development,physicaldevelopment, creativity, in short, all areas of developmentwill besupported in many ways through music. Singing allows thechild tolearn to use his voice, and helps him understand themeanings ofwords he does not know in his lyrics. In short,listening to musicaffects and supports language, social andemotional developments.In this respect, many songs were carefullyselected and added toour application. Since there is no Internetrequirement afterinstalling the application, your internet cottonwill not decrease.Since it plays in the background, you can do yourown work on thephone while the song is playing. 01-ABC Chant02-Baby Shark Dance03-The Finger Family 04-Five Little Ducks05-Baa, Baa, Black Sheep06-Hickory Dickory Dock 07-One LittleFinger 08-Open Shut Them09-The Ants Go Marching 10-this Is The Way11-Johny Johny Yes Papa12-Row Row Row Your Boat 13-Ten LittleIndians 14-A ram sam sam15-B-I-N-G-O 16-Rain, Rain, Go Away17-Head, Shoulders, Knees andToes 18-Down by the Bay 19-LondonBridge Is Falling Downn 20-IfYou're Happy and You Know It 21-FiveLittle Monkeys 22-I'm a LittleTeapot 23-Wheels on the Bus 24-OldMacDonald Had A Farm 25-SevenDays a Week 26-My Litle Bee 27-Once ICaught a Fish Alive 28-BunnyBop 29-Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat 30-Rockythe Dog 31-Mommy Has a LittleGirl 32-Mister Cat 33-Ten in a Bed34-Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star35-Hush Little Baby 36-The ABC Song37-SOCO BATE VIRA -Mini Disco38-TSJOE TSJOE WA -Mini Disco 39-VeoVeo -Mini Disco 40-I Am TheMusic Man -Mini Disco 41-Crazy Frog-Mini Disco
Bible songs for kids offline 2.46.20150 APK
Singing with children is one of the best ways for them tobemotivated to learn. Not only that, it is a good way to getexercisetoo. There are many Christian songs for kids that welearned as achild. You can sang these Christian songs in school, ontheplayground, at home and at special events like VacationBibleSchool or day camp. Kids Bible is a collection of sacred textsorscriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a productofdivine inspiration and a record of the relationship between Godandhumans. Christian songs free download. Nursery rhymes songswithvideo and lyrics without internet. Features of our free"biblesongs for kids free" application: - install to SD card -handysleep timer to sleep to - ability to set melody as ringtone,alarmor notification - HD quality background images for each storysound- ability to remove ads for extra money via in-app purchase-suitable for kids and parents (stories for babies) - worksoffline,no internet needed - guided reference / educational songsfor kids- runs in background while using other apps or when thescreen islocked, just press the "Home" button - in app volumecontrol; -bedtime stories for baby with pictures (christian songsfor kidsfor free) - Most popular songs for kids from 0 to 7 yearsold Wecreate a lot of educational kids applications in English,Hindi,Polish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, telugu and Germany.Christiansongs for kids for free. A children's song / christianmusic may bea nursery rhyme set to music, a song that childreninvent and shareamong themselves or a modern creation intended forentertainment,use in the home or education. Christian sunday schoolsongs forchildren. Although children’s songs have been recorded andstudiedin some cultures more than others, they appear to beuniversal inhuman society. Christian song books free. You may thinkyou knowthe words to "Rock-a-Bye Baby," until you get stuck on thatsecondverse. Stop resorting to made-up lyrics or the dreaded hum.Chooseyour favorite classic lullabies and other soothing songssuitablefor bedtime from the list below and learn all the words.Thenyou'll be ready and able to sing your little one tosleep.Christian music downloader free.