App Information Italian-Russian Translator
- App NameItalian-Russian Translator
- Package Namefree_translator.itru
- UpdatedDec 22, 2023
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.4
- Version2.3.4
- DeveloperKlays-Development
- Installs-
- PriceFree
- Category
- DeveloperRussia, Tula 300026
- Google Play Link
Klays-Development Show More...
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Italian - French Translator 4.7.4 APK
With this translator you can easily translate words and textfromItalian to French and from French to Italian. You are abletotranslate words and even sentences, in just a split second.Thistranslator contains the following features: - Translate wordsandsentences - Translate from clipboard - Simple anduser-friendlyinterface - Instant search - Instant start - It helpsto learn thelanguage - Can be used as an dictionary - It helpsduringtravelling Italien Traducteur Français Italiano traduttorefrancese