1.0.7 / June 18, 2014
(4.8/5) (12)


This app provides easy access to country-leveldata for labor market indicators from the ILO.
The yearly indicators are standardized for comparability acrosscountries and rely heavily on the official submission of data bynational authorities from over 200 countries, territories andareas.

- Labor market data from national sources from over 200 countries,territories and areas
- Data disaggregated by sex and age
- Indicators include employment, unemployment, persons outside thelabor force, youth, working time, earnings and employment-relatedincome, labor cost, occupational injuries, trade union density andcollective bargaining, labor inspection
- Information available in either English, French or Spanish

The ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mainaims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employmentopportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue onwork-related issues.

App Information ILOSTAT Country Profiles

International Labour Office Show More...

Droits des Jeunes au Travail 1.0 APK
L’application Droits des Jeunes au Travail aété développée pour vous informer de vos droits au travail. Cetteapplication vous permet d'avoir les informations nécessaires afind’être mieux préparés à gérer vos premières expériencesprofessionnelles à portée de main.Caractéristiques:En parcourant les différentes sections de l’application, vouspourrez en savoir plus sur les Conventions de l'OIT, vos droits autravail, et avoir accès à une liste de termes clés définis commepar exemple : travail décent, sécurité sociale, congés annuels,entre autres. Des tests et quiz vous aideront à tester vosconnaissances. Et une section dédiée à l'étude des cas vousconfrontera à des situations de travail réelles que vous aurez àanalyser afin de concevoir la meilleure mesure à prendre ou trouverla meilleure solution possible.A qui s’adresse cette application?Cette application a été conçue pour être utilisée par des jeunesâgés de 15 et 24 ans qui sont sur le point d’intégrer, ou quiviennent tout juste d’intégrer, le marché du travail.Applying Youth Rights atWork has been developed to inform you of your rights at work. Thisapplication allows you to have the necessary information in orderto be better prepared to manage your first professional experienceat hand. Features:Going through the various sections of the application, you canlearn more about the ILO Conventions, your rights at work, and haveaccess to a defined list of key terms such as: decent work, socialsecurity, annual leave , among others. Tests and quizzes will helpyou test your knowledge. And a section dedicated to the study ofcases confront you in real work situations you have to be analyzedin order to design the best course of action, or find the bestpossible solution. Who is this application?This application was designed to be used by young people agedbetween 15 and 24 who are about to enter or who have just integratethe labor market.
ILO Stress Checkpoints 1.0.0 APK
The Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints appallows you to create interactive checklists of checkpoints to usein the workplace. There are 50 stress prevention checkpoints intotal.The app also includes best practice recommendations for takingaction and implementing effective improvements in preventing stressin the workplace.Features:- Access detailed descriptions of stress prevention checkpointswith illustrations- Create custom checklists to use in the workplace, prioritizecheckpoints and make notes- Date stamp and export your checklists and notesWho is the app for?The app is designed for use by anyone interested in workplacestress prevention: national authorities, company and organizationalmanagers, trade unions, human resource personnel, and occupationalsafety and health practitioners.The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency ofthe United Nations. Its main aims are to promote rights at work,encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance socialprotection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.
ILO Agriculture Checkpoints 1.0.0 APK
The Ergonomic Checkpoints in Agriculture appallows you to create interactive checklists of ergonomiccheckpoints to use in the agriculture sector. There are 100checkpoints in total. The app also includes best practicerecommendations for taking action and implementing effective safetyand health improvements in an agriculture environmentFeatures:- Access detailed descriptions of checkpoints withillustrations- Create custom checklists, prioritize checkpoints and makenotes- Date stamp and export your checklists and notesWho is the app for?The app is designed for use by anyone concerned with creating abetter workplace in agriculture and rural settings: employers,supervisors, workers, inspectors, safety and health personnel,trainers and educators, engineers, ergonomists and designers.The International Labour Organization is a specialized agency ofthe United Nations. Its main aims are to promote rights at work,encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance socialprotection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.
ILOSTAT Country Profiles 1.0.7 APK
This app provides easy access to country-leveldata for labor market indicators from the ILO.The yearly indicators are standardized for comparability acrosscountries and rely heavily on the official submission of data bynational authorities from over 200 countries, territories andareas.Features:- Labor market data from national sources from over 200 countries,territories and areas- Data disaggregated by sex and age- Indicators include employment, unemployment, persons outside thelabor force, youth, working time, earnings and employment-relatedincome, labor cost, occupational injuries, trade union density andcollective bargaining, labor inspection- Information available in either English, French or SpanishThe ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mainaims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employmentopportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue onwork-related issues.
ILO Official Meetings App APK
ILO's Mobile Event App for Official Meetingsand International Labour Conference (ILC)
Migración y trabajo doméstico 0.0.1 APK
Migración y Trabajo Domestico es unrecursointeractivo diseñado específicamente para las personastrabajadorasdomésticas migrantes (TDM) en Argentina, pero tambiénes relevantepara cualquier TDM de habla hispana, en general. Laaplicaciónproporciona información sencilla y accesible para lasTDM, sobresus derechos y protecciones legales, así como las redes ycontactosde apoyo disponibles localmente. Argentina, ha adoptado elConveniode la OIT de 2011 sobre los Trabajadores Domésticos y laaplicaciónmuestra cómo las protecciones del convenio se reflejan enlalegislación nacional.La aplicación es para uso individual, pero también puede servircomoun recurso para fines de demostración y formación.A pesar de la importante contribución que hacen anuestrassociedades, la mayoría de las personas trabajadorasdomésticasmigrantes no están protegidas por las leyes laborales ysonvulnerables a la explotación. Junto con la ConfederaciónSindicalInternacional (CSI), la Federación Internacional deTrabajadoresDomésticos (IDWF), ONU Mujeres, y la Oficina del AltoComisionadopara los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH), la OIT estátrabajando en unaserie de países, entre ellos Argentina, y en"corredores demigración" claves, donde las TDM son particularmentevulnerables alas violaciones de los derechos humanos y derechoslaborales.A medida que más mujeres se incorporan a la fuerza laboralenAmérica Latina y en otras partes, las familias se enfrentanadificultades para equilibrar el trabajo remunerado con lastareasdomésticas y están cada vez más dependientes de las TDMparaayudar. estudios de la OIT muestran que más de 11 millonesdetrabajadores migrantes ocupan ahora los trabajos de asistenciaadomicilio. Muchas de éstas son mujeres de países pobres, conpocasoportunidades de empleo. Hoy en día casi uno de cadacincotrabajadores domésticos en el mundo es un migrante y de ellos,casiel 75% son mujeres.Esta aplicación fue desarrollada por el Programa deAcciónMundial sobre las Trabajadoras y los Trabajadores Domésticosy susFamilias (PAM-TDM), un proyecto de la OrganizaciónInternacionaldel Trabajo financiado por la Unión Europea, enconsulta con elMinisterio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social deArgentina, laUnión Personal Auxiliar de Casas Particulares (UPACP)y gruposTDM.El PAM-TDM trata de promover los derechos humanos yderechoslaborales de las TDM por todo el mundo por hacer frente alos retosque las hacen especialmente vulnerables a la explotación yelabuso. Desde 2013, GAP-MDW ha realizado investigaciones yhainiciado proyectos piloto en diez países, que representancincocorredores migratorios principales consisten en:Ucrania-Polonia,Lesoto / Zimbabue y Sudáfrica, Indonesia y Malasia,Nepal y elLíbano, Paraguay y Argentina.Los objetivos específicos del programa incluyen:– Mejorar la investigación y el conocimiento práctico enmateriade migración y tráfico específicos del trabajodoméstico;– El fortalecimiento de las capacidades de losresponsablespolíticos, las organizaciones de trabajadores yempleadoresdomésticos y profesionales, para asegurar el acceso delas TDM a untrabajo digno y los derechos humanos;– Apoyo a las iniciativas de creación de capacidad nacionalparapromover políticas y reglamentos basados en los derechos ylaautonomía de las trabajadoras domésticas migrantes.Migration andDomesticWork is an interactive resource designed specifically forpeoplemigrant domestic workers (TDM) in Argentina, but is alsorelevantto any TDM Spanish speaking generally. The applicationprovidessimple and accessible information for TDM, about theirrights andlegal protections as well as support networks andcontactsavailable locally. Argentina has adopted the ILO Conventionof 2011on Domestic Workers and the application shows how theprotectionsof the Convention are reflected in nationallegislation. The application is for individual use, but can also serve asaresource for training and demonstration purposes.Despite the important contribution they make to oursocieties,most people migrant domestic workers are not protected bylaborlaws and are vulnerable to exploitation. Together withtheInternational Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), theInternationalFederation of Domestic Workers (IDWF), UN Women, andthe Office ofthe High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), theILO is workingin a number of countries, including Argentina , and"migrationcorridors" key, where TDM are particularly vulnerable toviolationsof human rights and labor rights. As more women enter the workforce in Latin America andelsewhere,families are facing difficulties in balancing paid workandhousework are increasingly dependent TDM to help. ILO studiesshowthat more than 11 million migrant workers now occupy jobshomecare.Many of these are women in poor countries with fewemploymentopportunities. Today almost one in five domestic workersin theworld is a migrant and of these, almost 75% are women.This application was developed by the Global Programme ofActionon Workers and Domestic Workers and their Families (PAM-TDM),aproject of the International Labour Organization financed bytheEuropean Union, in consultation with the Ministry ofLabor,Employment and Social security of Argentina, the UnionPersonalAssistant Houses (UPACP) and TDM groups.The PAM-TDM seeks to promote human rights and laborrightsworldwide TDM to cope with the challenges that make themespeciallyvulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Since 2013, GAP-MDWhasconducted research and has initiated pilot projects intencountries, representing five major migration corridorsinclude:Ukraine-Poland, Lesotho / Zimbabwe and South Africa,Indonesia andMalaysia, Nepal and Lebanon, Paraguay andArgentina.The specific objectives of the program include: - Improve research and practical knowledge on migrationandtraffic specific to domestic work;- Strengthening the capacities of policymakers, organizationsofworkers and employers home and business, to ensure access todecentwork TDM and human rights;- Support for initiatives to build national capacity topromotepolicies and regulations based on the rights and autonomy ofwomenmigrant domestic workers.
ILO Ergonomic Checkpoints 2.0.0 APK
Create custom checklists to improve ergonomics in any workplace
Eliminating Child Labour 1.0 APK
This app allows business managers andauditorsto create interactive checklists that will help them ensurea childlabour-free operation. There are 18 checkpoints in total,dividedinto six categories. Each checkpoint providesbest-practicerecommendations for taking action.Who is the app for?The app is designed for use by professionals responsibleforensuring that companies remain child labour-free.Features:• Access detailed descriptions of the 18 checkpoints• Learn concepts and definitions from pop-up windows• Create custom checklists, prioritize the checkpoints andmakenotes• Date-stamp and export your checklists and notesAbout the International Labour Organization:The ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mainaimsare to promote rights at work, encourage decentemploymentopportunities, enhance social protection and strengthendialogue onwork-related issues.