1.0 / September 13, 2016
(4.2/5) (5)


Il ballo del qua qua è il titolo italianodiuna canzone di grande notorietà internazionale intitolataDerEntentanz ("Il ballo dell'anatra"), composta dallo svizzeroWernerThomas. La versione italiana, riarrangiata da T. Rendall eLorenzoRaggi e cantata da Romina Power, venne pubblicata nel 1981ecompare nell'album di Al Bano & Romina PowerFelicità,pubblicato in Italia nel 1982.

La musica[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
La musica originale è stata composta negli anni cinquantadalmusicista svizzero Werner Thomas. È stata adattata conparolediverse in molteplici nazioni ed usata nel corso degli annicomecolonna sonora in vari film e serie televisive, come ad esempioIltrafficone, L'affittacamere Biancaneve & Co. o The BigBangTheory, nonché come sigla del programma televisivo Paperissima,inonda su Canale 5 dal 1990. Il titolo comunemente usato in ingleseèThe Chicken Dance ("Il ballo del pollo"); la versione italianaècomposta, appunto, da Lorenzo Raggi, ed è l'unica, insieme aquellafrancese, a usare degli starnazzi divertenti all'inizio eallafine, e perciò l'unica a parlare di un'anatra.

Il brano[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Il ballo del qua qua è una canzone pensata principalmente peribambini ed anche un inno alla felicità (prendi sotto bracciolafelicità), viene classificata come canzone per bambinivistal'orecchiabilità e il testo apparentemente insignificante, chehafatto divertire i bambini, ma in realtà, come rivelato da AlBanoin una lettera di protesta all'allora -2012- assessoreregionaledella Puglia Fabiano Amati, il quale aveva risposto ad unaletteraaperta di Romina Power scritta a causa del timore riguardoalpossibile e molto probabile inquinamento che il progetto diunoscarico a mare porterebbe nella zona di Specchiarica (zonamarinaionica appartenente alla frazione di San Pietro in Bevagna,facenteparte del comune di Manduria) dicendo "La storia delladepurazionenon è assimilabile al Ballo del Qua Qua, è un po' piùcomplicata",è dedicata ai politici degli anni ottanta che siponevano delleidee e non concludevano più niente ("questo è ilballo del qua qua| e di un papero che sa | fare solo qua qua qua |più qua quaqua")[1] [2].

Lanciata da Romina Power nel corso della trasmissioneFantastico2, la canzone è rimasta senz'altro la più conosciutanella carrieradella Power da solista, al di fuori del duo formatocon il maritoAlbano Carrisi. Tra i coristi ci sono stati SilviaAnnichiarico,Paola Orlandi, Lalla ed Eloisa Francia, MarioBalducci, lo stessoAlbano, Moreno Ferrara e Silvio Pozzoli (checantano la quartastrofa insieme alla Power).

Il disco[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Il ballo del qua qua si dimostrò essere un grandesuccessocommerciale, riuscendo ad arrivare alla prima posizionedellaclassifica dei 45 giri più venduti in Italia il 24 aprile1982[3],e rimanendo stabilmente in top 10 per sei mesi, dal gennaioalgiugno del 1982. Alla fine dell'anno il singolo risultò essereilsesto più venduto dell'anno.[4]

Tracce[modifica | modifica wikitesto]
Lato A
Il ballo del qua qua
Lato B
Paolino Maialino

Spagnolo: Pajaritos a bailar / El baile de los pajaritos/Pajaritos a volar, Y el mundo a bailar.
Svedese: Fågeldansen ("The Bird Dance", chiamatoanche"Kycklingdansen" - "The Chicken Dance". Talvolta è usato ancheiltitolo inglese "Chicken Dance")

The dance of quacks istheItalian title of a song by internationally renowned entitledDerEntentanz ( "The Duck Dance"), composed by the Swiss WernerThomas.The Italian version, rearranged by T. Rendall and LorenzoRaggi andsung by Romina Power, was published in 1981 and appearsin the albumof Al Bano & Romina Power Happiness, published inItaly in 1982.

Music [edit | change wikitext]
The original music was composed in the fifties by the SwissWernerThomas musician. It was adapted in different words inmultiplecountries and used over the years as a soundtrack invarious filmsand television series, such as The trafficone, Thelandlord SnowWhite & Co. or The Big Bang Theory, as well as thetheme songof the television show Paperissima, broadcast on Channel5 since1990. the commonly used title in English is the chickenDance ("the chicken Dance"); The Italian version is composed, infact, byLorenzo Raggi, and the only one, along with the French, touse thefun Starnazzi beginning and end, and therefore the only onetospeak of a duck.

The song [edit | change wikitext]
The dance of quacks is a song intended primarily for childrenandalso a hymn to happiness (take the arm happiness), is classifiedasa song for children catchiness and seemingly insignificanttext,which made the kids entertained, but in reality, as revealedby AlBano in a letter of protest to the then -2012- regionalCouncillorof Puglia Fabiano Amati, who had responded to an openletterwritten by Romina Power because of fear about the possibleand verylikely pollution that the project of a discharge to the seawouldbring in Specchiarica area (Ionian sea area belonging tothevillage of San Pietro in Bevagna, which is part of themunicipalityof Manduria) saying "the history of treatment is notcomparable tothe Qua Qua Dance, it is a bit 'more complicated ", isdedicated tothe eighty years of political ideas they were askingthemselves andnot concluded anything (" this is the dance of quacks| and a duckwho knows | only make qua qua qua | more qua qua qua ")[1][2].

Launched by Romina Power during the program Fantastico 2,thesong remained by far the most known in the solo career ofPower,outside of the duo with her husband Albano Carrisi. Amongthesingers there were Silvia Annichiarico, Paola Orlandi, LallaandHeloise France, Mario Balducci, the same Albano, Ferrara MorenoandSilvio Pozzoli (singing the fourth verse with the Power).

The disc [edit | change wikitext]
The dance of quacks proved to be a great commercialsuccess,managing to get the first position of the ranking of the 45lapslonger sold in Italy April 24, 1982 [3], and remaining firmlyinthe top 10 for six months, from January to June 1982. At the endofthe single turned out to be the sixth best selling of theyear.[4]

Tracks [edit | change wikitext]
side A
The dance of quacks
Side B
Pauline Piglet

Spanish: Pajaritos a bailar / El baile de los pajaritos/Pajaritos a volar, Y el mundo a bailar.
Swedish: Fågeldansen ( "The Bird Dance", alsocalled"Kycklingdansen" - "The Chicken Dance." Sometimes the Englishtitle"Chicken Dance" is also used)


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لعبة عمي يا خباز كناري 1.0 APK
لعبة عمي يا خباز كنارياللعبة مرفوقة بأغنية عمي يا خباز كناري مما يجعلها أكثر متعة.يعتبر عمي يا خباز كناري شخصية من قناة كناري للاطفال ، حيثسبقوأطلقت القناة أغاني تجسد شخصية طفل كرتوني يدعى حميدو الولدالشقييقوم بتصرفات سيئة وأعمال غير صالحة ليحصل معه شيء سلبي يجعلهيتركالعمل السيئ ليتجه الى العمل الصالح ، في محاولة من القناةلارسالرسالة تربوية وهادفة الى الاطفال المتابعين لها في الوطنالعربي.لعبة عمي يا خباز هي لعبة مقتبسة من شخصية أغاني طيور الجنة وطيوربيبيساعد عمي يا خباز لكي يجمع أكبر عدد من التفاح و يساعد أمه لكييصبحولد صالح و حاول أن تتخطى جميع العراقيل في اللعبةالآن و لاول مرة لعبة حميدوالجري, القفز, الانزلاق و أكثر كل هدا في لعبة عمي يا خبازشخصيةمقتبسة من أغاني طيور الجنة و طيور بيبيمستوليات كثيرة لكل أفراد العائلة سهل للاطفال متوسط للأطفال والكبارو صعب للكبارالميزات★ رسومات جديدة جميلة★ مستوليات كثيرة★ عقبات جديدة★ عن بووروبس★ المزيد من الإنجازات★ القوى الخاصة لكل حرف★ اكتشفو أكثر فب لعبة لعبة حميدو الولد الشقي - العاق !!!- متوافقة مع شاشة HD- الضوابط التي تعمل باللمس لا تتطلب سوى إصبع واحد- تحميل لعبة في 10 ثانية ويلعب !قصة حميدوالمرجو الإستمتاع باللعبة و شكرا .Game my uncle, mybakerCanaryThe game accompanied by a song my uncle, my baker Canary makingitmore fun.Is my uncle, my baker personal Canary channel Canaryforchildren, which has already launched a channel songsembodypersonal cartoon child named Hamidou bad boy is bad behaviorandacts unfit to get him anything negative makes it leaves bad worktoerr on the good work, in an attempt by the channel to sendaneducational message and targeted to kids observers in theArabworld.Game my uncle, my baker is a game adapted from a personal songbirdsand birds of paradise BabyHelped my uncle, my baker in order to collect the largest numberofapples and helps his mother to become a righteous son and triedtotranscend all obstacles in the gameNow and for the first time a game HamidouRunning, jumping, sliding and more each Hedda in a game my uncle,mypersonal baker songs adapted from Birds of Paradise andBabyBirdsMany Mstulyat whole family is easy for children average forchildrenand adults and difficult for adultsFeatures★ beautiful new graphics★ many Mstulyat★ new obstacles★ for powerups★ more achievements★ special powers for each character★ Akchwo more PHP Game Hamidou bad boy - ingrate !!!- Compatible with HD screen- Touch controls only require one finger- Download the game in 10 seconds and play!Story HamidouPlease enjoy the game and thank you.
لعبة نهاية الثعلب طيور الجنة 1.0 APK
لعبة نهاية الثعلب طيور الجنة لعبة قفزخفيفةللأطفال والكبار سهلة التحكماللعبة مرفوقة بأغنية نهاية الثعلب مما يجعلها أكثر متعة.يعتبر انهاية الثعلب طيور الجنة شخصية من قناة طيور الجنة للاطفال،حيث سبق وأطلقت القناة أغاني تجسد شخصية طفل كرتوني يدعى حميدوالولدالشقي يقوم بتصرفات سيئة وأعمال غير صالحة ليحصل معه شيء سلبييجعلهيترك العمل السيئ ليتجه الى العمل الصالح ، في محاولة منالقناةلارسال رسالة تربوية وهادفة الى الاطفال المتابعين لها فيالوطنالعربي .لعبة نهاية الثعلب طيور الجنة هي لعبة مقتبسة من شخصية أغانيطيورالجنة و طيور بيبيساعد الأرنب لكي يجمع أكبر عدد من الجزر و يساعد أمه لكي يصبح ولدصالحو حاول أن تتخطى جميع العراقيل في اللعبةالآن و لاول مرة لعبة حميدوالجري, القفز, الانزلاق و أكثر كل هدا في لعبة حميدو شخصية مقتبسةمنأغاني طيور الجنة و طيور بيبيمستوليات كثيرة لكل أفراد العائلة سهل للاطفال متوسط للأطفال والكبارو صعب للكبارالميزات★ رسومات جديدة جميلة★ مستوليات كثيرة★ عقبات جديدة★ عن بووروبس★ المزيد من الإنجازات★ القوى الخاصة لكل حرف★ اكتشفو أكثر فب لعبة لعبة حميدو الولد الشقي - العاق !!!- متوافقة مع شاشة HD- الضوابط التي تعمل باللمس لا تتطلب سوى إصبع واحد- تحميل لعبة في 10 ثانية ويلعب !قصة حميدوالمرجو الإستمتاع باللعبة و شكرا .Game end fox BirdsofParadise Game mild hop for children and adults easy controlThe game accompanied by the end of the song fox making itmorefun.Is indefinitely fox birds personal paradise of channel Birdsofparadise for children, which has already launched a channelsongsembody personal cartoon child named Hamidou bad boy is badbehaviorand acts unfit to get him anything negative makes it leavesbadwork to err on the good work, in an attempt by the channel tosenda message educational and meaningful to the kids observers intheArab world.Game end fox Birds of Paradise is a game adapted from apersonalsong birds and birds of paradise BabyHelp your rabbit to collect the largest number of islands andhelphis mother to become a righteous son and tried to transcendallobstacles in the gameNow and for the first time a game HamidouRunning, jumping, sliding and more each Hedda in a gameHamidoupersonal songs adapted from Birds of Paradise and Baby BirdsMany Mstulyat whole family is easy for children average forchildrenand adults and difficult for adultsFeatures★ beautiful new graphics★ many Mstulyat★ new obstacles★ for powerups★ more achievements★ special powers for each character★ Akchwo more PHP Game Hamidou bad boy - ingrate !!!- Compatible with HD screen- Touch controls only require one finger- Download the game in 10 seconds and play!Story HamidouPlease enjoy the game and thank you.
لعبة عزوز 1.1 APK
اللعبة مرفقة بأغنية عزوز و الموزة من طيورالجنةلعبة عزوز و الموز هي لعبة مقتبسة من شخصية أغاني طيور الجنة وطيور بيبيساعد عزوز لكي يجمع أكبر عدد من الموز و يساعد أمه لكي يصبح ولد صالحو حاول أن تتخطى جميع العراقيل في اللعبةالآن و لاول مرة لعبة عزوزالقفز, الانزلاق و أكثر كل هدا في لعبة عزوز و الموز شخصية مقتبسة منأغاني طيور الجنة و طيور بيبيحاول الحصول على أكثر عدد من الموز لمساعدة عزوز و حميدومستوايات كثيرة لكل أفراد العائلة سهل للاطفال متوسط للأطفال والكبار و صعب للكبارالميزات★ عقبات جديدة الازبال و الموز★ لمسة واحدة للعب★ رسومات جديدة جميلة★ مستوايات كثيرة★ عقبات جديدة★ الكثير من الموز★ المزيد من الإنجازات★ القوى الخاصة لكل حرف★ اكتشفو أكثر في لعبة عزوز و الموز و لعبة حميدو الولد الشقي - العاق!!!- متوافقة مع شاشة HD- الضوابط التي تعمل باللمس لا تتطلب سوى إصبع واحد- تحميل لعبة في 10 ثانية ولعب !The game accompanies thesong Azzouz and banana Birds of ParadiseGame Azzouz and banana is a game adapted from a personal songbirds and birds of paradise BabyAzzouz helped to collect the largest number of bananas and help hismother to become a righteous son and tried to transcend allobstacles in the gameNow and for the first time a game Azzouz Jumping, sliding and more each Hedda in a game Azzouz andbanana character borrowed from the song birds and birds of paradiseBabyTry to get the most number of bananas to help Azzouz andHamidouMany Mistoayat whole family is easy for children average forchildren and adults and difficult for adultsFeatures★ new trash and banana obstacles★ one touch to play★ beautiful new graphics★ many Mistoayat★ new obstacles★ lot of bananas★ more achievements★ special powers for each character★ Akchwo more in a game Azzouz and bananas and game Hamidou bad boy- ingrate !!!- Compatible with HD screen- Touch controls only require one finger- Download the game in 10 seconds and play!
فقاعات جاد و إياد طيور الجنة 1.0 APK
لعبة فقاعات جاد وأياد خالد مقداد نجومطيورالجنةهي لعبة خفيفة للأطفال تعتمد على الألوان بشكل رئيسي كما انهاتحتويصورا للنجوم جاد و اياد المقداد وعدة شخصيات من طيور الجنةطيور الجنة هي قناة فضائية موجهة للأطفال وهي تحت إدارة وإشرافخالدمقداد، مقرها في عمان، الأردن وتبث إرسالها من البحرين. تقدمالقناةأناشيد وأغاني للأطفال، تم تأسيسها في يناير 2008م. ككلالقنواتالعربية الفضائية تقريباً, تتيح هذه القناة إرسال رسائل قصيرةوكانسابقاً فرصة تتيح لك في التصويت على كليبك المفضل كل أسبوعويُعرض يومالجمعة الكليب الذي حصل على أعلى نسبة وهو الTOP5. ويتمعرضها فيالشريط السفلي للقناة. في هذا الشريط يمكنك إرسال تحياتك أوأن تحسبعمرك أو تفسير معنى اسمك.اصبحت قناة طيور الجنة في المرتبة الأولى عربيا و 50 عالميا.Game Gad bubbles andAyadKhalid Mekdad Star ParamoreIt is a game of light for children based on the Mainly Colorsasthey contain pictures of the star Gad and Iyad al-Miqdadandseveral personalities from the Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise is a satellite channel which is directedtochildren under the management and supervision of KhalidMekdad,based in Amman, Jordan and broadcasting from Bahrain.Channeloffers Chants and Songs for Children, was established inJanuary2008. Almost the whole Arab satellite channels, this channelallowssending short messages and was formerly an opportunity allowsyouto vote on Kelebek favorite shows each week and on Friday theclip,which received the highest proportion of which is the TOP5.And itis displayed in the lower band of the channel. In this baryou cansend your greetings or to calculate your age or interpretthemeaning of your name.Channel Birds of Paradise became ranked first among Arabcountriesand 50 worldwide.
Il ballo del qua qua è il titolo italianodiuna canzone di grande notorietà internazionale intitolataDerEntentanz ("Il ballo dell'anatra"), composta dallo svizzeroWernerThomas. La versione italiana, riarrangiata da T. Rendall eLorenzoRaggi e cantata da Romina Power, venne pubblicata nel 1981ecompare nell'album di Al Bano & Romina PowerFelicità,pubblicato in Italia nel 1982.La musica[modifica | modifica wikitesto]La musica originale è stata composta negli anni cinquantadalmusicista svizzero Werner Thomas. È stata adattata conparolediverse in molteplici nazioni ed usata nel corso degli annicomecolonna sonora in vari film e serie televisive, come ad esempioIltrafficone, L'affittacamere Biancaneve & Co. o The BigBangTheory, nonché come sigla del programma televisivo Paperissima,inonda su Canale 5 dal 1990. Il titolo comunemente usato in ingleseèThe Chicken Dance ("Il ballo del pollo"); la versione italianaècomposta, appunto, da Lorenzo Raggi, ed è l'unica, insieme aquellafrancese, a usare degli starnazzi divertenti all'inizio eallafine, e perciò l'unica a parlare di un'anatra.Il brano[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Il ballo del qua qua è una canzone pensata principalmente peribambini ed anche un inno alla felicità (prendi sotto bracciolafelicità), viene classificata come canzone per bambinivistal'orecchiabilità e il testo apparentemente insignificante, chehafatto divertire i bambini, ma in realtà, come rivelato da AlBanoin una lettera di protesta all'allora -2012- assessoreregionaledella Puglia Fabiano Amati, il quale aveva risposto ad unaletteraaperta di Romina Power scritta a causa del timore riguardoalpossibile e molto probabile inquinamento che il progetto diunoscarico a mare porterebbe nella zona di Specchiarica (zonamarinaionica appartenente alla frazione di San Pietro in Bevagna,facenteparte del comune di Manduria) dicendo "La storia delladepurazionenon è assimilabile al Ballo del Qua Qua, è un po' piùcomplicata",è dedicata ai politici degli anni ottanta che siponevano delleidee e non concludevano più niente ("questo è ilballo del qua qua| e di un papero che sa | fare solo qua qua qua |più qua quaqua")[1] [2].Lanciata da Romina Power nel corso della trasmissioneFantastico2, la canzone è rimasta senz'altro la più conosciutanella carrieradella Power da solista, al di fuori del duo formatocon il maritoAlbano Carrisi. Tra i coristi ci sono stati SilviaAnnichiarico,Paola Orlandi, Lalla ed Eloisa Francia, MarioBalducci, lo stessoAlbano, Moreno Ferrara e Silvio Pozzoli (checantano la quartastrofa insieme alla Power).Il disco[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Il ballo del qua qua si dimostrò essere un grandesuccessocommerciale, riuscendo ad arrivare alla prima posizionedellaclassifica dei 45 giri più venduti in Italia il 24 aprile1982[3],e rimanendo stabilmente in top 10 per sei mesi, dal gennaioalgiugno del 1982. Alla fine dell'anno il singolo risultò essereilsesto più venduto dell'anno.[4]Tracce[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Lato AIl ballo del qua quaLato BPaolino MaialinoSpagnolo: Pajaritos a bailar / El baile de los pajaritos/Pajaritos a volar, Y el mundo a bailar.Svedese: Fågeldansen ("The Bird Dance", chiamatoanche"Kycklingdansen" - "The Chicken Dance". Talvolta è usato ancheiltitolo inglese "Chicken Dance")The dance of quacks istheItalian title of a song by internationally renowned entitledDerEntentanz ( "The Duck Dance"), composed by the Swiss WernerThomas.The Italian version, rearranged by T. Rendall and LorenzoRaggi andsung by Romina Power, was published in 1981 and appearsin the albumof Al Bano & Romina Power Happiness, published inItaly in 1982.Music [edit | change wikitext]The original music was composed in the fifties by the SwissWernerThomas musician. It was adapted in different words inmultiplecountries and used over the years as a soundtrack invarious filmsand television series, such as The trafficone, Thelandlord SnowWhite & Co. or The Big Bang Theory, as well as thetheme songof the television show Paperissima, broadcast on Channel5 since1990. the commonly used title in English is the chickenDance ("the chicken Dance"); The Italian version is composed, infact, byLorenzo Raggi, and the only one, along with the French, touse thefun Starnazzi beginning and end, and therefore the only onetospeak of a duck.The song [edit | change wikitext]The dance of quacks is a song intended primarily for childrenandalso a hymn to happiness (take the arm happiness), is classifiedasa song for children catchiness and seemingly insignificanttext,which made the kids entertained, but in reality, as revealedby AlBano in a letter of protest to the then -2012- regionalCouncillorof Puglia Fabiano Amati, who had responded to an openletterwritten by Romina Power because of fear about the possibleand verylikely pollution that the project of a discharge to the seawouldbring in Specchiarica area (Ionian sea area belonging tothevillage of San Pietro in Bevagna, which is part of themunicipalityof Manduria) saying "the history of treatment is notcomparable tothe Qua Qua Dance, it is a bit 'more complicated ", isdedicated tothe eighty years of political ideas they were askingthemselves andnot concluded anything (" this is the dance of quacks| and a duckwho knows | only make qua qua qua | more qua qua qua ")[1][2].Launched by Romina Power during the program Fantastico 2,thesong remained by far the most known in the solo career ofPower,outside of the duo with her husband Albano Carrisi. Amongthesingers there were Silvia Annichiarico, Paola Orlandi, LallaandHeloise France, Mario Balducci, the same Albano, Ferrara MorenoandSilvio Pozzoli (singing the fourth verse with the Power).The disc [edit | change wikitext]The dance of quacks proved to be a great commercialsuccess,managing to get the first position of the ranking of the 45lapslonger sold in Italy April 24, 1982 [3], and remaining firmlyinthe top 10 for six months, from January to June 1982. At the endofthe single turned out to be the sixth best selling of theyear.[4]Tracks [edit | change wikitext]side AThe dance of quacksSide BPauline PigletSpanish: Pajaritos a bailar / El baile de los pajaritos/Pajaritos a volar, Y el mundo a bailar.Swedish: Fågeldansen ( "The Bird Dance", alsocalled"Kycklingdansen" - "The Chicken Dance." Sometimes the Englishtitle"Chicken Dance" is also used)
Ben & Holly Candy Kingdom 1.0 APK
Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom is a tapgamewhere you must follow the match the colors and pass the levelandget the higher score.Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom is a British animatedtelevisionseries aimed at pre-school children originally broadcastonNickelodeon UK.Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom is broadcastacrossNickelodeon's 43 international channels throughoutAfrica,Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.Meet Ben Elf, Princess Holly, King and Queen Thistle - andallthe mystical magical elves and fantastic creatures that inhabittheBen & Holly's Little Kingdom.The show is set in a Little Kingdom, which is ruled by KingandQueen Thistle, who live in the Little Castle. The LittleKingdomhas a population of Elves who live in The Great Elf Tree, anoaktree set with windows and laid out like an apartment block.TheElves run a factory under the Great Elf Tree where they maketoysand wands in the wand factory and also run the Elf Farm andawindmill. The Kingdom also has a population of FairyPrincesses,who live in the fairy village in houses made out oftoadstools.Others that live in the Kingdom are the Dwarves, Mrs.Witch and Mr.Gnome.The Game:FunTapLogicFastColorsCharacter of the show:Ben ElfPrincess HollyGaston the LadybirdNanny PlumKing ThistleQueen ThistleMrs ElfMr ElfWise Old ElfVioletStrawberry
La bella Lavanderina con Masha 1.1 APK
La bella Lavanderina con Masha e Orso -Canzoniper bambini e bimbi piccoli di DolciBalla anche tu sulle note di questa dolcissima canzonepopolareper bambini, questa volta interpretata dai mitici amici deibambiniMasha e OrsoLa Bella Lavanderina (Testo):La bella lavanderina che lava i fazzolettiper i poveretti della città.Fai un salto, fanne un altro,fai la giravolta, falla un’altra volta, (variazione: failariverenza, fai la penitenza)guarda in su guarda in giùdai un bacio a chi vuoi tuThe beautifulLavanderinawith Masha and Bear - Children's Songs and smallchildren of SweetsIt also dances to the tune of this sweet popular children'ssong,this time starring the legendary friends of children MashaandBearLa Bella Lavanderina (Text):The beautiful lavanderina washing handkerchiefsfor the poor people of the city.Take a trip, to have another,do the turnaround, do it again, (variation: Make reverence,doingpenance)look up look downa kiss to whoever you want
لعبة قفز ايهاب امين Ihab Amin 1.1 APK
الفنان المتالق ايهابلعبة القفز ايهاب أميراللعبة مرفقة بأغنية انتي اللي بغيتيAmir competed in the 11th season of Academy Arab World. Hewasthe second Moroccan male ever to be accepted on to the show.Ihabwon people's hearts from the get go, mainly due to his prideinshowcasing the Moroccan dialect with the other candidates. Amirwasnever named by any of the show's judges for nomination up untiltheweek of his exit when he was finally named a nominee. Amirwasnominated only once on the show. During this nomination hewasshown to have lost the public vote, which raised allegationsthatthe show tampered with the results. Fans of Amir expressedtheiroutrage through social media 01/01/2016.[1][2]Performances in Star Academy 111st Prime : Ibaat li Gawab - Sabah Fakhri2nd Prime : Nawiha - Mohamed Hamaki3rd Prime : Mal Habibi malo - Saad Lamjarred4th Prime : Lemen Nechki Hali - Saad Lamjarred5th Prime : Min ghir lih - Mohammed Abdel Wahab6th Prime : Houbi al anani - Marwan Khoury7th Prime : We marret el ayam - Umm Kulthum8th Prime : Abdel kader - khaled9th Prime : Ya zahratan fi khayali _ Farid al-Atrash10th Prime : Baathe lak ya Habib roh - Fairuz11th Prime : babouri rayh rayh - Ilham al-Madfai12th Prime : Ana Benseheb - Wael Jassar16th Prime (The final) : Enty Saad LamjarredThe Return to MoroccoAfter Ihab Amir's exclusion from the show, his fans were readytowelcome him in the airport of Casablanca. though it was a shockforall the Moroccans and the Arabs to see this huge number of fansinthe airport for a candidate that was excluded from the show onhisfirst nomination.[3][4] On his arrival to Morocco the fans madehima huge welcoming not only in the airport but also in his citySafithat lasted for a whole day and all the fans from othercountrieswatched it from his Periscope, it was the talk of thepress in thewhole Arab world.[5] Due to this fame that wasacquired in a veryshort time many Radio and TV channels invitedIhab for interviewssuch as Hit Radio, Chada FM, 2M and Medi 1 TVthe latter made areport about his debut.His career after the academyDuring his interviews Amir talked about his new song that carrythetitle of "Célibataire" which means "single" in French languageandhe explained how he is working on his first video clip, nottomention that the song was already out since he made it while hewasin the academy and the fans already put it in a Youtube channelandit gain more than one million views in a very short period.Ihabalso add that he will attend the musical academy inCasablancasince he think he still need to learn more about music inorder tofulfill his dream.Brilliant artist EhabJumping game Ehab Omirallabh attached to the song youwhoBgitiAmir competed in the 11th season of Academy Arab World. Hewasthe second Moroccan male ever to be accepted on to the show.Ihabwon people's hearts from the get go, mainly due to his prideinshowcasing the Moroccan dialect with the other candidates. Amirwasnever named by any of the show's judges for nomination up untiltheweek of his exit when he was finally named a nominee. Amirwasnominated only once on the show. During this nomination hewasshown to have lost the public vote, which raised allegationsthatthe show tampered with the results. Fans of Amir expressedtheiroutrage through social media 01/01/2016. [1] [2]Performances in Star Academy 11    1st Prime: Ibaat li Gawab -SabahFakhri    2nd Prime: Nawiha - Mohamed Hamaki    3rd Prime: Mal Habibi malo -SaadLamjarred    4th Prime: Lemen Nechki Hali -SaadLamjarred    5th Prime: Min ghir lih - MohammedAbdelWahab    6th Prime: Houbi al anani -MarwanKhoury    7th Prime: We marret el ayam -UmmKulthum    8th Prime: Abdel kader - khaled    9th Prime: Ya zahratan fi khayali _Faridal-Atrash    10th Prime: Baathe lak ya Habib roh-Fairuz    11th Prime: babouri rayh rayh -Ilhamal-Madfai    12th Prime: Ana Benseheb - WaelJassar    16th Prime (The final): EntySaadLamjarredThe Return to MoroccoAfter Ihab Amir's exclusion from the show, his fans were readytowelcome him in the airport of Casablanca. though it was a shockforall the Moroccans and the Arabs to see this huge number of fansinthe airport for a candidate that was excluded from the show onhisfirst nomination. [3] [4] On his arrival to Morocco the fansmadehim a huge welcoming not only in the airport but also in hiscitySafi that lasted for a whole day and all the fans fromothercountries watched it from his Periscope, it was the talk ofthepress in the whole Arab world. [5] Due to this fame thatwasacquired in a very short time many Radio and TV channelsinvitedIhab for interviews such as Hit Radio, Chada FM, 2M and Medi1 TVthe latter made a report about his debut.His career after the academyDuring his interviews Amir talked about his new song that carrythetitle of "Célibataire" which means "single" in French languageandhe explained how he is working on his first video clip, nottomention that the song was already out since he made it while hewasin the academy and the fans already put it in a Youtube channelandit gain more than one million views in a very short period.Ihabalso add that he will attend the musical academy inCasablancasince he think he still need to learn more about music inorder tofulfill his dream.