/ September 29, 2020
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*Features 【IDLE & Progress! Enjoy a worry-free experience!】Haveyour heroes auto-battle when you work or study. Nocomplicatedgestures or hard efforts needed. Then return to face newchallengesunlocked! The best AFK game experience ever. 【Maps &Strategiesinvolved! Plan out your tactic & Dominate!】 Combiningstrategicgameplay elements with idle RPG game features, Idle Devilswill besurely exciting and captivating to you between casual andhardcore.With the key feature, World Map, where you co-op withother playersand fight against Boss, and collect items that helpboost yourheroes! . 【Heroes Awaiting! Gather & Team up youruniquelineup!】 With diverse heroes, character specialties, andamazingskills, you’ll be surprised at just how many hero formationsarepossible. Make your best lineup from five different factionsandtactically adjust them to overcome various challenges! - 【Fullofchallenges! Include a variety of great gameplays!】 IdleDevilsoffers no less than six different game modes for you toenjoy. Gainrewards and resources by exploring Tower of Infinity,Treasure Map,Snowland, Explorers, and so on. Play at your own pacewithout timerestrictions or deadlines. 【Exquisite Battles! Getready forstunning graphics!】 Exquisite combat systems and abundantarenas,believe it or not, it’s already a pleasure just to watch thebattlegoing on! *Background On the Continent of Rapei, whereHumans,Devils, Elves and Undead used to coexist peacefully, theriftbetween factions is reaching a crisis… In Kingdom of Human,aprince was incriminated in the contest of the throne. Thefallenprince was possessed by hatred, he accepted the deal withUndeadand derived the power from darkness, and started a waragainst theKingdom of Human. It’s been a hard time for the Kingdomof Human,the only hope left is to form an alliance with Devils andElves.For many reasons, Devils were isolated by other factions. TheKingof Devils always wanted to change and to strengthen the statusofDevils. He saw this war as an opportunity to raise his race,anddecided to provide armies and equipment to Human. In suchacritical situation, you are appointed by the King of Devils asthecommander, with the duty to gather power and fightagainstdarkness. Follow us to get the latest information •Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/IdleDevilsOfficial/ •Discord:https://discord.com/invite/EuGYxK2

App Information Idle Devils

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Idle Devils APK
*Features 【IDLE & Progress! Enjoy a worry-free experience!】Haveyour heroes auto-battle when you work or study. Nocomplicatedgestures or hard efforts needed. Then return to face newchallengesunlocked! The best AFK game experience ever. 【Maps &Strategiesinvolved! Plan out your tactic & Dominate!】 Combiningstrategicgameplay elements with idle RPG game features, Idle Devilswill besurely exciting and captivating to you between casual andhardcore.With the key feature, World Map, where you co-op withother playersand fight against Boss, and collect items that helpboost yourheroes! . 【Heroes Awaiting! Gather & Team up youruniquelineup!】 With diverse heroes, character specialties, andamazingskills, you’ll be surprised at just how many hero formationsarepossible. Make your best lineup from five different factionsandtactically adjust them to overcome various challenges! - 【Fullofchallenges! Include a variety of great gameplays!】 IdleDevilsoffers no less than six different game modes for you toenjoy. Gainrewards and resources by exploring Tower of Infinity,Treasure Map,Snowland, Explorers, and so on. Play at your own pacewithout timerestrictions or deadlines. 【Exquisite Battles! Getready forstunning graphics!】 Exquisite combat systems and abundantarenas,believe it or not, it’s already a pleasure just to watch thebattlegoing on! *Background On the Continent of Rapei, whereHumans,Devils, Elves and Undead used to coexist peacefully, theriftbetween factions is reaching a crisis… In Kingdom of Human,aprince was incriminated in the contest of the throne. Thefallenprince was possessed by hatred, he accepted the deal withUndeadand derived the power from darkness, and started a waragainst theKingdom of Human. It’s been a hard time for the Kingdomof Human,the only hope left is to form an alliance with Devils andElves.For many reasons, Devils were isolated by other factions. TheKingof Devils always wanted to change and to strengthen the statusofDevils. He saw this war as an opportunity to raise his race,anddecided to provide armies and equipment to Human. In suchacritical situation, you are appointed by the King of Devils asthecommander, with the duty to gather power and fightagainstdarkness. Follow us to get the latest information •Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/IdleDevilsOfficial/ •Discord:https://discord.com/invite/EuGYxK2
三國Revolution 1.8.13 APK
東漢末年,群雄割據。 有志之士,擇木而棲。 三分天下,誰是明主? 號召群英,秣馬厲兵!亂世奸雄,救世能臣,這一次,你說了算!【遊戲特色】在真實重現的三國世界中,體驗山水如畫的美景、策馬奔騰的聲勢。百位三國名將盡收囊中,開創屬於你的三國志業! ※超震撼視覺饗宴 渲染水墨畫風大世界,超過九十座大小城池, 全3D視角恢弘戰役場景,打造極致新體驗, 邀你征服與眾不同的三國霸王之業!※ 欲攘外必先安內透過國家政務、軍團駐紮,封地治理等諸多內政玩法, 累積個人與國家資源,轉化戰爭後勤優勢。善戰者,以戰養戰,百戰百勝。 ※合縱連橫擬戰略 真實還原三國史詩,呈現殿堂級暢爽對戰,以策略智取天下,遊戲中的攻城掠地以國家為陣營劃分,以軍團為單位執行,同國軍團間的協作調配,敵國軍團間的爭鋒相對與分化勢力,正面剛,無間道!只有想不到,沒有不可能。 ※ 號令三軍鳴金鼓戰棋式戰爭地圖,超越千人實時大戰, 國對國的大戰、考驗你的領兵能力!在驚險刺激的三國戰場上奪得先手、取得勝利,江山美人盡收囊中! ※運籌帷幄掃千軍玩家之間的部隊征伐,盾槍象騎弓弩的策略,名將技能命緣的搭配。獨創雙模式指揮戰略系統,完美掌握戰鬥細節,感受運籌帷幄的快感。 ※沙場馳騁動干戈 要說三國武將膽識過人,你也可以!宏大史詩,三百年亂世紛爭,九州大地烽火狼煙,帶你重回正統三國時代。全民國戰,將無大小,皆乃國之柱石,每個人都能在遊戲中譜寫屬於自己的歷史,建立不朽之霸業。單挑系統、國戰系統,你看過的,沒看過的策略三國玩法,都在這超越經典完美呈現!※本遊戲依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。※您須年滿15歲始得使用本遊戲。※本遊戲內容涉及暴力(戰鬥畫面),遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,不當言語。※部分內容需另支付費用,請依個人與趣、能力進行體驗,應避免過度消費。
長生訣 11.3.52 APK
魔天M 1.1 APK
2019經典IP神還原3D MMO 逆天手遊! 高度自由修仙,成仙成魔一念之間。我的修仙之路,我自己做主!【高度自由修仙,成仙成魔自己做主】玩家隨著劇情可以自由選擇成仙或成魔。高度自由修仙成魔,一鍵切換魔化,打出超高傷害,自己的修仙之路自己做主!【經典IP還原,3D修仙世界】遊戲完美還原經典IP修仙世界,打造修仙奇幻的3D場景。從萬里黃沙的南蠻之地,到冷峻輝煌的太清門,重現千奇詭變的修仙世界。【各種神裝系統樣樣具全】遊戲內有多種裝備,不論是神器、法寶、翅膀,或是華麗的坐騎,各具不同技能屬性!透過一身神裝,修仙之路絕對暢行無阻!【夥伴後宮,修仙不孤單】修仙之路豈能獨自修遠,有夥伴的協助必定事半功倍。千姿百態的女主角們將以夥伴的形式陪伴在玩家的身邊,隨著劇情和戰力提升,玩家將逐步與八大女主角簽訂契約,打造屬於自己的專屬後宮。【攜手仙友守護仙盟,稱霸天地兩界】攜手仙盟盟友並肩作戰,仙盟爭霸冠軍直接可以獲取王者神殿支配權,同時獲得大量獎勵。《魔天M》官方粉絲團即刻加入粉絲團獲得最新消息!還能搶先獲得實用虛寶道具、不定期限時活動好禮!https://www.facebook.com/MTmotian/※本遊戲依據遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔15級。※您須年滿15歲始得使用本遊戲。※遊戲情節純屬虛構,請注意使用時間,切勿沉迷或不當模仿。※部分內容需另支付費用,勿用他人代儲以免觸法。※遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾,內容涉及戀愛交友、暴力(戰鬥畫面)、菸酒,請勿模仿學習