3.4 / September 30, 2018
(4.5/5) (2203)


यह एप्लीकेशन उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए बनाई गयी जो की हिंदी माधयम मेंपेपर की तयारी कर रहे हैं. इस एप्लीकेशन में पचास हजार से ज्यादाप्रश्न हैं जो की पूर्व में हुए एक्साम्स में आ चुके हैं. GK Hindi2018 (General Knowledge) is one of the best and most trendingoffline Test Preparation App currently in Hindi.We provide latestcontent for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, OtherCompetitive exams and Govt Job Preparation and daily currentaffairs and current events all in Hindi language. GK Hindi 2018(General Knowledge) is an offline app so you can download the apponce and can access all the material with out internet connection.You can also access all the practice tests and attempt examswithout internet usage. All the material is presented in Hindi sothat it will be easy for the users to prepare well in their locallanguage. Hindi GK 2018 ( General Knowledge ) app will cover allthe topics like General Science, Geography, Indian Constitution,Indian History, Computer, Abbreviation, International Days,Election Commission, Games and Sports, Gandhi Era, daily currentaffairs and current events, etc. Hindi GK 2018 ( General Knowledge) app will provide sample mock tests for all the topics whichappear in the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, OtherCompetitive exams and Govt job exams. GK in Hindi 2018 (GeneralKnowledge) app will provide a lot of test papers to practice forSSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt jobexams and exam preparation. GK Hindi 2018 General Knowledge appwill provide all the previous years various exam papers for you toget good knowledge on the pattern and topics covered. Hindi GK(General Knowledge) app will provide multiple sets of papers foreach individual topic like Current Affairs, History, Science,Sports and all other topics which are going to be asked in SSC,IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt job examsand exam preparation. GK in Hindi (General Knowledge) app will beupdated with latest questions and Daily Current Affairs and CurrentEvents related material. You can access a lot of questions andanswers with explanations in Practice papers, also it providesquestions from previous years exam papers and solutions for it. InGK Quiz Exam papers you will be provided with some set of questionsand correspondingly time will be allotted for the exams so that youcan be able to optimize your time management. You will be givenlive score card immediately after the exam with details like No ofCorrect answers, No of wrong answers and No of Non Attemptedquestions After every GK Quiz exam attempt you will be providedwith the Result set where you can see which questions you haveattempted and which questions are not attempted. You will beprovided with the solutions for the GK Quiz exam after the exam issubmitted for your exam preparation. GK in Hindi (GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view of the materialwhere you can share the information with other users and it alsosupports an online discussion forum where you can ask and answerquestions related to various competitive exams. Hindi GK (GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view for the websitewhere you can share your knowledge with your friends and fellowusers. Also if you are preparing for the General Knowledge inEnglish language you can download our General Knowledge app inEnglish from the below link :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=general.knowledge.preparation

App Information GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs,

  • App Name
    GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs,
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 30, 2018
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Quhasa GK IAS SSC IBPS RRB PCS Group Exams Offline
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, Version History

Select GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, Version :
  • 3.1 (22)
  • 2.4 (15)
  • 2.2 (13)
  • 1.9 (10)
  • GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 3.1 APK File

    Publish Date: 2018 /6/8
    Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)
    File Size: 9.3 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)
    File Sha1: 1757ca6fd6962ed2dc02609ebd764f3c4fb6fe86
    APK Signature: 580c3093d8434a8809da027c51a2c41ded003077
  • GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 2.4 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /5/1
    Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)
    File Size: 6.9 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)
    File Sha1: 6aa9d0ad0dcb7ca637b4ee10d6685c9911e1dbed
    APK Signature: 580c3093d8434a8809da027c51a2c41ded003077
  • GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 2.2 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /1/25
    Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)
    File Size: 6.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)
    File Sha1: 26a02b2de715d7f7473acb8b89ba958b120c4e5f
    APK Signature: 580c3093d8434a8809da027c51a2c41ded003077
  • GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 1.9 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /12/24
    Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)
    File Size: 6.8 MB
    Tested on: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API: 24)
    File Sha1: 6571dd74d476cf125fc5b7ebb02d5d66e8cc5b42
    APK Signature: 580c3093d8434a8809da027c51a2c41ded003077

Quhasa GK IAS SSC IBPS RRB PCS Group Exams Offline Show More...

GK Hindi - UPSC,SSC,IAS,RRB,Current Affairs, 3.4 APK
यह एप्लीकेशन उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए बनाई गयी जो की हिंदी माधयम मेंपेपर की तयारी कर रहे हैं. इस एप्लीकेशन में पचास हजार से ज्यादाप्रश्न हैं जो की पूर्व में हुए एक्साम्स में आ चुके हैं. GK Hindi2018 (General Knowledge) is one of the best and most trendingoffline Test Preparation App currently in Hindi.We provide latestcontent for all the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, OtherCompetitive exams and Govt Job Preparation and daily currentaffairs and current events all in Hindi language. GK Hindi 2018(General Knowledge) is an offline app so you can download the apponce and can access all the material with out internet connection.You can also access all the practice tests and attempt examswithout internet usage. All the material is presented in Hindi sothat it will be easy for the users to prepare well in their locallanguage. Hindi GK 2018 ( General Knowledge ) app will cover allthe topics like General Science, Geography, Indian Constitution,Indian History, Computer, Abbreviation, International Days,Election Commission, Games and Sports, Gandhi Era, daily currentaffairs and current events, etc. Hindi GK 2018 ( General Knowledge) app will provide sample mock tests for all the topics whichappear in the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, OtherCompetitive exams and Govt job exams. GK in Hindi 2018 (GeneralKnowledge) app will provide a lot of test papers to practice forSSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt jobexams and exam preparation. GK Hindi 2018 General Knowledge appwill provide all the previous years various exam papers for you toget good knowledge on the pattern and topics covered. Hindi GK(General Knowledge) app will provide multiple sets of papers foreach individual topic like Current Affairs, History, Science,Sports and all other topics which are going to be asked in SSC,IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt job examsand exam preparation. GK in Hindi (General Knowledge) app will beupdated with latest questions and Daily Current Affairs and CurrentEvents related material. You can access a lot of questions andanswers with explanations in Practice papers, also it providesquestions from previous years exam papers and solutions for it. InGK Quiz Exam papers you will be provided with some set of questionsand correspondingly time will be allotted for the exams so that youcan be able to optimize your time management. You will be givenlive score card immediately after the exam with details like No ofCorrect answers, No of wrong answers and No of Non Attemptedquestions After every GK Quiz exam attempt you will be providedwith the Result set where you can see which questions you haveattempted and which questions are not attempted. You will beprovided with the solutions for the GK Quiz exam after the exam issubmitted for your exam preparation. GK in Hindi (GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view of the materialwhere you can share the information with other users and it alsosupports an online discussion forum where you can ask and answerquestions related to various competitive exams. Hindi GK (GeneralKnowledge) App also provides links to web view for the websitewhere you can share your knowledge with your friends and fellowusers. Also if you are preparing for the General Knowledge inEnglish language you can download our General Knowledge app inEnglish from the below link :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=general.knowledge.preparation
SSC CGL SSC CHSL Hindi offline 1.7 APK
यह एप्लीकेशन उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए बनाई गयी जो की हिंदी माधयम मेंपेपर की तयारी कर रहे हैं. इस एप्लीकेशन में बीस हजार से ज्यादाप्रश्न हैं जो की पूर्व में हुए एक्साम्स में आ चुके हैं. Chatfunctionality (Discussion forum) where users can explore anddiscuss with other users and friends to share and gain theknowledge. You can build a group and study together for theupcoming exams and get updates on the latest current affairs andexams. SSC CGL 2017 Hindi is an offline app where you can downloadthe app once and you can access the practice tests and attemptexams without internet connection. SSC CGL 2017 Hindi will provideall the material in Hindi language. SSC CGL 2017 Hindi app willprovide a lot of test papers to practice for the exam. SSC CGL 2017Hindi app will provide sample mock tests for all the topics whichappear in the exam. SSC CGL 2017 Hindi app will provide all theprevious SSC CGL exam papers for the users to get good knowledge onthe pattern and topics covered (like General Knowledge (SaamanyaGyaan), General Science (Saamanya Vigyaan), History (Itihaas),Quantitative Analysis, etc.) You can prepare for the exam in thisapp through two modes : Practice mode and Exam mode (Both can beaccessed without internet connection) Practice mode offers you alot of questions and answers with explanations, also providesprevious years exam papers and solutions for it. Exam mode will beexactly like how the actual exam will be conducted, you will beprovided with some time and questions for every exam so that youcan manage your time accordingly. You can also see which questionsyou have attempted and which questions are not attempted which givelive exam experience for you. You will be given live score cardimmediately after the exam with details like No of Correct answers,No of wrong answers and No of Not Attempted questions You will begiven the solutions for the exam after the exam is attempted. SSCCGL 2017 Hindi App also provides links to web view of the materialwhere you can share the information with other users and it alsosupports an online discussion forum where you can ask and answerquestions related to various competitive exams. Also if you want tolearn for all the government job exams and IT interview preparationyou can download our Quhasa app from the below link : Get Quhasaapp from herehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.san.aj.quhasa&hl=en
GK English - Current Affairs 1.5 APK
GK in English is one of the best and most trending Test PreparationApp currently.We provide Current events, Current affairs and latestcontent for all the exams like SSC, IAS, IPS, UPSC, PCS, Civils,RRB, IBPS, Other Competitive exams and all Government Job examsPreparation. General Knowledge is an offline app so you candownload the app once and can access all the material withoutinternet connection. You can also access all the practice tests andattempt exams without internet usage. GK in English app will coverall the topics like Current events, Current affairs, FamousPersonalities, General Science, United Nation, Geography, IndianConstitution, Indian History, Computer, Communication,International Days, Inventions, Economics, Indian Culture, WorldHistory, etc. General Knowledge app will provide sample mock testsfor all the topics which appear in the exams like SSC, IAS, PCS,SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt job exams. GeneralKnowledge in English app will provide a lot of test papers topractice for SSC, IAS, PCS, SSC CHSL, RRB, Other Competitive examsand Govt job exams. General Knowledge in English app will provideall the previous years various exam papers for you to get goodknowledge on the pattern and topics covered. GK in English app willprovide multiple sets of papers for each individual topic likeCurrent events, Current affairs, History, Science, Sports and allother topics which are going to be asked in SSC, IAS, PCS, SSCCHSL, RRB, Other Competitive exams and Govt job exams. GK (GeneralKnowledge) app will be updated with latest questions and Currentevents, Current affairs related material. You can access a lot ofquestions and answers with explanations in Practice papers, also itprovides questions from previous years exam papers and solutionsfor it. In GK Quiz Exam papers you will be provided with some setof questions and correspondingly time will be allotted for theexams so that you can be able to optimize your time management. Youwill be given live score card immediately after the exam withdetails like No of Correct answers, No of wrong answers and No ofNon Attempted questions After every exam attempt you will beprovided with the Result set where you can see which questions youhave attempted and which questions are not attempted. You will beprovided with the solutions for the GK Quiz Exam after the exam issubmitted. GK (General Knowledge) App also provides links to webview of the material where you can share the information with otherusers and it also supports an online discussion forum where you canask and answer questions related to various competitive exams. GK(General Knowledge) App also provides links to web view for thewebsite where you can share your knowledge with your friends andfellow users. Also if you are preparing for the SSC CGL exam youcan download our SSC CGL app from the below link : Get Quhasa appfrom herehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=solvedsscpaper.ssc.sscexamquestions&hl=en
SSC Mains English offline 2017 1.5 APK
SSC Mains 2016 English (Staff Selection Commission) is one of thebest Test Preparation App till date.We provide latest content forSSC Mains 2016 exam. SSC Mains 2016 English is an offline app whereyou can download the app once and you can access the practice testsand attempt exams without internet connection also SSC Mains 2016English app will provide sample mock tests for all the topics whichappear in the exam. SSC Mains 2016 English app will provide a lotof test papers to practice for the SSC Tier 2 2016 exam. SSC Mains2016 English app will provide all the previous SSC Mains exampapers for the users to get good knowledge on the pattern andtopics covered. Practice mode offers you a lot of questions andanswers with explanations, also provides questions from previousyears SSC Tier 2 2016 exam papers and solutions for it. In Exammode you will be provided with some time and questions for everyexam so that you can be able to optimize your time management.After every exam attempt you will be provided with the Result setwhere you can see which questions you have attempted and whichquestions are not attempted. You will be given live score cardimmediately after the exam with details like No of Correct answers,No of wrong answers and No of Not Attempted questions You will begiven the solutions for the exam after the exam is attempted. SSCMains 2016 English App also provides links to web view of thematerial where you can share the information with other users andit also supports an online discussion forum where you can ask andanswer questions related to various competitive exams. Also if youwant to learn for all the government job exams and IT interviewpreparation you can download our Quhasa app from the below link :Get Quhasa app from herehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.san.aj.quhasa&hl=en
Group Exam 1.0 APK
Group Exam app is one of the most trendingTestPreparation App till date.SSC CGL 2016 Hindi is an offline app where you can downloadtheapp once and you can access the practice tests and attemptexamswithout internet connection.SSC CGL 2016 Hindi will provide all the material inHindilanguage.Group Exam app will provide a lot of test papers to practiceforthe exam.Group Exam app will provide sample mock tests for all thetopicswhich appear in the exam.Group Exam app will provide all the previous SSC CGL exampapersfor the users to get good knowledge on the pattern andtopicscovered (like General Knowledge (Saamanya Gyaan), GeneralScience(Saamanya Vigyaan), History (Itihaas), QuantitativeAnalysis,etc.)You can prepare for the exam in this app through two modes:Practice mode and Exam mode (Both can be accessed withoutinternetconnection)Practice mode offers you a lot of questions and answerswithexplanations, also provides previous years exam papersandsolutions for it.Exam mode will be exactly like how the actual exam willbeconducted, you will be provided with some time and questionsforevery exam so that you can manage your time accordingly.You can also see which questions you have attempted andwhichquestions are not attempted which give live exam experienceforyou.You will be given live score card immediately after the examwithdetails like No of Correct answers, No of wrong answers and NoofNot Attempted questionsYou will be given the solutions for the exam after the examisattempted.Group Exam app also provides links to web view of thematerialwhere you can share the information with other users and italsosupports an online discussion forum where you can ask andanswerquestions related to various competitive exams.Also if you want to learn for all the government job exams andITinterview preparation you can download our Quhasa app from thebelowlink :Get Quhasa app from herehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.san.aj.quhasa&hl=en
TNPSC Group tamil GK 2017 1.0 APK
TNPSC Group tamil GK 2017 பொது அறிவு is an offline app with morethen 50000 questions, Questions are taken from different tamilnadustate exams.
IT Placement paper TCS wipro 1.1 APK
IT Placement paper app is one of the bestTestPreparation App till date.We provide latest content forITPlacement paper various interview exams.IT Placement paper is an offline app where you can download theapponce and you can access the practice tests and attemptvariousinterview exams without internet connection also.IT Placement paper app will provide a lot of test paperstopractice for the various interview examIT Placement paper app will provide sample mock tests for allthetopics which appear in various interview exam.IT Placement paper app will provide all the previousinterviewexam papers for the users to get good knowledge on variouspatternsand topics covered.You can prepare for the various interview exams in thisappthrough two modes : Practice mode and various interview exammode(Both can be accessed without internet connection)Practice mode offers you a lot of questions and answerswithexplanations, also provides previous years various interviewexampapers and solutions for it.Exam mode will be really helpful for time management duringtheexams and interviews, you will be provided with some timeandquestions for every exam.You can also see which questions you have attempted andwhichquestions are not attempted which helps you in analyzing yourownmistakes and take necessary steps to improve.You will be given live score card immediately after the theexamwith details like No of Correct answers, No of wrong answersand Noof Not Attempted questionsYou will be given the solutions for the exam after the examisattempted.IT Placement paper App also provides links to web view ofthematerial where you can share the information with other usersandit also supports an online discussion forum where you can askandanswer questions related to various interview exams.Features:* 1000's of Questions on various topics* Categorized for easy access* Completely offline* Regularly questions and answers update* Beautiful User Interface* Free interview tips
RRB Hindi Preparation Offline 1.5 APK
Note: You don't need Internet to access content after downloadingthe app. RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) Hindi is one of the bestapp for preparation in the market right now of upcoming RRB exam.RRB Hindi app provides latest content of various subjects includingGK, Indian Constitution, Indian History, Geography, Aptitude,Economics and various other subjects which are going to be part ofthe upcoming RRB Exam. RRB Hindi app provides users all the contentin Hindi language for easy access and better preparation of theupcoming RRB examination. RRB Hindi app provides the content inoffline mode so you don't need Internet to access material afterdownloading the app(Best feature). All the subjects are categorizedinto different subjects like GK, Indian Constitution, IndianHistory, Geography, Aptitude, Economics, etc. RRB Hindi app alsoprovides the content from previous years papers of all thecompetitive exams including RRB exam from the last 5-10 years. RRBHindi app provides the content in two different formats 'PracticeMode' and 'Exam Mode' Practice Mode offers you list of questionsand answers for it, you can also see more content from the variousoptions provided for each questions Exam Mode offers you theenvironment of the actual exam where you will be asked random 20question and proper timing will be provided for the exam based onthe exam. After attempting any of the exam you will be displayed acolorful chart which represents you score in the exam (RightAnswers, Wrong Answers and Unanswered Questions) You can click onDetail options and see question by question detailed ananlysis andcheck out where you have done mistakes and what are the actualanswers where you were wrong or you didn't attempt the questionThis provides users great opportunity to learn the exam atmosphereand also gives opportunity to learn from their own mistakes RRBHindi also provides options for sharing the content and app withyour friends and gain knowledge and share knowledge from them RRBHindi preparation will be greatly impacted on every individualincluding because of this app RRB Hindi preparation app willprovide links to various other competitive exams apps and contentif you are preparing for some other exam also About RRB: The boardwas established in 1988 and works for the appointment of newemployees to work in Indian railways. It is the apex body of theIndian Railways. It reports to the Parliament of India through theMinistry of Railways headed by the Railway Minister of India. Alsoif you want to learn for all the government job exams and ITinterview preparation you can download our apps from the belowlinks : Get Latest apps from the below linkshttps://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Quhasa&hl=enhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Offline%20material%20for%20Competitive%20Exams&hl=en