App Information Game Memory Anak
- App NameGame Memory Anak
- Package Namecom.raimediacenter.memorygameanak
- UpdatedAugust 25, 2014
- File Size6.0M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version1.0
- DeveloperRai Media Center
- Installs100 - 500
- PriceFree
- CategoryEducational
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Rai Media Center Show More...
Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan 3.1 APK
Tebak Tebakan Gokil Plesetan berisi 50 tebakanlucu + 20 Tebakan Gombal Romantis, gokil abisss, sulit ketebakcocok untuk menyemarakan suasana saat kumpul bersama teman ataukeluarga. Banyak jawaban tidak terduga yang tetap masuk akal bisamembuat anda tersenyum atau malah tertawa sendiri saatmembacanya.Fitur:- 50 tebakan plesetan lucu dan gokil habis- 20 tebakan gombal romantis- spesialis plesetan bukan tebak-tebakan lucu biasa- tebak-tebakan unik untuk banyak kalanganDisarankan TIDAK MEMBACA DI KENDARAAN UMUM ATAU DITENGAH KERAMAIAN!!!!Jangan sampai anda terpingkal-pingkal sendiri ditengah orangbanyak.Ayo install aplikasi tebak-tebakan gokil plesetan dan 20 tebakangombal romantis ini sekarang sebelum tertawa itu dilarang!!!Guess guess guess Gokilfunny pun contains 50 + 20 guess Gombal Romance, gokil abisss, hardketebak suitable to enrich the atmosphere when sharing with friendsor family. Many unexpected answer that still makes sense to makeyour own smile or even laugh when reading.Features:- 50 guesses pun funny and discharged gokil- 20 guesses romantic rags- A play specialist instead of guessing the usual cute- Unique guessing game for many peopleAdvised NOT READ IN GENERAL VEHICLE OR Amid CROWD !!!!Do not let your own laughing amid the crowd.Let's install applications gokil guessing a play and 20 romanticrag guess this now before it is forbidden to laugh !!!
Resep Masakan Sehari hari 3.1 APK
Resep Masakan Sehari-hari yang mudah dibuatdan sangat disukai keluarga Indonesia. Resep masakan sederhana inidilengkapi dengan bahan yang dibutuhkan dan cara membuat makanansehari-hari tersebut.Fitur aplikasi resep masakan sehari-hari ini adalah:- Menyajikan aneka resep populer sehari-hari yang simple tetapidisukai keluarga, seperti:1. Aneka olahan ayam2. Aneka olahan Mie dan Bakso3. Aneka olahan tahu & tempe4. Aneka olahan sayuran- GRATISSS- Update secara periodikJadi jika anda mencari kumpulan resep masakan sehari-hari yangmudah dan disukai anggota keluarga, install aplikasi resep inisekarang.Everyday Recipes are easyto make and highly preferred family of Indonesia. This simplerecipe is equipped with the required materials and how to make thedaily diet.App features daily recipes are:- Presents a variety of popular recipes are simple everyday butfavored family, such as:1. Various of processed chicken2. Various processed noodles and meatballs3. Various preparations know and tempe4. Various preparations of vegetables- Gratisss- Update periodicallySo if you are looking for a collection of everyday recipes areeasy and preferred family members, install applications this recipenow.
Resep Donat Kentang Lembut 2.1 APK
Resep donat kentang lembut dan terbaik besertavariannya seperti Dunkin ataupun J Co, dilengkapi dengan ide bisnisdonat yang menarik. Sebagai salah satu makanan favorit di Indonesiadonat disukai segala usia dan segala kalangan. Maraknya geraipenjualan donat dari pasar tradisional sampai ke dalam mall-mallbesar merupakan buktinya. Jadi tidaklah salah jika anda inginmembuka bisnis donat kentang. Semua itu bisa dimulai denganmenginstal aplikasi resep donat kentang lembut ini.Resep donat kentang lembut ini memiliki Fitur:- Menyajikan resep donat kentang yang lembut dan enak- Menyajikan resep variasi donat seperti donat panggang, donatmini, sate donat dan donat durian- Menyajikan cara membuat aneka topping donat seperti Dunkin dan JCo- Memberikan ide bisnis kue donat yang menarik danmenguntungkanJika anda ingin membuat kue donat sendiri maka aplikasi iniadalah alat bantunya.jika anda ingin mempunyai bisnis donut sendiri aplikasi ini jugabisa membantu.Jadi jangan ragu untuk menginstal aplikasi Resep donat kentanglembut ini, apalagi aplikasi ini GRATIS !!!Donut recipe and the bestsoft potato and its variants such as Dunkin or J Co., equipped withdonuts an interesting business idea. As one of the favorite foodsin Indonesia donuts favored all ages and all walks of life. Therise of outlets selling donuts from traditional markets to thelarge malls is proof. So it is not wrong if you want to open apotato donut business. All that can be started by installing theapplication of this soft potato donut recipe.The soft potato donut recipes have Features:- Presents recipes potato donuts are soft and tasty- Presents recipes variations such as donuts baked donuts, minidonuts, donuts and donut satay durian- Presents a way to make a variety of toppings such as Dunkindonuts and J Co- Providing business idea donuts attractive and profitableIf you want to make a donut own then this app is a toolaccessories.If you want to have his own donut business applications can alsohelp.So do not hesitate to install applications soft potato donut recipeis, moreover this application FREE !!!
Nomor Telepon Penting 1.0 APK
Nomor Telepon Penting adalah aplikasi gratisyang menyediakan nomor telepon penting khususnya dalam kondisidarurat seperti ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, deliverymakanan ternama, taxi, penerbangan, bandara, stasiun dan nomortelepon penting lainnya.- Pernahkah anda dalam kondisi membutuhkan no telpon daruratseperti ambulance atau pemadam kebakaran? kecepatan dan ketepatansangat dibutuhkan.- Pernahkan anda harus segera ke Bandara tetapi kesulitan mencariTaxi sdngkan anda tidak hapal nomor telpon taxi favorit anda?- Tahukah anda bahwa memesan tiket kereta api luar kota bisa dengantelepon saja?Telepon penting sangat membantu anda dalam situasi-situasi yangdisebutkan diatas.Penggunaannya sangat mudah tinggal pilih mana yang ingindihubungi lalu tekan nomor tersebut maka otomatis akan masuk kemode telepon. (tap to call).Fitur:- Untuk memudahkan pemakaian nomor telepon penting diklasifikasikandalam 4 bagian:1. Darurat (ambulance, polisi, pemadam kebakaran, dsb)2. Transportasi (taxi, stasiun, bandara, dsb)3. Telekomunikasi (cek pulsa semua operator, call center semuaoperator)4. Food Delivery (kumpulan kuliner ternama yang menyediakan jasadelivery)- Tap to call- Form feedback untuk dapat memberi masukan membangun danmenginfokan nomor telepon penting lainnya yang juga bermanfaat.Jadi jika anda ingin mudah dalam mencari nomor telepon pentingatau ingin selalu siap dalam kondisi apapun, download dan installaplikasi Telepon penting ini sekarang.Important Phone Numbersis a free application that provides important phone numbers,especially in emergency situations such as ambulance, police, fire,leading food delivery, taxi, flight, airports, stations and otherimportant phone numbers.- Have you ever in a condition requiring emergency telephone nosuch ambulance or fire department? speed and accuracy areneeded.- Have you ever had to get to the airport but having troublefinding Taxi sdngkan you do not remember your favorite taxi phonenumber?- Did you know that ordering a train ticket out of town can be withjust a phone?Very important phone helps you in situations mentionedabove.Very easy to use just select which one to call and press thenumber then it will automatically go into phone mode. (Tap tocall).Features:- To facilitate the use of important phone numbers classified in 4parts:1 Emergency (ambulance, police, fire, etc.)2 Transportation (taxi, stations, airports, etc.)3 Telecommunications (check pulses all operators, call centers alloperators)4 Food Delivery (famous culinary collection that provides deliveryservices)- Tap to call- Form to be able to provide feedback and input to buildmenginfokan other important phone numbers are also helpful.So if you want easier to find important phone numbers or want toalways be ready under any circumstances, download and install thisimportant phone app now.
Bisnis Model Kanvas for Bisnis 2.1 APK
Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk memulai ataumembesarkan bisnis anda. Suatu model bisnis spektakuler denganpendekatan pada satu lembar kertas, menghasilkan model bisnis yanglebih sederhana dan komprehensif, menjadikan Organisasi yang lebihefektif sehingga dapat terus tumbuh, di tengah-tengah perubahan danpersaingan yang sangat ketat saat ini. Pelajari bisnis model kanvasini dan action now.Fitur aplikasi bisnis model canvas:- Pengenalan singkat tentang Bisnis Model Kanvas- Detail penjelasan 9 blok pembentuk Bisnis Model Kanvas- Contoh Bisnis Model Kanvas FBAplikasi Bisnis Model Kanvas ini sangat cocok bagi:- yang ingin memulai usaha- yang sudah punya usaha tapi kok jalan ditempat- yang usahanya sudah berjalan dan ingin cepat berkembangBuatlah Bisnis Model Kanvas untuk usaha anda dan bersiaplahuntuk menjadi besar.Instal aplikasi ini sekarang juga jangan sampai didahului olehkompetitor anda.Business Model Canvas tostart or increase your business. A spectacular business model withthe approach on one sheet of paper, produced a business model thatis simpler and comprehensive, making the organization moreeffective so that it can continue to grow, in the midst of changeand competition is very tight at the moment. Learn the businessmodel of this canvas and action now.Features canvas models of business applications:- Brief Introduction to the Business Model Canvas- Detailed explanation of 9 blocks forming the Business ModelCanvas- Sample Business Model Canvas FBApplications Business Model Canvas is ideal for:- Who wants to start a business- Which already had a business but why the place- Whose business is already running and want fast growingMake Business Model Canvas to your business and be prepared tobe great.Install this application now also not to be preceded by yourcompetitors.
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses 2.0 APK
4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses merupakan aplikasibisnis gratis yang menjelaskan 4 pilar untuk membangun bisnis yangsukses. Saat ini sedang tren berwirausaha alias berbisnis baik yangsedang bekerja, mau pensiun ataupun yang sejak awal ingin langsungberbisnis saja. Banyak tawaran Bisnis oportunity, franchise,pelatihan dan workshop bisnis yang semuanya menawarkan kesuksesan.Sebelum jauh kesana mari pelajari 4 Pilar Bisnis Sukses ini dengangratisss.Manfaat:- memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang bisnis- Menjelaskan tentang 4 pilar dalam membangun bisnis suksesSebelum kurusus atau workshop atau membangun bisnis, pelajaridulu konsep dasar 4 pilar bisnis ini.Install sekarang GRATISSSS4 Pillars of a SuccessfulBusiness is a free business application that describes 4 pillars tobuild a successful business. Currently trending aka businessentrepreneurship which are working, or who want to retire from thebeginning wanted to direct business only. Many offer businessoportunity, franchise, training and business workshops that are alloffering success. Before there is much to learn 4 Pillars let'sBusiness Success with gratisss.Benefits:- Provide basic knowledge about the business- Explaining about the 4 pillars in building a successfulbusinessBefore kurusus or workshop or building a business, first learnthe basic concept of the 4 pillars of this business.Install now GRATISSSS
Game Pendidikan Anak 2.2 APK
Game Pendidikan Anak berupa Puzzle warna danbuah untuk merangsang kecerdasan anak usia dini. Dilengkapi dengangambar buah warna warni selain dapat merangsang otak diharapkanjuga dapat membuat anak lebih mudah makan buah sesuai denganprinsip tak kenal maka tak sayang.Manfaat aplikasi game pendidikan anak bagi buah hati anda:- Merangsang kecerdasan anak- Pengenalan 7 warna utama (merah, kuning, hijau, oranye, ungu,putih dan coklat)- Pengenalan 7 buah yang sesuai dengan 7 warna diatas- Dari mengenal diharapkan anak menyukai buah-buahan yang sangatbermanfaatGame bertemakan pendidikan ini lebih cocok diberikan kepada anakusia dini sampai usia TK meskipun demikian untuk puzzlenya bisadimainkan pula untuk anak sampai usia 7-8 tahun.Melihat manfaat diatas jangan ragu menginstall dan memberikangame pendidikan anak ini kepada anak anda.Install sekarang, GRATISSS dan rasakan manfaatnya.Game Puzzle Children'sEducation in the form of color and fruit to stimulate earlychildhood intelligence. Equipped with colorful fruit image than canbe expected to stimulate the brain may also make it easier child toeat fruit in accordance with the principles do not know it waslove.Benefits kids educational game app for your baby:- Stimulate the child's intelligence- Introduction 7 primary colors (red, yellow, green, orange,purple, white and brown)- Introduction 7 pieces corresponding to 7 colors above- Of the children are expected to know like fruits that arebeneficialThemed games are more suitable education given to young children upto the age of kindergarten though for the puzzle can be played alsofor children up to the age of 7-8 years.Seeing the benefits of the above do not hesitate to install andgive this child educational game to your child.Install now, gratisss and feel the benefits.
Game Memory Anak 1.0 APK
Game Memory Anak untuk meningkatkan dayaingatdan kreatifitas anak anda melalui permainan yang menarik. Gameinigratis dan terdiri dari 3 macam, yaitu game memory huruf,gamememory angka dan game memory buah. Semua menggunakanwarna-warnicerah yang akan menstimulus kreatifitas anak anda.Install sekarang juga agar segera mendapatkan manfaat game iniuntukanak anda.Fitur:- Meningkatkan kecerdasan dan daya ingat anak- Pengenalan huruf- Pengenalan angka- Pengenalan buah-buahanChildren Memory Gamestoimprove memory and your children's creativity throughexcitinggames. The game is free and consists of three kinds, namelylettersmemory game, memory game memory game of numbers and fruit.All usebright colors that will stimulate your child'screativity.Install now also for the immediate benefit of this game foryourchild.Features:- Improve children's intelligence and memory- Introduction of the letters- The introduction of a number- Introduction of fruits
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Kids Learning Kindergarten 1.13 APK
Kindergarten learning free app! For thekindergarten kids, these first words flashcards build vocabulary;makes your kids learning letters, teaches alphabet recognition,spellings and pronunciations. First words flashcards are the bestlearning games for toddlers, smart kids and evenpreschoolers!With professional voice overs, colorful flashcards, smoothanimations, simple layout and colorful images; building vocabularyis so much fun for your kindergarten kid. This is the best memorybuilding exercise for all the children either already inkindergarten or about to enter it. Flash cards enable your child tomemorize the words and letters quickly. It makes an impression intheir minds and let them remember the words easily. With aprofessional voice over, he will be able to know how to pronounce aword correctly. The colorful yet simple design, keeps your kidsengaged for a very long time. This fun learning makes him involvedin learning and understanding everything.Features:√ Flash cards for kindergarten first kids and preschoolers√ Simple and easy words with images√ Colorful yet simple and recognizable design√ Smooth animations√ Preschool Learning adventure for children
√ Easily understandable and professional voice-over√ Improve memory and listening skills√ Learn to read the phonicsDownload this cool educational app for super fun. With thiskindergarten free early learning game, you can now teach your kidvery easily while he also enjoys this colorful app. First wordsflashcards kids games for 3 year old and above!WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACKParents and kids are our best reviewers. If you have a moment, feelfree to rate and review our app. We'd also love to get yourfeedback to our email: [email protected] Happy Baby GamesJoin our Facebook Page: “Happy Baby Games” on Google Play and discover moreincredible apps for young kids. Happy Baby Games smart gamesprovide an exciting, interactive, and rich educational experience.Filled with innovative and engaging activities, each applicationinspires creativity and imagination in a way that is uniquelyenjoyable and stimulating. Let the games begin!If you're having problems with downloads, installs, refunds,payments, or Google Play access, please contact Google Play teamthrough the Google Play Help Center at and user forum at
Asah Otak Anak 1.0 APK
Asah Otak Anak adalah permainan untuk melatihdan memperkuat daya ingat anak. Cara bermainnya cukup mudah, cukupbuka gambar dan cari dua gambar yang sama. Dilengkapi dengan gambarkartun binatang yang lucu, gambar buah-buahan dan gambar kendaraan/ alat transportasi. Dengan background warna-warni yang memudahkananak untuk mengingat gambar yang sudah dibuka.Meskipun permainan ini di desain untuk anak-anak, namunpermainan ini juga dapat dimainkan oleh orang dewasa atau orangtua. Permainan Asah Otak Anak ini mampu membantu Anda dalam melatihkekuatan otak dan daya ingat. Semakin cepat Anda dalammenyelesaikan permainan ini, berarti semakin kuat daya ingatAnda.Dampingi putra-putri Anda dalam bermain permainan ini sehinggaorang tua dan anak dapat berinteraksi dan membantu dalammenyelesaikan permainan asah otak ini.Kami selalu menerima setiap saran dan kritik untuk kami danaplikasi yang kami buat, tentunya saran dan kritik yang sifatnyamembangun. Bantu kami dengan me-review dan rate permainan Asah OtakAnak ini.Brain Children is a gameto train and strengthen the child's memory. How to play fairlysimple, just open the picture and find two same pictures. Equippedwith a cute cartoon animals, drawing pictures of fruits and vehicle/ transportation. With a colorful background that allows the childto remember the images that have been opened.Although the game is designed for children, but the game canalso be played by adults or the elderly. Brain Games This child isable to assist you in exercising the power of the brain and memory.The sooner you in completing this game, means the stronger yourmemory.Accompany your children play these games so that parents andchildren can interact and help in resolving these brainteasers.We always welcome any comments and suggestions for ourapplications we make, of course, suggestions and constructivecriticism. Help us to review and rate this game Brain Child.
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Prodigy Math Game 4.0.1 APK
Math practice used to be a struggle — but not anymore. Prodigy,ano-cost math game that’s loved by over a million teachers and50million students around the world, is using game-based learningtotransform education. Prodigy delivers a unique learningexperiencethrough an interactive math game where success depends oncorrectlyanswering skill-building math questions. Players can earnrewards,go on quests and play with friends — all while learning newskills!And the best part? All of our educational content isengaging,effective and completely zero cost. We know that everystudentfaces unique challenges when it comes to math learning.That’s why:• Content is tailored to every player’s strengths andweaknesses •Math questions are fully aligned with state-levelcurricula,including Common Core and TEKS, so Prodigy is alwaysconnected tothe classroom. • 1,400 available skills give studentsthe chance tolearn more and keep growing. For a full list of theskills Prodigysupports, visit Are youa parent?Connect a free parent account today to: •See what mathpracticeyour child is working on •Monitor your child’sunderstanding andprogress •Set goals and give reward to encourageeven more mathpractice! To sign up for your free parent account, >>Want your child to learnmore?<< Youcan use Prodigy to turn playtime into educationtime. Premiummembers level up faster, spend more time answeringmath questionsand get exclusive access to pets, member-only gameareas and extrarewards. To sign up today, Don’twant a membership just yet? All ofour educational content is zerocost and always will be. To learnmore about Prodigy and to getstarted, visit of the American Associationof School Librarians’ Best Websitesfor Teaching and Learning 2018A 2018 Top Pick for Learning fromCommon Sense Education iKeepSafeFERPA Certification iKeepSafe COPPASafe Harbor Certification
LEGO® DUPLO® Circus 1.2.0 APK
Circus is in town - and your child gets to runthe show! From selling the tickets to deciding what tricks theaudience gets to see, this day at the circus will fuel your child’screative play for hours after the show is over.Should the tiger jump through fire or give the ringmaster aride? And what about the seals - should they juggle or play ball?This simple and colorful app lets toddlers take charge - andrewards all their choices with roaring applause from the captivatedcircus audience.LEGO® DUPLO® Circus sets the scene for real life play sessions -with or without DUPLO® bricks - and lets your child experience thepride of accomplishment that is crucial to its development.Features:*Bright, fun, and toddler-friendly animations and soundeffects*Intuitive icons and navigation for easy game play*Based on the DUPLO My First Circus set and familiar animals andcharacters, like Rabbit and Giraffe*Special guest star: LEGO® DUPLO® Batman™ - because sometimessuperheroes like to relax and go to the circus on their dayoff.*No in-app purchases*No third party advertising*Parental gate to information about other LEGO DUPLO apps andproductsAbout LEGO® DUPLO®A preschool building toy specifically designed for children ages 1½- 5 – small hands and big imaginations! Preschoolers can learnabout shapes and colors hands-on. When the chewing-the-bricks phasefades out, the building experience phase takes over, helping tostimulate and improve fine motor skills development. (And yes,bricks-poured-onto-hard-surface noises stimulate other senses,too.)Visit for more build &play inspiration.Visit to find out moreabout other DUPLO apps.For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.For contact details refer to privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if youdownload this app.Read more on, the LEGO logo and DUPLO are trademarks of the LEGO Group.©2015 The LEGO Group.
Game for kids APK
- Spell game:This is a simple game for children, help children learn how tospell and recognize words in English in a better way. With funnypictures for babies, this simple game has a very good education andhelp improve her English skills every day. The lessons are designedto make your baby smart thinking and can recognize images frompictures, putting together words into syllables to make your babylogic and flexible to identify the structure of words. I hope thatpeople will like it.Thank you very much.How to play: drag and drop the letters to create a word correctlydescribed picture.- Math:Game will help children learn basic math, math addition andsubtraction.
Game Algebra for class 8 1.3 APK
You have the formula of algebra for this gameand pieces of an equation. The equation uses your formula. You mustguess values of a,b and c. You must use Drag and Drop for the rightanswer. You can use tips. Sometimes the tip is the right answer.The tip has a red background. Use the black button near the facefor the tip. When you use the tip, you spend the face. You can getthe face when you have right answer without the tips.
Digimem - lära barn siffror 0.95 APK
Digimem är ett memoryspel för de små barnen!Inga menyer och ingen reklam - endast memory - och träning påtal på köpet. Perfekt för nybörjare!Målgruppen är 3-5-åringar som håller på att lära sig räkna.Första steget är att känna igen siffror och tal, genom deras formoch deras uttalade namn.Kombinationen memory, ett spel som i grunden tränarminnesförmågan, och stora uttalade siffror betyder att barnet kananvända öga, öra och hand samtidigt för att bättre minnas varsiffrorna ligger.Att blanda in flera sinnen samtidigt är effektivt urinlärningssynpunkt. Förhoppningen är därför att denna app snabbttränar upp associationsförmågan mellan siffrornas utseende och dessläte hos barnet.Digimem innehåller talen 0, 1, 2 och så vidare upp till och med9.Om du gillar Digimem, pröva också Alfamem - samma koncept fastmed bokstäver!Programmering, grafik och ljud: Olof BjarnasonMusik: Gustav BjarnasonDigimem is a memory gamefor the little kids!No menus and no commercials - only memory - and training onspeech in the bargain. Perfect for beginners!The target audience is 3-5 year olds who are learning to count.The first step is to recognize numbers and speeches, by their formand their explicit names.The combination of memory, a game that basically are trainingmemory ability, and large expressed numbers mean that the child canuse the eye, ear and hand simultaneously to better remember wherethe numbers are located.The involvement of multiple senses simultaneously is efficientfrom the learning point of view. It is therefore hoped that thisapp quickly train up association ability between the figures lookand its vocalization of the child.Digimem contains the numbers 0, 1, 2 and so on up to andincluding 9.If you like Digimem, try also Alfamem - same concept but withletters!Programming, graphics and sound: Olof BjarnasonMusic: Gustav Bjarnason
2º Ano - Vol. 2 1.0.2 APK
Os aplicativos do J. PIAGET – Sistema deEnsino Multimídia voltados para o 2o ano do Ensino Fundamentalforam criados para desenvolver e ampliar os seguintes conteúdos:História: Funcionários da escola / Escolas de outrostempos.Língua Portuguesa: Uso de M e N.Ciências Naturais: Dia e noite / Recursos naturais.Geografia: Escola bem localizada / Localização em sala deaula.Matemática: Adição / Centena.Há também um jogo interdisciplinar para trabalhar,simultaneamente, habilidades que envolvem os conteúdos de LínguaPortuguesa (Gênero textual blog), História (A escola em diferentestempos) e Geografia (Localização e trajeto até a escola).Para funcionar, esse aplicativo depende de um código de ativaçãoque é fornecido pelo Sistema de Ensino apenas para escolasconveniadas. Entre em contato conosco para mais informações.Applications J. Piaget -Multimedia Learning System facing the second year of elementaryschool have been created to develop and expand the followingcontents:History: School Staff / Schools of yesteryear.Portuguese Language: Use of M and N.Life Sciences: Day and night / Natural Resources.Geography: well located School / Location in the classroom.Math: Addition / Hundred.There is also an interdisciplinary game to work simultaneouslyskills involving the Portuguese language content (textual blogGenre), History (The school at different times) and Geography(location and path to the school).To work, this application depends on an activation code that isprovided by the education system only to the accredited schools.Please contact us for more information.
Fact or Opinion 2.1 APK
** Happy Frog Apps is a Mom's Choice awardwinner. Our apps are featured on, and more! **'Fact or Opinion' builds an important comprehension skill in afun, game-like environment. All kids need to know how to interpretwhat they read -- it is a fact, or is it someone's opinion?This skill is especially important as they reach the age ofaccessing information from the internet.'Fact or Opinion' is targeted to children in Grades 2-5.Beginning readers in earlier grades can also benefit from thetargeted skill development.The focus of 'Fact or Opinion' is teaching kids how to identifywhether a statement is a fact or opinion.This vital skill is built incrementally. Early levels focus onthinking about how to prove and fact/opinion and also how toidentify the clue words that are indicative of a fact or opinion.Later levels include timers to ensure fluency.The app includes more than 300 examples for extensivepractice.Key Benefits:- Builds comprehension skills step-by-step until mastery.- Incremental learning. New levels are unlocked only when yourchild is ready.- Frustration-free learning. Your child will always be guided tothe correct answer.- Fun and engaging Reward Center to increase motivation.- Easy parental review. Just check out the stars to see how yourchild is doing.- Content designed by professional teachers and researchers.- Advanced levels include timers to ensure fluency. Researchshows fluency in the foundation skills is critical to readingcomprehension.- Can be used independently (just hand it over: your child willknow what to do!) or with a therapist/parent for readingintervention.- Provides extensive reporting for up to 10 students to suit theneeds of parents, teachers and therapists.Our apps are designed for and tested by typical and specialneeds children. Testers include children with Autism and otherspecial needs. Our apps work for them!While you're thinking about reading, check out our other apps take customer service very seriously! If you ever have aproblem or find that we've missed something, contact us at ourwebsite and we will do our best to fix the problem.We collect NO private information in our app. None! Our apps donot allow unrestricted web access. We comply with COPPA and aremembers of the prestigious Moms with Apps organization for qualityeducational app developers.
Kids Learn to Read APK
Already enjoyed by over five million families,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and form simple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsinto words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading as theyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards andhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's fun byturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until theword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken words byhelping Tommy bat the right ball★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthe corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word families asthey assemble and launch a rocket into spaceIf your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn orpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Lettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time aftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved andhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having agreat time - and learning.