107.59.003 / December 16, 2013
(3.0/5) (1)


Escute o idioma, leia as legendas e repitacadapalavra ou frase que você escutar - não apenas uma vez, masduas!Fácil de entender, fácil de absorver e aprender - fácilcomeçar afalar!
Muitas pessoas já escolheram o método de aprendizado daSpeakit.tvcomo seu método favorito para dominar a base de qualquernovoidioma. Agora é a sua oportunidade!
Alguns detalhes básicos:
- 20 episódios em vídeo, cada um tratando de uma área diferentedesituações rotineiras.
- 2,5 horas de prática e você aprenderá 600 palavras e frasesúteis,que serão úteis em quase toda situação - todas acompanhadasdeorientação completa em Português.
- Tradução e transcrição (quando necessário) - tudo nasuatela!
O curso é desenhado tanto para iniciantes quanto paraaquelesinteressados em aperfeiçoar seus conhecimentos básicos doidioma.

Cada curso de ensino de idiomas SPEAKIT inclui osseguintesvídeos:
Prefácio e Introdução
1. Coisas Que Você Precisa Saber
2. Começando a Falar
3. Quanto, Quantos?
4. Perguntas Comuns
5. Palavras Importantes
6. Adjetivos
7. Números
8. Cores
9. Dias da Semana
10. Dizendo as Horas
11. Detalhes Pessoais
12. Hotéis
13. Alugar um Carro
14. Amigos e Negócios
15. Um Novo Idioma
16. Conversando ao Telefone
17. Restaurantes e Comidas
18. Táxis
19. Transporte Público
20. Fazendo Compras
Pronto para começar a aprender uma nova língua? Vamos lá!

Curta o aprendizado!

Visite-nos em Speakit.tv

Listen to thelanguage,read the subtitles, and repeat each word or sentence youhear - notjust once, but twice! Easy to understand, easy to absorband learn- easy to start talking!
Many people have chosen the learning method Speakit.tv astheirfavorite to dominate the basis of any new language method. Nowisyour chance!
Some basic details:
- 20 video episodes, each dealing with a different areaof​​everyday situations.
- 2.5 hours of practice and you will learn 600 words andusefulphrases, which will be useful in almost any situation -allaccompanied by full guidance in Portuguese.
- Translation and transcription (when necessary) - everythingonyour screen!
The course is designed both for beginners and for thoseinterestedin improving their basic knowledge of the language.

Each course in language teaching SPEAKIT includes thefollowingvideos:
Preface and Introduction
1. Things You Need to Know
2. Starting to Speak
3. How much, how many?
4. Common Questions
5. Important Words
6. Adjectives
7. Numbers
8. Colors
9. Days of the Week
10. Telling Time
11. Personal Details
12. Hotels
13. Rent a car
14. Friends and Business
15. A New Language
16. Talking on the Phone
17. Restaurants and Food
18. Taxis
19. Public Transportation
20. Making Purchases
Ready to start learning a new language? Come on!

Short learning!

Visit us at Speakit.tv

App Information Francês - Em Vídeo! (n)

  • App Name
    Francês - Em Vídeo! (n)
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 16, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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HEBREO-ESPAÑOL v.v.Diccionario 20.14.13 APK
Diccionario completo bilingüe con elvocabulario más actualizado, argot y expresiones útiles. Eldiccionario transliterado está resaltado en rojo en dos idiomas (lapalabra en español está escrita en letras hebreas y viceversa), seseñala la acentuación de cada palabra para su correctapronunciación, se dan explicaciones que guían la elección de laacepción deseada y también se presenta la forma en femenino. / Másde 60000 voces***********This dictionary is totally offline, no internet connectionneeded.***********more information:http://www.prologhebreo.es/Languages/ProductsCatalog.aspxTags:Prolog,Hebrew,dictionary,Hebrewdictionary,spanish-hebrew,hebrew-spanish,Israel,Jerusalem,Jewish,Bible,Jew,Judaism,Prolog,Hebreo,Diccionario,Hebreo-Español,aprenderhebreo, hebreo, estudiar hebreo, aprender hebreo, hablar hebreo,Israel, Jerusalén, judíos, Biblia, judío, judaísmoFull bilingual dictionarywith more updated vocabulary, slang and useful expressions. Thetransliterated dictionary is highlighted in red in two languages​​(the Spanish word is written in Hebrew and vice versa letters),accentuating each word to its correct pronunciation notes,explanations that guide the selection of the desired meaning aregiven and also shows how female. / More than 60,000 voices***********This dictionary is totally offline, no internet connectionneeded.***********more information:http://www.prologhebreo.es/Languages/ProductsCatalog.aspxTags:Prolog, Hebrew, dictionary, Hebrew dictionary, english-hebrew,hebrew-english, Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish, Bible, Jew, Judaism,Prolog, Hebrew dictionary, Hebrew-Spanish, learn Hebrew, Hebrew,study Hebrew, learn hebrew, speak Hebrew, Israel, Jerusalem, Jews,Bible, Jewish, Judaism
Chinese - Speakit.tv (DCX006) 215.99.006 APK
Ready to learn Chinese ? Whether this is yourfirst time learning Chinese , or if you already know some basicChinese and just want to improve your speech and expand yourvocabulary, the SPEAKIT LANGUAGE Course will make speaking andunderstanding Chinese much easier than you ever imagined!Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes 20 videos (atotal of around 2.5 hours), with each video covering a differenteveryday situation, from getting to know people to talking on thephone to shopping - and even to doing business! All in all, you’lllearn a total of 600 essential vocabulary items and usefulphrases.When taking a course, you’ll listen to the language, read thesubtitles, and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not justonce, but twice! This gives you a chance to read... to absorb...and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn’t work for you the first time,it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as manytimes as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most importantthing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak.OK, so others will guess it’s not your native tongue. So what?Language brings people together, and people always appreciate itwhen you try to speak their language, even if you make a fewmistakes…Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the followingvideos:Preface and Introduction1. Things You Need to Know2. Starting to Speak3. How Much, How Many?4. Common Questions5. Important Words6. Adjectives7. Numbers8. Colors9. Days of the Week10. Telling the Time11. Personal Details12. Hotels13. Car Rentals14. Friends and Business15. A New Language16. Phone Conversations17. Restaurants and Food18. Taxis19. Public Transportation20. ShoppingReady to start learning a new language? Let’s get started!****************NOTE: In this version only Chapter 1 ("Basic words - Thinks youneed to know") and Chapter 12 ("Hotels") are available. Upgradewith In App Purchase for the FULL VERSION to download all movies ofthe course. Enjoy!****************About UsAt SPEAKIT we have 25 years of experience researching and producingunique products in the field of language learning—and that researchtells us that when it comes to language learning, you’ve probablyhad enough of old-fashioned textbooks, flashcards, and even audiobooks! So we put our heads together to figure out the best way tolearn a new language nowadays - a way that would grab and hold yourattention, help you really understand and remember what you’velearned, and be convenient and cutting-edge.What did we come up with? The SPEAKIT Language Courses. Each courseis made up of a set of videos that teach you all of the basicwords, phrases, and sentences you need to know, and explain exactlywhen you would want to use them. But you don’t just see and hearthe words. The lessons are taught by presenters in a relaxed andfriendly way, so that they feel a lot like a one-on-onesession.You can watch the videos in any order you like, jump from place toplace within a video, stop and restart… How cool and convenient isthat?We hope you enjoy the SPEAKIT Language Courses. We sure enjoyedproducing them for you!www.speakit.tv■ A good Internet connection is required whilstdownloading.■ Please allow sufficient time to finish and do not disturb thedevice when downloading.■ NOTE: After selecting your language - this action cannot beundone!■ Movies downloaded are viewed offline! (no Internet isrequired)
HEBREW-ENGLISH v.v Dictionary 20.14.13 APK
A comprehensive bi-lingual dictionary withup-to-date vocabulary, including slang and useful expressions. Thedictionary is fully transliterated, in red, into both languages(with English words transliterated into Hebrew letters and viceversa); stressed syllables are marked for clear and properpronunciation; explanations are provided for choosing the desiredtranslation; feminine form is indicated / Over 50000 entries.***********This dictionary is totally offline, no internet connectionneeded.***********more information:http://www.prologhebrew.us/Languages/ProductsCatalog.aspxTags:Hebrew,Dictionary,Hebrew-englishdictionary,english-hebrewdictionary,hebrew dictionaries,hebrew ABC,hebrew words,learnhebrew,speak hebrew,Israel,Jerusalem,Jewish,Bible,Jew,Judaism
HÉBREU-FRANÇAIS Dictionnaire 20.14.13 APK
Le Dictionnaire pratique bilingue comprend unvocabulaire particulièrement actualisé y compris idiomes etexpressions courantes. La translittération en rouge est mise envaleur (écriture du terme français en caractères hébraïques et viceversa). L’intonation est indiquée afin de permettre uneprononciation claire et fidèle. Les indications contextuellespermettent de choisir le terme adéquat. Le féminin de chaque termefigure également / plus de 50.000 mots***********This dictionary is totally offline, no internet connectionneeded.***********more info:http://www.prologhebreu.fr/Languages/ProductsCatalog.aspxTags:Hébreu, dictionnaire, Israël,l'hébreu, hébreu-français,hebreu,hébraïque, hébreux, Israël, Jérusalem, Juif, Bible,Judaïsme,Prolog,Hebrew,dictionary,Hebrewdictionary,french-hebrew,hebrew-french,Israel,Jerusalem,Jewish,Bible,Jew,JudaismBilingual Dictionaryincludes a practice particularly updated vocabulary includingidioms and common expressions. Transliteration in red ishighlighted (the French term writing in Hebrew characters and viceversa). The intonation is shown to provide a clear and accuratepronunciation. Contextual information used to select theappropriate term. The female of each term also appears / over50,000 words***********This dictionary is totally offline, no internet connectionneeded.***********more info:http://www.prologhebreu.fr/Languages/ProductsCatalog.aspxTags:Hebrew, dictionary, Israel, Hebrew, Hebrew-French, Hebrew, Hebrew,Hebrew, Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish, Bible, Judaism, Prolog, Hebrew,dictionary, Hebrew dictionary, english-hebrew, hebrew-english,Israel, Jerusalem , Jewish, Bible, Jew, Judaism
Learn English (d) 103.51.001 APK
Ready to learn English? Whether this is yourfirst time learning English, or if you already know some basicEnglish and just want to improve your speech and expand yourvocabulary, the SPEAKIT LANGUAGE Course will make speaking andunderstanding English much easier than you ever imagined!Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes 20 videos (a totalof around 2.5 hours), with each video covering a different everydaysituation, from getting to know people to talking on the phone toshopping—and even to doing business! All in all, you’ll learn atotal of 600 essential vocabulary items and useful phrases.When taking a course, you’ll listen to the language, read thesubtitles, and repeat each word or sentence you hear—not just once,but twice! This gives you a chance to read... to absorb... and tospeak! And, hey, if it doesn’t work for you the first time, it willwork the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times asyou want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing toremember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, soothers will guess it’s not your native tongue. So what? Languagebrings people together, and people always appreciate it when youtry to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes…Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the followingvideos:Preface and Introduction1. Things You Need to Know2. Starting to Speak3. How Much, How Many?4. Common Questions5. Important Words6. Adjectives7. Numbers8. Colors9. Days of the Week10. Telling the Time11. Personal Details12. Hotels13. Car Rentals14. Friends and Business15. A New Language16. Phone Conversations17. Restaurants and Food18. Taxis19. Public Transportation20. ShoppingReady to start learning a new language? Let’s get started!■ A good Internet connection is required whilst downloading.■ Please allow sufficient time to finish and do not disturb thedevice when downloading.■ NOTE: After selecting your language - this action cannot beundone!■ Movies downloaded are viewed offline! (no Internet isrequired)===========================More info: www.speakit.tv===========================Tags:English,speak English,learn English,English video,Englishlessons,talk English, learn English
ITALIANO -Curso de Video (d) 103.54.005 APK
¿Preparado para aprender italiano? Si es laprimera vez que aprendes italiano, o tienes unos conocimientosbásicos de italiano y simplemente quieres mejorar tu pronunciacióny ampliar tu vocabulario, ¡los cursos de idiomas de SPEAKIT teayudarán a hablar y comprender el italiano de una forma tansencilla y cómo jamás hubieras imaginado!Cada curso de SPEAKIT incluye 20 vídeos (con una duración totalaproximada de 2 horas y media), cada vídeo trata sobre unasituación diaria diferente, desde conocer a personas nuevas hastamantener una conversación por teléfono o comprar, ¡incluso podráshablar de negocios! En resumen, aprenderás un total de 660 palabrasy frases esenciales y muy útiles.Cuando realices un curso, escucharás el idioma, leerássubtítulos y repetirás cada palabra o frase que escuches, no unaúnica vez, sino dos. Esto te ofrece la oportunidad de leer…absorber… y ¡hablar! Y en caso de que no funcione la primera vez,ten por seguro que ocurrirá en la segunda o tercera. Practicatantas veces como necesites y cuando quieras. Lo más importante esque no debes tener miedo a hablar, ¡vale! Aunque los demás se dencuenten que no es tu lengua materna, ¡qué importa! Un idioma une alas personas, y estas apreciarán que estás haciendo un esfuerzo porhablar en su idioma, aunque cometas algunos errores...Cada curso de idiomas en línea de SPEAKIT incluye los siguientesvídeos:Prólogo e introducción1. Aquello que necesitas saber2. Comienza a hablar3. ¿Cuánto/s?4. Preguntas comúnes5. Palabras importantes6. Adjetivos7. Números8. Colores9. Días de la semana10. Decir la hora11. Datos personales12. Hoteles13. Alquilar un coche14. Amigos y negocios15. Un idioma nuevo16. Conversaciones por teléfono17. Restaurantes y comida18. Taxis19. Transporte público20. De compras¿Preparado para comenzar a aprender un nuevo idioma? ¡Vamos!♥♥♥ Espere de 10 a 15 segundos para la carga inicial de laaplicación.■ Se necesita una buena conexión a internet para la descarga.■ Permita el tiempo suficiente para que la descarga termine y nointerrumpa el funcionamiento del dispositivo durante ladescarga.■ NOTA: Una vez seleccionado el idioma, no podrás volver acambiarlo.■ ¡Podrá ver las filmaciones descargadas offline! (no necesitaráinternet)Also available on the Appstore===========================More info: www.speakit.tv===========================Tags:Italiano, hable italiano, aprenda italiano, vídeo en italiano,clases de italiano, hable italiano, aprenda italiano ,pro54999Ready to learn Italian?If this is your first time learning Italian, or have a basicknowledge of Italian and just want to improve your speech andexpand your vocabulary, language courses SPEAKIT help you speak andunderstand Italian in a much easier than you ever imagined!SPEAKIT Each course includes 20 videos (a total duration ofapproximately 2 hours), with each video covering a differenteveryday situation, from getting to know people to talking on thephone or buy, and even to doing business! In short, learn a totalof 660 essential words and phrases and very useful.When taking a course, listen to the language, read thesubtitles, and repeat each word or sentence you hear, not once, buttwice. This offers you the chance to read ... to absorb ... and tospeak! And if that does not work the first time, be sure that willhappen in the second or third. Practice as many times as you need,anytime. Most importantly, do not be afraid to talk, okay! Whileothers will guess it's not your native language, what! Languagebrings people, and appreciate it when you are making an effort tospeak their language, even if you make a few mistakes ...Each online language course SPEAKIT includes the followingvideos:Preface and Introduction1. That you need to knowTwo. Start talkingThree. How much / s?April. Questions commonMay. Important WordsJune. AdjectivesJuly. NumbersAugust. Colors9. Weekdays10. Telling the Time11. Personal information12. Hotels13. Rent a car14. Friends and Business15. A new language16. Conversations by phone17. Restaurants and Food18. Taxis19. Public transport20. ShoppingReady to start learning a new language? Come on!♥ ♥ ♥ Please allow 10-15 seconds for the initial load of theapplication.■ You need a good internet connection to download.■ Allow sufficient time for the download is complete and do notinterrupt the operation of the device during the download.■ NOTE: After selecting the language, you can not change itback.■ Movies downloaded can offline! (No need internet)Also available on the Appstore===========================More info: www.speakit.tv===========================Tags:Italian, speak Italian, learn Italian, Italian video lessons,Italian, speak Italian, learn Italian, pro54999
ИВРИТ начни говорить! 4.5.1 APK
http://www.speakit.tv/en-US/Home-LearnHebrewСамоучитель современного разговорного иврита,общепринятогосегодня в Израиле.Сборник лёгких, живых диалогов, состоящих из короткихпредложенийи словосочетаний – легко понять, легко усвоить, легкоповторить изаговорить на иврите!Самоучитель включает:► 10 учебных разделов► Более 1000 ивритских слов и выражений► Включая принятые сленговые выражения и слова► Краткие грамматические и синтаксические пояснения► Перевод и полная транслитерация по-русски► Текст на иврите в полной огласовке► Для любого возраста► Не необходимости в предварительном знании ивритаИВРИТ начни говорить!
JAPANESE - So Simple! (FB008) 1.57.6 APK
Listen to the language, read the subtitles andrepeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, buttwice!Easy to understand, easy to absorb and learn - simple tospeak!Many people have already chosen the Speakit.tv learning method astheir favorite method to master the basics in any newlanguage.Now it's your chance!Some basic details:- 20 video episodes, each deals with a different area of everydaylife situations.- 2.5 hours of practice and you will acquire 600 useful words andphrases, which will be useful in almost any situation - allaccompanied by full guidance in English.- Translation and transcription (when needed) - all on screen!The course is designed for both beginners and for thoseinterested in improving their basic knowledge of the language.Enjoy learning!Visit us at Speakit.tv