App Information Estación Paraiso
- App NameEstación Paraiso
- Package Namecom.app_q167.layout
- UpdatedAugust 28, 2013
- File Size4.6M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.399
- DeveloperEstrategiaWeb.Co
- Installs10 - 50
- PriceFree
- CategoryTravel & Local
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Hostal Casa Don Danilo 1.399 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil del Hostal Casa DonDanilo tienes asegurado el placer de descansar en un alojamientourbano y típico en Marsella, Risaralda!Al descargar la aplicación del Hostal Casa Don Danilo encuentrasuna forma ágil y cómoda de conocer nuestros servicios einstalaciones, reservar, cotizar, interactuar con nosotros ymejorar tu experiencia en el destino cafetero. A través de lasdiversas herramientas que vienen en la aplicación te damos aconocer las actividades y eventos próximos, información sobrepuntos de interés, tips y la guía turística de Risaralda con todaslas alternativas de restaurantes y atractivos turísticos de laregión cafetera; puedes encontrar tu carro en el destino con laopción ¿Dónde dejé mi carro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje,comentar y enviar esta aplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobileapplication of Hostal Casa Don Danilo have secured the pleasure ofresting in typical urban accommodation in Marseille, Risaralda!By downloading the application for Hostal Casa Don Danilo findan agile and comfortable to learn about our services andfacilities, book, quote, interact with us and improve yourexperience in the coffee destination. Through the various toolsthat come in the application will give to know the activities andupcoming events, information on points of interest, tips andRisaralda tourist guide with all alternative restaurants andattractions in the coffee region, you can find your car to thedestination with the option Where did I leave my car?, share yourtravel photos, comment and send this application to family andfriends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
Hostal Macondo 1.399 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil del Hostal Macondotienes asegurado un alojamiento urbano de calidad en medio de lariqueza cultural y tradicional de San Gil, en Santander!Al descargar la aplicación del Hostal Macondo encuentras unaforma ágil y cómoda de conocer nuestros servicios e instalaciones,reservar, cotizar, interactuar con nosotros y mejorar tuexperiencia en el destino. A través de las diversas herramientasque vienen en la aplicación te damos a conocer las actividades yeventos próximos, información sobre puntos de interés, tips y laguía turística del Eje Cafetero con todas las alternativas dealojamientos, restaurantes y atractivos turísticos de la regióncafetera; puedes encontrar tu carro en el destino con la opción¿Dónde dejé mi carro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje, comentar yenviar esta aplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobileapplication of Hostal Macondo have secured a quality urban housingamidst the cultural and traditional richness of San Gil, Santander!By downloading the application from Hostal Macondo find an agileand comfortable to learn about our services and facilities, book,quote, interact with us and improve your experience at thedestination. Through the various tools that come in the applicationwill give to know the activities and upcoming events, informationon points of interest, tips and tourist guide of the coffee withall alternatives of accommodations, restaurants and attractions inthe coffee region , you can find your car at the destination withthe option Where did I leave my car?, share your travel photos,comment and send this application to family and friends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
Eco Hotel Los Lagos 1.399 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil del Ecohotel LosLagos tienes asegurado el descanso y la diversión en Risaralda!Al descargar la aplicación del Ecohotel Los Lagos encuentras unaforma ágil y cómoda de conocer nuestros servicios e instalaciones,reservar, cotizar, interactuar con nosotros y mejorar tuexperiencia en el destino. A través de las diversas herramientasque vienen en la aplicación te damos a conocer las actividades yeventos próximos, información sobre puntos de interés, tips y laguía turística de Risaralda con todas las alternativas derestaurantes y atractivos turísticos de la región cafetera; puedesencontrar tu carro en el destino con la opción ¿Dónde dejé micarro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje, comentar y enviar estaaplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobile app youhave Lakes secured Ecohotel rest and Risaralda fun!By downloading the application from Ecohotel Los Lagos find anagile and comfortable to learn about our services and facilities,book, quote, interact with us and improve your experience at thedestination. Through the various tools that come in the applicationwill give to know the activities and upcoming events, informationon points of interest, tips and Risaralda tourist guide with allalternative restaurants and attractions in the coffee region, youcan find your car to the destination with the option Where did Ileave my car?, share your travel photos, comment and send thisapplication to family and friends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
Iglesia Shalom 4.0.1 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil de La Iglesia Shalomtienes la oportunidad de tener un lazo mas estrecho con nosotros!Al descargar la aplicación de Iglesia Shalom encuentras unaforma ágil y cómoda de conocer toda nuestra organización, con lasfuncionalidades que encontrarás descubrirás una manera novedosa demantenerte siempre informado, puedes acceder a videos, lasdiferentes programaciones y muchas mas herramientas que tepermitirán tener a toda nuestra comunidad a tu disposición encualquier momento.nuestra aplicación esta disponible en Android y en la AppStore adescargar !!!With the mobile appShalom Church have the opportunity to have a narrower loop with us!By downloading the application from Shalom Church find an agileand comfortable to learn throughout our organization, with thefeatures that we find a novel way to keep you informed always, youcan access videos, different schedules and many more tools thatallow you to have throughout our community at your disposal at anytime.Our application is available on Android and the AppStore todownload!
Hotel California 1.400 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil del Hotel Californiaencuentras un lugar cómodo para disfrutar la riqueza natural yturística de La Dorada, en Caldas!La aplicación móvil del Hotel California te permite, de formaágil y cómoda, conocer nuestros servicios, reservar, cotizar einteractuar con nosotros y mejorar tu experiencia en el destinocafetero. A través de las diversas herramientas que vienen en laaplicación te damos a conocer las actividades y eventos próximos,información sobre puntos de interés, tips y la guía turística delEje Cafetero con excelentes alternativas de atractivos yrestaurantes. Con la función ¿dónde dejé mi carro?, encuentrasfácilmente tu carro en el lugar donde lo hayas estacionado. Además,tienes la oportunidad de compartir fotos del viaje, comentar yenviar esta aplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobileapplication of Hotel California find a comfortable place to enjoythe natural and tourist center of La Dorada, Caldas!The mobile application allows you to Hotel California, aflexible and comfortable, learn about our services, book, quote andinteract with us and improve your experience in the coffeedestination. Through the various tools that come in the applicationwill give to know the activities and upcoming events, informationon points of interest, tips and tourist guide of the coffee withexcellent choices of attractions and restaurants. With the functionwhere did I leave my car?, Easily find your car in the place whereyou've parked. You also have the opportunity to share travelphotos, comment and send this application to family andfriends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
Hotel Dylan 1.399 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil del Hotel Dilantienes la tranquilidad y descanso que deseas para disfrutar elencanto de Pereira!Al descargar la aplicación del Hotel Dylan encuentras una formaágil y cómoda de conocer nuestros servicios e instalaciones,reservar, cotizar, interactuar con nosotros y mejorar tuexperiencia en el destino. A través de las diversas herramientasque vienen en la aplicación te damos a conocer las actividades yeventos próximos, información sobre puntos de interés, tips y laguía turística de Risaralda con todas las alternativas derestaurantes y atractivos turísticos de la región cafetera; puedesencontrar tu carro en el destino con la opción ¿Dónde dejé micarro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje, comentar y enviar estaaplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobileapplication of the Dilan Hotel have the peace and quiet you want toenjoy the charm of Pereira!By downloading the application from the Hotel Dylan find anagile and comfortable to learn about our services and facilities,book, quote, interact with us and improve your experience at thedestination. Through the various tools that come in the applicationwill give to know the activities and upcoming events, informationon points of interest, tips and Risaralda tourist guide with allalternative restaurants and attractions in the coffee region, youcan find your car to the destination with the option Where did Ileave my car?, share your travel photos, comment and send thisapplication to family and friends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
Para El Hospital Veteninario San Francisco esimportante la salud y el bienestar de su MEJOR AMIGO, por ello seprestan servicios médicos y venta de productos de calidad pensandoen usted y su mascota como parte de la familia.El Hospital Veteninario San Francisco se encuentra ubicado en laciudad de Santa Marta.For San FranciscoHospital Veteninario is important to the health and welfare of hisbest friend, so medical services and selling quality products lendthemselves thinking of you and your pet as part of thefamily.Hospital Veteninario San Francisco is located in the city of SantaMarta.
Balsaje Mundo Aventura 1.399 APK
¡Con la aplicación móvil de BalsajeMundoAventura tienes tu estadía garantizada!Al descargar la aplicación de Balsaje Mundo Aventuraencuentrasuna forma ágil y cómoda de conocer nuestros servicioseinstalaciones, reservar, cotizar, interactuar con nosotrosymejorar tu experiencia en el destino cafetero. A través delasdiversas herramientas que vienen en la aplicación te damosaconocer las actividades y eventos próximos, informaciónsobrepuntos de interés, tips y la guía turística del Quindío contodaslas alternativas de alojamientos y restaurantes de laregióncafetera; puedes encontrar tu carro en el destino con laopción¿Dónde dejé mi carro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje, comentaryenviar esta aplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With the mobileappRafting Adventure World have your stay is guaranteed!By downloading the application Adventure World Rafting findanagile and comfortable to learn about our services andfacilities,book, quote, interact with us and improve yourexperience in thecoffee destination. Through the various tools thatcome in theapplication will give to know the activities andupcoming events,information on points of interest, tips and Quindioguidebook withall alternatives of accommodations and restaurants inthe coffeeregion, you can find your carriage to the destinationwith theoption Where did I leave my car?, share your travel photos,commentand send this application to family and friends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.
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Paraiso Viagens 4.0.5 APK
O aplicativo oferece aos clientesdiversosserviços como:Passagens aéreas nacionais e internacionais;Hotéis nacionais e internacionais;Resorts, destinos exclusivos e diferenciados;Cruzeiros marítimos nacionais e internacionais.Confira mais detalhes no nosso aplicativo...The applicationprovidescustomers with services such as:Cheap national and international flights;National and international hotels;Resorts, exclusive and distinctive destinations;Cruises national and international seafarers.Check out more details in our application ...
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Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker 6.7.1 APK
Turn your phone or tablet into anairtrafficradar and see planes around the world move in real-timeonadetailed map. Or point your Android device at a plane in theskytofind out where it’s going and more. Discover today whymillionsarealready using Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker.Features that have helped make Flightradar24 - FlightTrackerthe#1 selling app in 100+ countries and the #1 Travel appin140+countries (United States, France, United Kingdom, Germanyandmore)include:* Watch planes move in real-time on detailed map* Identify planes flying overhead by simply pointing yourdeviceatthe sky (the augmented reality view requiresrearcamera,accelerometer & magnetic sensor)* Experience what the pilot of a an aircraft sees in real-timeandin3D* Tap on a plane for comprehensive flight andaircraftinformationsuch as route, estimated time of arrival, actualtime ofdeparture,aircraft type, speed, altitude, andhigh-resolutionpicture* Easy to search for individual flights using flightnumber,airport,or airline* Easy to filter by airline, aircraft, altitude,speed,andmore* Easy to set bookmarks to enable quick navigation toareasofinterest* Turn the device into the arrivals and departures board ofanymajorairport and get real-time status updates for flightspluscurrentairport weather conditions (in-app purchase)* Realistic aircraft symbols (in-app purchase)* Set up custom alerts based on airline, aircraft type,flightnumberor registration (in-app purchase)HOW IT WORKSMost aircraft are equipped with so called ADS-Btranspondersthattransmit positional data. Flightradar24 has arapidlygrowingnetwork of several thousand ground stations aroundthe worldtoreceive this data that then shows up as aircraft movingon a mapinthe app. In an expanding number of regions Flightradar24,withthehelp of multilateration, is able to calculate thepositionsofaircraft that don’t have ADS-B transponders.Traditional radar data is also used in the app thanks toadirectfeed from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).***IMPORTANT NOTICES***Minimum required screen resolution is 320x480px.If you are only interested in tracking air traffic inaspecificregion, we suggest that you checkFlightradar24.comBEFOREpurchasing the app. Flightradar24 providesunrivaledpositionalaircraft data coverage around the world butthere areareas wherewe don’t have coverage.Overview of coverage as of January 2016:* Europe: close to 100%* North America: 100% of US and Canada via slightlydelayedradardata. Real-time coverage for most of US, Canada andMexicoforADS-B equipped aircraft* South America: Substantial coverage in mostcountriesincludingArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,EcuadorandVenezuela.* Asia: Substantial coverage in most major AsiancountriesincludingJapan, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand,UAE,Malaysia,Taiwan and many other countries. Rapidlyexpandingcoverage inChina* Oceania: Nearly complete coverage in AustraliaandNewZealand* Africa: Substantial coverage in Africa with coverageexpandingallthe time.Find out how you can help: is subject to change at any time.HELP & use of this app is strictly limited toentertainmentpurposes.This specifically excludes activities thatmight endangeryourselfor the lives of others. Under nocircumstances will thedeveloperof this app be held responsible forincidents resultingfrom theuse of the data or its interpretation orits use contraryto thisagreement. We reserve the right toanonymously track andreport auser's activity inside of app.
يعد تطبيق وزارة الخارجيةالسعوديةللأجهزةالذكيةهو أحد قنوات الوصول لخدمات الوزارة والتي منخلالهيمكن تنفيذمجموعةمن الخدمات التي تستهدف شرائح مختلفة منالمستفيدين(أفراد،أعمال،وحكومة) كما يتم تحديث التطبيق بشكل دوريبمجموعة منالخدماتالجديدةوالتحسينات التي من شانها رفع مستوى الرضالدىالمستفيدين منخدماتالوزارة.تنفيذ وتطوير التطبيق:تم تطوير التطبيق من قبل الإدارةالعامةلتقنيةالمعلوماتوالاتصالاتالدعم الفني والاقتراحات:يرجى تعبئة الاستبيان الموجود ضمن مشاركاتإلكترونية-استبيانتطبيقالأجهزة الذكية أو مراسلتناعلىالبريدالإلكتروني[email protected]
MakeMyTrip Hotel Extranet 5.0.0 APK
Hoteliers, this one is foryou!MakeMyTrippresents the exclusive Hotel Extranet mobileappspecially designedto keep your hotel details up-to-date.With this app, you can:• Have access to day-wise / calendar view of your hotelrates&inventory• Update your hotel rates & inventory day-wise as well asforalonger period of time• Update ALL your tariffs’ inventory in just 2 steps• Track your important business metrics(likeCheck-InsToday/Tomorrow, Room Night Check-Ins in next 30 days,SoldOut innext 90 days etc.)• Keep a track of all your bookings & also takenecessaryactionslike Confirm a booking, Mark Check-In/No Show fora Pay AtHotelbooking• View complete details of a booking (including the voucher)• Call a Pay At Hotel customer with a single tap• Manage your Hotel Promotions in quick & easy waywithanability to create new promotions• Keep a track of your Payments• View help video tutorials to understand the utilityofourapp• Push Notifications to help you with Sold Out days &summaryofyour BookingsHotel Extranet will set you free from long chain mailsandphonecalls. No matter where you are, you can keep yourhoteldetailsfresh within a few easy steps.Also, there is lot more to come, which will make yourlifeeveneasier!
hottel - Hotel Booking 4.1.20 APK
Everyday hotels give us last-minutediscountsontheir available rooms.Best prices are guaranteed.Hotels are hand-picked to meet your expectation.10 seconds to book a roomPay less enjoy more.8:00 - 24:00 every night we are ready.Contact [email protected]