1.0 / September 30, 2015
(2.0/5) (1)


Enregistrez tous les appels que vous souhaitezet choisissez ceux que vous souhaitez conserver. Vous pouvezparamétrer les appels à enregistrer et ceux à ignorer. Écoutezl'enregistrement, ajoutez des notes et partagez-le.

L'application Enregistrement d'appel vous permet d'enregistreret de gérer facilement toutes vos conversations


1. Enregistrez automatiquement vos conversations pendantl'appel.
2. Organisez vos enregistrements d'appel. Vous pouvez classer tousvos appels grâce à des options telles que le tri par heure, par nomou par date.
3. Réécoutez vos conversations ou enregistrez-les au format mp3 survotre carte SD.
4. C'est GRATUIT !

Enregistrement d'appel - La liste complète descaractéristiques:

1. Enregistrement automatique basée sur de règlesprédéfinies
2. Filtre d'enregistrement. Vous pouvez spécifier si vous voulezenregistrer tous les appels, seuls les appels effectués avec voscontacts ou uniquement les appels provenant de numéros inconnus.Vous pouvez même définir des filtres pour chaque contact dans laliste, autrement dit il est même possible de choisir quel contactde votre liste de contacts sera enregistré ou ignoré.
3. Liste des appels favoris. Les appels qui sont stockées enpermanence sur votre appareil.
4. Activer / Désactiver l'enregistrement des appels.
5. Enregistre toutes Vos appels téléphoniques.
6. Lecture / Arrêt audio enregistré par simple toucher sur lafonction.
7. Supprimer les éléments enregistrés.
8. Verrouiller le(s) enregistrement(s) et d'empêcherl'auto-nettoyage des enregistrements.
9. Fiche sur les formats: 3GP, MP4, WAV, MP3
10. Les paramètres de MP3: fréquence d'échantillonnage, le débitbinaire
11. Changement chemin d'enregistrement sur ??la carte SD ou toutautre dossier.

mots-clés: Enregistrement d'appel, enregistreur d'appel, callrecording, record every call,Voice call recorder, auto callrecorder.

Enregistrement automatique - Enregistrement d'appel - Remarqueimportante:
- Sur certains appareils, l'enregistrement des appels ne peuventpas fonctionner correctement, a cause de limitations matérielles.Ce n'est pas un mauvais fonctionnement de l'application, s'il vousplaît ne pas laisser de commentaires négatifs et critiques.Vouspouvez aussi essayer d'affiner source audio sur la page deconfiguration automatique de l'enregistrement.
- Application peut ne pas fonctionner s'ill existe d'autresapplications pour l'enregistrement d'appels en cours

d'utilisation. S'il vous plaît fermer ou supprimer toutes lesautres applications d'enregistrement.

paramètres par défaut sont disponibles pour un enregistrementautomatique :
Tout enregistrer (par défaut) – Ce paramètre enregistre tous lesappels, à l'exception des contacts pré-sélectionnés àignorer.
Tout ignorer – Ce paramètre n'enregistre aucun appel, à l'exceptiondes contacts pré-sélectionnés à enregistrer.
Ignorer les contacts – Ce paramètre enregistre tous les appels depersonnes ne figurant pas dans vos contacts, à

l'exception des contacts présélectionnés à enregistrer.
Uniquement dans la version Pro : Vous pouvez paramétrerl'enregistrement d'appels provenant de contacts spécifiques afinqu'ils soient automatiquement enregistrés. Ils seront sauvegardésdans le cloud.

Record all the calls youwant and choose the ones you want to keep. You can set to recordthe calls and those to ignore. Listen to the recording, add notesand share it.

The Call Record application allows you to record and easilymanage all your conversations


1. Save your conversations automatically during the call.
2. Organize your call recordings. You can organize all your callsthrough options such as sorting by time, by name or date.
3. Listen again to your conversations or save them in mp3 on yourSD card.
4. It's FREE!

Call Recording - The full list of features:

1. Automatic recording based on predefined rules
2. Recording filter. You can specify whether to record all calls,only calls with your contacts, or only calls from unknown numbers.You can even set up filters for each contact in the list, ie it iseven possible to choose which contact your contact list will besaved or ignored.
3. Hotlist calls. Calls which are permanently stored on yourdevice.
4. Enable / disable call recording.
5. Saves all your phone calls.
6. Play / Stop audio recorded by the touch of the function.
7. Delete recorded items.
8. Lock (s) recording (s) and prevent recordings ofself-cleaning.
9. Sheet formats: 3GP, MP4, WAV, MP3
10. The MP3 parameters: sample rate, the bit rate
11. recording path ?? Change on the SD card or any otherfolder.

keywords: call recording, call recorder, call recording, recordevery call, Voice call recorder, auto call recorder.

Automatic Recording - Voice Recording - Important note:
- On some devices, call recording can not work properly due tohardware limitations. This is not a malfunction of the application,please do not leave negative feedback and critiques.Vous can alsotry to refine audio source on the automatic configuration page ofthe record.
- Application may not work if ill are other applications for thecurrent call recording

use. Please close or remove any other recordingapplications.

Default settings are available for automatic recording:
Save All (default) - This setting records all calls, with theexception of pre-selected contacts to ignore.
Ignore All - This setting does not save any appeal, except forpre-selected contacts to save.
Ignore Contacts - This setting records all calls from people not inyour contacts,

Except for pre-screened contacts to save.
Only in the Pro version: You can set the recording of calls fromspecific contacts so that they are automatically saved. They willbe stored in the cloud.

App Information Enregistrement des appels

  • App Name
    Enregistrement des appels
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 30, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Call Recorder Auto - ACR 2022 26.0 APK
***A Top 10 app in over 120 countries worldwide.*** Call Recorderis an application that allows you to record your outgoing telephonecalls. The entire call is recorded and saved on your phone and yourphone only. Unlike other call recording apps your recordings areprivate and are not saved on a third party server. You can use CallRecorder to make and record national or international calls fromany Android device including tablets. Call Recorder is very easy touse: just like your phone dialer, you just make a call from the appand it will be recorded. Your recorded calls can be: - Played onthe phone. - Sent via email. - Transferred to your phone (.wavformat). - Deleted. You can also set a title for each recording.Features of this app : - Record your all calls automatically whilecalling or ask every-time to record new call. - Search call by nameor phone number. - Organize your call records. You can see calls asall calls records, only incoming, only outgoing, date and timeeasily. - Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc. - Play, saveand delete, call recordings - Ignore recording for specific contactor phone number - Add caller phone number to contacts - See callerhistory - Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or 3GPPencoding / format. - You can play back, or save your files on yourSD card im mp3, wav, mp4, amr or 3gpp format. - Audio Sourceoptions for both incoming calls and outgoing calls are alsoavailable. Try to change audio source only when default audiosource does not work or does not records calls. - Different optionsof audio quality are available. You can choose 44.1kHz (It mightnot work on some devices) for high quality or select lower samplerate for low quality audio recording. 8kHz is recommended for callrecording. - Notification with caller image. - Vibrate device onstart of call recording. - Notification on device on start of callrecording with blinking light (if your device supports it). - Youcan listen your communication or calls recordings in your on devicedefault audio player. - Automatically on device speaker to recordbetter quality voice. - It’s FREE! How Call Recorder works : - Openthe Call Recorder Android app it will now run in the background toincrease productivity by enabling easy access. - Make or receive acall and it will begin recording once the call connects - Selectthe app to access the list of previously recorded calls and playthem. Notes: (Instructions + Troubleshooting tips) 1. Please notethat some devices are not compatible or not allow to record calls.2. Please confirm that your device should not have more than onecall recording application, otherwise it can create issues. 3. Ifcall recorder does not record calls, please restart your device totry again. If it does not record again then your device might notsupport call recording. 4. Some devices record low voice of otherparty, in this problem, please enable automatic speaker, on startof call recording by going application and then more settings. 5.This app might not be working when you are using other apps torecord something, such as wechat, LINE: Free Calls & Messages,voice recorder or other call recorder. 6. You can select WAV, 3GPP,MP4 or AMR audio encoding format, if MP3 recording not workingproperly on some devices. 7. If you get error"msg_create_file_error", then please test, Have your device beenwith sdcard or memory card? If not, please change recordingsdestination path to any other path by going into more settings andrecording path and change it correctly. 8. If you get "Sorryrecording starting failed", please try other recording options likechange Audio source or sample rate.
Masques pour cheveux 1.0 APK
Toutes les femmes désirent avoir des cheveuxbelles,fortes et lisses.Cependant, il existe beaucoup de problèmes qui peuvent rendrecette tâche un peu plus complexe.L'un des problèmes les plusfréquents,c'est que la plupart des femmes n'ont pas une bonneconnaissance des méthodes de traitement et des soins cheveux àutiliser au quotidien.Masques pour cheveux est une application gratuite contenant unecentaine de masques,recettes et soins pour vos cheveux qu'on peutpréparer chez-soi.Avec l'application Masques pour cheveux, vous n'auriez plusbesoin d'acheter des livres et magazines de beauté ou de chercherdans les sites et forums,car nous avons fait tout cela à votreplace en rassemblant tous les meilleurs masques et soins pourcheveux dans une seule application.Avantages de l'application :1. Gratuite et en langue française.2. Très facile à utiliser.3. Ne requiert aucune connexion à Internet.4. Contient une centaine de recettes et est mise à jour etalimentée régulièrement avec des nouvelles.Exemple de quelques masques :Masque à l’huile d’olive et à l’œuf pour cheveux secsMasque à l’avocat pour cheveux secsMasque au miel et la banane pour cheveux secsMasque au yaourt et à l’œuf pour cheveux secsMasque léger à l’aloès pour cheveux abimésUn bain d’huile pour cheveux abimésMasque réparateur à l’œufMasque citron et huile d’olive pour cheveux secs & abimésCréez votre propre shampoing fait-maison !Masque nourrissant pour cheveux normauxMasque hydratant pour cheveux secsMasque rééquilibrant pour cheveux grasMasque révélateur d’éclat pour cheveux ternesMasque brillance pour cheveux ternesMasque anti-pelliculaire au vinaigre de cidreMasque à l’huile d’amande pour cheveux secsMasque au miel et l’huile d’olive pour cheveux secsMasque pour cheveux secs et cassantsMasque contre la perte de cheveuxMasque pour des cheveux méga douxMasque à l'argile blanche pour cheveux grasMasque au bicarbonate de soude pour cheveux grasMasque aux œufs et au citron pour cheveux grasCrème capillaire régénérante pour cheveux abimésMasque fait maison pour les cheveux secsMasque naturel pour nourrir tout type de cheveuxMasque maison pour pointes fourchuesMasque naturel cheveux hydratant et nourrissantMasque hydratant pour cheveux gonflésMasque naturel au lait de coco pour cheveux crépusMasque maison pour cheveux qui manquent de volumeMasque maison pour cheveux secs et ternesMasque nourrissant au miel et à la spirulineMasque fortifiant à base d’huile de nigelleMasque hydratant à base d’huile de cocoMasque démêlant au chocolatmasque cheveux maisonhuile de ricin cheveuxmasque cheveuxmasque pour cheveuxsoin cheveux maisonhuile pour cheveuxmasque cheveux secsdécoloration cheveuxavoir de beaux cheveuxsoins cheveuxhuile cheveuxmasque maison cheveuxcheveux cassantschute de cheveuxcheveux seckeratine pour cheveuxmasque pour cheveux maisonsoin pour cheveuxsoins contre perte de cheveuxhuile de jojoba cheveuxhuile argan cheveuxsoin des cheveuxsoin cheveux secsmasque capillaire maisonmasque cheveux mielhuiles essentielles cheveuxmasque pour cheveux secmasque hydratant cheveuxmasque naturel cheveuxmasque cheveux secs maisontraitement pour cheveuxprendre soin de ses cheveuxvitamine pour cheveuxcheveux brillantsmasque cheveux oeufmasque argile cheveuxrecette masque cheveuxmasque cheveux avocatmasque nourrissant cheveuxmasque avocat cheveuxmasque miel cheveuxhuile cheveux secssoins pour cheveux secs et abimésmasque oeuf cheveuxsoin naturel pour cheveuxcheveux secs et cassantsproduits capillairessoin cheveux abiméshuile capillairemasque pour cheveux bouclésmasque cheveux bananemeilleur masque cheveuxmasque maison cheveux abiméssoin hydratant cheveuxmasque cheveux crépusmasque cheveux biomasque réparateur cheveux maisonmasque cheveux argile verteproduits naturels pour cheveuxmasque cheveux boucléssoin capillaire maisonAll women want to havebeautiful hair, strong and smooth.However, there are many problems that can make this task alittle more complexe.L'un of the most frequent problems is thatmost women do not have a good knowledge of methods of treatment andhair care use everyday.Hair Masks is a free application containing a hundred masks,revenues and care for your hair can be prepared at home.With the application Masks hair, you would need to buy books andbeauty magazines or search the sites and forums, as we have doneall that for you in gathering all the best masks and care hair in asingle application.Application benefits:1. Free and French.2. Very easy to use.3. Does not require Internet connection.4. Contains a hundred recipes and is updated regularly and fed withnews.Example of some masks:Mask with olive oil and egg to dry hairMask with avocado for dry hairMask with honey and bananas for dry hairMask with Yogurt and the egg to dry hairLight Mask Aloe for damaged hairAn oil bath for damaged hairRepair mask with eggLemon and olive oil mask for dry & damagedCreate your own homemade shampoo!Nourishing Mask for normal hairMoisturizing mask for dry hairRebalancing mask for oily hairMask radiance to dull hairMask for dull hair shineAnti-dandruff Mask with cider vinegarMask with almond oil for dry hairMask with honey and olive oil for dry hairMask for dry, brittle hairMask against hair lossMask soft mega hairWhite clay mask for oily hairBaking Soda Mask for oily hairMask with egg and lemon for oily hairHair regenerating cream for damaged hairHomemade mask for dry hairNatural mask to nourish all hair typesMask home for split endsNatural hair mask moisturizing and nourishingMoisturizing mask for puffy hairNatural mask with coconut milk for frizzy hairHome hair mask that lack volumeHomemade mask for dry and dull hairNourishing mask with honey and spirulinaFortifying mask based cumin oilMoisturizing mask with coconut oilChocolate Masque Conditionerhome hair maskHair castor oilHair maskhair maskhome hair carehair oildry hair maskhair bleachingbeautiful hairhair careHair oilhome hair maskbrittle hairhair lossDry hairkeratin hairhair mask househair carecare against hair lossHair jojoba oilargan oil hairhair caredry hair carehair mask househoney hair maskessential oils hairmask for dry hairmoisturizing hair maskNatural hair maskhouse dry hair maskHair Treatmenttake care of her hairvitamin for hairshiny hairegg hair maskhair clay maskhair mask recipeavocado hair maskhair nourishing maskhair mask lawyerhoney hair maskdry hair oildry and damaged hair careegg hair masknatural care for hairdry, brittle hairhair productsdamaged hair carehair oilmask for curly hairbanana hair maskbest hair maskhouse damaged hair maskMoisturizing hair carefrizzy hair maskOrganic hair maskhome hair repair maskgreen clay hair masknatural products for haircurly hair maskhair care home
شهيوات رمضانية سريعة 1.0 APK
شهيوات رمضانية سريعة هو تطبيق مجاني يحتوي علىمجموعة من الوصفات الرمضانية الشهية والصحية التي يمكنك إعدادها فيمطبخك بكل سهولة.مع تطبيق شهيوات رمضانية سريعة، لم تعودي بحاجة الى اقتناء كتبالطبخ. فكل ما تحتاجينه من وصفات رمضانية ستجدينه من قبيل :شهيوات ،حريرة، شباكية،الفطائر و البيتزا ، البغرير ، الطاجين.مميزات التطبيق :1 . سهولة في الاستخدام2 . تنضيم في عرض الوصفات3. يعمل بدون الحاجة الى انترنت4. يمكنك البحث عن وصفة معينةحملي هذا التطبيق الان وإستمتعي انت وعائلتك في هذة الوصفاتالمميزة والشهية في نفس الوقت.نحن نرحب بإستفساراتكم وإقتراحاتكم لتحسين هذا التطبيق، ونتمنى أنلا تنسوا التقييم لتشجيعنا. وشكراًShahyoat Ramadan fast isa free application contains a collection of recipes Ramadanappetite and health that can be prepared in your kitchen with ease.With application Shahyoat Ramadan fast, I did not need youreturn to the acquisition of cookbooks. All what you need from aRamadan'll find recipes such as: Shahyoat, calories, chebakia, pancakes and pizza,Alpegrer, tagine.Application features:1. Ease of use2. Tndeim in the presentation of recipes3. works without the need for Internet4. You can search for a specific recipeThis application is now my pregnancy and Enjoy you and yourfamily in these recipes characteristic of appetite and at the sametime.We welcome your inquiry and suggestions to improve thisapplication, and we hope to do not forget evaluation ofencouragement. Thank you
Call Recorder Pro 1.0 APK
***A Top 10 app in over 120 countriesworldwide.***Call Recorder pro is an application that allows you to recordyour outgoing telephone calls.The entire call is recorded and saved on your phone and your phoneonly. Unlike other call recording apps your recordings are privateand are not saved on a third party server.You can use Call Recorder pro to make and record national orinternational calls from any Android device includingtablets.Call Recorder pro is very easy to use: just like your phonedialer, you just make a call from the app and it will berecorded.Your recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Transferred to your phone (.wav format).- Deleted.You can also set a title for each recording.Features of this app :- Record your all calls automatically while calling or askevery-time to record new call.- Search call by name or phone number.- Organize your call records. You can see calls as all callsrecords, only incoming, only outgoing, date and time easily.- Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.- Play, save and delete, call recordings- Ignore recording for specific contact or phone number- Add caller phone number to contacts- See caller history- Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or 3GPP encoding/ format.- You can play back, or save your files on your SD card im mp3,wav, mp4, amr or 3gpp format.- Audio Source options for both incoming calls and outgoing callsare also available. Try to change audio source only when defaultaudio source does not work or does not records calls.- Different options of audio quality are available. You can choose44.1kHz (It might not work on some devices) for high quality orselect lower sample rate for low quality audio recording. 8kHz isrecommended for call recording.- Notification with caller image.- Vibrate device on start of call recording.- Notification on device on start of call recording with blinkinglight (if your device supports it).- You can listen your communication or calls recordings in your ondevice default audio player.- Automatically on device speaker to record better qualityvoice.- It’s FREE!How Call Recorder pro works :- Open the Call Recorder Android app it will now run in thebackground to increase productivity by enabling easy access.- Make or receive a call and it will begin recording once the callconnects- Select the app to access the list of previously recorded callsand play them.Notes: (Instructions + Troubleshooting tips)1. Please note that some devices are not compatible or not allow torecord calls.2. Please confirm that your device should not have more than onecall recording application, otherwise it can createissues.3. If call recorder pro does not record calls, please restart yourdevice to try again. If it does not record again thenyour device might not support call recording.4. Some devices record low voice of other party, in this problem,please enable automatic speaker, on start of callrecording by going application and then more settings.5. This app might not be working when you are using other apps torecord something, such as wechat, LINE: Free Calls & Messages,voice recorder or other call recorder.6. You can select WAV, 3GPP, MP4 or AMR audio encoding format, ifMP3 recording not working properly on some devices.7. If you get error "msg_create_file_error", then please test, Haveyour device been with sdcard or memory card? If not, please changerecordings destination path to any other path by going into moresettings and recording path and change it correctly.8. If you get "Sorry recording starting failed", please try otherrecording options like change Audio source or samplerate.
Enregistrement des appels 1.0 APK
Enregistrez tous les appels que vous souhaitezet choisissez ceux que vous souhaitez conserver. Vous pouvezparamétrer les appels à enregistrer et ceux à ignorer. Écoutezl'enregistrement, ajoutez des notes et partagez-le.L'application Enregistrement d'appel vous permet d'enregistreret de gérer facilement toutes vos conversationstéléphoniques.1. Enregistrez automatiquement vos conversations pendantl'appel.2. Organisez vos enregistrements d'appel. Vous pouvez classer tousvos appels grâce à des options telles que le tri par heure, par nomou par date.3. Réécoutez vos conversations ou enregistrez-les au format mp3 survotre carte SD.4. C'est GRATUIT !Enregistrement d'appel - La liste complète descaractéristiques:1. Enregistrement automatique basée sur de règlesprédéfinies2. Filtre d'enregistrement. Vous pouvez spécifier si vous voulezenregistrer tous les appels, seuls les appels effectués avec voscontacts ou uniquement les appels provenant de numéros inconnus.Vous pouvez même définir des filtres pour chaque contact dans laliste, autrement dit il est même possible de choisir quel contactde votre liste de contacts sera enregistré ou ignoré.3. Liste des appels favoris. Les appels qui sont stockées enpermanence sur votre appareil.4. Activer / Désactiver l'enregistrement des appels.5. Enregistre toutes Vos appels téléphoniques.6. Lecture / Arrêt audio enregistré par simple toucher sur lafonction.7. Supprimer les éléments enregistrés.8. Verrouiller le(s) enregistrement(s) et d'empêcherl'auto-nettoyage des enregistrements.9. Fiche sur les formats: 3GP, MP4, WAV, MP310. Les paramètres de MP3: fréquence d'échantillonnage, le débitbinaire11. Changement chemin d'enregistrement sur ??la carte SD ou toutautre dossier.mots-clés: Enregistrement d'appel, enregistreur d'appel, callrecording, record every call,Voice call recorder, auto callrecorder.**********Enregistrement automatique - Enregistrement d'appel - Remarqueimportante:- Sur certains appareils, l'enregistrement des appels ne peuventpas fonctionner correctement, a cause de limitations matérielles.Ce n'est pas un mauvais fonctionnement de l'application, s'il vousplaît ne pas laisser de commentaires négatifs et critiques.Vouspouvez aussi essayer d'affiner source audio sur la page deconfiguration automatique de l'enregistrement.- Application peut ne pas fonctionner s'ill existe d'autresapplications pour l'enregistrement d'appels en coursd'utilisation. S'il vous plaît fermer ou supprimer toutes lesautres applications d'enregistrement.paramètres par défaut sont disponibles pour un enregistrementautomatique :Tout enregistrer (par défaut) – Ce paramètre enregistre tous lesappels, à l'exception des contacts pré-sélectionnés àignorer.Tout ignorer – Ce paramètre n'enregistre aucun appel, à l'exceptiondes contacts pré-sélectionnés à enregistrer.Ignorer les contacts – Ce paramètre enregistre tous les appels depersonnes ne figurant pas dans vos contacts, àl'exception des contacts présélectionnés à enregistrer.Uniquement dans la version Pro : Vous pouvez paramétrerl'enregistrement d'appels provenant de contacts spécifiques afinqu'ils soient automatiquement enregistrés. Ils seront sauvegardésdans le cloud.Record all the calls youwant and choose the ones you want to keep. You can set to recordthe calls and those to ignore. Listen to the recording, add notesand share it.The Call Record application allows you to record and easilymanage all your conversationsPhone.1. Save your conversations automatically during the call.2. Organize your call recordings. You can organize all your callsthrough options such as sorting by time, by name or date.3. Listen again to your conversations or save them in mp3 on yourSD card.4. It's FREE!Call Recording - The full list of features:1. Automatic recording based on predefined rules2. Recording filter. You can specify whether to record all calls,only calls with your contacts, or only calls from unknown numbers.You can even set up filters for each contact in the list, ie it iseven possible to choose which contact your contact list will besaved or ignored.3. Hotlist calls. Calls which are permanently stored on yourdevice.4. Enable / disable call recording.5. Saves all your phone calls.6. Play / Stop audio recorded by the touch of the function.7. Delete recorded items.8. Lock (s) recording (s) and prevent recordings ofself-cleaning.9. Sheet formats: 3GP, MP4, WAV, MP310. The MP3 parameters: sample rate, the bit rate11. recording path ?? Change on the SD card or any otherfolder.keywords: call recording, call recorder, call recording, recordevery call, Voice call recorder, auto call recorder.**********Automatic Recording - Voice Recording - Important note:- On some devices, call recording can not work properly due tohardware limitations. This is not a malfunction of the application,please do not leave negative feedback and critiques.Vous can alsotry to refine audio source on the automatic configuration page ofthe record.- Application may not work if ill are other applications for thecurrent call recordinguse. Please close or remove any other recordingapplications.Default settings are available for automatic recording:Save All (default) - This setting records all calls, with theexception of pre-selected contacts to ignore.Ignore All - This setting does not save any appeal, except forpre-selected contacts to save.Ignore Contacts - This setting records all calls from people not inyour contacts,Except for pre-screened contacts to save.Only in the Pro version: You can set the recording of calls fromspecific contacts so that they are automatically saved. They willbe stored in the cloud.
Automatic Call Recorder 4.0 APK
***A Top 10 app in over 120 countriesworldwide.***Call Recorder is an application that allows you to record youroutgoing telephone calls.The entire call is recorded and saved on your phone and your phoneonly. Unlike other call recording apps your recordings are privateand are not saved on a third party server.You can use Call Recorder to make and record national orinternational calls from any Android device includingtablets.Call Recorder is very easy to use: just like your phone dialer, youjust make a call from the app and it will berecorded.Your recorded calls can be:- Played on the phone.- Sent via email.- Transferred to your phone (.wav format).- Deleted.You can also set a title for each recording.Features of this app :- Record your all calls automatically while calling or askevery-time to record new call.- Search call by name or phone number.- Organize your call records. You can see calls as all callsrecords, only incoming, only outgoing, date and time easily.- Share recording to Bluetooth, Message etc.- Play, save and delete, call recordings- Ignore recording for specific contact or phone number- Add caller phone number to contacts- See caller history- Record your call or calls in MP3, WAV, MP4, AMR or 3GPP encoding/ format.- You can play back, or save your files on your SD card im mp3,wav, mp4, amr or 3gpp format.- Audio Source options for both incoming calls and outgoing callsare also available. Try to change audio source only when defaultaudio source does not work or does not records calls.- Different options of audio quality are available. You can choose44.1kHz (It might not work on some devices) for high quality orselect lower sample rate for low quality audio recording. 8kHz isrecommended for call recording.- Notification with caller image.- Vibrate device on start of call recording.- Notification on device on start of call recording with blinkinglight (if your device supports it).- You can listen your communication or calls recordings in your ondevice default audio player.- Automatically on device speaker to record better qualityvoice.- It’s FREE!How Call Recorder works :- Open the Call Recorder Android app it will now run in thebackground to increase productivity by enabling easy access.- Make or receive a call and it will begin recording once the callconnects- Select the app to access the list of previously recorded callsand play them.Notes: (Instructions + Troubleshooting tips)1. Please note that some devices are not compatible or not allow torecord calls.2. Please confirm that your device should not have more than onecall recording application, otherwise it can createissues.3. If call recorder does not record calls, please restart yourdevice to try again. If it does not record again then yourdevice might not support call recording.4. Some devices record low voice of other party, in this problem,please enable automatic speaker, on start of callrecording by going application and then more settings.5. This app might not be working when you are using other apps torecord something, such as wechat, LINE: Free Calls & Messages,voice recorder or other call recorder.6. You can select WAV, 3GPP, MP4 or AMR audio encoding format, ifMP3 recording not working properly on some devices.7. If you get error "msg_create_file_error", then please test, Haveyour device been with sdcard or memory card? If not, please changerecordings destination path to any other path by going into moresettings and recording path and change it correctly.8. If you get "Sorry recording starting failed", please try otherrecording options like change Audio source or samplerate.