2.0 / November 9, 2015
(4.8/5) (4)


A selection of fun in its own interestingmoments with the way the water shaking dog - funny angles andunusual shots that we can not see with their naked eye, look slowmotion. Spectacle unforgettable for all dog lovers.

For dog owners usually see several times a day as their petshaking vigorously. On all sides are flying drool and dog muzzledistorted beyond recognition ...

Naturally, when the dog shaking from water or snowadhering.
But the dog manages to shaking not only when wet, but in the othercases. For example, being in a warm room after being outside incold weather.
For example, a dog may shaking unexpectedly received someinformation which foretells her something nice, for example,information about the upcoming walk, or requires some action.
The dog can also shaking arose from his bed after sleep.
The dog can not scratch herself, but she sometimes uses Shakingwool to remove foreign bodies, which did not get his paw.
Coupled with other movements and loud sounds Shaking can serve as asignal to other dogs that expected something nice for themboth.
For these images, use the latest technologies to implement Slowshooting.

Interesting Facts:

- Dogs - the only animals that can recognize our emotions. Theyglance is enough to see you rejoice or grieve. They can evenempathize with people experiencing the same emotions that theirowners.
- It turns out that dogs sweat too. But unlike people who sweatexcreted through the skin across the surface of the body, he comesacross dogs paws. You can verify this by posposterihavshy dog ​​ona hot summer day. A characteristic feature is salty smell.
- Prints Dog noses are unique because they are used for theidentification of animals, as well as fingerprints are used toidentify the person. Forensic often use this fact in theinvestigation of crimes involving animals and their owners.
- Greyhounds - is not only the fastest dogs, able to accelerate to72 km / h, it is also the only breed of dog that is mentioned inthe Bible (Proverbs of Solomon 30:31, King James version).
- Actually Pit Bull breed there. Pit Bull - a collective name suchspecies as American Pit Bull Terrier, American StaffordshireTerrier, Bull Terrier, American dog, the Japanese Tosa, Dogue deBordeaux, Bulldog.
- Considered the oldest Saluki breed dogs. In ancient Egypt theybelonged to families of rulers. These dogs are very respected andeven their mummified after death together with pharaohs.
- As we have already noted Greyhounds - the fastest among dogs, butthe Huskies - the hardiest. Sledding with Huskies can travel morethan 60 km per day, moving at a speed over 17 km / h.
- Considered the most intelligent dogs Border Collie - normalpoodle and German shepherd. Afghan Hound Basenji and, conversely,is the most stupid dogs.
- Poodle homeland is Germany. The word "poodle" is derived from theGerman «pudel» or «pudelhund», which means "dog who plyuskayetsya."The world famous grooming poodles that hunters sheared these dogs,that they were comfortable swim, leaving only a little wool to keepwarm.
- Laika became the first living creature that visited Earth orbit.Her flight on Sputnik 2 was held in 1957. Although she died duringthe flight, her daughter, Slaked birth to 4 puppies of terrierCharlie, the owner of which was US President John F. Kennedy.
- English Mastiff Zorba, born in 1981, was the greatest dog ever.His weight was more than 155 kg, and length from nose to tail -251.5 cm.

App Information Dogs Shaking II Live Wallpaper

  • App Name
    Dogs Shaking II Live Wallpaper
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 9, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Happy Friday
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    1670 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, CA
  • Google Play Link

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Dino T-Rex 3D Live Wallpaper 2.0 APK
Happy Friday
Go back to the ages when dinosaurs walked theEarth! "Dinosaurs Live Wallpaper" free app for Android ™ gives youthe best dinosaur wallpaper that will leave you breathless. So ifyou want to personalize your phone or tablet these top livewallpaper is the best solution for you. Do not miss the opportunityto download a free app, it's a chance to have a life HD backgroundsfor free!Feel like you are in Jurassic Park, watching tyrannosaurus T-Rex,triceratops and predators. You have to admit that the feeling isgreat because these best live wallpapers that look so realistic andreal works of art. Take a dinosaur LWP you like and decorate yourhome screen and be proud of the new look of your phone ortablet.Recently removed many movies where the characters are ancientanimals. Consider the interesting facts about dinosaurs.1. According to scientists from the most primitive dinosaurs areEoraptor lunensis. Its length does not exceed 1 meter, dinosaurnalezhyv to a number of theropods. Scientists have found hisskeleton in 1933 during excavations conducted in Argentina.2. In the US state of Kentucky scientists have discovered theremains of the oldest dinosaur - he lived 310 million yearsago.3. Dinosaurs considered the largest of all the animals that livedon Earth. But even among these giants alone is Supersaurus kind ofweight, which is equal to the weight of 10 elephants.4. Speaking of interesting facts about dinosaurs, it should benoted and their life - they lived more than a century.5. Some dinosaurs such as Stegosaurus - a typical inhabitant of theCretaceous period were herbivores. The body length of this type wasless than 9 meters.6. And here is the "extended" dinosaur - a Brachiosaurus. Accordingto the reconstruction of his body detected prints on foot, he had alength of about 48 meters.7. resemble our usual rhino triceratops that the man in the streetwas the Cretaceous period, had a body length of 7 meters. Thisherbivores lived in North America.8. The citizen of Europe and North America Cretaceous plesiosaurtimes was an animal with a very long neck. And dinosaur body lengthwas 16 meters. It is carnivorous, feeding on marine invertebratesand fish living in the sea.9. Another resident of the Cretaceous period - tyrannosaurus thatinhabited Asia and North America, with a body length of 14 meterswas the largest known carnivorous of land animals.10. The smallest representatives of these animals were a littlemore chicken. They were residents of France, Germany and Russia(kopsohnatus type) and the current US state of Colorado (typefabrozavriv). Kopsohnatusa length - 70-75 cm and weighs 3 kg,fabrozavriv - about 75 cm, and they weigh more than 6 kg.11. torozavriv was the largest skull - almost 3 meters long, andweighs 2 tons. Roslynoyadnoho lizard neck of the bone protectingshield. With a length of about 7.6 meters, this dinosaur weighedalmost 8 tons.12. Scientists have developed a method for determining the speed ofmovement of dinosaur tracks on the parameters, laid them......Home ➤Menu ➤ Wallpaper➤ Wall Live Wallpaper- Share wallpapers with friends has never been easier;- Many settings;- Best quality "Full HD 1080p";- Various 3D-effect;- User-friendly interface (UI),- Supports phones and tablets;- Works on 90% of the existing devices;- Decorates your phone.Our wallpapers are unique in its kind, we are in the top 10 ofthe best developers of live wallpapers for android. Only the mostinteresting themes and wallpapers. Steep We love you. All ourprograms are free. Contact us!If you like what we do, please support us. Rate our wallpaper. Puta positive assessment of "5 stars". This add inspiration to us, andwe will continue to delight you.If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us byemail. We will be pleased. Thank you!
New 3D Engine Live Wallpaper 6.0 APK
Happy Friday
This live wallpaper will show you how theinternal combustion engine in a car, motorcycle, train or evenplane. Jet living wallpaper for you. It will be interesting to youand also your children, show everyone how your car works. Motor isan engineering marvel.The modern car often driven by an internal combustion engine.Such engines, there are many. They differ in volume, number ofcylinders, power, speed, use of fuel (diesel, petrol and gasICE).As the engine is running and what is called a four-strokeinternal combustion engine? On the internal combustion clear.Inside the engine burns fuel. Why 4 cycles engine, what is it?Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But cars are used rarely.Four-stroke engine called because his work can be divided intofour levels according to the time of. Piston held four times in thecylinder - half up and half down. Tact begins with finding thepiston in the extreme top or bottom point. In the drivers-mechanicsis called top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (NMT).First time - time to the inletThe first cycle, he's intake begins with TDC (top dead center).Moving down the cylinder piston sucks the fuel-air mixture. Thework of this cycle is the open intake valve. By the way, there aremany engines with multiple intake valves. Their number, size, timespent in the open state can significantly affect engine power.There are engines which, according to the press on the gas pedal,there is an increase in forced residence time of the intake valvesopen. This is done to increase the amount of fuel intake, which,after ignition, increases engine power. The car, in this case, canaccelerate much faster.The second time - compression strokeThe next cycle of the engine - the compression stroke. Once thepiston reaches the lowest point, it begins to rise upwards, thuscompressing the mixture in the cylinder got the beat intake. Thefuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber.What is this such a camera? The free space between the top of thepiston and the top of the cylinder stroke while in the top deadcenter called a combustion chamber. Valves in this cycle engineshut completely. The more tightly they are closed, the compressionis better. Of great importance in this case, the state of thepiston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are large gaps, you do notget good compression, and accordingly, the power of the engine willbe much lower. Compression can check special device. The magnitudeof compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of theengine.The third time - strokeThe third time - work begins with TDC. The working he calledaccidental. It is in this cycle the action that makes the car move.In this cycle, the work enters ignition system. Why is thisso-called system? And because it is responsible for igniting thefuel mixture in the cylinder is compressed in the combustionchamber. Compatibility is very simple - the system gives the sparkof a candle. Please note that spark on the spark plug is issued afew degrees to reach the top of the piston. These degrees in modernengine automatically adjusted "intelligence" of the car. Once thefuel is lit, there is an explosion - it dramatically increases involume, causing the piston to move down. Valves in this cycle ofthe engine, as in the previous year, are closed.
Shiva Dance Live Wallpaper 1.0 APK
Happy Friday
Shiva, also known as Mahadeva, is one of theTrinity deities of Hinduism.He is the god from which the two ofthree trinity deities was differentiated from.He is"Anand" . He isthe supreme god within Shaivism, one of the three most influentialdenominations in contemporary Hinduism. He is one of the fiveprimary forms of God in the Smarta Tradition and "the Destroyer" or"the Transformer".At the highest level, Shiva is regarded as limitless,transcendent, unchanging and formless. Shiva also has manybenevolent and fearsome forms. In benevolent aspects, he isdepicted as an omniscient Yogi who lives an ascetic life on MountKailash, as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his twochildren, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and in fierce aspects, he is oftendepicted slaying demons. Shiva is also regarded as the patron godof yoga and arts.The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye onhis forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the adorningcrescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair,the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his musicalinstrument. Shiva is usually worshiped in the aniconic form ofLingam.The worship of Shiva is a pan-Hindu tradition, practiced widelyacross all of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.Assimilation of traditionsSee also: Roots of HinduismThe figure of Shiva as we know him today was built up over time,with the ideas of many regional sects being amalgamated into asingle figure. How the persona of Shiva converged as a compositedeity is not well documented. According to Vijay Nath:Visnu and Siva began to absorb countless local cults and deitieswithin their folds. The latter were either taken to represent themultiple facets of the same god or else were supposed to denotedifferent forms and appellations by which the god came to be knownand worshipped. Siva became identified with countless local cultsby the sheer suffixing of Isa or Isvara to the name of the localdeity, e.g., Bhutesvara, Hatakesvara, Chandesvara.An example of assimilation took place in Maharashtra, where aregional deity named Khandoba is a patron deity of farming andherding castes. The foremost center of worship of Khandoba inMaharashtra is in Jejuri. Khandoba has been assimilated as a formof Shiva himself, in which case he is worshipped in the form of alingam. Khandoba's varied associations also include anidentification with Surya and Karttikeya.Indus Valley originsMain article: Pashupati sealSeal discovered during excavation of the Indus Valleyarchaeological site in the Indus Valley has drawn attention as apossible representation of a "yogi" or "proto-Shiva" figureMany Indus valley seals show animals but one seal that hasattracted attention shows a figure, either horned or wearing ahorned headdress and possibly ithyphallic figure seated in aposture reminiscent of the Lotus position and surrounded by animalswas named by early excavators of Mohenjo-daro Pashupati (lord ofcattle), an epithet of the later Hindu gods Shiva and Rudra.SirJohn Marshall and others have claimed that this figure is aprototype of Shiva and have described the figure as having threefaces seated in a "yoga posture" with the knees out and feetjoined.Some academics like Gavin Flood and John Keay have expresseddoubts about this claim. John Keay writes that "He may indeed be anearly manifestation of Lord Shiva as Pashu- pati", but a couple ofhis specialties of this figure does not match with Rudra. Writingin 1997 Doris Meth Srinivasan rejected Marshall's package ofproto-Shiva features, including that of three heads. She interpretswhat John Marshall interpreted as facial as not human but morebovine, possibly a divine buffalo-man.
Grin Dogs Smile Live Wallpaper 1.0 APK
Happy Friday
Dogs do show happiness outwardly, but notnecessarily using their mouths. When a dog feels genuinely at ease,he may actually position his mouth in a way that truly resembles asmile. But he might make such a face when he's not really at ease,too.Smiling DogBody language can be an effective gauge of how at ease a dog feels.Happy dogs have a general looseness to their bodies, and thatapplies to the mouth area, too. If the sides of your pooch's mouthpoint slightly higher than the rest of it, that often -- but notalways -- signifies that all is wonderful in your dog's world forthe moment. More telling is your dog's tongue. A loose-hangingtongue combined with a mouth slightly ajar generally points to agood moods in a doggy, according to the Caring Hands Humane Societywebsite. Although dogs don't actually smile like humans, theysometimes happen to make expressions that look like smiles.We’ve all been there. That moment when you look at your dog andyou see their face, their tongue sticking out, looking like theyjust heard a silly joke. You think, “Awwwww my dog’s smiling!” Butare they really smiling the way we humans do? Are their smiles anexpression of happiness like ours is?Over time, your dog’s smiles may actually indicate genuinehappiness or contentment, as in his mind, he’s created theassociation between smiling and getting rewarded for it.Now watch this compilation of the cutest doggie smiles ever, andbe comforted by the fact that you may have subconsciously trainedyour dog to smile. :)100 Weird Facts About Dogs:1. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually seein color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our visionat dusk.2. Dogs DO have better low-light vision than humans because of aspecial light-reflecting layer behind their retinas3. A German Shepherd guide dog led her blind companion theentire 2100 mile Appalachian Trail4. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, andtheir puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!5. Dogs’ only sweat glands are between their paw pads6. Like human babies, Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot intheir skull which closes with age7. The breed Lundehune has 6 toes and can close its ears8. Teddy Roosevelt’s dog, Pete, ripped a French ambassador’spants off at the White House9. President Lyndon Johnson had two beagles named Him andHer10. Franklin Roosevelt spent $15,000 for a destroyer to pick uphis Scottie in the Aleutian Islands11. In Roman times, mastiffs donned light armor and were sentafter mounted knights12. The Russians trained dogs during WWII to run suicidemissions with mines strapped to their backs13. A dog’s mouth exerts 150-200 pounds of pressure per squareinch14. … with some dogs exerting up to 450 pounds per squareinch.15. A one year old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15 yearold human16. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world17. France has the 2nd highest18. The average city dog lives 3 years longer than a countrydog19. 87% of dog owners say their dog curls up beside them or attheir feet while they watch T.V.20. Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures21. 15 people die in the U.S. every year from dog bites22. In 2002 alone, more people in the U.S. were killed by dogsthan by sharks in the past 100 years23. Gidget is the name of the Taco Bell dog24. Newfoundlands are great swimmers because of their webbedfeet25. Basset Hounds cannot swim26. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs on earth, with speeds of upto 45 miles per hour27. Bingo is the name of the dog on the side of the Cracker Jackbox28. The bible mentions dogs 14 times29. Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic – aNewfoundland, a Pomeranian, and a Pekingese30. The Labrador Retriever is the #1 favorite breed in the U.S.,Canada, and the U.K.
Snake Attack Live Wallpaper 2.0 APK
Happy Friday
Check out our range of fun snake factsforkids. Learn about snake skin, snake charming, snake anatomyandmuch more.Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting informationaboutsnakes.Snakes are carnivores (meat eaters).Snakes don’t have eyelids.Snakes can’t bite food so have to swallow it whole.Snakes have flexible jaws which allow them to eat preybiggerthan their head!Snakes are found on every continent of the worldexceptAntarctica.Snakes have internal ears but not external ones.Snakes used in snake charming performances respond tomovement,not sound.There are around 3000 different species of snake.Snakes have a unique anatomy which allows them to swallowanddigest large prey.Snakes are covered in scales.Snakeskin is smooth and dry.Snakes shed their skin a number of times a year in a processthatusually lasts a few days.Some species of snake, such as cobras and black mambas, usevenomto hunt and kill their prey. Read more venomous snakefacts.Snakes smell with their tongue.Pythons kill their prey by tightly wrapping around itandsuffocating it in a process called constriction.Some sea snakes can breathe partially through theirskin,allowing for longer dives underwater.Anacondas are large, non-venomous snakes found in SouthAmericathat can reach over 5 m (16 ft) in length.Python reticulates can grow over 8.7 m (28 ft) in length andareconsidered the longest snakes in the world.
Engine Assembly Live Wallpaper 1.0 APK
Happy Friday
This live wallpaper will show you how theinternal combustion engine in a car, motorcycle, train or evenplane. Jet living wallpaper for you. It will be interesting to youand also your children, show everyone how your car works. Motor isan engineering marvel.The modern car often driven by an internal combustion engine.Such engines, there are many. They differ in volume, number ofcylinders, power, speed, use of fuel (diesel, petrol and gasICE).As the engine is running and what is called a four-strokeinternal combustion engine? On the internal combustion clear.Inside the engine burns fuel. Why 4 cycles engine, what is it?Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But cars are used rarely.Four-stroke engine called because his work can be divided intofour levels according to the time of. Piston held four times in thecylinder - half up and half down. Tact begins with finding thepiston in the extreme top or bottom point. In the drivers-mechanicsis called top dead center (TDC) and bottom dead center (NMT).First time - time to the inletThe first cycle, he's intake begins with TDC (top dead center).Moving down the cylinder piston sucks the fuel-air mixture. Thework of this cycle is the open intake valve. By the way, there aremany engines with multiple intake valves. Their number, size, timespent in the open state can significantly affect engine power.There are engines which, according to the press on the gas pedal,there is an increase in forced residence time of the intake valvesopen. This is done to increase the amount of fuel intake, which,after ignition, increases engine power. The car, in this case, canaccelerate much faster.The second time - compression strokeThe next cycle of the engine - the compression stroke. Once thepiston reaches the lowest point, it begins to rise upwards, thuscompressing the mixture in the cylinder got the beat intake. Thefuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber.What is this such a camera? The free space between the top of thepiston and the top of the cylinder stroke while in the top deadcenter called a combustion chamber. Valves in this cycle engineshut completely. The more tightly they are closed, the compressionis better. Of great importance in this case, the state of thepiston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are large gaps, you do notget good compression, and accordingly, the power of the engine willbe much lower. Compression can check special device. The magnitudeof compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of theengine.The third time - strokeThe third time - work begins with TDC. The working he calledaccidental. It is in this cycle the action that makes the car move.In this cycle, the work enters ignition system. Why is thisso-called system? And because it is responsible for igniting thefuel mixture in the cylinder is compressed in the combustionchamber. Compatibility is very simple - the system gives the sparkof a candle. Please note that spark on the spark plug is issued afew degrees to reach the top of the piston. These degrees in modernengine automatically adjusted "intelligence" of the car. Once thefuel is lit, there is an explosion - it dramatically increases involume, causing the piston to move down. Valves in this cycle ofthe engine, as in the previous year, are closed.
Dogs Shaking II Live Wallpaper 2.0 APK
Happy Friday
A selection of fun in its own interestingmoments with the way the water shaking dog - funny angles andunusual shots that we can not see with their naked eye, look slowmotion. Spectacle unforgettable for all dog lovers.For dog owners usually see several times a day as their petshaking vigorously. On all sides are flying drool and dog muzzledistorted beyond recognition ...Naturally, when the dog shaking from water or snowadhering.But the dog manages to shaking not only when wet, but in the othercases. For example, being in a warm room after being outside incold weather.For example, a dog may shaking unexpectedly received someinformation which foretells her something nice, for example,information about the upcoming walk, or requires some action.The dog can also shaking arose from his bed after sleep.The dog can not scratch herself, but she sometimes uses Shakingwool to remove foreign bodies, which did not get his paw.Coupled with other movements and loud sounds Shaking can serve as asignal to other dogs that expected something nice for themboth.For these images, use the latest technologies to implement Slowshooting.Interesting Facts:- Dogs - the only animals that can recognize our emotions. Theyglance is enough to see you rejoice or grieve. They can evenempathize with people experiencing the same emotions that theirowners.- It turns out that dogs sweat too. But unlike people who sweatexcreted through the skin across the surface of the body, he comesacross dogs paws. You can verify this by posposterihavshy dog ​​ona hot summer day. A characteristic feature is salty smell.- Prints Dog noses are unique because they are used for theidentification of animals, as well as fingerprints are used toidentify the person. Forensic often use this fact in theinvestigation of crimes involving animals and their owners.- Greyhounds - is not only the fastest dogs, able to accelerate to72 km / h, it is also the only breed of dog that is mentioned inthe Bible (Proverbs of Solomon 30:31, King James version).- Actually Pit Bull breed there. Pit Bull - a collective name suchspecies as American Pit Bull Terrier, American StaffordshireTerrier, Bull Terrier, American dog, the Japanese Tosa, Dogue deBordeaux, Bulldog.- Considered the oldest Saluki breed dogs. In ancient Egypt theybelonged to families of rulers. These dogs are very respected andeven their mummified after death together with pharaohs.- As we have already noted Greyhounds - the fastest among dogs, butthe Huskies - the hardiest. Sledding with Huskies can travel morethan 60 km per day, moving at a speed over 17 km / h.- Considered the most intelligent dogs Border Collie - normalpoodle and German shepherd. Afghan Hound Basenji and, conversely,is the most stupid dogs.- Poodle homeland is Germany. The word "poodle" is derived from theGerman «pudel» or «pudelhund», which means "dog who plyuskayetsya."The world famous grooming poodles that hunters sheared these dogs,that they were comfortable swim, leaving only a little wool to keepwarm.- Laika became the first living creature that visited Earth orbit.Her flight on Sputnik 2 was held in 1957. Although she died duringthe flight, her daughter, Slaked birth to 4 puppies of terrierCharlie, the owner of which was US President John F. Kennedy.- English Mastiff Zorba, born in 1981, was the greatest dog ever.His weight was more than 155 kg, and length from nose to tail -251.5 cm.
Dog Smile Teeth Live Wallpaper 1.0 APK
Happy Friday
Smiling DogWe’ve all been there. That moment when you look at your dogandyou see their face, their tongue sticking out, looking liketheyjust heard a silly joke. You think, “Awwwww my dog’s smiling!”Butare they really smiling the way we humans do? Are their smilesanexpression of happiness like ours is?Over time, your dog’s smiles may actually indicategenuinehappiness or contentment, as in his mind, he’s createdtheassociation between smiling and getting rewarded for it.Now watch this compilation of the cutest doggie smiles ever,andbe comforted by the fact that you may have subconsciouslytrainedyour dog to smile. :)50 Weird Facts About Dogs:50. … while JFK’s terrier, Charlie, father 4 puppies withLaika’sdaughter51. An African wolf dog known as the basenji is the only doginthe world that cannot bark52. There are 703 breeds of purebred dogs53. Dachshunds were originally bred for fighting badgers54. The world’s smartest dogs are thought to be (1) thebordercollie, (2) the poodle, and (3) the golden retriever55. … while the dumbest dog is believed to be theAfghanhound56. A dog’s smell is more than 100,000 times stronger thanthatof a human’s57. … which they need because their eyesight is not as keen asahuman’s.58. Dogs judge objects first by their movement, then bytheirbrightness, and lastly by their shape59. Chocolate contains a substance known as theobromine(similarto caffeine) which can kill dogs or at the very least makethemviolently ill60. George Washington had thirty six dogs – all foxhounds –withone named Sweetlips61. All dogs are identical in anatomy – 321 bones and42permanent teeth62. Smaller breeds mature faster than larger breeds63. Female dogs are only ready to mate – “in heat” – twice ayearfor a total of roughly 20 days64. Puppies sleep ninety percent of the day for their firstfewweeks65. Rin Tin Tin was the first Hollywood dog star66. … and he really signed his movie contracts – all 22 of them–with a pawprint67. The Wizard of Oz’s Toto was played by a female CairnTerriernamed Terry68. Their vision is not fully developed until after the1stmonth69. Dogs have two times as many muscles to move their earsaspeople70. The longer a dog’s nose, the more effective it’sinternalcooling system71. An elderly woman was saved by her 12 pound YorkshireTerrierwho fought off an 80 pound Akita and survived with only9stitches72. U.S. Customs dogs “Rocky” and “Barco” were so goodatpatrolling the border that Mexican drug lords put a $300,000bountyon their heads73. Dogs are all direct descendants of wolves74. Wolves and dogs can mate to produce fertile offspring75. Female wolves have been known to travel great distancestoregurgitate full meals for their hungry pups76. Cerberus was the tri-headed dog that guarded theunderworldin Greek mythology77. Female dogs bear their young for 60 days beforethey’reborn78. Dogs’ sense of hearing is more than ten times more acutethana human’s79. Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second,whiledogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second.80. The earliest dog fossil dates back to nearly 10,000 B.C.81. Bloodhounds are prized their ability to single outandidentify a number of scents simultaneously82. Dalmatian puppies are born completely white.83. The Ancient Chinese carried Pekingese puppies in thesleevesof their robes84. Boxers are so named because of their manner of playingwiththeir front paws85. All breeds of dog have been found to attack livestock –from3 month old puppies, all the way up to thirteen yearoldpoodles86. A dog’s heart beats up to 120 times per minute, or 50%fasterthan the average human heartbeat of 80 times per minute87. The oldest dog on record – a Queensland “Heeler” namedBluey– was 29 years, 5 months old88. Davy Crockett had a dog named Sport89. Dogs were first domesticated by cavemen