/ Apr 1, 2023
App Information Dog breeds - Smart Identifier
- App NameDog breeds - Smart Identifier
- Package Namecom.soft24hours.dictionaries.dictionary7
- UpdatedApr 1, 2023
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 5.0
- Version1.0.38.107
- DeveloperAnna Voronich
- Installs100K+
- PriceFree
- Categoryflag</i>Flag as inappropriate</a></div></section></div></div><div class="o45e4d"><c-wiz jsrenderer="Grlxwe" jsshadow jsdata="deferred-i18" data-p="%[email protected],true]" data-node-index="5;0" autoupdate jsmodel="hc6Ubd" c-wiz><section class="HcyOxe" jscontroller="NkbkFd"><header class=""><div class="VMq4uf" id="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="EaMWib"><h2 class="XfZNbf">Developer contact</h2></div><div jsaction="JIbuQc:Ptdedd"><button class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-LgbsSe yHy1rc eT1oJ mN1ivc VxpoF" jscontroller="soHxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;mlnRJb:fLiPzd;" data-disable-idom="true" aria-label="Expand" aria-controls="developer-contacts" aria-expanded="false"><div jsname="s3Eaab" class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-Jh9lGc"></div><div class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-J1Ukfc-LhBDec"></div><i class="google-material-icons VfPpkd-kBDsod W7A5Qb" aria-hidden="true">expand_more</i></button></div></div></header><div class="SfzRHd jqSImf" role="region" id="developer-contacts" aria-labelledby="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="vfQhrf BxIr0d"><div class="VfPpkd-WsjYwc VfPpkd-WsjYwc-OWXEXe-INsAgc KC1dQ Usd1Ac AaN0Dd VVmwY"><div class="VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc" jscontroller="tKHFxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;"><a class="Si6A0c RrSxVb" target="_blank" href="https://soft24hours.com"><i class="google-material-icons j25Vu" aria-hidden="true">language</i><div class="pZ8Djf"><div class="xFVDSb">Website</div><div class="pSEeg">https://soft24hours.com</div></div></a><div class="VfPpkd-FJ5hab"></div></div><span class="VfPpkd-BFbNVe-bF1uUb NZp2ef" aria-hidden="true">
- DeveloperPortugal Pombal 3100-394
- Google Play Link
Anna Voronich Show More...
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Horse Scanner 12.1.0-G APK
The Horse Scanner app will identify your horse's breed reliably injust a few seconds! Besides taking a picture, you can also record avideo or upload an image from your gallery. No horse around?Doesn’t matter! The Horse Scanner app also recognizes humans:Simply scan yourself, your friends, your family or the peoplearound you and find out which horse you resemble the most! ------NEW! Become a part of our Horse Scanner community! Share yourresults and compare them to the results of the community! Uploadpictures of your favorite horse to our Social Feed and share themwith other horse lovers! Have a look at the profiles and photos ofother users, like and comment on posts from the community andfilter them by date or popularity! Additionally, you can easilyshare your posts with your friends by simply sending a picturedirectly from the Horse Scanner app. ------ NEW! Catch all horsebreeds and become an expert! Catch all the horse breeds with ourGamification feature – just like in Pokémon Go! Master thechallenges, earn virtual treats and become a true horse expert!Compete with your friends or users from the community and climb tothe top of our ranking list! ------ So many horse breeds in theHorse Scanner app! The Horse Scanner app currently identifies morethan 160 different horse breeds, including all common breeds fromthe Andalusian Horse to the Tennessee Walking Horse, as well asmany other popular national and international horse breeds! Ourcomprehensive database with information and pictures of allsupported horse breeds (including the unofficial ones) can also beaccessed completely without scanning! Give us feedback on the HorseScanner app! Let us know if the horse’s breed has been correctlyidentified. If not, you will get useful tips to improve your ownresults. If you also indicate which horse breed is in the picture,you help us to enhance our software since the app automaticallylearns how to provide even more accurate outcomes. Also suggest orvote for (unofficial) horse breeds that you want us to add to theapp in the future! Get your premium upgrade! With our premiumversion, the app will no longer show ads and your results will beavailable faster. Furthermore, you can now choose whether yourhorse breeds should be recognized rather quickly or with higheraccuracy. With the premium version, scanning horses is alsopossible in offline mode, so you no longer need an active internetconnection to identify their breeds. With the optional in-apppurchase of our premium version, you will also help to support thisapp. ------ Find us on social media! On our social media channelswe provide you with the most beautiful horse pictures from thecommunity. You will also find many interesting facts about yourfavorite animal. Furthermore, we will keep you updated on all newadded features of the Horse Scanner app in the future. * Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/horsescanner_app * Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HorseScannerApp * Twitter:https://twitter.com/HorseScannerApp ------ Just give it a shot!Horse recognition as easy as it gets! Despite the small app sizeyou will get all features and be able to identify a horse’s breedor get access to our extensive database at any time! Simply scanyour horse with the app and the horse breed will automatically bedetermined within seconds! Download the Horse Scanner app now!