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Message Quest is a tiny stained-glass point-and-clickadventureabout laziness and its herald. The atmosphere and storywereinspired y a well-known Japanese animation studio. This isthestory of a lazy herald called Feste. You may know heralds, theguyswho show up at the beginning of every story, looking for a herotodeliver that “call to adventure” thing to. You know, rightbeforethe interesting stuff starts to happen. That’s exactly ourFeste'sjob: find a hero, give them their call to adventure, and bedonewith it. No exploits, no saving the world. But all he wants todois sleep and eat candy. You must become his conscience and leadhimthrough the struggles and strange encounters of the RoadBetweenWorlds. A cute fantastic journey for one evening—the gamelastsabout an hour and a half, so you’ll get the full story inonesession. The adventure will be fun for children and adultsalike.Message Quest is an RPG for anyone who loves unusual talesoffantasy. Features: - Unusual stained-glass graphics thatmakeeverything look like a fairy tale; - Charming characterswithunpredictable reactions who share their stories; - Puzzleswithtraditional mechanics that allow you to fully enjoy thestorywithout losing game immersion; "- Funny boss fights in trueJRPGstyle with zany attacks and bonuses; - A new dialogue systemthatallows you to control multiple characters in a conversation;"-Jokes and easter eggs that will surprise you when you leastexpectit; - A magical soundtrack written especially for MessageQuestthat will immerse you in the bizarre fantasy universe of theRoadBetween Worlds.