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Download Unde imi e telefonul?_Latest Version.apk from Apk-Dl Server

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Note: Download and save the apk file to your Android Phone's SD card and install it manually onto the Android device.


Esti utilizator de telefon Android? TelekomRomania Mobile iti ofera “Unde imi e telefonul?”!

O aplicatie simpla si utila, cu ajutorul careia iti gasestitelefonul acasa sau la birou cat ai bate din palme! Sau cat aifluiera!

Odata ce sunetul ales de tine este detectat, telefonul varaspunde prin redarea unei notificari audio predefinite.
Daca vrei, se poate aprinde doar ecranul. Gasesti telefonul intr-ocamera intunecata, fara sa deranjezi.

In plus, daca telefonul este setat pe vibratii sau silentios,aplicatia poate fi solicitata sa iti redea totusi notificareasonora.

Aplicatia utilizeaza algoritmi de identificare si prelucrare asunetului, iar functionarea poate fi afectata de diversi factoriexterni.

Are you Android phoneuser? Romania Mobile Telekom offers "Where's my phone?"!

A simple and useful application, with which you find your homeor office as you clap your hands! Or as you whiz!

Once your chosen sound is detected, the phone will respond byplaying a predefined audio notifications.
If you want, you can only illuminate the screen. Find phone in adark room without bothering.

In addition, if the phone is set to vibrate or silent, theapplication may be required to play however you soundnotification.

The application uses algorithms to identify and Mixers and canbe affected by various factors.