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Crocheted bracelets are fun and stylish towearwith just about anything. They are especially fun in thesummer asyou can crochet them in bright and cheerful colors tomatch the restof the summery outfit that you might choose. In thisway you can useup your odds and ends, making it rather inexpensiveto accessorizeyour wardrobe.

And just because they are crocheted doesn't mean that theycan'tbe elegant enough to wear to parties, weddings and otherfancyoccasions. Quite to the contrary, crocheted bracelets can bejustas elegant as anything store-bought. You just need therightmaterial, the right color and the right pattern. Honestly,you'llbe amazed at what you can create once you get started.

My favorite material is a fine yarn or a size 3 or 10crochetthread. The beauty of the thread is that it allows for lotsofdetails in the pattern while still keeping the bracelet narrow.Andthese are the bracelets you can wear at weddings and otherfancyoccasions.

Embroidery floss is another material to consider as it's onthethin side too. And the colors available in the floss aretotallyamazing!

A thin and flexible wire is also suitable for crochetinganelegant bracelet. The only thing with wire is that it canbedifficult to work with. Thus, you might need a bit ofpracticeuntil you're able to keep the stitches at the sametension.Crocheting with wire can also be hard on the hands, so youmightneed to pace yourself in order to avoid any injuries.

Last, but not least, are beads. The beauty of beads is thatyoucan string them over your material. Just make sure they have aholebig enough to fit over the material that you have chosen toworkwith.

And if you're looking to make something a bit wider, youcanchoose a worsted weight yarn. These bracelets are not only quicktowhip up, but they'll also help to keep your wrists warmandcozy.

As for your closure, many bracelets are designed to simplyslipover the hand. This is the quick and easy way to makethem.However, you can also purchase a bracelet clasp at the yarnorcraft store. Another option is to simply tie the bracelet soitfits snug around the wrist.

Crocheted bracelets can also be a lot of fun for youngchildrenfrom toddlers and up. Just remember to keep things safeifcrocheting for children. Wire and beads should not be usedforchildren's items to reduce the risk of injury.