장순길 Apps

Seoul Pop Keyboard 1.30
● Main features- Long-term key press inputs the capital letter- Home, End, Up, Down, Left, Right keys- No shift key● Multi ways to input▫ e → e▫ e- → E ∙ ∙ ∙ long-term press (0.2 seconds. denoted by '-')▫ E → E▫ E- → e▫ ▷ → Space▫ ✕ → Delete▫ ✕- → Delete repeat▫ ◁ → Backspace▫ ◁- → Backspace repeat▫ ↵ → Enter▫ ! → Symbol keyboard▫《 → Previous symbol keyboard▫ 》→ Next symbol keyboard▫ ? → ? (return to Letter keyboard)▫ ?- → ?? (repeat)▫ a → Upper case letter keyboard▫ A → Lower case letter keyboard▫ ㄱ → Korean exclusive keyboard▫ ㄲ → Korean keyboard▫ ❰- → Home and up repeat▫ ❱- → End and down repeat▫ ▲- → Up repeat▫ ◀- → Left repeat● Settings- Language and input > select Seoul Pop Keyboard, Language andinput > Default > select Seoul Pop Keyboard or- Language & input > Default > setting input method >select Seoul Pop Keyboard, Language & input > Default >select Seoul Pop Keyboard- Below attention might appear during the setting process. Googleshows this message for all keyboard apps. Seoul Pop Keyboard doesnot collect any text you enter▫ ! Attention This method can collect all of the text you enter,except passwords, including personal data and credit card numbers.It comes from the app Seoul Pop Keyboard. Use anyway? CancelOK● Korean character input method is described below▫ ㄱ → ㄱ▫ ㄱ- → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ 반 장타 (0.2초 누름. '-'로 표시)▫ ㄲ → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ (한글 전용 자판)▫ ㅐ → ㅐ▫ ㅐ- → ㅒ▫ ㅐㅐ → ㅒ▫ ㅒ → ㅒ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ (한글 전용 자판)▫ ㅔ → ㅔ▫ ㅔ- → ㅖ▫ ㅔㅔ → ㅖ▫ ▷ → 스페이스▫ ✕ → 딜리트▫ ✕- → 딜리트 반복▫ ◁ → 백스페이스 - 음소 지우기 (예: 소나무→소남, 소남→소나)▫ ◁- → 백스페이스 반복 - 음절 지우기 반복 (예: 소나무→소나→소)● 한글 수정 방법▫ 초성: 알+ㄷ–→달, 알+ㄷ–-→딸, ㅏ+ㄱ→ㄱ, ㄱ+ㄴ→ㄴ, 한ㄴ+ㄱㅡㄹ→한글, 석+ㅇㅇㅜㄹ→서울▫ 중성: 울+ㅔ–→웰, 울+ㅔ–-→엘, 울+ㅔ––→옐, 웰+ㅔ–→엘, 나+ㅓ→너▫ 종성: 잃+◁→일, 일+ㄱ→읽, 일+ㄴㄴ→인, 읽+ㅎㅎ→잃, 읽+ㄴㄴ→일ㄴ, 읽+ㄱㄱ→익▫ - ∙ ∙ ∙ 0.2초 누름(반 장타. ㄱ-→ㄲ, ㅅ-→ㅆ, ㅐ-→ㅒ, ㅔ-→ㅖ)▫ – ∙ ∙∙ 0.9초 누름(장타. 감+ㅗ–→곰, 꿀+ㅁ–→물)▫ –- ∙∙ 1.4초 누름(장타 반. 곰+ㅏ–-→괌→감, 물+ㄱ–-→굴→꿀)▫ –– ∙ 1.9초 누름(겹 장타. 울+ㅔ––→웰→엘→옐)- 초성 중성은 길게 누르고, 종성은 두 번 누른다.∙
Seoul Beat Keyboard 2.27
● Main features- AA, AB, Aa, Ag can be input consecutively- Short/medium/long-term key press eliminates multi-tap and allowsfinger muscles to relax- Letters are assigned to keys in abc sequence- High-usage letters get the first position of the keys- Automatically tune to user input speed● Multi ways to input▫ e → e ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ short-term press (0.1 second)▫ e- → f ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ medium-term press (0.4 seconds. denoted by'-')▫ e◦ → g ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ long-term press (0.8 seconds. denoted by'◦')▫ r → r▫ r- → Delete(✕) repeat▫ ▷ → Space▫ ◁ → Backspace▫ ◁- → Backspace repeat▫ Ω → Symbol keyboard/Next Symbol keyboard▫ Ω- → Enter▫《 → Previous symbol keyboard▫ 》→ Next symbol keyboard▫ ! → ! (return to Letter keyboard)▫ !- → ‼ (repeat)▫ Shift → Alphabet keyboard/Shift/Caps Lock release▫ Shift Shift → Caps Lock (multi-tap)▫ NmKr → Number keyboard/Korean keyboard● Settings- Language and input > select Seoul Beat Keyboard, Default >select Seoul Beat Keyboard- Below attention might appear during the setting process. Googleshows this message for all keyboard apps. Seoul Beat Keyboard doesnot collect any text you enter▫ ! Attention This method can collect all of the text you enter,except passwords, including personal data and credit card numbers.It comes from the app Seoul Beat Keyboard. Use anyway? CancelOK● Korean character input method is described below▫ ㄱ → ㄱ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 단타 (0.1초 내외)▫ ㄱ- → ㅁ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 중타 (0.4초 - 0.8초 누름. '-'로 표시)▫ ㄱ◦ → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 장타 (0.8초 이상 누르기. '◦'로 표시)▫ ㅗ → ㅗ▫ ㅗ- → ㅛ▫ ㅗ◦ → ㅌ▫ ㅗㅐ → ㅙ▫ ㅗ+ㅗ → ㅛ, ㅛ+ㅗ → ㅌ (모음 키 오타 수정 전용)▫ ㅣ → ㅣ▫ ㅣ- → 딜리트(✕) 반복 - 음절 딜리트 반복▫ ▷ → 스페이스▫ ◁ → 백스페이스 - 음소 지우기 (예: 소나무→소남, 소남→소나)▫ ◁- → 백스페이스 반복 - 음절 지우기 반복 (예: 소나무→소나→소).
Bighand Blueberry Keyboard 2.27
● Main features- AA, AB, Aa, Ag can be input consecutively- Letters are assigned to keys in abc sequence- High-usage letters get the first position of the keys- Long press or hard press can help triple-pressing keys- Automatically tune to user input speed● Multi ways to input▫ e → e ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ single press▫ ee → f ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ double press▫ eee → g ∙ ∙∙ triple press▫ e- → g ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ long press (longer than 0.1 second. denotedby'-')▫ r → r▫ rr → Backspace(◁)▫ rrr → Delete(✕)▫ r- → Delete repeat. After a backspace, it repeats backspace▫ ▷ → Space▫ ◁ → Backspace▫ ◁- → Backspace repeat▫ Ω → Symbol keyboard/Next Symbol keyboard/Set opts▫ Ω- → Enter▫《 → Previous symbol keyboard▫ 》→ Next symbol keyboard▫ ! → ! (return to Letter keyboard)▫ !- → ‼ (repeat)▫ Shift → Alphabet keyboard/Shift/Caps Lock release▫ Shift Shift → Caps Lock▫ NmKr → Number keyboard/Korean keyboard● Settings- Language and input > select Bighand Blueberry Keyboard,Default> select Bighand Blueberry Keyboard- Below attention might appear during the setting process.Googleshows this message for all keyboard apps. BighandBlueberryKeyboard does not collect any text you enter▫ ! Attention This method can collect all of the text youenter,except passwords, including personal data and credit cardnumbers.It comes from the app Bighand Blueberry Keyboard. Useanyway?Cancel OK● Korean character input method is described below▫ ㄱ → ㄱ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 단타▫ ㄱㄱ → ㅁ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 이 연타▫ ㄱㄱㄱ → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ 삼 연타▫ ㄱ- → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 장타/강타 (0.1초 이상 길게 누르기. '-'로 표시)▫ ㅗ → ㅗ▫ ㅗㅗ → ㅛ▫ ㅗㅗㅗ → ㅌ▫ ㅗ- → ㅌ▫ ㅗㅐ → ㅙ▫ ㅣ → ㅣ▫ ㅣ- → 딜리트(✕) 반복 - 음절 딜리트 반복▫ ▷ → 스페이스▫ ◁ → 백스페이스 - 음소 지우기 (예: 소나무→소남, 소남→소나)▫ ◁- → 백스페이스 반복 - 음절 지우기 반복 (예: 소나무→소나→소)∙
Seoul Keyboard 2.27
● Main features- AA, AB, Aa, Ag can be input consecutively- Letters are assigned to keys in abc sequence- High-usage letters get the first position of the keys- Long press or hard press can help triple-pressing keys- Automatically tune to user input speed● Multi ways to input▫ e → e ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ single press▫ ee → f ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ double press▫ eee → g ∙ ∙∙ triple press▫ e- → g ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ long press (longer than 0.1 second. denotedby'-')▫ r → r▫ rr → Backspace(◁)▫ rrr → Delete(✕)▫ r- → Delete repeat. After a backspace, it repeats backspace▫ ▷ → Space▫ ◁ → Backspace▫ ◁- → Backspace repeat▫ Ω → Symbol keyboard/Next Symbol keyboard/Set opts▫ Ω- → Enter▫《 → Previous symbol keyboard▫ 》→ Next symbol keyboard▫ ! → ! (return to Letter keyboard)▫ !- → ‼ (repeat)▫ Shift → Alphabet keyboard/Shift/Caps Lock release▫ Shift Shift → Caps Lock▫ NmKr → Number keyboard/Korean keyboard● Settings- Language and input > select Seoul Keyboard, Default >selectSeoul Keyboard- Below attention might appear during the setting process.Googleshows this message for all keyboard apps. Seoul Keyboard doesnotcollect any text you enter▫ ! Attention This method can collect all of the text youenter,except passwords, including personal data and credit cardnumbers.It comes from the app Seoul Keyboard. Use anyway? CancelOK● Korean character input method is described below▫ ㄱ → ㄱ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 단타▫ ㄱㄱ → ㅁ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 이 연타▫ ㄱㄱㄱ → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ 삼 연타▫ ㄱ- → ㄲ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ 장타/강타 (0.1초 이상 길게 누르기. '-'로 표시)▫ ㅗ → ㅗ▫ ㅗㅗ → ㅛ▫ ㅗㅗㅗ → ㅌ▫ ㅗ- → ㅌ▫ ㅗㅐ → ㅙ▫ ㅣ → ㅣ▫ ㅣ- → 딜리트(✕) 반복 - 음절 딜리트 반복▫ ▷ → 스페이스▫ ◁ → 백스페이스 - 음소 지우기 (예: 소나무→소남, 소남→소나)▫ ◁- → 백스페이스 반복 - 음절 지우기 반복 (예: 소나무→소나→소)∙