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TFboys之少爷驾到-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  “王俊凯,连我自己都不知道,我还爱不爱你。”  心中的爱恨,连自己都无法知晓。忘不了那嵌入骨髓的伤痕,可是即使努力想要去忘掉他,他的影子却还是萦绕在眼前永远忘不掉。  “不管多久,我都会一直等你,除非我不在了。”他执着地爱着她,明明知道很难回心转意却还是不愿放手。  “我这辈子都不想见到你!”  “分手就分手,有什么了不起的!”  口是心非,两个人的性格如此相近,到底怎样才能挽回这场爱情?明明心里都很难过嘴上却迟迟不愿作让步。  “我想要你一辈子在我的身边,我会一直爱着你。”  “嗯,永远。”  她和他却是令人最羡慕的一对,无论多大风霜雨雪都能走在一起。执子之手,与子偕老,或许这就是这世上最幸福的事情。  你要我如何做到不爱你?  故事还在继续,谁也不知道未来的结局,到底能如愿以偿,还是终究顺不了心?  “我还爱着你,只是到来不及了才发现。”  “我只是想对你说,我爱你的,能原谅我吗?”  “这样的我,你还要吗?”  这样的雨季,这样的年华,爱你,便是最美的事情。"Wang Junkai, even I donot know, I still love you."Love and heart, I even can not know. Forget that embedded boneinjuries, but even if you want to forget his efforts, but hisshadow still lingered never forget."No matter how long I will always wait for you, except I'll begone." He persists in love with her, knowing that it is difficultto change one's mind or do not want to let go."I want to see you in this life!""Break up broke, what is so amazing!"Duplicity, two people so close to the character, in the end how torestore this love? Obviously very sad heart his mouth was reluctantto make concessions."I want you forever in my side, I'll always love you.""Ah, always."And he was the cause of her most admired couple, no matter how darkclouds can go together. Hold your hand, and grow old, perhaps thisis the happiest thing in this world.How do you want me not love you?The story continues, who knows the outcome of the future, in theend be able to find it, after all, can not shun or heart?"I still love you, but it was found to be too late.""I just wanted to tell you, I love you, can you forgive me?""I like that you want?"This rainy season, so Love, love you, is the most beautifulthing.
[玄幻魔法]极品铸造师 3.0.16
  一个地球的机械小徒,机缘巧合之下居然和修仙师傅一起被卷入异界。  而想要回去只有两个方法,一个是等师傅的地仙修为恢复,还有一个方法就是用神器级别的魔法大炮轰出空间空洞来……看主角怎么融合机械和魔法,在异界闯出一番天地。Earth's only alittlemechanical, actually, and a lucky coincidence was involvedoutsiderCultivation master together.And want to go back only two ways, one is the master andotherrepair cents recovery, there is a way to use magic artifactlevelshelling out big empty space to ...... see how theprotagonistfusion machinery and magic, in outsider Chuang aparadise onearth.
EXO之天堂无路-EXO小说 3.0.20
  边伯贤——浅浅,我说过,不要拿走我活在这个世上的最后理由,看不到你疼的话我会难过。  吴亦凡——除了婚姻,我什么都可以给你。  鹿晗——我犯的最大的两个错误一个是我以为能控制你的心,另一个就是我以为我没有心。  权志龙——袁浅,我不是好人,不会做什么不求回报的事,我爱你所以你也必须要爱我,我爱你十分你不能爱我九分,不然的话我不敢保证自己会不会一不留神就带你跳下深渊。  都暻秀——对我来说你的吻是致命的毒药,而解药就是十倍的毒药,我这辈子都解不了这个毒。  朴灿烈——袁浅,从六年前开始我的人生就陷入了无边的黑暗中,我活着,我的余生都将会奋力将你拉入同我一样的不幸之中,不死不休。  吴世勋——我有什么办法呢?我从出生就比你小了三岁,我这辈子都会比你小三岁,如果是别的原因让你无法爱我也就罢了,我可以改,我可以做的比别人好,唯独这件事我是这么的无能为力。Bo Yin side - shallow,Isaid, I do not live in this world to take away the last reason,youdo not see the pain, then I will be sad.Wu Yifan - except marriage, what I can give you.Luhan - I made a mistake two biggest I think you can controlyourmind, and the other is I think I have no heart.Quan Zhilong - Yuan light, I am not a good man, do not doanythingwithout asking, and I love you, so you also have to loveme, I loveyou very you can not love me nine points, otherwise I'mnot sure heor she will take you to an inattentive jump into theabyss.Do Kyung-soo - to me your kiss is deadly poison, but poisonantidoteis ten times, my life will not solve this poison.Pu Canlie - Yuan shallow, starting six years ago my lifeplungedinto darkness, I live, I will have the rest of his lifestrugglingto pull you into the same misfortune like me, dieendlessly.Oh Se-hoon - what can I do? I was born on the small threeyearsolder than you, this life I will be three years younger thanyou,and if you can not let other reasons I love it when I canchange, Ican do better than others, except this things I wassopowerless.
[武侠修真]玩转倚天屠龙记 3.0.16
  历史,总是被人拿来qiangjian的;神话,总是等待人去打破的!  没有为换个环境生存做任何准备的他被无情的卷入的穿越的潮流:突然间,多了群全新的爱他、关怀他、恨他、仇视他的人……  在这里,他备受关注,这一切,是他想要的吗?  历史由他的到来变的乱七八糟,武林,亦不得安宁,无数不为人知的传奇纷纷涌现。他似乎成了大家纷争的中心而不自知,在那些友好或不友好的人的关注下成长着……  百年怨仇,生死交谊,纷杂无端,是恨还是爱?  不一样的历史,不一样的倚天!History, alwaysbeingbrought qiangjian; the myth, always waiting for people tobreakit!Did not do anything he was involved in the preparation ofrelentlesschange in the environment to survive through the trend:Suddenly,more than a group of new love him, care for him, hatehim, hate him......Here, his concern, all of this, is he looking for?His arrival changed the history of the mess, martial arts,norpeace, countless unknown legends have emerged. He seems to bethecenter of all disputes without realizing it, in a friendlyorunfriendly those people concerned about the growth ofthe......Century implacable, friendship and death, confused unprovokedhateor love?History is not the same, not the same Heaven!
陛下,宠妃要出嫁 3.0.16
  那一日,他大婚,一身新郎袍带着新晋侧妃到她这个堂堂正妃面前,赐下了两样东西。  一,是毒酒。  二,是休书。That day, his wedding,agroom gown with her coming to this side of the PrincessPrincessdignified positive front, thanks to two things down.One was poisoned.Second, the book is closed.
TFboys之王源,因为遇见你-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  今天苏七七意外的捡了条狗,一条好肥的狗,长的像嘟嘟,一时兴起就带了回去,  什么!狗主人来找了?!  什么肥狗因为主人抱了其他狗而生气吃醋不回去了?!我去!这是什么设定啊?!  纳尼!!你是王源,你等等,等等啊,让我去厕所冷静一下……  王源:……  好吧,我接受你是王源的设定了,可是!!为什么你要赖在我家!就算是为了嘟嘟那也不!可!能!  王源:每天看到我的帅脸你应该很高兴吧?  自恋狂!才不可能!!  ……  “王源,今天天气预报是会下雨,你要去开演唱会,记得带把伞啊,顺便带个盆。”  “带盆干嘛?”  “万一雨下大了你可以坐在盆,拿着伞划回来啊。”  “……苏七七,你脑袋里是进奶泡了吗?”Today Suseventy-sevenaccidentally picking a dog, a good fat dog, like along beep,brought back a whim,what! Dog owner to come up? !What fat dog because the dog owner to hold the other jealousandangry will not go back? ! I go! What is it set ah? !Nani! ! You are the King source, you wait, wait, ah, let me gotothe bathroom to calm down ......Wang Source: ......Okay, I accept that you are the king set the source, but! ! Whyareyou hanging around my house! That is not even to toot!can!can!Wang Source: see my handsome face every day you should beveryhappy, right?Narcissistic! It is impossible! !......"Wang Yuan, weather forecast for today is going to rain,you'regoing to a concert, remember to bring an umbrella ah and bytakinga basin.""Why bring pots?""If the rain you can sit in a big pot, holding umbrellas drawbackah.""...... Su 2277 foam into your head is it?"
王俊凯,听说你不爱我-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  明明在眼前,却触摸不到。  明明在身边,却感受不到。  明明在嘴边,却说不出口。  王俊凯,如果有下辈子,我一定竭尽全力,不再去爱你。  ***  “穆浅晞,你都毁容了还回来做什么?想被嘲笑?你也不想想,他已经彻彻底底地把你从记忆里删除了!更何况,你还毁容,坐过牢?”  一字一句的话语深深冲击着她的心。  王俊凯是她的牵挂,是她不能放弃的梦!  ***  “王俊凯!你特么睁大你的眼睛给我看清楚,她不是我打伤的!”  “呵呵,你这个丑女人说出来的话能信?”王俊凯嘴上这么说,心里却很动容?这个丑女人为什么给她的感觉就是莫名其妙的熟悉,莫名其妙地想去宠她?可是,他喜欢的人不是一直在身边陪着他的那个人吗?  “呵呵,你不信我?岁月就这么无声无息的让你彻底把我忘记了?王俊凯,你是不是太残忍了!”  “凭什么信你?我要护她,谁敢动她?连你,也不行。”  我要护她,谁敢动她..........  王俊凯,这不是你许给我的承诺吗?怎么可以轻而易举的对我说出口呢!Clearly in front, butnottouch.Obviously in the side, but I do not feel.Clearly in the mouth, can not even speak.Wang Junkai, if my next life, I will make every effort not toloveyou.***"Xi Mu shallow, disfigured what you come back to do? Do you wanttobe laughed at? You do not think he can thoroughly remove you!Frommemory more, you have disfigured, had been in prison?"Word by word words deep impact on her heart.Wang Junkai her care, she can not give up the dream!***"Wang Junkai! Special What you keep your eyes open to see me, sheisnot my wounded!""Oh, you say this ugly words can you believe?" Wang Junkai lipstosay, the heart is very moving? Why is this ugly woman gave herthefeeling that somehow familiar, somehow want to pet her? However,heis not always like the people with him around that guy?"Oh, you do not believe me? Years so silent so that youcompletelyforgotten me? Wangjun Kai, you are not too cruel!""Why I believe you? I want to protect her, she Shuigan Dong?Evenyou, does not work."I want to protect her, she Shuigan Dong ..........Wang Junkai, this is not promised to you I promise it? Howcaneasily export it to me!
王俊凯之薰衣草的绽放-TFboys小说 3.0.20
王俊凯、王源和易烊千玺  薰衣草的花语是:等待爱情!  等待爱情?我等待了十年的爱情!它就在我触手可及的地方!可就当我想去触碰的那一瞬间……它消失了……离我远去……  我爱他,但我却无力爱了……  飞机即将带我远离这座城市,就像来时一样,悄无声息……  这两年来发生的一切,更像是一场悲伤而繁华的盛世之梦。可当梦醒之后,剩下的,却只有恍惚、失望与伤痕……  这个城市带给我的快乐与悲伤,孤独与绝望。最终都会被我摒弃,遗留在原地。我将开始我的新生活,追逐梦想,摒弃悲伤,隐藏伤痕……  从此,我是孤鸟,你是飞鸟。天空,便是我们最遥远的距离——紫沫  当她走了,他才后开始后悔,开始反思。  是我错怪她了吗?她为什么要走?——小凯  时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在心里慢慢模糊……Wangjun Kai, Wang Yuanandeasy to smelt one thousand YuxiLavender language of flowers: waiting for love!waiting for love? I waited a decade love! It in my fingertips!MayWhen I tried to touch the moment ...... ...... it's gone awayfromme ......I love him, but I was unable to love ......Plane about to take me away from the city, just come assilent......Everything happened the past two years, more like a sadandprosperous dream of prosperity. But when we wake up after therest,but only trance, disappointment and scars ......The city gives me happiness and sadness, loneliness and despair.Iwill eventually be abandoned, left in place. I will start mynewlife, chasing dreams, abandon sadness, hidden scars ......From then on, I was solitary bird, you are birds. Sky, isourfarthest distance - purple foamWhen she was gone, he began to regret, began to reflect.I was wrong about her? Why did she go? - OscarTime will slowly settling, some people will slowly fuzzy in myheart......
TFboys之星光无限-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  关注大风微博:大风起兮uu  初见,她是走错男厕的小助理  再见,她跟着喜欢的他一起训练  感情正开始萌芽,离别悄悄来临。她在他们的演唱会哭的像个孩子。  重逢,他是她的新同学,他第一次正视自己的心。  而她为了爱,勇闯娱乐圈。  跌跌撞撞里星光无限。  他们一直在。Follow Galemicroblogging:wind from the Xi uuIt has shown signs that she is wrong men's room of asmallassistantGood-bye, she followed like training with himFeelings are beginning to sprout, parting quietly come. Shesangthem cry like a child.Reunion, he was her new classmates, his first face hisownheart.And she for love, Dawn of entertainment.Stumbled in unlimited starlight.They have been.
TFboys之巨星狂霸拽-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  【霸道凯爷篇:王俊凯❤沈九月】  他是TFboys里成熟稳重的队长王俊凯,四叶草们最爱的凯爷。但是没人知道,真正的凯爷是一个霸道蛮横强取豪夺的恶魔。所向披靡的凯爷遇到了超级不待见他的小妮子,小妮子毫不掩饰对他的嫌恶,看到他永远绕道走。这成功勾起了他的征服欲,看他如何将这小妮子抢到手!  她是个平凡的虎牙控剩女,一句“TFboys有什么了不起?不就是几个小屁孩吗?”害得她被王俊凯脑残粉推下水淹死后穿越了。穿到高考现场也就罢了,摊上黑心继母变态继父她也忍了,只是为什么美丽的大学生活要跟这只害死她的沙文猪纠缠不清?惹不起她还躲不起啊,看她施展七十二计逃逃逃。  【酷拽千总篇:易烊千玺❤白小可】  他是TFboys里冷静睿智博学多才的易烊千玺,四叶草们最喜欢的千总。兼顾演艺、学业和家族事业的他好静,讨厌聒噪的女人,永远一张冰块脸。老天不开眼,让他遇到了这迷糊还聒噪的小白痴,他甚至已经做好了断袖的准备,结果却发现一切都只是一场乌龙。无欲则刚,他必须除去这能够影响他的克星,他成功了,却发现心空了。  她为自由翘家来到母亲的祖国,只是没想到第一天就在学校里被母亲派来的人追得迷了路,好不容易见到个救星当然就扑过去啦!迷糊而迟钝的她压根儿没发现被扑倒的人浑身寒气,更不晓得她这一扑竟然就把自己一辈子的自由给扑没了。  【狂傲源少篇:王源❤于薇】  他是TFboys里最阳光最萌最可爱的王源,四叶草们最钟情的源少。没人知道,在错综复杂的豪门里长大的他,比谁都缺乏安全感,用狂傲筑城保护自己的他被冷漠女王煞到,放下一切防备去爱,才发现对方不过是个不值得他付出所有的贫女罢了,从此他流连花丛,却再也找不回失落的心。  她是山里走出来的贫寒孤女,一份好工作和一个温暖的家是她最大的梦想。凡事靠自己的她用冷漠来掩饰自卑,早已忘记了如何笑。一个在食堂旋转门里连撞七次都走不出来的笨蛋,却拥有刺眼的阳光笑容,她很讨厌。只是她没想到,这个她最讨厌的男人会成为她一生唯一的羁绊[Kay Lord handedarticles:Shen Wang Junkai ❤ September]He is TFboys in mature captain Wang Junkai, Clover theirfavoriteKai Lord. But nobody knows the real Kay Lord is a rudeandoverbearing usurpations demons. Invincible super Kay Lord metXiaoNizi not wait to see him, Xiao Nizi no secret of his disgust,neverto see him pass away. This success brought back his conquest,tosee how he Nizi grab this hand!She is a remarkable woman left eye teeth control, a "TFboysWhat'sso great? Is not it a couple of kids?" Which led to herbeingpushed Wang Junkai brain residual powder after the waterdrownedcrossed. To wear it when the site entrance, stallssinistermetamorphosis stepfather stepmother she put up, but whythebeautiful university life to keep only killed her chauvinisticpigtangled? She untouchables also not afford to hide ah, watchingherplay seventy-two count escape escape escape.[Cool drag thousand of the total articles: Xi Yi smelt onethousandsmall can of white ❤]He is calm and wisdom in TFboys erudite Xi Yi smelt onethousand,four-leaf clover 'favorite thousand of the total. Takingintoaccount the performing arts, academic and family businesshisquiet, hate noisy woman, always an ice face. God is not openingtheeyes, so that he also encountered this noisy little confusedidiot,he has even done off a sleeve of preparation, only to findthateverything is just a oolong. Desire is just, he must remove itcanaffect his nemesis, he succeeded, but found the heartempty.Her mother came to the country for freedom Alice home, but didnotexpect the first day at school by her mother who sent seekingthelost, of course, finally saw a savior pounce it! Confusedandsluggish, she simply did not find the person covered bythrowinghimself cold, but do not know that she even rushed to puthis lifeof freedom flutter gone.[Less arrogant source article: Wang Wei in the Source ❤]He is the most sunshine most TFboys most lovely Meng Wang Yuan,whomost love Clover fewer sources. Nobody knows, grew up intheintricacies of the wealthy, he more than anyone else insecure,withproud fortification to protect themselves, he was indifferenttothe evil queen, drop everything to prepare for love, only tofindeach other, but he is not worth paying All the poor womanonly,since he frequents the flowers, but never found thelostheart.She is out of the mountains to the poor orphan girl, a good jobanda warm home is her biggest dream. Everything on theirownindifference to cover up her self-esteem, had forgotten howtolaugh. Lianzhuang a revolving door in the cafeteria to get outofthe seven are stupid, but has a glare of the sun smile, shewasvery annoying. But she did not think she was the most hated maninher life will be the only fetters
TFboys之追星A计划-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 一次偶然,沈佳宁的生活中闯入了一个如月光般耀眼的梨涡少年。  为给妈妈看病,她成了TFBOYS的生活助理;一步步接触,她喜欢上高冷淡漠的易烊千玺。爱他,花掉了她这辈子所有的运气。  一次次的霸道相拥、一次次的失落彷徨。  直到他揽别人入怀、忘情拥吻。她才恍然醒悟、悄然离去。  再见面,她是高高在上的冷艳经纪人;他却负面缠身、一蹶不振。  片段1:  她手挽霸道总裁欧阳靖一,浅笑回眸:“不好意思,我们公司不签过气的明星。”  聚光灯下,易烊千玺双眸清冷,一如过去那般专注的凝视着她。  片段2:  酒会,她手执红酒杯,在投资商中斡旋:“如果易烊千玺出演男一,我会让他的事业超越巅峰。”  果然,他凭借演技和沉淀再次翻红,名气更甚往昔。  片段3:  雨夜,她光脚走在大街上,任由雨水洗落满心疲惫。原以为可以放下,一步一计划却终究只为他——她的月亮男神、梨涡少年。  身后,一双大手搂上她毫无防备的蛮腰。独有的性感声音霸道低语:“经纪人小姐,嫁我可在你的计划之内?”
TFboys天国里的星星-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  “比高楼还高的是什么?”“是天空。”“那,比天空还高呢?”“是天国。”  她对他的喜欢,从来没有减少过。  即使他拒绝了她的表白,  即使他离开了她,  即使他回来后变得讨厌她,  即使他开始不相信她。  但是——如果有一天,你成为别人的“麻烦”你还会呆在别人身边吗?  他对她说:“人是不是可以转化为气体变成空气,不然,我为什么发现一离开你,我就会窒息。”  她对他说:“我想,我已经不需要任何多余美好了。你,是全部的美好。”  “萤火虫为自己点燃亮光用自己的翅膀飞翔,从不忌讳谁的阻挡。成为天空里最亮的星光。”  凌晨四点五分,通往格谱街的大巴车发生车祸,车中无一人幸免。  他相信,她会变成天国里最闪亮的那颗星星,即使,是再也没有任何美好。  “比天空还远的是什么?”“是宇宙!”“那,比宇宙还远的呢?”“是你……”  本故事纯属虚构。"The rise is higher thanwhat is?" "Is the sky." "Well, it is higher than the sky?" "Yes,heaven."She likes him, and never had to reduce.Even if he refused her confession,Even if he left her,Even after he became disgusted with her to come back,Even if he did not believe her.But - if one day, you become someone else's "trouble" you will stayat others around you?He said to her: "People are not able to be converted to gas to air,otherwise, why I found a leave you, I will be stifled."She said to him: "I think I do not need any extra good to you, allthe better..""Firefly light shine for themselves with their wings to fly, whonever taboo barrier. Become the brightest stars in the sky."Four five, leading to the street grid spectrum of the bus accident,the car no one spared.He believed that she will become the kingdom of heaven's brighteststar is even, is no longer any good."What is far more than the sky?" "Yes universe!" "Well, it is alsofar more than the universe?" "Yes you ......"This story is purely fictitious.
TFboys之追击高冷凯皇-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  为了初一与王俊凯的那个约定,她拼命考上了那间贵族高中,却在刚到A市的时候,被三个小混混卖到了酒吧,沦为了酒吧女。  后来为了获救,她找上了前来酒吧喝酒的TFBOYS三成员,由于她不追星,并不知道他们的真实身份,只把这次当作她逃离此处的筹码。  却在阴错阳差中,遇到了与她约定的那个王俊凯,可是他明明记得她,却叫她忘记过去,就连性格都大变,与初一的他完全辨若两人。  一个冷漠冰霜,外冷内热的男人,明明深爱着她,却始终不愿意接受她。  一个温柔如水,绝品暖男,一直默默守护在她的身边,可是她却不爱他。  一个腹黑多情男人,总是想尽办法调侃她,却不知心中早已爱上了她。  三个男神同时出现在她的世界里,她该选择谁,是放弃那个约定,接受另外一个男神,还是选择继续坚持下去呢?  跨越不同时空的爱恋,不断的穿越,不断的寻找,她能否经历爱情的考验,与他再续前缘呢?
杨洋在左,天堂在右-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 左手执爱杨洋,右眸俯望天堂。  我亲爱的哥哥啊,我的梦,何时能够破茧成蝶?  -  “做我唯一的女主角。”  他清冷的下颚微微扬起,一如既往的骄傲,使花季少女望尘莫及。  “懿懿,我爱你。”  一如既往的霸道相拥,在七年后的重聚,他来势汹汹,令人不可抵挡。  “你别太瞧得起自己。”  在她堕落深渊的时候,他不再是爱她的那个深秋少年。  时光变得那么快,还来不及深爱你,便已悄悄阑珊。  昨日,唏嘘的一场赌局,今日变成一无所有的痛处,未来呢?  天堂告诉你……  茫茫未来中,我只寻你一人,守候十年。  我不会忘记,我要做你唯一的女主角。  十年霸道相拥,藕断丝连,十年若即若离,相爱相杀,十年痛苦割舍,纠缠不清。  总归有一天,枫叶落地,一切尘埃落定。紧紧牵着的手,一瞬间松开……Yang Yang love lefthandand right eye bottomed carriage heaven.My dear brother, ah, my dream, when they can becomeabutterfly?-"I do only heroine."His cold chin slightly raised, always proud that young girls inthedust."Yi Yi, I love you."Always overbearing embracing in reunited seven years later, hewasmenacing, it is irresistible."Do not you think much of yourself."In her fall into the abyss, he no longer loved her thatautumnboy.Time has become so fast, had a chance to love you, alreadyquietlyhearted.Yesterday, the sigh of a gamble today become nothinghurts,future?Paradise tell you ......Vast future, I just find you a man, waiting for a decade.I will not forget, I want to be your only heroine.Decade overbearing embracing lingering decade ambiguous, lovetokill one, ten painful to let go, tangled.I fear that one day, maple leaf fall, everything settled.Tightlythey are holding hands, instant release ......
TFboys之爱在了时光残骸-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  如果知道后果,当初还会动心吗?日夜留恋的模样,是否真正属于我。为爱迷茫,因爱而离开,还能怎样?  蒂自从母亲离世,就褪去了青涩与童真,超出年龄的成熟,直到遇到凯,多了纯真,打破了冰冷绝艳的传说。慕遇到了源,添了稳重,但稚气未脱。唁一把甩脱乖乖女的曾经,有了玺,不再像从前,做回自己。  为了能够资本的站在他们身边,忍受刚刚得以相聚却又要分离的痛,远远离开。与世隔绝的生活,只为换取一个世界的认可,本是高高在上的富家千金,叱咤风云的少女总裁,令人眼红的出身,却都是为了爱,而痛的残骸。  她们为了他们,一步步走来,她们是富家千金,掌上明珠,天之骄女:TIMEGirls,逆天的容颜。他们为了她们,日夜苦练,只为给她们最好的自己。他们是当红鲜肉,邻家哥哥,天之骄子:TFboys,强大的气场。  面对公司,面对粉丝,面对暖的退出,他们该如何抉择?仇人的虎视眈眈,情敌,又会怎样?有人支持有人担忧有人反对。原本安逸又不安详的生活,彻底改变了,不再回到起点。走上这条不归路,注定回不了头,当初自己的决定,没有犹豫,爱了,要代价,要付出,不一定要回报。  “一场不分手的恋爱在许多人看来就是一场笑话,但,却是我的愿望”
TFboys之携手到白头-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  她,戴葵,是一个考古世家的孩子,恋上了多才多艺的易烊千玺!  她,是一个普普通通的孩子,手上却拥有前往神秘宝藏的钥匙——古玉人!  因此,被所以文物贩子窥视,随时可能丢了性命!  易烊千玺受朋友所托,不得不保护古玉人,保护戴葵!  却发现她与自己的具有仙气的外貌相违背,实质是一个“水性杨花”的女子!  他恨她!她却粘着他!  与君前生今生,无怨无悔!  执子之手,与子偕老!She, DAI Kui,archeologyis a family of children, Fall in love with Yi smelt onethousand Xiversatile!She was an ordinary child, but has the hands to themysterioustreasure keys - Jade person!Therefore, the so antiquities dealers peek at any time may havelosttheir lives!Xi Yi smelt one thousand entrusted by a friend, who had toprotectthe jade, wear protection Aoi!But she found her own appearance having Xian Qi contrary,inessence, a "skittish" woman!He hated her! She was onto him!And the king of pre-existence in this life, no regrets!Hold your hand, and grow old!
深夜霸宠:调教小娇妻 3.0.16
  夏易风:  小丫头,你八岁时我就喜欢上你了~~  我堂堂夜氏国际总裁从二十二岁等你到三十二岁。十年后,你居然敢不爱我?  一次次给我诺言的人是谁?一次次打破诺言的人又是谁?  你说你失忆了,这又是你的第几个借口~~  小丫头,你到底敢不敢爱上我?  江梦儿:  我拿你当叔叔,谁知道你要当我老公~~  我可不知道你一直没女人是因为我,还以为你是有隐疾~~  还有还有,我是真的失忆了哎  爱你,敢不敢?再多给些宠爱,或许会吧~~  加油吧叔叔,我看好你哦~~  很多年很多年以后。一个童声问:“爸爸,为什么妈咪喊你叔叔,为什么妈咪说她也是你看着长大的?”  “因为你妈咪,很久很久以前就被我定下来,她是我的八岁小新娘。”Xia Yifeng:Little girl, you are eight years old when I fell in love withyou~I dignified night's international president, from twentytothirty-two-year-old waiting for you. Ten years later, I dareyounot to love?I promise again and again to people? Who again and again tobreakthe promise of man is?You said you had amnesia, this is your first several excuse~~Little girl, you in the end dare to fall in love with me?Jiang Menger:I take you as his uncle, who knows what you want when myhusband~~I do not know you have not been a woman because I also thinkyouhave a Yin Ji ~~There's also, I really amnesia heyLove you dare? More for some favor, perhaps it ~~Come on Daddy, I like you oh ~Many years after many years. A childish asked: "Daddy, why doyoucry uncle Mommy, why is your mom said she grew upwatching?""Because you Mommy, it was a long time ago, I settle down, shewaseight years old my little bride."
[科幻网游]游戏王KM2 3.0.16
在KM的故事结束十五六年后,邪神一族的阴影再次在世界上掀起了风波。KM's story fifteenyearsafter the end of the shadow again Cthulhu family in the world,setoff a storm.
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TFboys你家蠢星人掉啦-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 正所谓外星人当然都要有点不同的,  蠢星人特有的女主的光环√  蠢星人特有的傻甜的性格√  蠢星人特有的超萌的智商√  蠢星人特有的单纯的面貌√  蠢星人特有的娇小的身高√  蠢星人特有的随机的特长√  有了这些,什么男神攻略不了?  不过,似乎这个蠢星人有点蠢过头了呢~  喂,王俊凯!你的蠢星人又掉啦!  速度捡回来!不然要被勾搭走了!  知道现在这个看脸看身材的时代,  多少人会被这个笨蛋吸引嘛!  ——  一高一矮,  一强一弱,  一智一傻,  一攻一受,  一霸道一软萌,  超甜恋爱就此展开!The so-called aliensofcourse be a little different,Stupid star aura typical of female controls √Star stupid silly unique sweet character √Stupid Star Super Meng unique IQ √Star stupid unique simple look √Star stupid unique petite height √Star stupid random unique expertise √With these, what god Raiders can not?However, this seems a bit stupid stupid Star overdone it ~Hey, Wang Junkai! Your stupid star who has lost it!Speed ​​retrieve! Otherwise, go to be hooked!Know now look to see the face of the body age,How many people will be attracted to this stupid thing!-One high and one low,A strong and weak,A chi a silly,Offense, that is,A high-handed a soft Meng,Super Sweet Love begins!
TFboys下辈子约十年-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 “璇老板,你到底是谁?”三小只追问殇玥璇。  殇玥璇看着眼前的三位美男子,只好低低的说道:“我在你们眼里是虚无的。”是的,她来自另一个世界。  她的族人为了逼她回去,绑架四叶草,tfboys咬牙坚持,救四叶草,救殇玥璇,殇玥璇无奈只好说出自己的身份。  “以后,再也没有我的族人会伤害你们了。”虚弱的殇玥璇看着安安静静睡着的tfboys,开心的笑了。  殇玥璇的母亲亲临人类世界,要把殇玥璇接回去,殇玥璇不愿离开tfboys,被迫使用禁术,重度昏迷,而能救她的只有tfboys。  “你们选的越难,璇,好的越快。”一个四叶草时空盒出现在tfboys面前,为了救殇玥璇,他们毅然的选择了黑粉世界!  那个比想象中还要恐怖上万倍的世界!  不退缩,不害怕,不恐惧,只为找回四叶草,救醒殇玥璇。王俊凯、王源和易烊千玺"Xuan boss, you in theendwho is?" Asked Shame only three small Yue Xuan.Shame Yue Xuan watching three handsome man, had muffled said: "Iamin your eyes is nothing." Yes, she is from another world.She forced her back to the tribe, kidnapping Clover, tfboysadhereto teeth, Clover save, save Yue Xuan Shame, Shame Yue Xuanhad nochoice but to disclose their identity."In the future, my people will never hurt to you." Weak War YueXuanlooked quietly asleep tfboys, smile and laugh.Shame Yue Xuan mother went to the human world, we should notreturnto the War Yue Xuan, Shang Yue Xuan refused to leave tfboys,wasforced to ban the use of surgery, severe coma, and can saveheronly tfboys."You chose the harder Xuan, the sooner the better."Cloverspatiotemporal a box in front of tfboys, in order to save WarYueXuan, they resolutely chose the black powder in the world!On that even more horrible than expected times in the world!Do not back down, do not be afraid, do not fear, only to getbackClover, revived War Yue Xuan.Wangjun Kai, Wang Yuan and easy to smelt one thousand Yuxi
TFboys殿下专宠萌物-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  “韩小樱,你只准喜欢我。"凯爷撑起手臂,将某只小受困在墙角壁咚,“如果你敢逃,我一定不会放过你。“  情景二:  “喂,小蠢蛋,我从没见过比你还笨的女孩。”王源坏坏地朝她笑,伸出舌头将唇边残留的雪糕舔去。  韩小樱吸了下鼻子,仰头一脸困惑地望着他。  “简直蠢得可爱……让我猜猜,今天小蠢蛋的唇蜜,会是什么味道呢?”说着,迈动长腿一步步靠近。  “呃,你,你这个吃货,想做什么!不准过来啊!……唔!“  情景三:  “小樱,如果你不开心,随时都可以找我,无论何时何地,我的肩膀都能给你依靠。“千玺蹲在雪地里,双眸闪动着柔光……  大清早丢垃圾捡到只萌物!口中喃喃念叨着四叶草,本以为她是只迷路的狂热小粉丝,没想到这小家伙貌似是穿越过来的!  喂喂,上帝让你穿越的时候没给你金手指吗,为什么你可以这么蠢,把内裤当头盔套在脑袋上是怎么回事,走出去会被警察蜀黍抓起来啊喂!  真是没办法,三个人不得不教小家伙适应现代生活,其中发生了无数趣事,渐渐的,韩小樱似乎对某个人动心了呢。  她无法隐瞒自己的感情,也没法伤害他们中的任何一个,可是她的身份竟然是……"Han Sakura, youonlyallowed to like me." Kay Lord hold up his arm, a little trappedinthe corner kabedon, "If you dare to escape, I will notletyou."Scenario 2:"Hey, little moron, I've never seen more than you stupid girl."WangYuan nasty towards her smile, stick out your tongue to lickhis lipsremaining ice cream.Han Sakura sucked under his nose, his head and looked athimpuzzled."It was stupid cute ...... Let me guess, today little moronlipgloss, what would it taste?" Then, striding legs astepcloser."Uh, you, you eat the goods, want to do! Not allowed to comeah!...... Well!"Scenario Three:"Sakura, if you are not happy, you can always find me, nomatterwhen and where, I can give you a shoulder to rely on." OnethousandXi squatting in the snow, eyes flashing with soft......Meng was only early in the morning to pick up rubbish!Murmuredtalking about the four-leaf clover, thought she only lost asmallfanatical fans, did not expect this little guy looks like acrossover!Hey, God wants you to pass through when it did not give youcheat,why you can be so stupid, underwear sets in the head whenthehelmet is how it is, go out and be caught by the police milo upahHey!There's nothing, and all three had to teach little ones to adapttomodern life, which took countless interesting, gradually,HanSakura seems someone fond of it.She could not hide their feelings, but also can not hurt themany,but her identity is actually ......
TFboys捡个千玺来甜宠-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  在樱花学院里,只要一提起花兮兮这个名字,几乎每个人都是一副嫌弃的表情。  面对老师的无奈,老妈的咆哮,花兮兮也总是只能一个人默默的哭泣。  直到有一天,TFboys突然出现在她们学校里,  她这个倒霉的笨蛋学渣才终于被幸运之神光顾。  遇到TFboys,是她一辈子最幸运的事情,她觉得三小只就是上天派来拯救她这个可怜虫的。  王俊凯跟她成为了好朋友,王源为了追自己的好闺蜜也天天粘着自己,唯独易烊千玺看她的眼神总是有点儿奇怪。  她被同学嘲笑是白痴,他站在她的面前冷冷的回击:“谁敢说兮兮是白痴!”  她被老师批评字写得丑,他站起来说:“老师,我以后教她。”  她被老妈骂得泣不成声,他默默的站在她身后,默默的心疼。  他说:“兮兮,我稀饭你。我不介意你比我笨,不介意你比我矮,不介意你爱哭鼻子,我只介意你跟别的男孩子走得那么近。”  “易烊千玺!说多少遍了,人家不笨!”花兮兮嘟囔着嘴巴表示抗议。  他笑,笨蛋,我就是说说而已,你才不笨,你笨的话,到底是怎么虏获我这个学霸的心的?  【片段一】  “花兮兮,这个字不是这样写的!你怎么那么蠢!”空荡荡的教室里,回荡着易烊千玺的咆哮。  花兮兮无辜的小眼神此刻也不管用了,谁让她那么笨,总是把他的“千玺”的“玺”字给写错了呢?  【片段二】  “花兮兮,你姓花不是姓赖的!你哪只眼睛看到我偷亲了你了!”某男红着脸,死活不肯承认自己的罪行。  花兮兮眨了眨眼睛,却清楚的记得刚刚写作业写着写着,迷迷糊糊的睡着了之后,某个色狼偷偷的在自己的脸上轻轻的啵了一个。  【片段三】  花兮兮叉着腰,眼睛睁得老大,瞪着一脸无奈的易烊千玺看着。  “兮兮,不要这样看我,我怕怕。”  “哼!你是不是看上隔壁班的班花了!”  “天,她那么笨我看不上……”某男舒了一口气,慵懒地说着。  某女瞬间结巴,笨?那个班花明明就是永远被他甩在后面的第二名!In Sakura Gakuin, themeremention of the name of this flower devastated, almost everyoneis adisgusted expression.Faced with teacher frustration, mother's growl, flowersalwayslooking over only one person silently crying.Until one day, TFboys suddenly appeared in their school,Her hapless fool learn residue was finally luck to patronize.Encountered TFboys, her life the most fortunate thing, she feltonlythree small she was sent by God to save this wretch.Wang Junkai became good friends with her, Wang Yuan in ordertorecover his good girlfriends every day, sticking his own, exceptXiYi smelt one thousand always see her eyes a little strange.She laughed at by classmates is an idiot, he stood beforehercomeback coldly: "! Who can say that devastated an idiot."She was criticized by the teacher to write ugly word, he stoodupand said:. "Teacher, I will teach her."She was crying mother yelled, he stood silently behind her,silentlydistressed.He said: "devastated, I porridge you I do not mind you stupid thanIam, you do not mind shorter than me, do not mind if yousnivelling,you mind if I just go with other boys so close..""Xi Yi smelt one thousand! Say how many times, people arenotstupid!" Muttered spend looking over his mouth in protest.He laughed, fool, I say that is it, you just stupid, you arestupid,then, in the end this is how I learned to prize Paheart?[A] fragment"Flower devastated, this word is not written like this! How areyouso stupid!" Empty classroom, echoed Xi Yi smelt onethousandroar.Flower devastated innocent little eyes at the moment isnoteffective, Who she stupid, always his "Thousand Xi" and "Xi"wordto do wrong?[Two] fragment"Flower devastated, not spend your surname surnamed Lai! Youreyessee what I stole kissed you!" A man blushing and refusing toadmithis guilt.Flower devastated blinked, but clearly remember just read,read,homework, then stumbled and fell asleep, a satyr secretly inhisface gently with a bo.[Three] fragmentFlower devastated Cha Zhaoyao, eyes wide, staring look helplessXiYi smelt one thousand watching."Devastated, I do not think so, I'm nervous.""Well! You are not fancy took classes next class!""Heaven, I despise her stupid ......" sighs a man, lazy said.A woman stuttering moment, stupid? That never took classesclaiminghe was thrown back in second place!
TFboys之专属宠溺-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  腹黑少年王俊凯+胡小涵:  她望着推车上的蛋糕,星星的蛋糕、星星的蜡烛。  “快许愿……”少年催促她。  她微微点头,而后抱拳在自己的下巴下方,“第一个愿望:我想和我老公生生世世在一起……”  他笑了,他的小家伙让他不宠都难!  “第二个愿望,我的老公生生世世都只能有我一个人!”她俏皮的许下第二个愿望。  他有些窘迫了,他不开心的出声道:“这个愿望作废!我的心里当然只有你一个人,生生世世都不会变!”  “不行!许下的愿望就不能了!”她拒绝改变愿望……  “第三个愿望,我想要我的宝宝平平安安、健健康康的!”  “只要我的丫头会笑会哭会闹,我就高兴……做什么都高兴!”他真的要把她宠上天了!  “谢谢你,王俊凯……”  “谢什么?丫头,你要记住,我爱你永远比你爱我多一点。”  霸道校草易烊千玺+易小柒:  “易烊千玺,你不会以为我心情不好吧?你以为我会吃一个死人的醋?你心里的那个人已经死了!我才不会为了一个死人让自己不开心!”  易烊千玺的脸黑了黑,“我不想再听到这种话。”  “你不想听?我骗要说!易烊千玺,你心里的那个人已经死了!再也不会活过来了!九年了,你还要一直守到她的尸体到什么时候!你…”  “啪—”  脸上突来的剧痛让她彻底征住。  第一次……他打了她……  傲娇少爷王源+小兔:  “这是什么?”  当她把那碗桂圆枸杞红枣汤放到王源的桌前,王源马上冷着脸问她。  “桂圆枸杞红枣汤。”  “我有说要喝吗?”  “王源少爷——”她解释道,“这个汤对来大姨妈的人最有效了,补血益气,调理身心。”  “大姨妈?!”  “对呀对呀!王源少爷……我看你今天气色不太好,脾气也有点糟糕,一定是因为来大姨妈了,所以才会那么容易生气。所以——”她笑的灿烂,“我就给你做了这个汤。”  “快点,趁热喝吧!王源少爷——”  “你难道不知道“大姨妈”这玩意是女生特有的吗?!”Belly black teenagerHuXiaohan Wang Junkai +:She looked at the cake on a trolley, the stars of the cake,candlesstars."Fast Wish ......" Young urged her.She nodded, then Baoquan beneath his chin, "first wish: I wantmyhusband lifetimes together ......"He smiled, and his little guy so he does not spoil is immune!"The second wish, my husband can tell me there is only oneperson!"Second wish her playful promises.He was embarrassed, and he was not happy the channel: "The desiretovoid my heart of course, only one person you do not becomelifeafter life!!""No! The promise of desire can not be it!" She refuses to changethedesire ......"The third wish, I want my baby safely, perfectly healthy!""As long as my girl will laugh cry and trouble, I'll doanything...... happy happy!" He really put her pet a heaven!"Thank you, Wang Junkai ......""For what? Girl, you have to remember I love you always love memorethan you a little more."Overbearing school grass Yi smelt one thousand Xi + Yi Qi:"Xi Yi smelt one thousand, you do not think I do not feel okay?Doyou think I will eat a dead vinegar? Is your man's heart is dead!Iwill not allow myself to a dead man is not happy!"Xi Yi smelt one thousand black black face, "I do not want tohearthat.""You do not want to hear? I lied to say! Xi Yi smelt onethousand,your heart dead man! Never alive! Nine years, you havebeen to keepher body to what time! You ... ""Snapped-"The face of sudden pain in her symptoms completely live.The first time he hit her ...... ......Master Wang Yuan playfully + bunny:"what is this?"When she put the bowl of longan wolfberry jujube soup tablekingsource, Wang Yuan immediately asked her cold face."Longan wolfberry jujube soup.""I have to say drink it?""Master Wang Yuan -" she explained, "this soup to be themosteffective of the aunt, blood and qi, the body and mind.""Aunt?!""Yes Yes Master Wang Yuan ...... I see you today, color is notverygood, a little bad temper, it must be because come aunt, so itwillbe so easy to get angry -!." Her bright smile. " I'll give youtodo this soup. ""Come on, hot drink Wang Yuan master -!""Do not know" aunt "This is a girl thing unique to you?!"
TFboys离别霸道男神-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 初秋成长第四部·未完结  初中时代的我们,相遇,相知,那一年,我们许下约定,约定好等我们长大,再次与彼此相遇。可是,天意弄人,约定的期限已经到了,我们也都长大了,但,却无法兑现那曾经的约定。  王俊凯出国了,却忘了还有一个人,在原地傻傻的等着他;  “王俊凯,你怎么这么傻啊……为什么,不告诉我呢……”  为什么,我看到面前这个女孩哭,就有点莫名的心疼呢?  王源出车祸了,但却忘了还有一个人,被蒙在鼓里;  “王源,你醒醒好不好,我不跟他结婚了,我其实爱的人,是你啊王源……”  易烊千玺也离开了,但却忘了还有一个人,一个深爱着他的人,还在原地徘徊,寻找他的痕迹……  “你在哪里啊,千玺?为什么我的世界一片黑暗呢?”  千玺看着面前的她,捂嘴流下了眼泪。  霸道男神三部曲系列:追捕霸道男神,压倒霸道男神,离别霸道男神。  分别讲述三小只与女主之间的三个阶段:初中少年,高中青年,与十年之约以后的故事  *  想看追捕请戳→_→心巧《TFboys追捕霸道男神》  *  想看压倒请戳→_→君陌依《TFboys压倒霸道男神》  *  想看离别请戳→_→初秋《TFboys离别霸道男神》
我的兄弟王俊凯-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 她喜欢他很多年,他却一直把她当成兄弟。当身边有了佳人,他才明白她对他的重要性。那个时候他才明白她必不可少。原来这么多年,他的爱人一直是她。回头一瞥,她从未走远,一直站在原地等待着他。  很多风景,需要自己去看。很多人,需要自己去感受。  夏天也许真的是个恋爱的季节,却又是分离,因为许多情侣都没有能逃脱毕业就分手的定律,这像是一个诅咒,刻在每一个人的心上。  我们说好不分离,当你一辈子的好兄弟,不过请你记住,有一个女孩叫若言,她曾经很深很深的爱过王俊凯。------by若言  你对我来说是什么身份,我想我是模糊的,我不善言辞,但唯一知道的是,我爱你,若言。------by王俊凯
TFboys追捕霸道男神-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  初中时代,对于爱情,他们都很朦胧,却不知心中的爱情种子已经悄然萌发。  宫若熏,一个古灵精怪的女孩,从进入初中到至今,惹下的祸可没少!她一到来就把音乐室给砸了!续而校花大人的头发也被她点燃了!于是乎,为了防止她继续闯祸,霸道冷漠的学生会主席王俊凯出马捉拿她去当助手!  “王俊凯,我们来做个约定吧。”  让我们一起欢迎“天不怕,地不怕,只怕王俊凯”的小魔女宫若薰的来也!  凌莫言,一个霸气侧漏的女汉子,为人清冷的她除了自己的好朋友,便没有再露出过其他的情绪,可是,为什么王源一出现,一切都变了呢?  她竟然会吵架?会生气?而且,而且,更不可思议的是她竟然吃醋了!!?  “王源,你会等我的吧。”  校园冤家变校园情侣,凌莫言和王源的奇葩爱情故事就此开始!  伊可,一个纯美懵懂的精灵少女,不染纤尘她从未没有改变过。校花大人嫉妒她,好朋友宫若薰和莫言保护她。  伊可默默坚信着,暗暗下决心,要学会保护自己,却不料遇上了易烊千玺这个一直宠着她、护着她、惯着她的少年,她开始学会依赖这个少年,她想保护这个一直保护着她的少年。Junior high school age,for love, they are very hazy, but I do not know the hearts of lovehas been quietly seed germination.If smoked Palace, a weird girl from junior high school to enter thedate, Rexia disaster no less! She soon put the music room wassmashed! Continued adults and school beauty by her hair lit! Eversince, she continued in order to prevent trouble, high-handedindifference to run for student body president Wang Junkai arresther to become assistant!"Wang Junkai, we agreed to make a right."Let us welcome the "days fearless, I'm afraid Wangjun Kai" littlewitch house if Kaoru to also!Ling Mo Yan, a domineering side leakage female man, and his cooladdition to her own friends, there is no longer exposed to otheremotions too, but why Wang Yuan appeared, everything changedit?She should fight? You are angry? And, moreover, even moreincredible is that she was jealous! ! ?"Wang Yuan, you'll wait for me now."Campus Campus enemy changed the couple, Wang Ling Mo Introductionand wonderful love story begins source!Iraq may be, a pure spirit ignorant girl, she does not dye QianChen never not changed. Xiaohua adult jealous of her good friend MoYan Palace if Kaoru and protect her.Iraq can silently convinced that, secretly determined, we mustlearn to protect themselves, but unexpectedly met Xi Yi smelt onethousand this tend to baby her, guarding her, and used her youth,she began to learn to rely on the boy, she wanted to protect thishas been to protect her teenager.
TFboys不属于我的时光-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  本以为,在留下一封信后生活会像之前一样,归于平淡,原来不过太天真。  以前总觉得天国距离自己,很远很远,直到在遍体鳞伤后才知道,原来它一直都在等我。  曾经深爱过,她以为再也不会遇到他,却发现命运的齿轮一直在转动,他和她注定要被在无形当中的一根线牵引,互相伤害。  如果一个人的爱可以伟大到感天动地,那么任何事情都难不倒他,他和她似乎也是如此,即便是互相伤得遍体鳞伤,即便是她失去了记忆,即便是她的步步紧逼,最终她依旧还是爱上他。  他是她这辈子都解不开的劫,遇上他,除了死之外,没有办法再解开。  如果在你知道自己无法和他在一起时,你会选择离开吗?  “我都已经忘记你了,为什么你还要揪着我不放?”  “因为我喜欢你啊!傻瓜。”  “我不需要你的喜欢,因为我们两个人之间的距离很远很远,远到无法想象。”  “那么,我会不断的向你走近,直到不能够再近。”I thought, afterleavingthe letter in life will be like before, attributed to flat,but theoriginal was too naive.I used to think of heaven distance themselves very far away,untilblack and blue after the original it has been waiting forme.Had loved, she thought never met him, but found the fate of thegearhas been rotated, he and she is destined to be invisible amongaline of traction, hurt each other.If a person can love a great sense of heaven to earth, then beathimeverything, and she seemed to him, too, even hurt each otherblackand blue, even if she lost her memory, even her step by steptightforce, and ultimately she was still in love with him.He was her life are inextricably linked robbery, met him, butdeath,no way to untie.If you know you can not be with him, you will choose toleave?"I have forgotten you, why do you have me grabbing hold?""Because I like you, ah! Fool.""I do not need your love, because the distance between the two ofusvery far, far away to not imagine.""Well, I will keep you closer to, until no longer abletoclose."
拜托总裁,温柔点! 3.0.16
  新婚夜,他作为新郎却对她冷声警告:“你我之间的婚姻只是各取所需,永远也别指望自己能够成为这里的女主人。”  随后数夜,推开房门,她看到的都是他与不同女人在欢笑打骂。  人前夫妻恩爱,人后形同陌路,他们的婚姻不过是一场戏。  三个月后,她有孕在身。  他掐紧她颈项:“任蔚然,你竟敢给我戴绿帽,想找死吗?”  她惨白着连,只有冷笑。  那夜,他让她失去了她的至亲,腿间尽染鲜红……  她记得,他却忘了,那个酒醉的夜,他们曾经拥有的幸福……Wedding night, however,her groom him as cold voice warned: "Marriage between you and mejust what they need, and do not ever expect to be able to becomethe mistress of here."The next few nights, open the door, she saw him with differentwomen are beaten in laughter.Loving husband and wife in front of people, who became estrangedafter their marriage, but is a drama.Three months later, she was pregnant in the body.He pinched her tight neck: "Any Ran, you dare give me a cuckold,prepared to die it?"Her pale of even only sneer.That night, he made her lose her loved ones, make stained brightred legs ......She remembers, but he forgot that drunken night, they used to havea happy ......
女总裁的非常保镖 3.0.16
 身份神秘的男主角混迹美女如云的公司,从此福气不断。  上班有清纯实习生帮忙打卡,中午吃饭有美女上司的爱心便当,下班了还有美女总裁转车接送……萝莉,明星,空姐,统统粉墨登场,福气不断,爆笑不断……The identity ofthemysterious hero beautiful clouds were removed from thecompany,from good fortune continued.Teen interns to work there to help punch, noon lunch meallovingbeauty boss, work the president as well as the beautytransfershuttle ...... Lolita, stars, flight attendants, allbeautifully,good fortune continued, constantly hilarious......
[玄幻魔法]异世传说 3.0.16
  一个普通的小职员,一夜之间灵魂穿越到了一个异世大陆,变成了一个地位卑贱的庶出之子,他默默地忍受着残酷的现实,在他不断地苦练之下,终于激发出身体里面强大的异能潜质,在这个诡异的世界里,他不断地披荆斩棘,在后终于站在了世界的顶端。异能等级:觉醒者,侍者,斗者,灵仕,大师,导师,宗师,尊者,王者。An ordinary smallstaff,overnight soul through to a Different World continent, intoahumble son of a concubine status, he silently endured theharshreality under his constant drilling, and finally inspirestrongbody inside potential abilities in this strange world,heconstantly blazing, after finally stood top of the world.Abilityrating: Awakened, the waiter, the Big Dipper, Shi Ling,master,mentor, guru, His Holiness, the king.
庶女毒妃 3.0.16
穿越不可怕,可怕的是遇上一群奇葩,骄纵,蛮横,阴险,层出不穷。理直气壮抢她妖孽夫君不算,还要送她去和亲?难道她就是好欺的?来一个斗一个,来两个斗一双!Crossing is notterrible,terrible case of a group of wonderful, arrogant, rude,sinister,endless. Evildoer confidently grab her husband is not, andshouldtake her to the pro? Does she is a good and honest? To afight oneto two fight one pair!
下堂夫君:贵妻不为妾 3.0.16
 她是丞相府的嫡女,被爹娘宠爱着,生性善良,对待庶姐庶妹毫不吝啬,自己有的她们绝对不少。  寄养在自己家里的皇子她当他是亲哥哥,他受了欺负她定然帮他出头。  喜欢上了商人之子,不惜与爹娘断绝关系只为嫁她为妻。  却不知这一切都是阴谋。  洞房花烛夜,皇子哥哥将她玷污,不得已她成了夫君的小妾。  生产之时,正是夫君娶自己的亲妹妹之时,也是宰相府上下千百余口人身首异处之时。  外面笑声连连,而她的房间却冷冷清清。  一直以为的亲姐妹却给了她致命一刀。  孩子被杀,只剩一口气的她发下毒誓,有朝一日若能重来,她必让他们生不如死!  再次睁眼,她回到了被玷污的时间,琉璃眸中隐藏的痛苦让她学会了算计。  这一世,她定要改变命运,保护亲人,让一切重来!  设计她的贞洁,她便让你被万人骑!  欺骗她的感情,她便让你终身一人!  利用她的背景,她便让你高处不胜寒!  欺负她的人,她会一个一个来还,小白花醒悟的那一天,便是罂粟开满大地的一日!She is a femaleprimeminister entropy House, spoiled by the father and mother,naturallygood, treat Shu Shu-mei generous sister, myself and someof theirabsolute lot.Foster care in her own home when he was Prince elder brother, hewasa bully she will certainly help him succeed.Like on the merchant's son, the father and mother at the breakwithonly marry her as his wife.But I wonder if all this is a conspiracy.Wedding night, her brother Prince tarnished, forced herhusbandbecame concubines.Time of production, it is when the husband to marry his sister,andis also when hundreds of thousands of people in theprimeminister's house down decapitated.Outside laughter from the audience, and her room wasdeserted.Always thought the sisters gave her a fatal knife.Children killed, leaving her a breath under swear, if one dayagain,she will let them dead than alive!Eyes again, she returned to the disgraced time, glass Mouzhonghidethe pain she learned calculation.The world, she set to change the fate of their loved onestoprotect, so that all over again!Design her chastity, she will let you get people to ride!Deceive her feelings, she makes you a man for life!The use of her background, she makes you mad!Bully her, she would have one by one, small white flowers wakeofthat day, the earth is full of poppy day!
TFboys压倒易烊千玺-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  世界上再也没有比苏晓乐更倒霉的人了,一脚踏进男厕也就算了,却偏偏还和男神易烊千玺来了个“坦诚相对”!天了噜!谁来将她从“女色狼”的漩涡中拔出来?她真的真的不知道这是男厕所啊,千玺,我没有偷看你上厕所!真的没有!  一次偶然,跟他为了一盆花吵得“水生火热”,但是男神,原价100块的花被你瞬间哄抬到2000块逼她买下,你是不是太腹黑了点?  为了报复,她做起了赚钱的“小买卖”——高价出售千玺睡颜,在她数毛爷爷数的真高兴的时候,女仆契约从天而降!  男神,不就卖了你两张照片吗,有侵犯肖像权那么严重?  为了不进拘留所,她“忍辱负重”的住进了他家,发誓有机会一定要好好整他!  偶然看见了他“美男出浴”的样子,她就被他冠名的"千年色魔”的称号!  一不做二不休,她誓将“色魔”本性发挥到底,压倒调戏样样来,爬墙夜袭也不赖!可是,谁来告诉她,一夕之间,恋人变兄妹是怎么回事?  一张DNA鉴定。  她和他成了上帝玩弄于股掌之间的玩具.....  曾经,她是易烊千玺的私家女仆....  现在,她是易烊千玺有血缘关系的表兄妹.....  当她和他两个人终于认清自己的感情非彼此不可的时候.....  命运和他们开了一个巨大的玩笑.....  曾经的鹣鲽情深,变成现在乱伦兄妹恋.....  她和他,又该怎样去面对命运给他们的巨大考验?
TFboys之专属霸道凯皇-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  她是梦初夏,他是王俊凯。  他们的经历磕磕绊绊却一直深爱的对方,尽管一个个阻碍和隔阂的出现却没有让他们的爱情被命运所改写。  尽管一次次的分离,却没有让他们的温存被时间带走。  “梦初夏,听好了从今以后只有我有资格让你流泪!你是专属于我的!”一个角落里,王俊凯死死的逼着梦初夏,把她禁锢在两只胳膊中间根本无法逃脱。  “你这么坏小心没人要!”面对王俊凯的霸道,梦初夏依然气势未减。  “没事,你要我。”还有比王俊凯更得寸进尺的人吗?这霸道的样子让梦初夏快气死了。  “好好,我答应你。”权衡利弊下梦初夏还是答应了。  但是,这样的幸福却持续不了多久。  他韩宇轩为了自己心爱的人的幸福不惜剥削别人的幸福,为了沈雨夕能跟王俊凯在一起,他不惜一切代价把梦初夏闭上了绝境。  一个海边梦初夏穿着一身白色蕾丝边裙,头发披散下来,活脱脱像个天使。  她独自走在海边,等到日出后一步步走向大海深处,尽管王俊凯再怎么呼唤却也于事无补。  直到大海吞没她的身体,一场令人羡慕的爱恋就这样被断开了。  也许是苍天对他们的眷顾,让他们再次在一起了。可是事情真的就会那么顺利吗?前方的道路中,还有多少未知的迷途等待着他们?She is a dreamearlysummer, he was Wangjun Kai.Their experience has been stumbling love each other, despitetheobstacles and barriers one has, however, did not let their loveberewritten fate.Although a time of separation, but did not let them take time tobegentle."Dream summer, listen up from now on I am the only qualified tomakeyou cry! You are solely belong to me!" In a corner, forcingWangJunkai tightly dream early summer, she was detained in themiddle ofthe two arms can not escape ."You are so bad nobody wanted to be careful!" In the faceofoverbearing Wang Junkai dream summer momentum stillnotreduced."All right, you want me to." There are more insatiable thanWangJunkai people? This high-handed way so that dream summerfastmad."Well, I promise you." By early summer dream weigh agreed.However, this happiness but not last.He Hanyu Xuan to his beloved people happy at the exploitation ofthehappiness of others, in order to talk to Shen Yu Xi WangJunkaitogether his dream at all costs to early summer shutimpasse.A seaside dream summer wearing a white lace dress, hair loosedown,look just like an angel.She was walking alone at the beach after sunrise until a stepbystep toward the depths of the sea, although Wang Junkai callagainhow it does not help.Until the sea engulfed her body, an enviable love and itwasdisconnected.Perhaps heaven for their attention, get them together again.Butthings really will be so well? The road ahead, there aremanyunknown lost waiting for them?
TFboys之醋酸高冷王-TFboys小说 3.0.20
 自打他成了她的监护人后,她这辈子最不想见到的人就是他了⋯⋯  怎奈他老是不肯放过她,穷追不舍,甚至毕业后发现,他们竟然有婚约!  帅弊的长相加上零下一百八十度的杀人眼神,让她只能乖乖面对,根本那他没辙⋯⋯Ever since he becameherguardian, she most want to see in this life man is him ⋯⋯Persevering, he always refused to let her chase, evenaftergraduation found that they actually have a marriage!Handsome looks disadvantages plus minus hundred and eightydegreemurder eyes, so that she can only be nice to face, he simplyMozhe⋯⋯
青楼霸妃 3.0.16
  她糊里糊涂的穿越,成了妓院花魁之女。偌大的妓院中,加上老鸨才五人……  跟老鸨学勾人,与亲娘学阵法,向二娘学功夫。冲三娘学偷窃,问四娘学诗词,正所谓:艺多不压身。  她京城中最大妓院中的唯一后人,吃喝玩乐、游戏人间。却一不小心将自己送进了“仇人”之手。  成亲当日,溜!  洞房之夜,跑!  【情节】  女扮男装出王府,调戏美男不靠谱。  客栈内,女扮男装的她看到一个帅帅的背影,立马跑了过去,一甩折扇,十分优雅的抛了个媚眼。  “帅哥,今年贵庚?是否娶妻?家中还有何人?”  男子一转身,她错愕间迅速要逃,却不料被抓住长衫,无法移动。  他气急败坏的看着不安分的女人,低声吼道:“你在这里干什么?”  她内心忐忑的看着暴怒的男人,平静的说道:“喝茶。”  “喝茶需要女扮男装?”他恼怒。  “你吃饭还需要美女作陪呢!”她不屑。Through her groggy,becamea brothel courtesan's daughter. Huge brothel, with pimpsonly fivepeople ......With pimps hook people learn, and learn FIGHTING biologicalmotherto Erniang learn martial arts. Chong Niang school theft,askSiniang learn poetry, as the saying goes: more than bodyart.Her biggest brothel in the capital of the only descendants offoodand drink, the game world. But accidentally sent his"enemy"hands.Married that day, slipped!The wedding night, run![Plot]Disguised as a man out of the palace, molested young men donotfly.Inside the inn, disguised as a man, she saw a handsomefigure,immediately ran past, toss folding, very elegant thrownaflirtatious."Handsome, How old? Are marry? Home there who?"Man turned around, she was stunned to escape rapidly between,butonly to be caught gown, unable to move.He looked restless woman angrily whispered and roared: "? Areyoudoing here."She looked furious heart disturbed man, calm, said:. "Tea""Tea needs Disguise?" He angry."You also need to eat beauty accompany it!" She disdain.
EXO之绯闻女王-EXO小说 3.0.20
  她是生活在城市中的叛逆少女安慕希,所有得罪她的人都被修理的很惨,她尊敬强者但从不同情弱者,坚信只要坚持无论做什么都会成功。听从父母的安排来到韩国当练习生,却没想到第一天就遭遇了个下马威。  我安慕希天不怕地不怕,怎么可能会怕你一个娃娃脸的孩子,鹿晗?吴亦凡?明星怎么了?了不起吗?看我安慕希如何从一个小渣进化。  七月的风看似温暖却格外清爽,像谎言一般欺骗着所有人,鹿晗,如果之前我对你所做的还抱有期望与信赖,那么自从那么如花的少女出现在我面前时,一切都毁了。  孤身一人来到韩国,成为了让人崇拜呐喊的偶像,得到了所有人的认可,却输掉了全部,友情,爱情,亲情......  万年俱灰之际,陪在她身边的,竟然是那个冷冰冰的吴亦凡,命运的天轮,到底要将自己逼到什么地步。She is living incitiesrebellious teenage An Muxi, all offend her people havebeenrepaired badly, but she respected the strong sympathy for theweak,if we continue to believe that everything they do willbesuccessful. Obey their parents came to Korea as atraineearrangements, did not think the first day suffered ablow.I An Muxi fearless, how could you be afraid of a baby-facedkid,Luhan? Wu Yifan? How the star? Great right? An Muxi see howIevolved from a small residue.July was exceptionally warm wind seemingly fresh, like a lietodeceive everyone in general, Lu Han, if you have done before Ialsohave expectations and trust, so ever since then the flower girlinfront of me, everything They ruined.He came to Korea alone, became the cry of people worship idols,hasbeen recognized by all, but lost all, friendship, love,affection......All gray years on the occasion, accompanied by her side, turnedoutto be that cold Wu Yifan, the fate of the sheave, in the endpushedhimself to what extent.
杨洋来袭:扑倒迷糊小丫头-明星小说 3.0.20
  “杨洋!”  “砰!”  一声怒吼,一道巨响。  杨洋从剧本中抬起头,微微不解地看着面前怒目瞪视着自己的某女,而后眸光转向被她‘砸’在桌面上的几本杂志上,挑了挑好看的眉,“拍摄技术还不错!”  杂志上他与丽叶的合照几乎占据了整个版面。  不错?某女眸子喷火,‘砰’地一声,一拳砸在桌面上,“你这样怎么对的起姐姐!”  “你最好祈祷姐姐不要看到这些东西,不然我绝不饶你!”一把扫落桌上的报纸,转身摔门而去。  看着晃动的门,杨洋笑的苦涩。  以兮,你什么时候才能完全记起我,记起你就是那个姐姐……这杂志只是这一期的影视宣传,我会永远等你,等你醒来!  安以沫只愿做一个平平凡凡的小角色,在角落里祝福着姐姐与爱人,可是,突然,原本深爱姐姐的他为何开始对她柔情攻陷?姐姐又去了哪里?  姐夫,你不去找姐姐总是在这纠缠我干什么?不要用那样深情又沉痛的目光看着我,我会招架不住的。  什么?我,我就是姐姐?姐夫其实是我丈夫?  不,我不信,杨洋,你又在玩什么把戏,这一次,我绝对不会再上当!"Yang Yang!""Bang!"Roar, a loud noise.Yang Yang raised his head from the script, looked slightlypuzzledin front of angry staring own a female, then she turned toMouguang'hit' on some magazines on the desktop, pick pick niceeyebrows,"Shooting technology is not bad! "Magazine photo of he and Juliet almost the whole layout.Yes? A female eye Spitfire, 'bang' bang, smashing blow onthedesktop, "you how to play this sister!""You better pray sister not to see these things, or I willneverforgive you!" Saola a newspaper on the table, he turned andstormedaway.Watching the shaking door, Yang Yang bitter laugh.Come to you when I can fully remember, I remember you're thesister...... This journal is just propaganda film of this period, Iwillalways wait for you, waiting for you to wake up!An Mo only willing to make a flat Fanfan small role in thecornerbless sister and lover, but, suddenly, he had loved hersister whyshe began to fall tenderness? Sister went where?Brother, sister, you do not always find in this pestering me todo?Do not look at me with that soulful and painful eyes, I'llbestruggling to cope.what? I, I am my sister? In fact, her husband is my husband?No, I do not believe, Yang Yang, you're playing what tricks,thistime, I will not be fooled!
家有鲜肉是杨洋-同人小说 3.0.20
  我从人人得知的天后位置上跌自下来时,我才知道这本爱捧你的小粉丝转黑速度快得和上厕所成正比。  再度红起来,噢不,是黑红起来还是因为一只“羊”见“羊”爱的杨洋小鲜肉,而某天就在风高夜圆的戏棚内,某只小鲜肉学我当初,“误”闯戏棚,但他误闯戏棚的把戏可真“有趣”!  你要知道在我脱得光不溜秋时,一双因为带着红色美瞳而宛如吸血鬼,但又犀利得慑人的眼突然出现,直盯着我,那尼玛的感觉!无比震撼!无比的刺激啊!  当那小鲜肉在把我看得个一干二净后,只留下一句,“身材挺不错。”就急促转身而去。  隔天微博上就横空出现了一条,天后深夜练戏被色狼偷窥疑似不贞的头条……  恩,此刻,我就想安静的死一死,这杨洋鲜肉果真是棘手不可欺。  暖心小剧场:  “杨洋,你家媳妇来了。”尖锐又宛如童音的声音冲破我的耳膜。  这是在某次上演真人综艺上,主持人故意恶搞我和杨洋,所特地安排的!最炫!叫媳声!  我耳内塞着耳绵,踏着女王的脚步,身后跟着一只当红的小鲜肉,走进综艺节目上。  节目开始主持人不停的问我和杨洋的经历,问我怎么喜欢上杨洋。  我回答的只有一句:“恩,经历就是当红小鲜肉让一只小屌女渣渣弄得黑红黑红,然后自己却给自己挖了个坑爱上她。”  某只小鲜肉坐在我旁边,伸手戳了戳我肚脐上的那一陀肉,惊呼道,“媳妇,你又肥了一层肉夹膜。”  靠之!回家一定收拾这一只“羊”  可结束后,我却是被他反之扑身而来,嘴上说着不要,手却很老实的乱摸一通说要生个孩子。  为什么我就遇到这么一只很(并不)温顺的“小羊”?I learned fromallpositions on the days when you fall down from, I know thisloveholding your little fans turn black speed is proportional tothetoilet.He hung up again, oh no, it is still black and red as a "sheep"see"sheep" little Yang Yang love meat, but one day in the highwindand night round play shed, I learn a little meat At first,the"false" Chuang drama studio, but he strayed into the dramastudiotricks can really "fun"!You know when I get off light does not slip autumn, a pair ofredbecause with the United States pupil and like a vampire, butwasbreathtaking sharp eye suddenly appeared, straight at me,thatfeeling Nima! Tremendous shock! Very exciting ah!When put in that little meat I see a spotless after, leaving onlya"very good shape." Turned away on the breath.On the next day microblogging turned there was a, days afterthelate-night practice play was suspected of infidelitypeepingpervert headlines ......Well, at the moment, I wanted to die a quiet death, Yang Yangthatmeat really is difficult not to be bullied.Heart-warming little theater:"Yang Yang, you come home wife." Sharp and sound like achild'svoice broke through my eardrum.It is played on a particular real variety, the hostdeliberatelyspoof me and Yang Yang, the specially arranged!Coolest!Daughter-called sound!My ear ears stuffed with cotton, marching footsteps of the Queen,hefollowed behind a popular small fresh meat, walked onvarietyshows.Program begins host kept asking my experiences and Yang Yang,YangYang asked me how I liked.I have only one answer: "Well, experience is a popular small meattomake a little girl Cock slag slag confused black and red blackandred, then gave his own dug a hole in love with her."A little meat sitting next to me, that hand poked Tuo meat onmynavel, exclaimed, "wife, you have a layer of fat meatfilmclip."By it! Home to pick up some of the only "sheep"After the can end, but I was on the contrary he rushed fromthebody, mouth said no, very honest hands fumble a pass, said togivebirth to a child.Why am I such an encounter is (not) a meek "lamb"?
英雄联盟之超级召唤 3.0.16
  一个平凡的少年陈凡偶尔间获得了一件来自未来的英雄联盟召唤卷轴。  从此陈凡与他召唤出来的英雄们一起在都市闹出了一场丰富多彩的喜剧……  “主人,搞定了,除了跑了2个家伙……”  陈凡很淡定地说道:“莫急,跑?在我面前跑是他一辈子最失误的决定,卡牌,EZ,船长,潘森,寒冰,死歌,拉克斯开大灭他Y的!  啊?技能冷却?算了,让他们走吧,祝他们能活着走过提莫的蘑菇大阵……  什么?他们没往那边走?没事,那里不是还有小丑的盒子在么?什么?也不往那走?呵呵,别怕,那边还有大头的两台炮台……”Fan Chen betweenanordinary teenager occasionally get something from the futureLeaguesummon scrolls.Since then, Chen Fan and calls out his heroes together in thecityin a colorful comedy sudden ......"Master, get, in addition to running the two guys ......"Fan Chen is very calm and said: "Moji, ran in front of me runningisthe best decision of his life mistakes, cards, EZ, captain,Pension,ice, dead song, Laax open big off his Y's?!Ah? Cooldown? Well, let them go, I wish they could live throughthelarge array of mushrooms Timo ......What? They did not go to the other side? OK, there is not thereaclown box in it? What? Nor whither away? Oh, do not be afraid,aswell as the bulk of the two forts there ...... "
TFboys君王,你是卖唱的-TFboys小说 3.0.20
  身为中学生的俞千落同学本在为自己朋友所买的TF纪念碟片中发现被骗,决定回家后找卖家评理,谁知路踩香蕉皮撞了人,还把各自都撞穿越了。  身为相府小姐俞千落的她得知自己的未婚夫名烊千玺姓易时,一口茶水直喷婢女脸上。出使异国,俞千落又得知异国皇上是年满十八的王俊凯而此国王爷是王源,那一刻,她差点被自己的口水呛死。  到底是自己撞上的祸端啊,好在王源还记得二十一世纪,她才有了帮手。谁知后来两位封建记忆的帝王竟为了她,情敌相对,而这一时之间她竟没脑子的大叫了一声,“两位君王,你们可是同个组队卖唱的啊!”  听言,两位君主算是呆住了,而王源那杀人的目光可一刻都没停。  好吧,她俞千落算是认栽了。但是,这一切都是香蕉皮惹的祸!
我的漂亮女老师-都市职场小说 3.0.20
  清纯可爱的马尾辫校花,前凸后翘的美女老师,职业制服的霸道女警花,一个个美女纷呈而来。  其貌不扬的高中生莫小贪得到了一款能预知未来,过目不忘的透视眼镜,人生发生了转折。  面对各种美女的青睐,莫小贪这才知道,什么叫做财源滚滚,什么叫做美女入怀,什么叫做暧昧无限,什么叫做纯真爱恋……Pure and lovelyponytailbeauty, Alice after lordosis beautiful teacher,occupationaluniforms policewoman handed flowers, a beautiful womanfrom thescene.Mo greedy ugly high school students got a can predict thefuture,never forget the perspective glasses, a turning pointinlife.Faced with a variety of beautiful women of all ages, Mo greedyonlyknow what is rolling in money, what is beautiful in my arms,whatis infinitely ambiguous, what is pure love ......