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三國志榮耀(日本NO.1 百萬下載) 3.2.1
挾帶日本百萬人氣的正宗戰棋手遊《三國志榮耀》光榮登台!以真實三國歷史為背景,由日本畫師傾力打造硬派畫風,豐富的卡牌培養系統、歷史名將的招募俘獲、刺激的城池攻防以及充滿挑戰的戰鬥謀略,絕對是市面上從未見過的創新之作!★原汁原味的三國劇本在三國歷史與三國志的基礎上,搭建起最經典的劇情。從劉關張三兄弟開始,逐步募集三國名將,使自己的軍隊更為強大,最終在亂世中脫穎而出。★充滿策略性的戰鬥採用三國志中經典的技能與策略,令戰鬥更加精彩。地圖上部隊的移動,關係到遭遇戰的先後手;計略的適時運用,能起到逆轉敗局的奇效;兵種克制關係與武將必殺技的施放時機,就更是決定遭遇戰勝敗的關鍵。營造充滿策略的戰鬥氛圍,感受三國志的魅力。★募集名將提升戰力擊敗敵方武將,俘虜他並將其說服吧!一次不成功,就再接再勵,降低他的敵對度,如同諸葛亮七擒七縱南蠻王,最終讓他成為你麾下的得力幹將!★武將的強化之路武將強化之道不止一條。通過訓練、覺醒、突破等方式可以提升武將本體實力,此外,還可以為武將佩戴武器、裝備、武將魂等屬性增幅物品。★壓制城池一統天下打敗駐守城池的其他玩家,不斷削弱城池的耐久度,最終將其攻克,徹底壓制!壓制所有城池,則一統天下的目標達成,你也將得到豐厚的報酬。★限時活動玩法翻新在編年史的戰場外,還將不定期開放各種限時活動。在限時活動中俘獲罕見的武將,取得強力的裝備,衝刺戰果排名得到絕版武將,立下軍功提升自己的官銜,參與魏蜀吳三大勢力的地盤角逐……不斷變化的新玩法,帶給你不一樣的體驗!官網連結:http://sgz.gamefirst.com.tw/粉絲團連結:https://www.facebook.com/SGZRoyal/客服信箱:[email protected] one millionJapanese war authentic popular players tour "Three Yao Zhirong"glorious stage! In the real historical background of the ThreeKingdoms, the effort by the Japanese artist to create a hardcorestyle, rich culture card system, recruiting famous historicalcapture, exciting and challenging city offensive and defensivebattle strategy, absolutely never seen before on the marketcreative writing!★ Three original screenplayOn the basis of the three countries on the history and the ThreeKingdoms, erected in the most classic story.Starting off Joe Smith brothers Liu, gradually raising three star,so that their army more powerful, and ultimately stand out introubled times.★ full strategic battleThree Kingdoms using classical skills and strategies to make thefight more exciting.Mobile units on the map, related to the encounter has hands; countslightly timely application, can play a miraculous reversal ofdefeat; cast the relationship between the timing of arms restraintgenerals nirvana, the more is the key to victory or defeat of thedecision encounters. Fighting to create an atmosphere full ofstrategy, experience the charm of the Three Kingdoms.★ raise champion enhance combat capabilityDefeating enemy generals, captured him and convince it!Unsuccessful, they do better, to reduce the degree of hishostility, as Zhuge Liang seven escapement seven vertical Nanbanking, let him be your ultimate command of the right-hand man!Strengthening of the road ★ generalsMore than one way to strengthen the generals.Through training, awakening, breaking, etc. can enhance thestrength of the generals body, in addition, can also be worngenerals weapons, equipment, and other attributes generals soulgrowth items.★ pressing city dominationOther players defeated the garrison city, eroding the city'sdurability, eventually be overcome, completely suppressed!Suppression of all the city, the goal to achieve world domination,you will also get a rich reward.★ limit activities play renovationOutside the chronicle of the battlefield, will be regularly open toall kinds of time-limited activities.In the rare event capture limit generals, made powerful equipment,sprint victories ranking generals got out of print, set militarymedals upgrade their rank, Wei, Shu and Wu three forces involved inturf race ...... evolving new ways to bring you not the sameexperience!Official website link: http: //sgz.gamefirst.com.tw/Fans link: https: //www.facebook.com/SGZRoyal/Customer Service: [email protected]