數字科技股份有限公司 Apps

101原創T恤 1.1.1
101原創T恤,集合了台灣上百位設計師,聯手打造台灣最大的原創T恤王國,上百款圖T,有潮流感、可愛風、KUSO系列,各種主題式的T恤,讓您百搭不膩,輕鬆穿出您的個人STYLE,買T恤快上101!101原創T恤使用高質感油墨印花,耐洗不脫色,100%純棉20支精梳棉,柔軟觸感佳,舒適不扎身,彈性好不縮水,且通過SGS台灣檢驗,布料不易起毛球、不易退色,給您享受到專櫃的品質,卻是平民的價格買入。101原創T恤提供Android App服務,讓您輕鬆就可以挑選您喜歡的服飾商品,並提供台灣各大超商貨到付款服務!只要您訂購商品,選擇指定取貨門市,當商品抵達後,我們就會通知您前去指定超商取貨,取貨時再付款就好,用手機買衣服,輕鬆保障沒煩惱!
591房屋交易-租屋買屋查房價首選APP 6.4.3
"591 Housing Transactions" provides free inquiries about the latestand most complete housing information in Taiwan, with 600,000people looking for houses online every day. Real-time updates ofrental housing, old-fashioned housing, new construction, andcommercial real estate transaction information.
100室内設計 5.9.8
Look at the pictures, learn to decorate, and find designs. Thecumulative number of installations exceeds 1 million.
8591寶物交易-遊戲玩家必備 3.5.2
Provide global online games, mobile games, Steam and other gameinitial numbers/finished product numbers, props, game currency,point cards, agent storage/stored value, gift packs, leveling andother commodities to buy and sell. 8591 is the first choice forgame transactions, safe and favorable
香港8591-全港No.1遊戲交易平台 2.3.3
結婚吧 - 一站式婚禮籌備App 2.31.0
The Marriage Bar APP has the largest wedding database in Taiwan,meeting the needs of married couples looking for wedding merchantsat one stop. Currently, it has exceeded 200,000 new couples'favorite use, more than 4,100 user reviews, and app ratings as highas 4.8 stars!
591實價登錄-真房價看得到,買屋不吃虧 1.0.3
"591 Net Price Login" provides details of more than 50,000communities in Taiwan, 3 million real price inquiries, andcommunity real estate experts to help you find a house. It is yourfirst choice for buying a house to check the real price.
591實價登錄-真房價看得到,買屋不吃虧 1.0.3
"591 Net Price Login" provides details of more than 50,000communities in Taiwan, 3 million real price inquiries, andcommunity real estate experts to help you find a house. It is yourfirst choice for buying a house to check the real price.