thexap Apps

Multas de tránsito Ecuador 1.0.0
La mejor app que muestra los puntosdisponibles en la licencia de conducir y las multas por citacionespor infracciones de tránsito de la agencia nacional de tránsitoEcuador ANT.Puede ingresar cualquier número de cedula para ver un reporte de lapérdida de puntos y un reporte de las citaciones que le haya puestola ANT Ecuador debido a infracciones de tránsito.Muestra la fecha de caducidad de la licencia y el tipo de licenciaque posee.The best app that showsthe points available on the driver's license and fines for trafficviolations citations for national transit agency Ecuador ANT.You can enter any number of identity card to see a report of theloss of points and a report of the citations that have put the ANTEcuador due to traffic violations.Displays the expiration date of the license and the type of licenseheld.
Photo Inspiration 1.0.0
Improve your photography, get inspired by the best photographers.As a photographer you are constantly searching for inspiration indifferent sources. Here you have an app that allows you to browsethe interestingness photos in Flickr. Search photos by day, analyzethe settings the photo was taken, such as the aperture, the shutterspeed, the focal length, the camera model, the lens, among others.No logging to Flickr required! Just open the app and you have thebest photos, every day.