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Lombok Indonesia 1.0
Lombok is the most popular destination in NusaTenaggara, a province in South Central Indonesia. People head herefor both underwater and on-land exploration. Lombok is Situatedeast of Bali, it can be accessed by plane or boat.The island consists of virginal sandy beaches and a hillyterrain.Lombok is paradise mixed with a dash of adventure and a hint ofexotic.Lombok is a place to chill. Popular with honeymoonersLombok is an island that attracts the adventurous.The diving and trekking opportunities are not to be missed.Lombok is the perfect environment.Find out full information here for free!
Singing Birds 1.0
The songs of birds are one of the mostbeautiful sounds in the nature. Just male bird is known for singingin most species of birds. Each bird species has its own specifictone and style of singing. The female bird chooses their mate fromthe male bird’s song. Most of birds uses their songs to communicatewith other birds.This application provided information about singing birds.Find out full information here!
Hepatitis B 1.0
Hepatitis B is a serious liverinfection.Having chronic hepatitis B increases your risk of developing livercancer, liver failure or cirrhosis.Hepatitis B is a condition that causes permanent scarring of theliver.Infants and children are more likely to develop a chronichepatitis B infection.A vaccine can prevent hepatitis B, but there is no cure if you haveit.If you are infected, taking certain precautions can help preventspreading HBV to others.Find out full information here!
Tuberculosis TB 1.0
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectiousdisease that mainly affects lungs.The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from one person toanother person via coughs and sneezes.People with active tuberculosis must take medications for manymonths to eradicate the infection and prevent development ofantibiotic resistance.This application provided information about tuberculosis asfollow;...Definition...Causes...Symptoms...Complications...PreventionFind out full information about tuberculosis here for free!
Bad Breath 1.0
Bad breath, also called halitosis, can beembarrassing.In some cases may cause anxiety.Mints, gum, mouthwashes and other products designed to fight badbreath. But these products are only temporary measures.You can improve bad breath with consistent proper dentalhygiene.If you have bad breath, read this application so that you canimprove it.Find out full information here!
Ginseng Herb 1.0
Ginseng is well known herb.Ginseng root has been used as a medicine in China for over 5,000years.The root is usually chewed or brewed as tea. It is also availableas tablet, capsule and liquid extract.Ginseng root is a nutritious herb that has been used forcenturies as an energy tonic as well as to treat a variety ofhealth problems.Ginseng is found only in the Northern Hemisphere. The mostcommon species are the American ginseng and the Asian ginseng orred ginseng, Panax ginseng, Korean ginseng.Find out full information about ginseng here!
Selling on Ebay Guide 1.0
If you want to sell online, selling on ebay isone of the best option.Whether you're a big business or just trying to sell something,ebay is a great way to reach a lot of buyers.It's easy to get started.You can potentially start making sales as soon as you list youritems.This application provided information about how to sell on ebay asfollow;...Getting Started on ebay...Choosing What to Sell...Creating Listings That Sell...Completing the Transaction...Promoting Your ListingsFind out more information about how to sell on ebay here!
Free Video Chat Call Imo Guide 1.0
This application provided information guideabout free video chat call imo.IMO Video Chat Call apps has features to send messages and calls,send and share photos, and enjoy to chat with animate stickerwithout cost to you to connected with family and friends in othercountries easily.It is a unified communications application for all built-in textmessaging without charge.You can find information guide about free video chat call imo here!This application is not an official imo's application.
Apple Mint Herb 1.0
Apple mint is a perennial herb plant thatgrows tall and sometimes called the woolly mint. This herb isgenerally grown as a culinary herb.In early times, the Greeks used apple mint to clean theirbanqueting tables and also added it to their baths to rejuvenatetheir bodies.Apple Mint can be used in preparing jams, jellies, tea, saucesand desserts.The mint leaves contains nutrients which replenish our body.This application provided information about apple mint asfollow;...Information and Description...Benefits and Nutrition...Culinary Use with Apple Mint...Other Uses and Side effects...More InformationFind out full information here!
Herbs and Benefits 1.0
This application provided information aboutthe health benefits of the following herbs;...the health benefits of kudzu herb...the health benefits of lily herb...the health benefits of senna herb...the health benefits of grape leaf tea...the health benefits of sassafras leaf teaFind out full information about herbs and the health benefitshere!
Herbs and Health 1.0
Herbs are good for our health. We eat manykinds of herb, but we never know the benefits to our health.This application provided information about the health benefits ofthe following herbs;...The health benefits of jimson weed herb...The health benefits of sassafras herb...The health benefits of trumpet tree herb...The health benefits of wild indigo herb...The health benefits of sensitive plant (mimosa pudica)Find out full information about herbs and the health benefits ofherbs here!
Guide for Free FaceTime Call 1.0
If you want to make free calling, you canchoose from this application. This application provided informationabout FaceTime Alternatives for Android users.FaceTime for Android is still not available, but there are severalother video calling apps and essentially FaceTime alternatives forthe Android platform.Though it is not possible to use FaceTime on Android, but Androidusers can install other applications that work like FaceTime ontheir device, such as Google Hangouts, Skype, Viber, OoVoo etc.This application guides you to make free FaceTime call onmobile. You can make your phone for free video call with severalalternatives.Find out full information about guide for free FaceTime callhere!This application is not an official FaceTime application.
Toxic Hepatitis 1.0
Toxic hepatitis is an inflammation of liver inreaction to certain substances to which we're exposed. Toxichepatitis can be caused by chemicals, alcohol, drugs or nutritionalsupplements.Sometimes, toxic hepatitis develops within hours or days ofexposure to a toxin. Sometimes, it may take months of regular usebefore signs and symptoms of toxic hepatitis appear.In some cases, toxic hepatitis can permanently damage yourliver, leading to liver failure.Find out full information about toxic hepatitis here!
Cambodia Travel Guide 1.0
Each year, some people think hard wheretospend their holidays because there are many nice places intheworld to go.Cambodia is one of the interesting country to visit.The beauty of Cambodia goes far beyond the famous AngkorWatruins or the charm of the Khmer people simple life style andthecountry’s food culture.In the Khmer diet, rice and freshwater fish play big rolesbecauseof the abundance of both.Why not spend your holidays to Cambodia?This application provided information guide about Cambodiaasfollow;...Top 10 Things to Do in Cambodia...Top 10 Hotels in Cambodia...What to Eat in Cambodia...What to Buy in Cambodia...Cambodia WeatherFind out full information here and spend your holidays toCambodiaif you have chance!Have a nice holiday!
Vietnam Dalat 1.0
If you plan to spend your holidays to Vietnam,do not forget Dalat.Dalat is a young city compared to other cities in the south ofVietnam such as Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang as it was foundedonly in the late 1890s.Dalat is a south central Vietnamese town that offers travelersgood weather, great food, fun shopping and plenty of things todo.Dalat features many interesting landmarks.Visitors can spot French villas and chalets in the FrenchQuarter located not far from the city centre.The minority villages located nearby Dalat are a must for thosewanting to see the ‘real’ Vietnam as the villagers are keepingtheir traditional ways of life extant.Dalat has many options for fine and interesting dining.Dalat cuisine is all about fresh produce and lots of it.Dalat is famous for its rich colonial atmosphere as well as forhaving many great natural sites.The best hotels in Dalat are set within a tranquil landscape offlowers, waterfalls, farmlands, lakes, springs, and colonial Frenchstructures.This application provided information about Dalat in Vietnam asfollow;...10 Best Cheap Hotels in Dalat...Dalat Attractions...Dalat Activities...Dalat Nightlife...Dalat RestaurantsWould it be better to know about Dalat before visitingthere?Find out full information here for free!
Malaria 1.0
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite,transmitted by infected mosquitoes bite.Malaria kills an estimated 1 million people each year worldwide.Malaria is still prevalent in tropical and subtropicalcountries.Scientists around the world are working to develop a vaccine toprevent malaria.If you're traveling to locations where malaria is common, takepreventive medicine before, during and after your trip.Malaria can be fatal.This application provided information about malaria asfollow;...Symptoms of malaria...Causes of malaria...Risk factors of malaria...Complications of malaria...PreventionFind out full information here!
Diabetes Insipidus 1.0
Diabetes insipidus is an uncommon disordercharacterized by intense thirst, despite the drinking of fluids,and the excretion of large amounts of urine.Diabetes insipidus is the result of your body not properlyproducing, storing or releasing a key hormone.Diabetes insipidus can also occur when your kidneys are unableto respond properly to that hormone.This application provided information about diabetes insipidusas follow;...Symptoms...Causes...Complications...Preparing for your appointment...Treatments and drugsFind out full information here!
Herbs for Your Health 1.0
This application provided information aboutthehealth benefits of the following herbs;...the health benefits of chokeberry tea...the health benefits of bupleurum herb...the health benefits of foxglove herb...the health benefits of lovage herb...the health benefits of bupleurum teaFind out full information here!
How to Take Care of a Parakeet 1.0
Have you ever planed to have abeautifulparakeet?The parakeet makes lively and attractive with thebrightplumage.The common pet parakeet belongs to the familyMelopsittacusundulatus.Parakeet is a type of small parrot, long-tailed andseedeating.Though relatively easy birds to care for, parakeet need aproperdiet, clean surroundings, social interaction, andmentalstimulation.If you plan to have a parakeet, this application may be usefultoyou.This application provided information about how to take care ofaparakeet as follow;...Choosing a Parakeet...Preparing the Cage...Providing Daily Care for Your Parakeet...Tips...WarningsFind out full information about how take care of aparakeethere!
Manila Philippines 1.0
Manila was once Asia’s star attraction anditcontinues to shine with its east-meets-west colonialarchitecture.Manila's attractions are not exclusively man made; naturalbeautyis abundant around the city with various parks and thefamous‘Manila sunset'.Manila offers a wide selection of adventurous activities.Almost every city block or two of Metro Manila has a mall,mostlyclosing at 21:00.There are clusters of restaurants and bars in San JuanGreenhillsand Mandaluyong City Ortigas Center.Find out full information about Manila here for free!
Dandruff Problem 1.0
Dandruff is a common chronic scalp conditionbyflaking of the skin on your scalp.It can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat.Dandruff usually can be controlled. Mild cases of dandruffmayjust need daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser.You might have great hair and great looks, but it is hard tohideif you have dandruff on your hair and it can bequiteembarrassing.Sometimes you never realize the fact that others areobservingyou scratch your scalp every now and then.Dandruff is a common disorder and around 50% of thepopulationget dandruff. There are several causes that cancausedandruff.This application provided information about dandruff problemasfollow;...Symptoms of Dandruff...Causes of Dandruff...Risk Factors of Dandruff...Natural Remedies for Dandruff...Treatments and DrugsLearn to keep your healthy hair without dandruff.Find out full information here!
Free Viber Video Call Guide 1.0
Here is the best guide for viber free callthathelps you to know more about how to use viber app to sendfreemessages and phone calls to friends and family on a smart phoneandcomputer.This guide app also helps you to know about viber downloadandinstalling for PC.It is a good reference guide of a popular social communication app.Viber is the best application on smart phones used to makefreecall worldwide.Viber is a useful service. You can make free call, send photos,sendtext and video messages to other viber users withoutcharge.It is useful way to chat with friends and family abroad.You can make free call and send texts via Wi-Fi or your 3G dataonyour mobile device as well as from a computer, using thedesktopapp.This application provided information about how to use viberfreeapp as follow; to install viber for to use viber on a smart phone...making call on to send text with to use viber on a ComputerIf you are interested in using viber for free communicationcall,chat with friends, send text, send photos and video messagestopeople worldwide, find out full information here!This guide app is not an official viber application.
Luang Prabang Attractions 1.0
The ancient town of Luang Prabangwasdesignated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995.Luang Prabang is often described as the 'Jewel in LaosCrown'.Even though the town is well and truly on the tourist trail,it hasnonetheless managed to preserve its natural splendor andinherentcharm.The majority of the city's sights can be reached on foot.You can get a map and visit many temples, It is a good way tosoakup the surroundings and observe the way of the Lao people, andthelarge monk community. The wonder of the ancient temples isapparentat first glance.This application provided information about LuangPrabangattractions as follow;...Mount Phousi in Luang Prabang...Pak Ou Caves near Luang Prabang...Kuang Si Waterfall near Luang Prabang...Alms Giving Ceremony in Luang Prabang...Elephant Village Sanctuary near Luang PrabangFind out full information here!