nullhouse Apps

2ちゃんコピペまとめ 1.01
☆笑えるコピペ・泣けるコピペ・怖いコピペ・アメリカンジョーク☆☆コピペまとめの集大成!!完全無料の2ちゃんねるコピペがなんと1000 本以上!☆☆ネット環境の無いところでも2chコピペが読み放題!地下鉄での暇つぶしに!☆☆指で左右にフリックするだけ!カンタン操作でスイスイ読める!☆**その他便利機能**☆読んだところまで自動で記録!いつでも続きから楽しめる!☆☆ワンタッチでお気に入り!?自分だけのコピペ集を作ろう!☆☆ラクラク共有ボタン!おもしろコピペを友達に教えよう!☆☆他にも未読のみ表示、文字の大きさの変更など痒いところにも手が届く!☆**使い方**1. アプリを起動します。1000本以上の2ちゃんねるコピペが最初からインストールされているので、すぐに読み始められます。2. 面白い・泣ける・怖い・アメリカンジョークから好きなジャンルを選んで下さい。3. 後は読むだけです!思う存分笑って、怖がって、感動して下さい!小粋なアメリカンジョークは明日の会話のネタになるかも?!
大人の文字探し 頭が良くなる脳トレパズル 1.5.0
Is your brain rusty? The rules are simple. Just look for thesubject word and trace it! A large number of various genres thatadults can enjoy! Solve puzzles and be smart!
なぞって足し算!天才計算パズル!10を作れ! 2.1.0
Improve your computing power with math puzzles? Easy and refreshingjust by tracing the numbers and adding them! Brain training: Aquick trace to become a genius? Let's erase the numbers in a rowand decide the combo
スペルで覚える英単語 中3編 1.3.0
restaurant, stranger… Are there any words with unclear spellings?Let's completely conquer the English words learned in the thirdgrade of junior high school! It is a completely free English wordmemorization application.
読めないと恥ずかしい地名漢字 2.2.0
Itsukushima Shrine, Lake Toya, Mt. Tsukuba, Gion, may beembarrassing if you can't read it? Over 2 million downloads in theseries! Let's master the names of places and buildings all overJapan with the app!
スペルで覚える英単語 中2編 1.3.0
thousand, language… Are there any words with unclear spellings?Let's completely conquer the English words learned in the secondgrade of junior high school! It is a completely free English wordmemorization application.
数字あつめ 頭が良くなる足し算脳トレパズル 1.3.0
Is your brain rusty? The rules are simple. Let's make the number ofthe theme by adding all the numbers! 300 questions recorded fromsimple problems to difficult problems! Solve puzzles and improveyour brain!
偉人クイズ  この人は誰? 1.2.0
Learn historical figures while doing Napoleon, Alexander the Great,Socrates, Saigo Takamori, Minamoto no Yoritomo, and brain training!A total of 2 million DL in the series!
知っていると自慢できる雑学 1.4.0
Can you brag to everyone if you know? Solve trivia quizzes and besmart! A total of 2 million DL in the series, for seeds and braintraining
知らないと恥ずかしい一般常識 1.3.0
Before feeling embarrassed in public! Solve quizzes of variousgenres and get smart! A total of 2 million downloads in the series,ideal for brain training and brain teaser with easy operation
読めないと恥ずかしい魚漢字 2.0.1
Saury, blowfish, sea moon, sweetfish, may be embarrassing if youcan't read it? Over 2 million downloads in the series! Let's masterthe Chinese characters of river and sea creatures with the app!
脳トレ!世界名所巡りクイズ 1.3.0
Visit the world and famous places in Japan while taking quizzes onthe Eiffel Tower, Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Dubrovnik, the GreatWall of China! The cumulative total of the series has exceeded 2million DL! Let's do brain training like sightseeing!
写真から連想!クイズこれ何? 1.4.0
From 4 Photos trying to associate with one of the words! Braintraining with a simple rule! Trying to soften the head with 5minutes of play every day!
脳トレ!ひらめきひらがな 1.2.0
同じひらがなを入れて言葉を作ろう! シンプルな脳トレであなたのひらめき力が試される。 簡単な問題から難問まで、厳選された良問揃い!ゲームで脳を柔らかくしよう!
脳トレ!ジグソーパズル 1.2.0
ジグソーパズルで脳を活性化! 制限時間がないのでスキマ時間に自分のペースで楽しめる! かわいいイラストから綺麗な写真まで!定番のゲームで頭の体操をしよう!
脳トレ!文学パズル 1.1.0
パズルのピースを動かして、名作の文章を完成させよう! 古今東西の名文から厳選された良問を収録! 文学パズルで脳トレをしよう!
知らないと恥ずかしい大人の語彙力 2.3.0
It's embarrassing if you don't know this, the spit in theforeground, the miso in the foreground, the haze of the blue sky,the lonely feelings, and the intoxication of the population? Trainyour brain with the completely free vocabulary quiz app!
脳トレ!不等号ナンプレ 1.2.0
Train your brain with a strange vampire! Easy operation with asimple UI! 300 questions recorded carefully selected problems!Let's do brain teaser with puzzle!
超速!古典単語 - 最速で覚えられる古典アプリ 1.5.0
Master classic words at super speed! Easy operation just by swipingleft and right! * Completely free * Let's enjoy learning foruniversity entrance exams, center exams, and tests!
超速!高校英単語 初級編 1.4.0
20万人が学んだ英単語アプリの高校版! *発音機能付き・完全無料* 左右にスワイプするだけのかんたん操作!大学受験やセンター試験に向けて楽しく学習しよう!
読めないと恥ずかしい漢字 3.2.1
Monthly, change, articles of incorporation, sweeping, embarrassingif you can't read this? Celebration exceeded 1.9 million downloads!Train your brain with the completely free Kanji quiz app!
脳トレ!大人の漢字ナンクロ 3.2.1
Move kanji and make idioms! Exhilarating Kanji puzzle with bigletters! A selection of good questions, from simple to difficult!Train your brain with the game!
読めなくても恥ずかしくない難漢字 1.5.0
Is it really cool if you can read such Chinese characters?Celebration exceeded 100,000 downloads! It is a completely free appfor advanced users. Would you like to train your Chinese characterskills in the game?
スペルで覚える英単語 中1編 1.2.1
Celebration 400,000 downloads! Are there any words that are spelledout of the blue? Let's completely conquer the English words learnedin the first grade of junior high school! Perfect reading withpronunciation function. Completely free English word memorizationapp
ご当地県民クイズ  47都道府県一斉テスト 1.2.0
Kiritanpo, Shimanto River, Awaodori, Amanohashidate, Sento-kun...Answer the local quiz and learn about Japan's specialties,hometown, and geography! Series total 2 million DL
毎日 脳トレ 1日5分で頭の体操 15.1.0
Brain training every day to activate your head! Feel free to trainyour brain with 19 brain exercises! Measure your brain completelyfree! Train in your spare time and exercise your brain withmini-games!
大人の謎解き 頭が良くなる脳トレクイズ 2.1.0
The familiar puzzle-solving app on TV quiz programs! A large numberof carefully selected good questions, from simple problems todifficult ones that twist your head! Exercise your brain by doingbrain exercises in your free time!
脳トレ!四字熟語消し!頭が良くなる漢字のパズル 1.1.0
Find the four-character idiom and trace it to erase it! Contains alarge number of four-character idioms that are often used ineveryday life! You can acquire knowledge of Yojijukugo just byplaying this! Let's train your brain in the gap time!
脳トレ!ナンプレ 頭を鍛える数字のパズル 2.2.0
Train your brain at the popular Number Place! Even beginners cansolve difficult problems with careful commentary! Solve problemswith good questions and improve your concentration! Train yourbrain with number puzzles!
脳トレ!間違い探し 3.1.0
Activate your brain with a simple search for mistakes! There is notime limit, so you can enjoy yourself at your own pace in the gaptime! From cute illustrations to beautiful photos! Let's do brainteasers in a classic game!
動物クイズ  この動物の名前は? 1.1.0
Okapi Serval Komodo Dragon Shoebill From famous animals to slightlyminor animals! Learn about animals while doing brain training!Series cumulative total 2 million DL
脳トレ!神経衰弱!記憶力トレーニング 2.2.0
Activate your brain with simple memory! There is no time limit, soyou can enjoy yourself at your own pace in the gap time! Train yourmemory with a classic game!
脳トレ!クロスワード !記憶を呼び覚ます大人のパズル 2.1.0
A crossword puzzle that makes you smarter! Fun brain training withbig letters! Only good questions are carefully selected, so you cansolve them quickly without getting bored! Let's train your brain inthe gap time!
脳を鍛える図形パズル !ブロック分け 1.1.0
Activate your brain with figure puzzles! Train yourspatialcognition and thinking skills with a simple game! There isno timelimit, so you can enjoy it at your own pace during your freetime!