nekoappli Apps

激ムズ!にゃんぷれ100【脳トレナンプレ問題集1】 1.2
ナンプレのにゃんこ版「にゃんぷれ」に激ムズ版が新登場!!==ねこあぷりの新作ゲームが出ました==ルールはナンプレと全く同じ。違うのは数字がにゃんこに変わっただけ!おなじ柄のにゃんこが縦列、横列、3×3マスのブロック内にかぶらないように配置していこう!数字がにゃんこに変わるだけで、今までのナンプレとは一味違った楽しさがあります!にゃんこに癒されながら脳トレも出来て一石二鳥。難易度はかなり難しくなっているので、ナンプレが得意な方でもしっかり楽しめるボリュームです!途中でパズルの状態を保存しておく機能もついているので、通勤時間や、ちょっと空いた待ち時間などの暇つぶしにはもってこい!100問クリアを目指して遊んでみてね!<音楽素材提供>・こんとどぅふぇ・MusicVFR・H/MIX GALLERY・フリー音楽素材 Senses Circuit・効果音ラボ
ねこのラーメン屋さん 1.2
にゃんこがラーメンを作る簡単でたのしいカジュアルゲームが登場!==ねこあぷりの新作ゲームが出ました==注文されたラーメンの具材をすばやくタップしてラーメンを作ろう!たま〜に餃子の妖精が現れるので妖精をタップするとはらぺこモードに突入!にゃんこが大好物(?)の餃子を作って食べまくるので、ハイスコアのチャンス!だれでも簡単に遊べるシンプルなルールだけど、やみつきになる楽しさ!ついでにお腹も減ってくるのでダイエット中の方は程々にプレイしてね!<音楽素材提供>・MusicVFR・H/MIX GALLERY・おとわび・効果音ラボNyanko make theramenEasy and fun casual game appeared!== == The new game of cat app came outIngredients of the order noodlesLet's make the ramen was quickly tap!Since dumplings fairy appears once in a while -You rush to the hungry mode When you tap the fairy!Nyanko is the dumplings favorite food (?)Since it made to spree eating, high scores chance!It 's simple rules can play anyone easily,Fun and addictive!Since incidentally stomach also decreases comePlay in moderation Those traveling on diet!· MusicVFR· H / MIX GALLERY· OtowaBiSound Effects Lab
目指せ!宝くじ高額当選!ねこの運だめしゲーム 1.1
カードをめくって運だめし!あなたは宝くじを当てる程の強運を持っているのか・・!?==ねこあぷりの新作ゲームが出ました==10枚の中から1枚のカードを引いて、「当たり」カードを当て続けろ!10枚中1枚のみハズレカードとなっているので、残りの9枚を引き続ければ成功。連続成功回数から、その成功確率が宝くじの何等相当なのかが分かります。やればやる程、宝くじの高額当選が遠いものだと痛感・・・・。今日の運気の目安にするのもよし。友達と強運度を競い合うのもよし。宴会時の罰ゲーム執行に使うのもよし。かわいいにゃんこで強運チャレンジ!<音楽素材提供>・おとわび・効果音ラボThe luck's rice flippingthrough the card!Do you have the luck of enough shed lottery ...! ?== == The new game of cat app came outPull one card out of ten,The Tsuzukero rely on the "hit" card!Only one in ten and losing cardSince ringing are,The remaining nine are Hikitsuzukere if successful.From the number of consecutive successes,What such considerable success probability of lotteryOr such of me you can see.Enough to do it if it does, is expensive winning thelotteryI far as the keenly aware ....It is also good for a measure of today's fortune.And to compete with friends and luck degree is also good.And to use the punishment game enforcement at the time of thebanquet is also good.Cute NyankodeTsuyoun challenge!· OtowaBiSound Effects Lab
Pancake shop of cat 1.1
Cats make Pancake! Release a simple and fun game!
Cat’s gluttony competition 1.0
The cat challenges to gluttony! I jumped out to the world!
Cat ice cream shop 1.3
Nyanko to make ice cream! It appeared easy and fun casual game!
ネコがイカをよける。 1.0
Cats dodge squids. I think it's okay to cats. Don't let them gethit.
Cat Punch -Shiratama Zenzai- 1.1
Please have a cat game of the New Year.
Pizza shop of a cat 1.4
A cat makes pizza. An easy and fun casual game appears!
にゃんぷれライト100【脳トレナンプレ問題集1】 1.2
New Lite version for Sudoku Cats! is now available in 6x6 puzzlestyles, instead of 9x9 for even Sudoku beginners!
ねこのハンバーガー屋さん 1.6
Nyanko make a hamburger, Easy and fun casual game appeared! Theordered hamburgers of material Make a burger by quickly tap!
Sushi Escape Story of a Cat 1.2
From cat in the escape sushi!? Brain training puzzle of a new sensehas emerged!
change cats -a-ha!experience- 1.0
Brain training with pictures of cats!
meowwww! -shoji breaker cat’s- 1.1
Release mischievous cat games! A mischievous cat breaks a shoji!
cat's sushi shop 1.2
Cats are easy and fun game to make sushi.
【放置系】わたあめねこ -かわいい収穫ねこあつめにゃんこゲー 1.0
わたあめ機からねこが生えてきた!? 色んなざらめを入れるとかわいいねこから へんてこなねこまで・・・! お祭り気分でわたあめねこを沢山つくって収穫しよう!
Cat & Sweets Tower -Cute kitty stacking game- 1.1
It is a game playing with stacking healing cats. Sometimespancakesand macaroons are falling down. Let's pile up lots of cats.
Cat Jump With Bean-jam pancake 1.4
A free-lying cat jumps arbitrarily.
Cat vs Mouse Smash!! -Refreshi 1.0.1
==A new game of Nekoapri has come out== Let's defeat rats comingfrom cheese!
Cats want to join the zodiac! 1.0
A cat wants to enter the zodiac.
Cat Tree:unicursal figure game 1.0
There were trees where many cats live. This is a cute cat game.
Shake a Cat Feather Toy -Kitty 1.4
Let's play with a cat and a toy.
にゃんこポコポン! 〜爽快!なぞって繋げてねこパズル〜
It's kind of loose-I grow up cats in the field, connect them anderase them ... A mysterious puzzle game Nyanko Pokopon appeared.
Neko Sushi2 -Conveyor belt sus 1.2
The cat infiltrated the Conveyor belt sushi shop!
ねこつめ 〜ねこあつめブロックパズル〜 3.0.3
Gather cute cats and pack them in a tangerine chest! *** * * * Thisis a new relaxing block puzzle game! *** * * *
ねこつめ2 〜ねこあつめブロックパズル〜 1.6
The second stage of the cat block puzzle game! A new relaxingpuzzle game where you tap cats to fit into the specified squares!
ねこグミキャッチャー 〜ねこあつめクレーンパズル〜 1.4
= A new puzzle game where you can collect the delicious Cat-shapedgummy like a UFO catcher! ==There's a new cat-filled game==
Cat Pong! pretty kitty puzzle 1.4
A cat is traced, linked and put out. a very refreshing puzzle gameappeared.
ねこねだり 〜脳トレ推理パズル〜 1.5
Cute Nyanko mystery puzzle game! Listen to Nyanko your beggingLet's deduce the correct answer!
ねこつめ3 〜ねこあつめブロックパズル〜 1.6
Third installment of the strongest healing brain Torepazuru! ! InBangin, such as commuting time and a little spare time It is asuper-perfect puzzle game!
ねこすし 〜回転寿司ミニゲーム〜 1.8.2
Nyanko is sneaked into rotation sushi! ? Cute cat is a freely sushiat Sushi Spree eat mini game appeared!
ねこなぞり 〜一筆書きにゃんこゲーム〜 2.5
にゃんこをなぞってなぞって脳トレ!? ==ねこあぷりの新作ゲームが出ました== お題に表示された順番に一筆でねこをなぞる脳トレゲームです!
ねこだま 〜にゃんこ仕分けピンボール〜 1.5
And pinball-style game of fair Nyanko collaboration! ! == == Thenew game of cat app came out
ねこぱずる 〜さめがめ風パズルゲーム〜 1.7
Here's a puzzle game where Cats eat sweets! The rule's easy, tapwhere two or more sweets are connected to get more sweets.
にゃんぷれ100【脳トレナンプレ問題集1】 1.2
Puzzle game of monumental work, Nyanko version of Sudoku is the newappearance! == == The new game of cat app came out
ねこなんばーず 〜脳トレにゃんこゲーム〜 1.2
25 types of Nyanko appears every time apart, You will quickly touchon the order of a specified number Brain is a training game!
ねこのお化け屋敷 〜放置系経営シミュレーション〜 1.5
Cats have run a haunted house! ? Place a gimmick and ornamentssurprise, Let's make the popularity of the haunted house!
にゃんことべるかな!? 〜ねこジャンプミニゲーム〜 1.6
The Cat jumps up and jumps out in the cat. It's easy to jump at theright time to choose the right jump time!
きょーふ ! ゾンビ猫くるくる回転寿司! 1.3
大人気イラストレーター・漫画家「カナヘイ」のキャラクター「きょーふ ! ゾンビ猫」の公式アプリが登場!単純なので誰でも遊べてついついハマってしまう寿司ゲー!
Cat's Cake Shop 1.0
This time the cat became a cake shop! An easy and fun casualgameappeared!
Cats Oden Shop 1.0
This time the cat became a oden shop! An easy and fun casualgameappeared!