keeproduct Apps

Max Fitness Pro
Your Fitness Your Way...MAX puts you incontrol and makes you your own personal trainer. MAX tracks thecalories your burn, your movements throughout the day and yoursleep patterns during the night. MAX will help you achieve yourpersonal goals and targets by keeping you regularly updated withyour progress throughout the day, encouraging you to train harderand longer, improving your physical and mental wellbeing.
Everlast 1.4.3
This app is used with Everlast FitnessTrackers to track and graph your fitness progress for steps,calories, distance traveled, and sleep quality as well as personalfitness goals. Once the app is downloaded and your BT is on, openthe app and press the large sync button to join your fitnesstracker module and app together. Once the sync is complete you canhit the skip button at the bottom right of the screen to move tothe profile menu and set up your personal fitness information (makesure to hit save at the bottom of the screen). If you need tore-sync later on you can do so from the setting menu accessed byhitting the settings tab at the bottom right of the app.. TheProgress and Activity tabs at the bottom of the app show yourfitness records in measurements and percentages of your goals aswell as graph forms. Data can be viewed by day, week, month andyear. You can set your personal fitness goals, alarm, and othersettings in the settings menu.
My wellness 1.1.2
My wellness是一个智能活动和睡眠追踪器。通过蓝牙连接智能手环与APP。记录你的日常活动,例如步数、距离和燃烧的卡路里。还可以设置运动提醒。记录你的睡眠质量。My wellness isanintelligent activity and sleep tracker. Smart bracelet withAPPconnection via Bluetooth.Record your daily activities, such as the number ofsteps,distance and calories burned. You can also setremindersmovement.Record your sleep quality.